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August 29, 1967 - Image 98

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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Assumes New

Members of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA), the executive organ of
the University faculty's Senate As-
sembly, were quietly hopeful, last
year at this time, about the pos-
sibility of making their organ-
ization "a powerful weapon" with-
in the University community.
Up to that point, apathy on
the part of a large majority of
faculty members had made SACUA
relatively impotent considering its
"blue ribbon" constituency. But
the exciting events of the last
year seem to indicate that the
time has finally come when fac-
ulty opinion on meaningful issues
can be organized in to an effective
pressure group to influence Uni-
versity decision-making.

SACUA began the year by blast-
ing the University administration
for complying with a subpoena
issued by the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HUAC)
which asked for the membership
lists of three campus organiza-
The University had been sev-
erely criticized by faculty members
and students for its action and
12 members of the faculty even
went so far as to request that a
special meeting of SACUA be'call-
ed to establish a committee to
examine the University's decision
in the HUAC case.
SACUA then formed an ad hoc
committee "to examine the Uni-
versity's response" to the HUAC
subpoena. The committee .spent

approximately two months pre-
paring its report and recommen-
dations, which were brought be-
fore the Senate Assembly for a
Highly Critical
The body approved seven highly
critical proposals pertaining to the
University's action and the pre-
servation of civil liberties on cam-
The resolutions expressed regret
at the HUAC incident, estblished
a student-faculty civil liberties
board, and recommended proce-
dures designed to guarantee pro-
tection of freedom of association
and dissent at the University.
The theme of student and fac-
ulty participation in University
decision-making dominated many
SACUA decisions this year.

During the "student
movement of last Novem
CUA adopted many of the
demands in asking for a r
ination of the Universit:
sion-making process. The
was followed by Universi
ident Harlan Hatcher's x
for tri-partite committee
were subsequently accept
Earlier in the year, SA(
proved the Knauss Report
for sweeping changes to
greater student participf
the decision-making proce
Communications Met
In recent action, SACU
at a request from the B
Control of Student Publica
investigate the role of ti
in the University commur

power" did establish a committee to study
ber, SA- the functions of all campus com-
student munications media.
re-exam- SACUA was established initially
y's deci- to give members of the faculty a
ir action more active voice in University af-
ty Pres- fairs. It is the nine-member exe-
proposals cutive body of the faculty's Senate
s, which Assembly and controls the agenda
ed. of the various subcommittees it
CUA ap- heads. Only tenured faculty (pro-
t, calling fessors or associate professors)
ensure may be members, and therefore
ation in vote in the Assembly.
ss at the The Senate Assembly is a 65-
iia member body composed of rep-
A balked resentatives from each of the Uni-
3oard in versity's colleges and schools. The
ations to representatives are elected by the
he Daily faculty of their Iespective divi-
nity, but sions, with the literary college





Residential College Debuts in East Quad,

To Move

To North Campus Site b

(Continued from Page 1),
the literary college in particular.
A typical academic program in the
Residential College can be supple-
mented by the specialized faculty,
libraries, and laboratories and the
whole range of curricula to be
found within the undergraduate
colleges of the University.
The student in the college en-
joys a wide choice of fields of con-
centration, since those specialties.
not taught on the Residential Col-
lege campus may be pursued with-
in the literary college.
As for cultural opportunities,,
residence within the greater Ann
Arbor community means that the
student may attend concerts,. lec-
tures, theatre, and art exhibits
normally found only in metropoli-
tan centers. Supplementing extra-
curricular a c t i v i t i e s available
within the Residential College is
the full repertory of undergradu-
ate activities in the University
community--student publications,
varsity athletics, play production,
musical organizations and student
government groups.
The University began to actively
study the Residential College in,
1962 when a committee under for-
mer Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger Heyns was formed.:
Late in 1963 the literary college
faculty approved by a narrow
margin the committee's report ad-
vocating the "principle of the re-
sidential college." A faculty plan-
ning committee was set up and by
March 1964 it had. submitted a
concrete proposal for the con-
struction of the college.
The project, with'/ an* opening'

'date set for some time in 1965,
was then passed by the Regents
and sent to the administration
for submission as part of the Uni-
versity's budget requests. '
In October 1964 the faculty
planning committee revised its
recommended action - and asked
that the college begin in the fall'
of 1966. The Regents, however, set
the date for the fall of 1967, with
dormitories to be constructed on'
North Campus.
But more delays were in store.
Planning the College was a com-
plicdted task and involved numer-
ous time-consuming delays.
Dean Burton Thuma, retired
Director of the Residential Col-
lege, said the delay was caused
because, "Planning had reached a
plateau. The architects could not'
decide until they knew what was
needed. The planners could not'
decide what was needed until they
decided what courses to offer."
This was quite a stumbling block
until a curriculum was finally set.
Differences with the administra-
tion over planning specifics were
settled and the plans were ready
for final action by the Regents.
Historic Meeting
In an historic meeting in April
1966, the Regents approved plans
for the College beginning in tem-
porary quarters in East Quad-
rangle in 1967 and moving to
North Campus in 1969.
But the Regents' approval was
conditional. The story of the Res-
idential College planning hasl
been one of enthusuiasm often
clouded by doubts of support and
lack of guidelines. The condition1

