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October 06, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

… students. For details con- tact Scholarship Research Services at 668-8060. cF1004 WIN AN APPLE Ile COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets…

… OLDS 98 LS 1975 - Mechanic Special. All weather radials, cooling system leaks. Best offer. Call 996- 9069. 63 B1009 WOMAN'S CCRB POOL LOCKER Price Negotiable #761-2333 dBloO9 DECwriter/modem Apple II…

… WORD PROCESSING PAPERS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS Done Quickly, Accurately, Inexpensively Ask about our editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBLSystems featuring Radio Shack…

…-3579 ON THE CWSP but could never find a job? C 1686. TYPING Papers, Resumes, all typing jobs, word pro Reasonable! 662-0072. COMPUTER TERMINALS including mode maintenance - printing $80/month. - $70/month…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. . 71B1009 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001 Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck…

… Drums, 2 Zilgian Cymbols, 1 high hat, 12 yrs. $550.663-6477. Leave message. 99B1010 MIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. 001B1010 FOR RENT CAMPUS AREA…

October 06, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

… Club-Speaker, C Zand, "Handi- capped Scouts: Myth or Reality, " open to all, 7:45 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham. Bot Gardens-Leaf walk, 4-5:30 pm. 763-7060. Computing Ctr-Courses, "Text Formatting with TeX," 3…

…Base III, Pt I, 1-5 pm; dBase III Plus, Pt I, all in 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. Intro to Micro- computer, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; PC System Selection, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. f T ESDAY Computing Ctr…

…, Pt I," & Pre- prof lec, "Applying to Law School," 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. 764-7460. Hillel Fdn-Jewish Social Workers Org, "Celebrate Rosh Hashana with Apples & Honey," noon, 4070 Frieze. 663-3336. *HRD…

…?/Update on Halley's Comet," 7:30-10 pm, Chrysler Ctr Aud. Chem-Sem, J Moore, "Project SERAPHIM: Achiev- ing the Computer's Potential in the Chemistry Cur- riculum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr…

…:30 pm, ROC. Sch Art-Video, Art/New York, interview with Hans Namuth, Cindy Sherman & Robert Rauschenberg, Photography Exhibitions, 5:30 pm, 2216-19 Sch Art Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Phototypesetting…

…:30 pm, Hill. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Mon- roe. 763-4186. Mach Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, S Braun, "Identifica- tion of Structural Parameters by Overdetermina- tion,"4 pm, 1017 Dow. Russ & E…

… Schoenfeld, "Observations on Self as Artist, "7:30 pm,-Art & Arch'Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Program Function Keys," 7-9 on, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424. Ethics & Rel/Res Coll-Lec/disc, A Guerrero, "Nues- tra…

… Ultraviolet Continuum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Intro to Micro- computers, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Learning to Use the Macintosh with MacWrite & MacPaint, 1-4 pm; Microsoft Word…

… for IBM-Compatible Micro- computers, Pt I, 1-5 pm; Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. Biophysics-Lec, D…

October 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

… filter with 3 discs, $125 or best. Ron, 747-6738 FOR SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- Commodore 64 with color monitor, modem, 1541 disk drive. Excellent for word…

… sales t-shirt featured on MTV. Call 812-333-6066 before THURSDAY, Oct. 8 at 5 PM. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663…

…. Personal 160. Tickets W 80. Cupid's Helper 170.Roommates Z 4 7.32 9.96 12.44 14.88 17.32 90. Student Services 180. Computer Mdse. 5 9.15 12.45 15.55 18.60 21.65 I understand that this advertising request…

October 06, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… lease. S31 15/mo. Call 741-9622. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout" Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw. Ypsilanti 734 482…

… $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund - 611 Church, suite 4…

… weekly. Call 761-6467. GRIZZI.Y PEAK- Now hiring host staff. food servers, line cooks. Part time, am/pm Appl in person at 120 W. Washington. GUEST SERVICES University of Michigan Students needed for a fun…

… skills, friendly and outeoim-. fanuliar with campus and A2 area. . base computer skills. Apply in person at Execunse Residence. 710 E. University. HELP NIONI: CLEAN, misc. jobs. 2 hr/day, 3-5 dav/wk. S8/hr…

