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May 26, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-26

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Fifty-Fifth Year

New Cabinet Discussed

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edited and managed by students of the University of
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Editorial Staff

Evelyn Philiips
Margaret Farrner
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Dave Loewenberg
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Ann Schutz .
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Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Managing Editor
. . Editoria Director
a . . . . . City Editor
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. . Associate Women's Editor


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Member,. Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

War Crimes

THE U. S. chief counsel in the prosecution of
Axis war criminals, Supreme Court Justice
Robert H. Jackson, left a day or so ago for
Jackson's task and that of other members of
the War Crimes Commission is to lay the ground-
work for the trials of war criminals. This
groundwork includes only listing the accused and
compiling evidence.'
According to the current Time, the basis
for judging the accused, who may number
between four and six millions, has been widen-
ed to comprise those who enacted, controlled,
or shared in policies leading to planned under-
nourishment, concentration camps and slave
labor. Lord Wright, chairman, included Nazi
diplomats, financiers and business men as
The program suggested by the American rep-
resentatives is moderately fair. International
courts representing all the victorious powers are
to deal with criminals of Goering's calibre.
Blanket judging and punishment of criminal
organizations will be by the same court. Former
occupied nations are to try those who committed
crimes against their people and the power oc-
cupying the district will try the staffs of con-
centration camps.
The program is fair, too fair, many claim, as
they clamor for more stringent punishment.
These are unusual people, separate and some-
how psychologically different from us. Their
crimes are so inhumane that they call for in-
humane treatmept in return.
But, as Robert M. Hutchins, President of
the Universit'y of Chicago, said in his speech
on V-E Day, "We cannot support the thesis
that because German leaders acted illegally
they should therefore be treated illegally. Two
wrongs do not make a right .
If we do not intend to rule the Germans as
slaves by military force till the end of time, we
must treat them with justice and, if possible,
with mercy. Otherwise we lay here and now
the foundations of the next war.
"The wildest atrocity stories cannot alter
the simple truths that all men are human,
that no men are beasts . . . Let us remember
that vengeance is the Lord's."
Pat Cameron

WASHINGTON-In picking Tom Clark as his
new attorney general, President Truman fol-
lowed his old yen for exposing war frauds.
Clark, astute, crusading former head of the
justice department's war frauds unit, has a not-
able record, had prosecuted some of the cases
which the Truman committee first exposed.,
Also he originated many cases of his own.
Clark prosecuted the Anaconda Copper Com-
pany three times for manufacturing faulty wire
for the armed forces; also moved against the
Durham Manufacturing Company of Ft. Wayne,
Ind., for covering up cracked shell bases made