the Regents placed on the college
was monetary.
Ambitous plans, at one time
costing over $16 million which in-
cluded a library, a dormitory, a
classroom and office building, a
science building and eventually an
gymnasium had to be trimmed
to meet the $11.8 million figure
finally agreed upon in July, 1966.
A large segment of this money
will be financed through self-
liquidating bonds, but over $4 mil-
lion is needed in either private
funds or state appropriations. The
often hostile Michigan Legislature
may provide some support, but
this will bb limited at best.
Private Funds
The University's $55 Million De-
velopment Program has raised
only $25,000 for the college at this
date. However solicitations are
continuing in earnest. The Univer-
sity is definitely committed to the
project and College officials are
assured that funds will ultimately
be secured.
Architectural plans were ready
in July and a builder will soon be
chosen. North Campus construc-
tion will begin shortly thereafter
with completion scheduled for Au-,
gust, 1969.
The Residential College, under
its new director James Robertson,
associate dean of the literary col-
lege, after careful consideration of
over 1,000 requests for information
has admitted its first 200 students.
The College has also selected its
faculty from among those mem-
bers of literary college with spec-
ial interests in undergraduate edu-
cation. The faculty expects to
broaden their educatonal involve-

ment with the students through
conferences, counseling and infor-
mal exchanges.
The curriculum of- the Residen-
tial College consists of 32 courses
to be taken over a four year per-
iod. The courses can be divided
into three categories: core courses,
concentration courses and elec-
Core Requirements
The Core requirement which ac-
counts for nearly half of the stu-
dents time "combines time-hon-
ored theory with fresh practice."
It assumes that every college
graduate still needs a solid found-
ation in the liberal arts, and that
building this foundation on pre-
scribed courses, the college can
"confer several distinct education-
al benefits at one stroke."
To begin with, language skills
and orientation to methods of
rational inquiry can be built into
these courses. Further, because the
content of these courses will be
fixed for at least a year of two at
a time, advanced courses can be
built on known foundations with-
out gaps or duplications. And last,
they constitute an intellectual ca-
pital shared by all students in the
College, a factor leading to a sense
of close academic community.
English composition will not be
taught as such, but will be the
ongoing concern of the student
and his instructors in all core
courses. Comprehensive examina-
tions at the end of the sophmore
year will encourage the student to
integrate his knowledge of some of
his core courses. Foreign language
competence will be put to active
use as each student is required to

ly 1969
take a reading course taught in
the language he has selected.
Concentration programs may be
constructed in most of the discip-
lines in which concentration is
possible in the literary college.
While the small size of the Resi-
dential College will force the stu-
dent in a few concentrations to
take much of his work on central
campus, small size will also make
possible the development of inter-
disciplinary studies under faculty
Free Electives
Every student will have eight or
more course openings reserved for
the pursuit of his free interests.
The variety and wealth of the
overall University course offerings
are available to satisfy these in-
dividual interests.
According to College officials, all
arrangements for implementing
curriculum are tenative and in-
deed, "the rule will always be to
encourage freedom and rational
The great problem facing the
modern university is growth, an-
onymity and inflexibilty. The
Residential College is an imagin-
ative attempt to. respond to these
The Residential College may be
nothing more than a recognition
that human relationships form
important parts of education. If
the combination of residence halls
and classrooms means nothing
more than being able to run up-
stairs from classes to change
clothes, it still may keep multiver-
sities human.

having the largest representation.
A proposed action before SACUA
is given to the appropriate sub-
committee for study. The subcom-
mittee will consider the problem
and then present a report to
SACUA which will bring it before
the Assembly for a vote.
Ultimate Power
Although ultimate power lies
with the Regents, as one SACUA
explained, "If the resolution is
well documented and the faculty
is behind it, it will usually be ac-
Faculty members admit that
while SACUA gives them repre-
sentation and a voice in Univer-
sity decisions, several difficulties
f Certain policy decisions, such
as admission policies, the prospec-
tive size and growth of a school
are made within the administra-
tive structure of each college and
at the University level as a whole
where the "real action is."
*Each college has its own
structure which can create prob-
lems for successful formation of
unified University-wide policy.
*There is the possibility of
duplication of efforts; the various
schools' may pass similar resolu-
tions such as the literary college
and the education school did on
HUAC, or possibly different ones.
In either case, neither has the
weight of a formal faculty state-
Literary College Faculty
The literary college faculty, in
particular does not confine itself
to the strictly academic side of
University life.
The faculty, enraged over the
HUAC incident, passed a highly
critical resolution which expressed
regret at what they called "the
breakdown in communication and
confidence which has occurred
since HUAC subpoenaed the mem-
bership lists of three student or-
The faculty further charged the
administration with "less respon-
sibility and less fidelity to the
democratic process than the Uni-
versity community had every right
to expect. The resolution was
sent to University President Har-
lan Hatcher and the Regents
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college said the attendance
of 720 professors at the meeting
was the largest turnout for any
meeting in memory.
Outpouring of Interest
"I don't remember such an out-
pouring of faculty interest in my
30 years at the University," Haber
explained. He had made similar
comments on many LSA meetings
which took place last year because
faculty members were suddenly
appearing at the regular month-
ly meetings of the literary col-
Many heated meetings were
concerned with the compiling of
class ranks and withholding of
grades for the Selective Service
System. However, the LSA faculty
defeated a move to withhold
The University's stand on class
rank is presently under study by a
committee of students, adminis-
trators and faculty members.

University President Harlan Hatcher afto
Addressing the Faculty Assembly



(also new books, paper, notebooks, supplies)

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