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October 06, 1986 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-06

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Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 6, 1986


Forty years ago, John Hersey
wrote Hiroshima, telling the
stories of six people who survived
the tragic morning of August 6,
1945, and the days that followed.
In a new edition, Hersey has added a
compelling report on the ex -
periences of these people in the past
forty years. This report not only
reveals the effects of the disaster on
Hiroshima society, but challenges
the reader to think about the ethics
of atomic warfare today, as well.
The Japanese use the term
"hibakusha" meaning "explosion
affected persons," when referring to
the people who lasted through the
bombing, a term which also avoids
the connotations of death associated
with the word "survivor." Indeed,
(Continued from Page 7)
Numbers like- "Twin Home -
towns," "I'm Not Afraid," and
"Song for an Angry Young Man"
have a forceful beat that demands
nothing less 'than high volume on
any stereo, and the tasteful addition
of a saxophone on "New Love" and

the central concern of the hibakusha
was not that they were spared from
death, but that a difficult struggle
lay ahead.
In the first part of this new
edition, each person reveals his
struggle during the first year.
Through these personal narratives,
the immediate effects of the bomb
are rendered with clarity and feeling.
In addition, Hersey poses some
ethical questions about the United
States' decision to drop the bomb,
which are still examined today:
"It seems logical that he who
supports total war in principle
cannot complain of a war against
"The crux of the matter is
whether total war in its present
form is justifiable even when it
serves a just purpose. Does it have
material and spiritual evil as its
consequences which far exceed
whatever good might result?"
Hersey also explores the
physical effects of the bomb on the

hibakusha. Many suffer a "my -
sterious" bomb sickness, its
symptoms include weakness, diz -
ziness, digestive troubles, and an
overall feeling of oppression and
doom, arising from the awareness
that they and their descendants could
be affected at any time, even to this
Each of the six tells about his
personal attempt to overcome the
effects of the bomb. Five of the
six hibakusha portray rather dismal
fates. They could not forget the day
and its results. However, Reverend
Tanimoto's story is different.
Through Tanimoto, Hersey reveals
how many people were able to
forgive the Americans and forget
the calamitous effects of the bomb.
Hersey writes:
"A gaudy phoenix had risen from
the ruinous desert of 1945. A
remarkably beautiful city of more
than a million inhabitants- only

hibited a strong American
influence. Tanimoto became wrap -
ped up in his efforts to raise money
for his church. He forgot about the
suffering, "His memory, like the
world's, was getting spotty."
Throughout the aftermath
chapter, Hersey slips in news
segments which reveal further
development and testing of the
atomic bomb around the world,
illustrating how people became
sentimentally blinded from the
actual results of the atomic bomb
and its implications for the future.
In a candid and moving style,
Hersey uncovers the details of a
story which time tends to forget.
Hiroshima reminds the reader of
the importance of remembering
history when considering present
and future world issues. Hersey.,
supplies the history, challenging
the reader to draw on it when
questioning the ethics of war today.
-Ruth Milne



one in ten

of whom was a
The rebuilt city ex -

Warner Brothers recording artists 54:40 will be playing at Rick's
American Cafe tonight. The local band Frank Allison and the Odd Sox will.
open the show.

the title cut makes you wonder why
more new bands don't put aside
some of their electronic gadgetry
and pick a few horns once in a
Lead vocalist and songwriter
Sterve Almaas sticks to the basics
on this album, belting out his sim -

ple lyrics (mostly about love 'n'
girls 'n' stuff) with a heartfelt,
soulful style that instantly captures
your ear. And if this album is any
indication, Beat Rodeo seems to be

putting down the foundation for a-
long, healthy, and interesting
musical career.
-Michael Race

.. they work!

