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August 29, 1967 - Image 97

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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"W popIGIND ILYf' '40AliGEI A p

ooked-to-Capacity Libraries Bound To Be He]


ere is no more noble monu-
that man may construct in
onor than that of a library
n. Through this complex col-
n of books, periodicals, maps,
ds, tapes,. microfilms, and
such recordings, humanity
to leave posterity a systema-
presentation of the expecta-
Afollies, and successes of all
has gone before in the world.
where is this task more dili-
v and carefully undertaken
at a university-an institu-
:edicated to the education of
generations and the search
ew knowledge.
Sre are presently over 30 li-
es and library service divi-
here at the University cov-
almost every subject and
line imaginable - from the
rgraduate Library (UGLI)
its ever-popular snack bar
e basement to the foreboding
Ints Library with its payroll
of General George Washing-
army in the American Revo-
r. With nearly four million
nes, the University Library is
ifth largest college library in
ever, learning to effectively
he tremendous amount of

valuable material available in the
library system is a challenge equal
even to Frederick Wagman, direc-
tor of University libraries. Most
enterprising students learn this
truly systematic system by trial
and error. The following may help
you do just a little less fumbling.
The General Library, or as it
is sometimes called, the Graduate
Library, the huge brown morgue
situated on the south side of the
Diag, holds over 1.4 million of the
University's four million volumes
-not only printed books, but
manuscripts, maps and microfilms
and even songsheets.
Because of its strange construc-
tion many freshman have trouble
locating material in the General'
Library. The building consists of
a basement, four public floors, and
an adjacent book stack of ten
floors. There is no correspondence
in the numbering of the public
floors and the stack floors, but
students may easily find their way
by noticing that the fifth stack
level adjoins the second public
floor and that the stack entrances
in the public foyer lead directly to
the third stack level.
Browsing and usage of the col-
lections of the General Library
are privileges reserved for regis-
tered students, members of the

faculty and staff of the University.
Readers are expected to find the
books they want through the use
of the Public Catalogue.
The Public Catalogue, located
on the second public floor of the
General Library, is a record of all
books held by the complex of Uni-
versity divisional libraries, includ-
ing cards for the William L.
Clements Library, the Law Li-
brary, and the Michigan Historical
Collections. The Public Catalogue
is supplemented by two separate
serials and periodicals records
called the Continuations Check
List (Room 100) and the Current
Check List (Room 106). These
contain volume by volume records.
of all numbered publications held
by the University Library.
Posted Directories
Directories are posted through-
out the stacks showing where
books of a certain library number
are shelved.
On every stack level, there are
a number of carrels, which are
small alcoves containing desks,
chairs and book cases. The carrels
belong, for a one year period, to
graduate students, who apply to
the library's circulation depart-
ment for a carrel assignment.
Carrels are reserved exclusively

for the persons to whom they are
Undergraduate students may
study in the Reference Room, or
the Graduate Reserve Room. In
the Reference Room are assem-
bled more than 10,000 reference
books in all subject fields, includ-
ing the major indexes, encyclo-
pedias, dictionaries, censuses, col-
lective biographies, and telephone
directories. The Graduate Reserve
Room contains all assigned books
for graduate courses and volumes
of recent periodicals.
Rare Book Room
As a separate division within the
General Library, the Rare Books
and Special Collections Room
(110) is also open to undergradu-
ates, although it is used predomi-
nantly by graduate students and
faculty members. This division is
a repository for rare and precious
books in all subject fields except
medicine. Its collections include
works concerning such diverse
areas as the English theatre, the
Philippines, science, mathematics,
and English and American litera-
ture. The collection of papyri is
of world renown.
The General Library presently
houses over 41 per cent of the
University's total holdings. Con-
struction of the Storage Annex on
North Campus, along with the
various additions and renovations,
brought temporary relief of criti-
cal space shortages. However, the
General Library is again over-
crowded with an annual increase
in volumes averaging over 61,000.
General Library Annex
The construction of the new
General Library Annex which was
begun this summer will hopefully
relieve the pressing space problem.
The annex will consist of eight
floors of stacks, carrels, and staff
work space, and will be connected
with the old building at several
levels. The building is designed
with an arcade at ground level so
that foot traffic can go unimpeded.
Special facilities for the new
building include the rare book
room, map room, and proper air
conditioning and humidity con-
trol for storage of rare books,
manuscripts, and papyri.
Completion is scheduled early in
1969, but further library construc-
tion is already in the planning
stages. As soon as the new build-
ing is occupied, renovation of the,
General Library is scheduled to
start. The major purpose will be
to convert some of the space freed
by occupancy of the new struc-
ture for more efficient use by the
staff or for public use..
Funding for the new annex will
be provided through a federally
approved grant, a loan from the
College Facilities Branch of the
Office of Education, and alloca-
tions. from the undesignated gifts