for the Navy; also convicted one company in
Truman's home town, Kansas City, the Baker
and Lockwood Company, for war frauds against
the air forces.
Clark has served as assistant attorney gen-
eral in charge of anti-trust, succeeding trust-
busting Truman Arnold, and later as assist-
ant attorney general in charge of the criminal
division . . . If the big city bosses who put
Truman across at Chicago are looking for some-
one to pull their chestnuts out of the fire in
the Justice Department, they may have a hard
time with young Clark. He once indicted one
of the men who nominated Roosevelt at Chicago
in 1932, ex-Governor James Curley of Boston,
now a congressman.
Clark faces sonie interesting and important
city boss cases almost immediately. One is the
case of Mayor Kelley's friend Bill Johnson,
the big gambling boss of Chicago, who has
been convicted but is still out on appeal.
Another is -whether to prosecute further ex-
Governor Leche of Louisiana, who faces parole
soon ,but has three other indictments standing
aginst him . . . Another is the case of
Freeman Burford from Clark's home town of
Dallas, still facing a criminal indictment in
connection with hot oil and bribing Governor
Leche of Louisiana . . . Tom Clark was sold
to Truman chiefly by Bob Hannegan and
Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas, both his very
close friends.'
New Agriculture Secretary .. .
NEW MEXICO'S Clinton P. Andersor, new Sec-
retary of Agriculture, is one of the newest
members of Congress and one who has made a
notable record in a very short time . . . And-
erson is an Albuquerque insurance man who
voted against the insurance companies consist-
ently with legislation aimed to exempt insur-
ance companies from the Sherman anti-trust
.laws was before Congress . . . He is one of
the toughest, most liberal members of Con-
gress, has an A-1 standing with his colleagues,
and was given the two important jobs of in-
vestigating food and also probing campaign ex-
penditures last year . . . In the latter job he
did his best to expose wealthy flag-waving groups
which tried to get around income taxes by mak-
ing political contributions in the guise of educa-
tional gifts.
Though -a successful businessman, Ander-
son has been a consistent battler for labor
.One remarkable speech got absolutely
no publicity shortly after Pearl Harbor when
he accused big business of a carefully planned
conspiracy to crack down on labor to divert
public attention from huge war profiteering,
refusal by business to convert to war pro-
duction and the operations of dollar-a-year
men in the War Production Board . . . And-
erson especially blasted Arthur Bunker of
Lehman Brothers for operating inside the
WPB to hold up a government magnesium
plant because it would compete with the Dow
Chemical Company.
New Labor Secretary. .
NEW LABOR Secretary Lew Schwellenbach
was one of the so-called young Turks during
the days of the Roosevelt administration. Along
with Senator Sherman Minton of Indiana there
was almost no job too liberal or too politically
dangerous for Schwellenbach to tackle. He was
especially vigorous in supporting Roosevelt in his
Supreme Court battle at which time he also had
the support of Senator Truman . . . The
Washington senator also served with Senator
Hugo Black (now Justice Black) in his lobbying
investigation which eventually sent Howard Hop-
son of Associated Gas to jail . . . Schwellen-
bach's appointment to the cabinet will bring no
joy to Seattle Collector of Customs Saul Haas,
formerly Schwellenbach's campaign manager,

