Al' Teams .Ended Last Year Without One Title; Prospects 1
(Continued from Page 1) All five were seniors and all placekicking specialist have left, of experience behind himi and' tight end The backfield has af
F In: the weeks that followed, five have giaduated. In all, 22 The strong point of 'he coming Vidmer at quarterback should giveI well-seasoned veteran returning f
Clnyldtentoanps e of the 42 spaces on the roster! season appears to be the defen- teWleie togpsii ri hre arnSp a
cevng ewa ialyege u hv be actdbygauainsive line Thee regulas return game
of the national titleh ol ein a tong thenlastn Thei startingarrnineupsas arevahit at the ends and well-seasoned H w lgp stmeter.imbe en f llacm o n om ho n ill play 9
ay of the season. hard, with 14 of the 22 berths players man the entire Imelnslted rJm adclf af
The Wolverine captain set the( vacant. The seniors take with The trio battling it out for the
Big Ten records for passes caught them the last of the 1965 Rose end positions are Rocky Rosema,
15) ,and yardage gained (698) Bowl team Most of them had a senior, and juniors Tom Stincic ss
yv, on his way to leading the confer-f played together for two or three and Jon Kramer. Dick Williamson
x epce in pass receiving. Both the years, welding into solid, depend-! and former NCAA neavyweighta
~ ~~AP Al-Big Ten and All-America' able units. wrestling champ Dave Porter a,
teams listed Clancy as a first! The defensive squad has lost its1 man the tackles, while Gerry°
string member. He signed a con- 'entire backfield All-Big Ten se-{ Miklos will start at middle guard.
tract with the Miami Dolphins,! lection Rick Yolk, John Rowser, The Wolverines have had ae'
who drafted him as a redshirt. Mike Bass, and Sygar have left.f year of experience with the new
Vidmer tossed 10 touchdown Linebackers Barry Dehlin and Oklahoma defense and this year
wpasses to tie the Big Ten record. Nunley are also gone. should have the kinks wrung out
i.Rick Sygar boted 24 of r24 extra The offense graduated all the ofit
s pint tosettheconference mark backfield exceptVimr In adi h linebackers wl be Dni
In that category.1 tion, both ends, both guards and Morgan and Cecil Pryor. Morgan '
In addition to CayteWlatckehavefdartCeWand.skppedpinrg bpractice because
deatverines had four other individual aRighte halfac CalWrzndo nijuy u\ryrloe
Sconference leaders. Stan Kemp fullback Dave Fisher have finished impressive in the drills.
led the pack in punting. Halfback their careers, along with Detwiler. The backfield, "wiped out," as
Jim Detwiler led in kickoff re- Clancy and tight end Cayt Wil- coach Don James says, has only ~-
*turns, doing such an excellent Job hite are gone, as well as guards Jerry Hartman returning with a3r
r that Illinois tried onside kicks Henry Hannah and Don Bailey. any notable experience. Brianw'
all day against him. Tackle Jim Hribal has also Healy, Ted Jobe and Al Doty will. ......................
Defensive halfback Sygar was .graduated, start around Hartman. ?
the conference leader in punt re-: The Wolveiines must also re- The offense, with more holes to
'turns. Linebacker Frank NunleyI place their kicking game. Kemp fill, is still confident. Center and is*
TETWyILER BREAKS through the line bn way to touchdown. ;set the pace in tackles. punting specialist, and Sygar, captain Joe Dayton has two years
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<.~~ t.4.4 4.Ts - Y S~ \i vv p,'!N>, .
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.L CLAN'CY LEAPS HIGH adding to his most-passes-ca
, . . $. N do " 1'- . c 3i '. . ..
&. AT MICHIGAN--as on Campuses everywhere Is...... N.
On the line Mason exudes con-
idence. He has switched Ray
hillips from tackle to guard.
)ick Yanz will play the other
uard, while Pete Mair and Bob
enksa will start at tackles,
, . u..4
a. \.F. y
ught record.
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