of the University's $55-Million
The Regents have also approved
the pledging of $340,000 from stu-
dent fees in 1967-68 to begin re-
payment of the federal loan.
Undergraduate Library
Limited space, as well as the
realization that the General Li-
brary could not meet some of the
needs of the undergraduate liter-
ary college student, forced the
University to build a library spe-
cifically designed for their use.
The UGLI collection is aimed
directly for the undergraduate,
stocking all assigned books for
undergraduate courses, in addition
to a large periodical collection.
Books assigned for courses are
placed on either overnight reserve
or closed reserve. An overnight
book can only be taken out after
7:30. A closed reserve book usually
does not circulate outside the
building, but many closed reserve
books may also be taken out on an
overnight basis. UGLI periodicals
do not circulate. General Library
periodicals do circulate outside the
building. The rest of the UGLI
collection is composed of general
background reading which usually
General Realm
While the General Library is
designed for extensive research in
specific topics, the UGLI is the
realm of the undergraduates, still
concentrating on more general
The UGLI is primarily a place
to study, containing study spaces
for over 2,351 persons.
The UGLI has, since its open-
ing in 1958, become something of
an institution. The UGLI is un-
doubtedly one of the most utilized
buildings on campus. Last year
alone 268,000 books were taken
home by students, 1,096,000 vol-
umes were charged out at the
desk, 59,000 listeners used the au-
dio room on the second floor of
the library, and 17,000 volumes
each semester were placed on re-
The unique staffing of the UGLI
provides the student with almost/
any needed assistance. Two refer-
ence libraries work 12 hours a
day Monday through Friday, and
eight hours on both Saturday and
Sunday. They are located on the
main floor of the building near
the catalogue for this divisional
unit. There are also ten profes-
sional librarians and three student
work-study scholars in library
science on the staff.
In addition to these persons,
approximately 212 student assist-
ants work throughout the build-
ing during the year, functioning
in the capacity of everything from
stackers to desk supervisors.
In addition to its volumes and
instructional libraries, the UGLI

'Notoriously Social' UGLI Serves as the Best Spot to Study.

offers the undergraduate students ing, the fact that over two per
and the University community as cent of the works are found miss-
a whole features not found in any ing each year is not surprising.
other building on campus. However, many of the volumes
A large hall-the. Multipurpose that are taken are eventually re-
Room on the third floor of the turned at ' the end of the year
building-may be used by any of- when the pressure of classes and
ficially recognized campus group examinations has subsided.