CALL 764-0557


The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture
workshop and conference announcements
with other events happening each week on
campus. It is based on The University
Record calendar, and is open to all Uni-
versity sponsored groups and organizations
recognized by the Michigan Student As-
sembly. Items must be submitted in writing
by Sp.m. the Tuesday before publication.
Address all information to: University
Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) de-
notes events to which admission is charged.
October 6
A-Squares-Sq dance lessons, 8:30-10 pm, Mich Union.
*Ext Svcs, Conf & Inst-1986 Intl Symp on Info Theory
(IEEE), Mich League, reg 8 am. 764-5304.
Career Ping & Plcmt-Library tour & job search disc,
"Conducting the Long Distance Job Search," 4:10
pm, 3200 SAB; Lec, "Resume Writing," 6-7:30 pm,
229 Angell; Resume/disc, "Designing a Resume:
Wordprocessing & Printing," 4:10 pm, CP&P, 764-
*Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club-
Class, 7:15 pm, IM Bldg Martial Arts Rm. 763-
LSA-Fac mtg, 4:10 pm, MLB 4.
Comm for Women-Open mtg, 11:30 am-1:30 pm,
CEW, 350S Thayer, 2nd Fl. 763-7080.
Campus Chapel/Ofc Ethics & Rel/Prog Stds Rel-
Talk, disc, N. Wolterstorff, "Until Justice & Peace
Embrace, " 9 am-noon, First Baptist Church, 512 E
Huron. 764-7442.
Prog on Conflict Mgmt Alternatives-Sem, B Jackson,
"Building the Multicultural Organization: Managing
Conflict Productively, " 1-3 pm, E Conf Rm, Rack-
*Musical Theater Prog, Sch Music- "Doonesbury, " 8
pm, Trueblood Theater, Frieze Bldg. 763-4726.
N E & N Afr Stds Ctr-Brown bag, F Trix, "The Ash-
ura Lament of the Albanian Bektashi Community in
America, "noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Pop Stds Ctr/Cons for Res in Devp & Reprod Biol-
Andrew W Millon Fdn Ann Lec, R Short, "Today's
& Tomorrow's Contraceptives, "2 pm, Alumni Ctr.
Stds in Religion-Lec, G Gutierrez, "Reflections on.
Liberation Theology, " 8-10 pm, MLB 3. 764-4475.
Women's Research Club-Speaker, C Zand, "Handi-
capped Scouts: Myth or Reality, " open to all, 7:45
pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham.
Bot Gardens-Leaf walk, 4-5:30 pm. 763-7060.
Computing Ctr-Courses, "Text Formatting with
TeX," 3-5 pm; "Monday Language Seminars (pas-
cal)," 7-9 pm, NUBS. 747-2424.
U-M-DBN-Women's Ctr support grp for separated
& divorced women, 2 pm, 30 CAB. 593-5147.
Guild House-Writers Series, readings, T Ezekiel &
R Tillinghast, 8 pm, 802 Monroe. 662-5189.
Hillel Fdn-Stds for Ethiopian Jewry, open mtg, 7:30
pm. 1429 Hill St. 663-3336.
*Rec Sports-Women's Okinawan Karate & Self- .
Defense Club, beginners, 7:15 pm, IM Sports Bldg,
Martial Arts Rm. 763-3562.
Sch Music-Fac organ recital, M Mason, 8:30 pm,
Nat Res-Lec (& refreshments), H Wicke, "Environ-
mental Policymaking in the '80s: Does Anyone Yearn
for the Good Old Days?" 3:30-5 pm, 1040 Dana.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice, beginners welcome. 7-9
pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm. 665-7399.
Chem-Analyt Sem, T Imasaka, noon, 1300 Chem;
Inorg sem, W Suggs, "Directed C-C Bond Activia-
tion, by Homogeneous Transition Metal Systems, "4
pm, 1200 Chem.
Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Charting with
Microsoft Chart & Excel on the Macintosh, 3-5 pm,
Programming in dBase III, Pt I, 1-5 pm; dBase III
Plus, Pt I, all in 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. Intro to Micro-
computer, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; PC System Selection,
1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424.