'Human Rights'
SECRETARY OF STATE Stettinius proposed
last Tuesday at the San Francisco Confer-
ence that a "Commission on Human Rights" be
established to draft an international bill of
rights which would be accepted by all nations.
The proposed international bill of rights is
different from that of our national constitution
in one way. Our constitutional bill of rights
applies only to the national government. Stet-
tinius' international bill of rights would be
adopted by the member nations of the world
organization as "an integral part of their sys-
tems of law."
The San Francisco Conference, by Big Four
agreement, is not to attempt the drawing up
of any bill of rights. This will come later, if
Stettinius' proposal is accepted, as a function
of a commissio nunder the Economic and So-
cial Council. The sooner this is done, and
the Bill of Rights accepted by all member
nations, the better it will be for the advance-
ment of a secure world organization.
-Frances Paine

who turned against him. It was partly because
Haas vowed to defeat Schwellenbach for re-
election, and because the Democratic party in
Washington state would have been split wide
open that Lew retired from the Senate to the
federal bench,
Schwellenbach's most notable Senate
achievement was breaking a filibuster by the
late Ruey Long. In those days almost no one
dared brave the Kingfish's vitriolic tongue.
He had veteran Senate leaders completely
cowed by threatening to enter their states to
defeat them. Once when Long was staging
one of his filibusters and other Senate leaders
had thrown up their hands in despair, Schwel-
lenbach took command of the fight, forced
Huey to stay on his feet for 14 hours and
finally drove him from the floor . . . Schwel-
lenbach was proposed for the labor post by
Dave Beck of the Teamster's Union. Orig-
inally, the AFL wanted Dan Tobin to get the
job, but the CIO opposed. Therefore, the
AFL, fearing a CIO candidate might be ap-
pointed, withdrew Tobin's name, and got
behind Schwellenbach.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc)
Eastern European
eastern regions of Europe will be organized
and functioning, long before the western areas.
This, it seems to me, is one of the key political
facts of the current transition period. What-
ever we may think of brusque Soviet methods,
it remains true that these methods will set up
eastern Europe as a going concern in a rela-
tively short space of time. It is precisely what
we think of as the most backward sections of
Europe, the Balkans, Poland, etc., which will be
operating the soonest.
2. The Soviets obviously hope to have east-
ern Europe in order, while the west is still
debating policy. What was a theory yesterday,
is today a condition, and will tomorrow be
an old fact. It is hard for us to learn to think
of the jumble of eastern Europe as a region
which will from now on speak in world affairs
with a single voice, and yet that is the way we
must begin to think of it.
If HE ONLY point I am making here, disregard-
ing the rights and wrongs of it, is that it is
happening; that the question of unity in eastern
Europe, which the world has debated for so
many hundreds of years, has been resolved,
though amid astonishment and dismay. The
west can carry on a great debate with Russia,
in terms of morality and the rights of small
nations to independence, but Russia can al-
ways shift the ground of the debate to her suf-
ferings in the war, her right to security, and so
on. This makes the debate an unending one.
Meanwhile Russia organizes.
3. She i moving fast. It is characteristic
that she has already organized the purchase of
food from the farmers of eastern Germany, and
has set rations for Berlin and other German
cities at levels higher than obtained under the
Nazis. She is paying little attention to the
former politics of small people, and while she
talks punishment, she is actually concentrating
on organization. Berlin, described a week ago as
"forever ruined," is now reported to have 500
food stores functioning, 22 movie houses, 10
music halls, etc.
We face an odd prospect, for Russia's great
power will make eastern Europe, traditionally
unstable, the most stable portion of the con-
tinent; while western Europe may, in its
confusion, lack of organization and cross-
purposes, become the new Balkans.
rJHE FACT that eastern Europe will be organ-
. ized, however crudely, and will be function-
ing and working, will sharpen fears and antago-
nisms within the nations of western Europe.
The quarrel over whether to accept or reject
Russia's new position will be conducted on a
domestic basis, in each country. The west does
not care to fight Russia, but left and right may
fight it out, in little, at home. The results of
such conflicts will not in the least affect Russia's
position in eastern Europe, but they may pro-
foundly affect western domestic policy. Some-

thing like that seems to be happening in Brit-
ain already, where Mr. Churchill first asked his
Labor ministers to remain in his cabinet indefi-
nitely, i.e., to surrender unconditionally; and
failing that, has thrown them out and precipi-
tated an election, but the results of it will prob-
ably not affect Russia very profoundly, and are
much more likely to show up only in the size of
social security payments.
We have had a taste of that at home, where
Polish voters and Yugoslav voters are stirred
on the question of Russia; but the result of
their voting is only to change the composition
of our Congress; it doesn't change anything in
So long as the issue between Russia and
the west remains unresolved, the very color
and shape of our lives at home will be af-
fected; and that is one of the thoughts Presi-
dent Truman must keep in mind as he makes
another try at a big three meeting, another
try at finding a basis for legality and set
procedures between east and west. The game
is definitely worth the candle, for we are
deciding much more about our futures than
we can at the moment appreciate.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Past Tense
"IT IS a deplorable fact," runs a
Communication to the Editors of
the Daily (March, 1892) that during
the last few years, amid the boom-
ing' of our athletics and fostering of
our class spirit, we have neglected
and almost entirely lost sight of thw
value and necessity of such a thing
as literary work."
"Spring suitings, Pantaloons, and
Fancy Vestings" are advertised by a
Main Street haberdasher. "I will
open the Ball by placing a fine stock
of guitars and banjos at PRICES
fers a music store.
The Daily editorial column urged
its readers to support the "athletic
interests' of the University by at-
tending an Athletic Contest at the
Opera House (50 cents admission).
-Milt Freudenheim



Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin 1s constructive notice to all me-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angeli Hall, by 2:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. in. Sat-
SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1945 I
VOL. LV, No. 157
School of Education Faculty: The
May meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, May 28, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
3:15 p.m.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty on Monday, May 28, at 3:15
p.m., in Rm. 348, West Engineering
Undergraduate women intending
to register for summer term and
summer session should complete ar-
rangements for housing immediately
through .the Office of the Dean of
Women. Special permission to live
outside the regular dormitories,
league houses, cooperatives and sor-
orities will not be given except in
extraordinary circumstances which
should be reported immediately to
the Office of the Dean of Women.
Notice to Men Students and House-
holders of Approved Houses for Men:
The closing date for the Spring Term
will be June 23 and rent shall be
computed to include this date.
Householders may charge for a room
between June 23 and 28 providing
the student keeps his possessions in
the room or occupies it himself. As
per the terms of the contracts, stu-
dents are expected to pay the full
amount of the contract three weeks
before thes end of the term.
Registration for the Summer Term
begins June 28 and classes begin
July 2.
If either the householder or stu-
dent wishes to terminate their pres--
ent agreement, notice must be given
to the office of the Dean of Students
on or before June 2, at noon. Stu-
dents may secure forms for this pur-
pose in Rm. 2, University Hall.
C. T. Olmsted
Assistant Dean of Students
All War Activities Chairmen for'
League Houses must turn in their
war activities sheets for April imme-
diately, and please have the May1
sheets ready at the end of this?
Gertz Department Store: Jamaica,
N.Y., are looking for people to be-
come members of their summer col-l
lege board. Girls who are interested
and who live on Long Island may
obtain further information at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Saks-34th, New York City: needI
students this summer for their col-t
lege fashion board. Girls who arei
interested may apply for more de-
tails- at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall,
Student Recital: Lola Phyllis Craw-r
ford, mezzo-soprano, will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of theC

requirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music in Music Education, at
7:30 tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. Miss Crawford is a student
of Hardin Van Deursen. Her pro-
gram will include groups of Italian,
German and English songs, and will
be open to the general public.
Band Concert: The University of
Michigan Concert Band under the
direction of William D. Revelli, Con-
ductor, will be heard in its 32nd An-
nual Spring Concert at 3:15 p.m.,
CWT, Sunday, May 27, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will include
compositions by Rimsky-Korsakov,
Berlioz, Moussorgsky, and Bach, and
will be open to the general public
without charge.
Student Recital: Virginia Zapf,
soprano, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
in Music Education, at 7:30 p.m.
CWT, Sunday, May 27, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. A student of
Hardin Van Deursen, Miss Zapf will
sing compositions by Donaudy, De-
bussy, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms,
Wolf, and Carpenter. The general
public is invited.
Wind Instrument Recital: under
the direction of William D. Revelli,
Monday, May 28, 7:30 p.m. CWT,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Open to
the public without charge.
Student Recitali Selma Smith Neu-
marn, pianist, will be heard in a re-
cital at 7:30 p.m. CWT, Tuesday,
May 29, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. The program will include com-
positions by Handel, Franck, Mozart,
Rachmaninoff, and Scriabine, and
will be open to the general public.
She is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Events Today
Luncheon-Discussion: All students
are invited to attend a review and
discussion of Lin Yutang's "Between
Laughter and Tears" by Jack Muehl
at 11:15 this noon. Luncheon will
be served in Lane Hall as usual.
Polonia Club: All members of the
University of Michigan Polonia who
are interested in taking part in a
club outing at the Island will meet
at the fountain adjacent to th*
League at 4:30 (CWT) today.
"Land of Liberty" will be present-
at 6:30 this evening in the Rackham
Amphitheater under the auspices of
the University of Michigan Bureau
of Visual Education, the Post-War
Council, and Michigan Youth for
Democratic Action. There will be no
admission and all those interested
are urged to attend.
Gamma Delta: Lutheran Student1
Club, will have a Scavenger Party
tonight, meeting at the Lutheran
Student Center at 8:15.
Coming Events t
The Graduate Outing Club is spon-1
soring a bicycle picnic on May 27 at 1
1:30. Everyone is asked to bring
their own lunch and bicycle and meet
in the Outing Room at 1:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student AssociationF
will have an outdoor meeting this t
Sunday Afternoon at 3 (CWT). Ther
group will meet at Zion Lutheran D
Parish Hall and those attending are x
requested to be prompt.l
Both Zion and Trinity Lutheran f
Churches will hold Communion Ser-
vices this Sunday morning at their
regular 10:30 service hour. Students a
aind Servicemen are welcome.F
- --4
Soumynona: If you are an under- q
graduate independent woman not d