ents Library Houses Valuable Documents from Early American History

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which can show that it wishes to
use the room for educational or
intellectual purposes, so long as
the event it sponsors is open to
undergraduate students.
Another feature is the Audio
Room at the front north end of
the second floor. It offers an op-
portunity to listen to phonographs
or tape recordings of music,
poetry, and drama.
Containing over 4,000 records
and close to 1,000 tapes, the Audio
Room collection does not circu-
late. The sound equipment is used
exclusively for the playing of rec-
ords and tapes belonging to the
In addition to these items, a
print study gallery is maintained
on the west half of the fourth
floor. In this museum-like setting,
operated by the History of Art
Department of the University,
students may study reproductions
of works discussed in fine arts
Photoduplicating service is also
maintained for the students' con-
venienceon the second floor in
Room 215. During the fall, winter,
and -spring terms students may
have pages in books and periodi-
cals duplicated at a charge of ten
cents a page.
Opposite the elevators in the
basement there is a self-service
Docustat machine, making nega-
tive copies and costing ten cents.
Group Study Rooms
Other , features include group
study rooms on the west side of
the basement and second floor,
exhibitions by the University Mu-
seum of Arts in the area opposite
the elevators on the main floor,
three study rooms located in the
basement for the use of blind
students, typing rooms equipped
with coin operated electric type-
writers on the main and basement
floors, space for personal type-
writers, smoking and non-smok-
ing rooms on each floor, and a
student lounge at the north end of
the basement that is open between
meal hours.
The UGLI contains about 130,-
000 volumes or opproximately 65-
70,000 titles. It also has about 270
titles of periodicals. With so many
types of collections and in view
of the numbers utilizing the build-

In addition to the book check
as students leave the UGLI, a new
system for reserve books will be
enacted this year in the hope of
greatly reducing the number of
missing volumes. The system is
also being enacted to assist the
students in locating books.
New Procedure;
Starting this fall, all reserve
books, will be kept in a separate
place in. the UGLI. The reserve
books may then be utilized only
by checking them out. Thischeck-
ing out will be done by a new
automated system geared to the
new ID cards which are being
issued by the University this fall.
With this reserve method it is
expected that the books and per-
iodicals placed on reserve by the
various professors at the Univer-
sity for their students' use will be
more efficiently handled.
The penalties, which range from
25 cents a day to 50 cents an hour
for overnight reserve books, are
generally considered excessively,
high. However, it is often neces-
sary, according to the librarians,
to have such high fines in order
to make works available to a large
number of students. It should be
noted that the check-out period is
three weeks and that volumes may
be renewed once for the same
period of time.
Divisional Libraries
The UGLI is also temporarily
housing two divisional libraries:
the Education Library at the rear
of the second floor, and the en-
gineering - transportation library
on the third and fourth floors.
(These libraries have their own
card catalogues and are charged
at their respective circulation
The Michigan Historical Collec-
tion is a small but richly endowed
library, containing millions of
manuscripts and records, occupy-
ing six rooms in the Rackham
The first of these rooms is a
general storehouse, in which
bound and unbound newspapers,
some inactive University records,
duplicate copies of books, large
collections of papers of famous
Michigan citizens, and miscellan-
eous books and papers, not fre-

quently called for, are kept.
The personal papers of Supreme
Court Justice Frank Murphy and
Gov. G. Mennen Williams are
housed in the collection, but are
not open to the public.
Although these collections con-
centrate on the history of Mich-
igan, the William L. Clements
Library located west of the UGLI
at the south end of the Diag deals
with American history through the
early nineteenth century.
Specialized Collection
The Clements houses one of the
special libraries at the University
-special in that it receives its
own budget and own funds sepa-
rate from the control of the Gen-
eral Library.
Containing about 40,000 books,
200,000 manuscripts, and some
25,000 maps, the library, which
was a gift from the University's
alumnus and Regent George
Clements, contains material dat-
ing from the time of Columbus to
about 1835.
The freshman student at the
University will soon realize that
the libraries briefly mentioned
here are only a few of many. For
specialization he will often have
to utilize the individual divisional
libraries of various schools, de-
partments, and colleges.
Wherever he may be though, the
only way in which questions will
be answered is for them to be
asked.' The libraries are capably
staffed with friendly and reliable
personnel, who specialize in an-
swering questions. Moreover, all of
the libraries at the University have
literature which is publicly dis-
played for the free usage of the
students, -explaining the utiliza-
tion of particular library facilities.
All freshmen receive orientation
material on the library system
which is of immense value when
No Substitute
However, all the reading and
asking immaginable will not be a
substitute for trying. One day just
stop, wherever you are, and walk
into the nearest building to find
its library. Browse around, look,
think, absorb, sense the grandeur
and excellence that surround the
literary, musical, and graphic
presentations of man's cultural
heritage. Remember that you are
a part of that heritage/ as you
open that first volume, that in-
infinitesimal part of the "noble
monument that many may con-






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