Computing Ctr-Course, "Writing & Using Editor
Procedures," 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424.
CRLT-Workshop, W Colburn, "Effective Lectur-
ing," 7-9 pm, B1279 Bus Ad. To reg, call 764-0505.
Sch Dent-Sem, H Horowitz, "Fluoride: Too Much or
Too Little? An Update on Measuring Fluorosis, "
4 pm, 1033 Kellogg.
U-M-Flint/Intl Inst- "The Middle East in Crisis" lec
series, V Gepford, "Religious Factions & the War in
Lebanon, " 12:15 pm, Intl Inst Lec/Luncheon series;
7:30 pm, I11 COB..
*U-M-Flint-Intl Film Fest, Ballad of a Soldier, 8 pm,
Univ Ctr Kiva.,
Career Ping & Plcmt-Job search work session, "In-
vestigating Organizations & Employers, Pt I," & Pre-
prof lec, "Applying to Law School," 4:10 pm, 3200
SAB. 764-7460.
Hillel Fdn-Jewish Social Workers Org, "Celebrate
Rosh Hashana with Apples & Honey," noon, 4070
Frieze. 663-3336.
*HRD-Workshops: "Working for Multiple Bosses &
Different Personalities," 1-4:30 pm; Performance
Planning & Appraisal, 8:30 am-noon, HRD, 111 Kip-
ke Dr; "Intro to TEXTEDIT" begins, 1:30-3 pm,
412 UGLI; "Intro to MTS," 8:30 am-noon, Micro-
comp Ed Ctr IBM Lab, 3001 SEB. 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Ecumen Campus Ctr-Speaker, W Kerr,
"What Happened at Chernobyl?" (*lunch avail),
noon, Intl Ctr. 662-5529.
Sch Music-Organ recitals: D Serve, 11 am; Organ
majors, 2:30 pm, Moore Hall; D Sanger, 8:30 pm,
Museum of Art-Art break, topic TBA, 12:10 pm.
Mich Union Arts Progs-Concert of the Month, J
Talleda, piano, & S Wright, clarinet, 8 pm, Pendle-
ton Rm, Mich Union.
Botticelli Game Players-Open to all, noon, Mich
League Conf Rm I.
Psychobiol-Colloq, M Sommers, "The Effects of
Apical Cochlear Lesions on Behavioral Auditory
Thresholds," 12:30 pm, 4054 Kresge Hearing Res
Sci Res Club-Mtg/speakers/refreshments, A Rich-
ards, "Hidden Beauty in Flowers Revealed by X-
Ray, " & A Nagy, "What Have We Learned About
Comets This Year?/Update on Halley's Comet,"
7:30-10 pm, Chrysler Ctr Aud.
Chem-Sem, J Moore, "Project SERAPHIM: Achiev-
ing the Computer's Potential in the Chemistry Cur-
riculum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem.
Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: MS-DOS Basic
Skills, 6-8 pm; Spreadsheeting with Microsoft Excel,
Pt I, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424.
Chinese Studies-Brown bag lunch-panel disc, US
scholars/res who have studies in China disc their
exper, noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm. 764-6308.
Mich Intl Relations Soc-Mass mtg, 7 pm, Rm 25
Angell. 764-5662.
October 8
AIESEC-Ints Bus Club, gen mtg, 5:15 pm, K1310
*AAFC The Fountainhead, 7 & 9:05 pm, MLB 3.
Bot Gardens-See Oct 6.
Bus Sch Plcmt Ofc-Lec, S Meadows, "Making the En-
tree to Wall Street, " 4:15 pm, Hale Aud, Assembly
Hall Bldg.
Bioengr-Sem,.E Ellis, "Rigid InternalFixation of Jaw
Surgery, "4 pm (Coffee 3:30 pm), 1017 Dow Bldg.
Communication-Brown bag, A Krajeski, "Western
Correspondents' Reporting About Poland," noon,
Marsh Sem Rm, 2035 Frieze.
Couns Svcs-Dissertation support grp, 8:30-10 am,
3100 Union. 764-8312.
U-M-DBN/Gabriel Richard Ctr-Panel disc, "South
Africa in Transition-To What?" 7:30 pm, Gabriel
Richard Ctr.a593-5556, 593-5087.
U-M-DBN-Film, Back to School, 7:30 pm, ROC.
Sch Art-Video, Art/New York, interview with Hans
Namuth, Cindy Sherman & Robert Rauschenberg,
Photography Exhibitions, 5:30 pm, 2216-19 Sch Art
Computing Ctr-Course, "Phototypesetting & the
Autologic Micro-5 Phototypesetter," 3-5 pm, 1013
NUBS. 747-2424.
CRLT-Workshop, S Balius, "Using Bibliographic
Databases,." 7-9:30 pm, 4th Fl, UGLI. To register,
call 764-0505.
Sch Dent-Sem, J Osborn, "AIDS: Five Years &
Counting, "4 om. G390 Dent.