craft at the Y.M.C.A., 6:30 p.m. CWT,
Sunday sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Council of Social Agencies and open
to the public. Students interested in
these subjects, and those who will
be having camp or recreation jobs
this summer should find it iteres't-
A.A.U.P. Annual Meeting: At the
Michigan Union Monday, May 28,
6:15 p.m. Election of officers and
consideration of resolutions present-
ed at the last meeting. Join the Un-
ion Cafeteria line at 6:15 and take
trays to the lunch room of the Fac-
ulty Club. Women members go dir-
ectly to the Faculty Club lunch room
through the Union Cafeteria, where
arrangements will be made for their
The Roinance Language Journal
Club will meet on Tuesday afternoon,
May 29 at 3:15 (CWT) in the East
Conference Room of the F ckham
Professor Nelson W. Eddy will read
a paper entitled "Fernan Caballero:
Portent or Episode?"
Graduate students and all inter-
ested are cordially invited.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p~m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"Soul and Body". Sunday school at
11:45 a.m. A special reading room is
maintained by this church at 706
Wolverine Bldg., Washington at
Fourth, where the Bible, also the
Christian Science Textbook, "Science
and Health with Key to the Scrip-
tures" and other writings by Mary
Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed
or purchased. Open daily except
Sundays and holidays' from 11:30
a.m to 5 p.m.
First Baptist Church: Rev. C. H.
Loucks, Minister. Saturday, May 26:
6:10, Choir Rehearsal; 7:30, The
members of the Roger Williams Guild
and their friends will meet at the
Guild House prepared to go for a
hike and wiener roast. Sunday, May
27: 9, Study Class discussing "Sour-
ces of Power" dealing with the sig-
nificance of prayer; 10, Morning wor-
ship-Rev. Loucks will speak on
"Have Faith in God"; 4:30, The Rog-
er Williams Guild will hold a Stu-
dent-led panel discussion on Ernest
M. Ligon's book "Psychology of
Christian Personality" dealing with
the eight points which he sets up as
criteria for a healthy personality;
5:30, Cost supper will be served.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 9:45 (CWT), Morning Wor-
ship. The Rev. Eugene Zendt will
deliver the morning sermon. At 3:30
p.m. (CWT) the Congregational-
Disciples Guild will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., and go in a
group to Riverside Park for the first
outdoor meeting of the year. In
case of rain the group will meet at
the Congregational Church at 4 p..
(CWT) as usual. Reservations must
be made at the Guild House 5838
before Saturday afternoon.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Morning Worship
Service at 9:40 o'clock. Dr. James
Brett Kenna will preach on "Remem-
bering Our Dead". Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 4 p.m. Professor Harold
M. Dorr of the Political Science De-
partment will speak on "World Re-
ations". Supper and Fellowship hour
'ollowing the meeting.
First Congregational Church: 9
a.m. (EWT), Public worship. Dr.
Parr will preach a memorial sermon
n "The Rememberers". 3:30 p.m.,
the Congregational-Disciples Stu-
lent Guild will meet at the Guild


Illiisrtnted by Gregor'y D'Alessio
"It'd he unpatriotic to call him uL lie's buying too annay
War lion .lS..""

CAenusorship Code

RESTATEMENT of the Army censorship code
raises the question of whether the Ameri-
can public will receive all the news it should
from Europe.
The code forbids the publication of false and
misleading statements, or information which is
dangerous to the morale of the Allied forces.
In effect, - it makes the Army the sole judge of
what is false or dangerous.
Although such censorship is still necessary
in the Pacific, it is no longer necessary in
Europe. Continuing power of Army officials
to censor the news under such a code may
tif4,iv r .vi.,nd-tha mA narin.ann.-. lwk1, from w-p-.


Some of my relatives? Of
course! They read about

But imagine how they'll
rejoice to find me hale

By Crockett Johnson
Wshere are all mya
beloved kinfolk- always said he'd nver


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