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May 26, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI*UUSDAY, MA Buckeyes * 6 Outrun I' Thinclads Ma or League Leades LI AATS 3-LEDERSIN EACH LEAGUE) Wolverines Sweep Hurdles, Title Hopes But OSU Wins, 701/2-61 2 Dim for…

…'M' (Special to The Daily) COLUMBUS, Ohio-The Buck- eyes came from behind yesterday, winning the last three events of the meet, to edge an underdog squad from Michigan, 702 to 61% /2. The Wolverines piled up a…

… Williams of the Wolverines in 9:29.7, with team- mate Bruce Vreeland finishing third. Wolverine Shel Capp set the pace for the first mile and was clocked in 4:49. Williams and Vreeland took over at about the…

… final standings of the Western Conference may not fin- ally be decided until the following week. The Wolverines are pretty well out of the race with a record of six victories and four defeats, and they…

… of the Big Nine squads are completely out of the picture and even with the Wolverines, its a great big "if." THE ONLY WAY that the Maize and Blue could conceivably wind up in a tie for the title would…

May 26, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

… scheduled to take on the other eight Big Ten cinder squads here this afternoon in what may well develop into another dog-eat-dog duel be- tween the Wolverines and Illinois. Although installed as a slight pre…

…- meet favorite by those "in the know" in Conference cinder circles, Michi- gan expects to face a serious chal- lenge from a determined Illini squad which bowed to the Wolverines by a single point in the…

…." The 23-man Wolverine squad re- flected Doherty's determination and expressed confidence that as a team it would stand up against all comers. "We're going to beat them," one of' the thinclads said in…

… are run off to determine the finalists in the main event this afternoon. The Wolverines are expected to make their strongest bid for victory in the distance events-the half- mile, mile, and two…

… running of this affair at the University of Illinois today, the Wolverines' power in the middle-distance and distance runs plus their perennial good team balance, will be a large factor in the retention of…

…-champion, round into suffi- cient shape for the meet, the Yllini would undoubtedly add ten points to their team total, which would again throw the championship fracas into a wide-open battle between the Wolverines

…-distance races live up to expectations, Michigan could score 26 or more points, which would go a long way toward deciding the meet, since they won the indoor title with 55 1/10 points. The Wolverines could pick up…

… will tangle today with a Badger nine which now ranks sec- ond only to the Wolverines in the Conference standings. If Coach Ray Fisher's team is able to knock Wisconsin out of the race in the doubleheader…

…. Louthen vs. Jaroch The Wisconsin series, one game of which is now scheduled for the morn- ing and the other for the afternoon, will find Red Louthen, Wolverine ace, meeting Gene Jaroch of the Badgers in the…

May 26, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

… Leave To Compete in Big Ten Meet Michigan Favored;- Tews To Play Top Position at Chicago By RUTH ELCONIN Having captured the Big Ten golf crown for the past two years, the Wolverine linksmen will be…

… honors, and after reviewing the sea- son's play one can see why they are considered the top team. When the schedule ended last Saturday the. final record was six wins against two defeats. The Wolverines

… veterans be- By BILL LAMBERT Shr sides Wah returning this season and A 25-man Wolverine track squad lone conquerors of Coach Ray Fish- Harrell has been the victim of hard I embarks today on what promises to…

Wolverines leave today Ill. for Bloomington, Ind., where they son, the last of which was Ed Sidwell, A the outfielder whose pair of doubles After being victorious in all their will play the Hoosiers in a…

… Wahl, 'Mechit. St the South Dakota lad who has been The Wolverines should pick up nine holding down the third base spot for The Woerepon s inhm le, wi umie " > > ..::;::::: f. ,,,re- points in the mile…

… report to Meanwhile, things were looking up Eisley might pick up one or two in them around June 15, when the sem- for the Wolverines as far as their the high hurdles. ester is over at Indiana. Even as a…

…'s program is slated to get underway at 10 a.m. with the running of preliminaries, while the finals will begin at 2:30 p.m. aS1 * , *1 GAME RAINED OUT: Wolverines To Play Hoosiers In Doubleheader Tomorrow…

May 26, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

… things worked right today for the affable Wolverine mentor. He RICHMAN BROS. CLOTHES Special Order . $22.50 Special Deluxe Line $29.50 209-A South University Phone 9088 H. W. McComb won . . just like…

… had the same sort of crowd . . Varsity Loses In Ninth, 5-4, To Minnesota Defeat Drops Wolverines To Fifth; Charlie Pink, Nelson, Hit Home Runs (Continued from Page 1) the score with a triple to left…

… his triple in the fifth on Mike Sofiak's fly to center field. His homer came in the seventh with the bases empty. Davey Nelson also homered for the Wolverines. Michigan scored its other tally in the…

… win. Follow- ing in third was Jeff Hall, while Bob Barnard brought the fourth place points to the Wolverines. The Al Smith and Myron Piker duel was all that it was expected to be. Northwestern's little…

… red-headed star flashed through the century in :09.7 today to grab a blanket deci- sion from the speedy Wolverine. But Smith came back in the 220 to gain the same sort of triumph over Piker. The Wildcat…

May 26, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 173) • Page Image 6

… Gift Shop 300-B South State sV Wolverine Plans Dance Classical and popuilar" recordings, a ~,eneral song:-fest, dancing< and tche ntroduction of a new Wolverine song y its quartet-ecmposers will provide…

… the entertainment i'or the last of the Wolverine Sunday evening social hours from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. to- 'ay in the Wolverine. Mosher Will Entertain Residents and directors of Mo- .her Hall will…

May 26, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

… you an"F" in English Lit.. boy, he's giving you the TRE.ATMENTThaft'the fime to.. Wolverines know that whatever the crisis, they've an ace up their sieeves to ease the blow. It's the solace of a mild…

May 26, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… with the min- the trick on the Wolverines' home ers in view of the Smith-Connally grounds. War Labor Disputes Act." Top thorn in Michigan's side was the Buckeyes' Lloyd Duff, who won tu Iboth hurdles…

… events, the pole vault, Le trfe Oerts and placed second in the broad jump, for a total of 18 points. High man for the Wolverines with 11 1-4 l Ctepoints was sprinter Val Johnson, who won the 100-yard dash…

… through in the 440 with a 49.4, win-' speak on "The Librarian." ing the event. Wolverine Hap Cole- "Little Known Professional Op- man, under instructions to save him- portunities" will be discussed Tues…

May 26, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… flu 4AlniL WXIEATHEIR Clouidy and NMdwithll 5eCafttercd -Soors VOL. LV, No. 157 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverine Squads Will Battle in Big Ten…

… earlier this year. All indications point to another hot duel between the two arch cinder rivals with the Wolverines accorded a slight pre-meet edge. Tennis Teams Undefeated The tennis and golf squads will…

… week, after losing to the Bucks earlier in the campaign. Northwestern and Minnesota are also given a chance to sneak through in front. Wisconsin Only Opponent At Madison, the Wolverine nine has only to…

May 26, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. This church maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth which is open daily except Sundays and holi- days from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P…

May 26, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

… room is maintained by this church at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" and other writings…

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