Sch Mus-Organ recitals: M Clerc, 1 am, Hill; 1st
prize winner, Intl Organ Perf Competition, 3 pm,
First Baptist Church, 512 E Huron; M Haselbock,
8:30 pm, Hill.
Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Mon-
roe. 763-4186.
Mach Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, S Braun, "Identifica-
tion of Structural Parameters by Overdetermina-
tion,"4 pm, 1017 Dow.
Russ & E Europ Stds/Class Stds/Hist/Soc-A Khaza-
nov, brown bag, "Contemporary Soviety Anthropol-
ogy," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm; Lee, "No-
made & Pastoralists in the Past, Present & Future, "
4 pm, 2009 Angell.
Sci Fic Club, Stilyagi Air Corps-Mtg, 8:30 pm, Mich
League Conf Rms. 994-8419.
Tae Kwon Do Club-See Oct 6.
*CEW-HACE Res Colloq, J Giele, "The Changing
Life Patterns of Educated Women, 1910-1980, " 4
pm, Tribute Rm, Sch Ed Bldg; Workshop, "Step Be-
fore the Job Search, II," 7-9:30 pm, 350 S Thayer.
Chem-Anal sem, P Gulyas, "Tandem Mass Spectrom-
etry & Its Applications in Chemistry ," 1200 Chem;
Org sem, K Jung, "Mitomycines: Chemical Mechan-
ism of Activation, "1300 Chem, 4 pm.
Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Basic Concepts
of Programming, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed
Bldg. Lotus 1-2-3, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Versa-
Term, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-
Biol Sci-Sem, R Haselkorn, "Rearrangement of Ana-
baena Nitrogen-Fixation Genes During Heterocyst
Differentiation, " 4 pm, Modern Lang Bldg Lee Rm
2. Meet the speaker at 3:30 pm, 2111 Nat Sci.
Dept Statistics-Sem, J Deely, "Selecting the Best
Treatment-Non-Bayesian and Bayesian Appro-
aches," 4 pm, 451 Mason Hall; coffee, 3:30 pm,
1443 Mason.
October 9
Mus Anthro-Brown bag, K Hutterer, "Return of the
Tasaday, "noon, 2009 Museum.
Atmos & Oceanic.Sci-Acid Rain Sem Ser, X Tang,
"Photochemical Pollution in China," 4 pm, 2231
Space Res Bldg, 2455 Hayward, N. Campus.
Bot gardens-See Oct 6.
Biostat-Lec, T Kuczek, "Clonal Heterogeneity: Mo-
deling It, Assaying For It, & Controlling For It,"
3:30 pm, M4318 SPH II (coffee, 3 pm, Biostat Conf
Rm M4034, SPH II).
Bus Ad Entrepreneur; Real Estate-Lec, W Avis,
"Entrepreneurship, Take a Chance to be First, "4:15
pm, Mich Rm, Assembly Hall Bldg.
Career Ping & Plcmt-Library tour; Resume work
session, "Polishing Your Resume to Perfection";
Job search disc, "Investigating Careers in Business,"
4:10 on; Lec, "Interviewing," 4:10-5:30 pm, 3200
SAB. 764-7460.
*Cinema Guild-Great Expectations, 7 & 9:15 pm,
Aud A, Angell.
*Cont Med Educ-Conf, "Ear, Nose & Throat Prac-
ticum," Towsley Ctr, Med Sch. 763-1400.
U-M-DBN-High Tech Lee Series, G Taguchi & D
Clausing, "Development of Quality Products," 5
pm, Fairlane Manor. 593.5160.
U-M-DBNFilm, see Oct 8.
AAUP-Mtg/spaker, H Prince, "What the State
AAUP Is Doing For You, " noon, Mich League Conf
Rm 5.
Sch Art-Lec, D Schoenfeld, "Observations on Self as
Artist, "7:30 pm,-Art & Arch'Aud.
Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Program Function
Keys," 7-9 on, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424.
Ethics & Rel/Res Coll-Lec/disc, A Guerrero, "Nues-
tra Senora de Guadalupe & La Raza Cosmica in the
Development of a Chicano Theology of Liberation, "
4-6 pm, Res Coll; 7:30-9 pm, St Mary's Chapel,
330 Thompson. 764-7442.
Ctr Human Growth & Dev/Anthro/LSA-Lec series, P
Van Soest, "Evolution of Systems of Cellulose Di-
gestion in Mammals," 4-6 pm, Rackham Amph,
4th Fl.
*U-M-Flint-Intl Film Fest, Mephisto 8 pm, Univ Ctr
*HRD-Workshop, "Supervising Temporary & Work/
Study Staff, Pt I," 1:30-4:30 pm, HRD, 1111 Kipke
Dr. 764-7410.
His House Christian Fellowship-Fellowship & Bible
study, 7:30-9 pm, 925 E Ann. 665-0775, 663-0483.
Ctr Japanese Stds-Brown bag, speaker TBA, noon,
Lane Hall Commons Rm. 764-6307.
*Rec Sports-Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-De-
fense Club, see Oct 6.
*Mich LeaguetIntl Night-India, 4:30-7:30 pm, The
League Buffet.
MHRI/Info Technol-Sem & coffee, J Miller, "An
Electronic University of the World, " 3:45 pm, 1057