… PHOTO LAB and Studio seeking bright, kind person for P/T-F/T help. Apply in person @ Ivory Photo 606 S. Main. Call 668- 8413. PSYCHOLOGIST, WRITER, Consultant seeks assistant. Needs computer

October 06, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… person with good people skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. LOOKING FOR responsible, committed person to fill part-time position with flexible hours and good pay. 668…

…, data coding, data entry, mass mailings, and general office duties. If you are interested in hands on learning of the social research process and are computer literate please call 763-5890. eeo. employer…

…. with little kids is a plus. Loc. on Scio Church Rd., a 10 min. drive west of UM Stadium. To obtain an appl. call 734- 665-5175 or write ASST. IN HOME STUDIO: organize, file, clean…

… 24 26 27 29 33 36 38 39 40 42 ACROSS Kind of round Pinch together Enjoy the beach New Deal dog Ham medium "Do - others..." Computer insert Check mate? Hardwood tree Part of UCLA Predetermine String…

October 06, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 6) • Page Image 9

… be ample opportu- nity for questions, and friends and colleagues are welcome. RZeference Managerx EndN .p; ProCite Join us at University of Michigan Friday, October 6 U of MI Computer Showcase Vendor…

… simpler and more grounded, earthier than their previ- ous albums, Silver Apples of the Moon and Sounds of the Satellites. Yet it retains their complexity and space-fascination in a music that is more than…

October 06, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…, cathedral ceilings, skylights, remod- eled kitchen, beautifully furnished, and ac- cess to exercise facility and study lounge w/ computers. Near CCRB. Private shuttle to North Campus. Avail. Fall. Call 741…

… free intemet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and fee resident shuttle and you have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases avail. 741…

… Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. WWW.SUBLE.COM ACROSS 1 Pirate's liquor 4 Big Apple ballpark 8 Entertain sump- tuously 14 Freudian concern 15 Football gear 16 Escapee, at times 17 Airport touchdowns 19…

… - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent I day 2 days 3 days ,34 3 GJ I GY " GO 31 33 37 CONVENIENCE Located on…

October 06, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

… founder and former CEO who invented and masterfully marketed ever- sleeker gadgets that transformed everyday technology, from the personal computer to the iPod and ighone, died yesterday. He was 56. Apple

… incident entertaining and "a great way to procrasti- nate." PAUL SAKUMA/AP Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7, 2010. Jobs passed away yesterday at…

… age 56. Apple co-founder eve Jobs dies at age 56 Republicans request change in state electoral vote system Changes likely to hurt Obama's re-election chances HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Republicans in…

… Democratic cities in both states, to more conservative rural and suburban areas that tend to favor Republicans. Innovator revolutionized world of technology CUPERTINO, California (AP) - Steve Jobs, the Apple

… count- less innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," Apple's board said in a statement. "The world is immeasurably better because of Steve" Jobs had battled cancer in 2004 and underwent a…

… in August. He took another leave of absence in January - his third since his health problems began - before resigning as CEO six weeks ago. Jobs became Apple's chairman and handed the CEO job over to…

… his hand-picked suc- cessor, Tim Cook. Outside Apple's Cupertino headquarters, three flags - an American flag, a California state flag and an Apple flag - were fly- ing at half-staff late yesterday…

…. "Those of us viho have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring men- tor." Cook wrote in an email to Apple's employees. "Steve leaves behind a company that…

… only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." The news Apple fans and shareholders had been dread- ing came the day after Apple unveiled its latest version of the…

… Phone, just one in a procession of devices that shaped technol- ogy and society while Jobs was running the company. Jobs started Apple with a high school friend in a Silicon Valley garage in 1976, was…

October 06, 2014 (vol. 125, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…'t a good show. If Shonda of apple Rhimes's other series have spice and ALEC STERN proven anything (chiefly hope in the "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scan- air as you dal," though at times "Private walk down…

… worker 8 Boys Esth. 59 Lowin fat 14 Traditional 9 Has a talk with 48 Break bread 60 Soldier's group, a Pennsylvania 10 Nearsighted 49 Computer on an member of which barn raisers toon airplane tray might be…

… Wold Series 51 '2001'computer 17 16 1s 52 Mums neighbor 2w a1 a2 as 553Traveled around 52-Across, say 24 on 2 57 Matesfor mas 58 Chicken- king 5 26i2 30 31 61 Fight-or-flight emotion 32 33 34a s5 62…

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