Couns Svcs-Univ AA, mtg, noon, 3200 Mich Union.
Chem-Phys chem sem, A Helman, "Ozone: Ab-
initio Synthesis of the Ultraviolet Continuum, "4 pm,
1200 Chem.
Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Intro to Micro-
computers, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Learning
to Use the Macintosh with MacWrite & MacPaint,
1-4 pm; Microsoft Word for IBM-Compatible Micro-
computers, Pt I, 1-5 pm; Microsoft Word for the
Macintosh, Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; dBase III PLUS,
Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg.
Biophysics-Lec, D Eisenberg, "Glutamine Synathe-
tase and Hydrophobic Effects on Protein Folding,"
4 pm,;No Lec Hall, Med Sci II.
Vision Lunch Sem-S Sternber, Robot Vision, Rm 2752
Univ Activ Ctr-Impact Jazz Dance Workshop, 7 pm,
Mich Union Ballroom; open to all. 763-1 107.
October 10
Affirm Action-Womenof Color Task Force, Work-
shop, "Personal Financial Planning," noon-2 pm,
HRD, 1111 Kipke Dr. 764-7410.
ot Gardens-See Oct 6.
Bus Sch Plcmt Off-Alumni panel disc, "An Insider's
Look at Investment Banking," I pm, Hale Aud.
*Cricket Club-Practice, 5 pm, Mitchell Field. 763-
CEW-Prof Dev Prog for Intl Women, 8:30-10 am,
CEW, 350 S Thayer, 2nd Fl. 763-7080.
*Cinema Guild-The Mother & the Whore, 7 pm,
MLB 3.
*Cont Med Educ-See Oct 9.
U-M-DBN-Film, Breaker Morant 7:30 pm, 138 CAB.
Ext Svd, Conf & Inst-Univ Press Club of Mich, reg 11
am, Campus Inn.764-5304.
*Eclipse Jazz-Concert, Tony Williams Quintet, 7:30 &
10:30 pm, Ark, 637 S Main. 763-TKTS.
U-M-Flint-Fri Nite Special, Concert, Hunter Davis, 8
pm, Univ Ctr Brewery.
*U-M-Flint-=Intl Film Fest, The Bicycle Theif, 8 pm,
Univ Ctr Kiva.
*HRD-Workshop begins, "Building Speed Reading
Skills," 8:30-10:30 am, HRD, 1111 Kipke Dr. 764-
International Students Fellowship-Mtg, 7 pm. For
ride, call 994-4669.
Korean Christian Fellowship-Bible study mtg, 9 pm,
Campus Chapel. 747-0120.
Sch Music-Concert, Wind Ensemble, 8 pm, Rackham;
Organ lec/recital, J Gonzales, "Early Spanish Organ
Music, "8 pm, Moore Hall.
Ne E & N Afr Stds Ctr-Briefing, "The Middle East:
Negotiation & Peace or Terrorism & Conflict," 1-5
pm, Rackham Amph; recp follows, Assembly Hall.
*Hockey-Vs Bowling Green, 7:30 pm, Yost Ice Arena.
Women's Tennis-Vs Marquette, 9:30 am, Track &
Tennis Bldg.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice, beginners welcome, 5-7
pm, CCRB Small Gym.
Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Basic Concepts
of Microcomputer Telecommunications, 10:30 am-
12:30 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. MS-DOS Basic
Skills, 10 a n-12:30 pm; Final Word II, Pt I, 1-5 pm.
3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424.
So & S E.Asian Stds-Lec/slides, S Vasant, "The
Dipankra.Buddha at Ajanta, "noon, Lane Hall Com-
mons Rm. 747-2082.
October 11
*AAFC-George Kuchar Festival & Stinkybutt, 7 pm;
Thundercrack, 9:30 pm, Nat Sci Aud.
Bot Gardens-Leaf walk, 10-11:30 am; leaf workshop,
1-4 pm, Garden Aud, 1600 Dixboro, Rd. 763-7060.
*Cricket Club-Practice, 4 pm, Mitchell Field. 763-
Sch Music-U-M Choir, Stravinsky & Britten, 8 pm,
*Univ Mus Soc-"Festival of India: Music & Dance,"
8 pm, Power Ctr. 764-2538.
Sch Mus-Concert, Univ Choir, 8 pm, Hill; Fac rec, L
Aspnes, harp, 8 pm, McIntosh Theater.
*Football-VS MSU, 1 pm, Mich Stadium.
Student Woodshop-Safety class, Sess I, 9-11 am,
SAB. 763-4025.
October 12
*AAFC-Nash ville, 6:30 & 9:20 pm, MLB 4.
Bot Gardens-See Oct 11.
*Cinema Guild-Der Golem, 7 pm (free); The Bicycle
Thief, 8:30 pm, Aud A, Angell.
Hs Hus Christian Fenesin-Dinner R, elInwshin


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