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October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…C41v tEIRPW ~ttt "Uti 1Alj~ %61-o% weatner Today: Sunny. High 62. Low 33. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 59. One hundred ni'ze years o f editorzlfreedom Monday October 25, 1999 ;. n ., . :. ,. . "IN ' rs .-";,. % Utter disbelief Regents approve plans for Haven Harvey,. .Illini wreck Blue's Rose Bowl hopes By Josh Kleinbaum aily Sports Editor For a little less than two quarters Saturday against Illinois, Michigan quarterback Tom Brady'...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 25, 1999 NAVARATRIrepetition oftthet NAVAR TR Ireaching its peak Continued from Page 1A Kmrended 1 celebrate the holidav. A memnber ofAl()- a non-partic- room was immcci ipating group last year -Kaneriva said, "~There are prayer. more than 0( Indian organizations on campus. The idea F=ollowing ther is that with each organization more people will come." tural portion knc As people entered the room befor...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…,w. . . .. ..... _.. __ , _. w,.i LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 25, 1999 - 3A CAMPUS Harvard Prof. to present lecture on human values Harvard University Prof. Helen Vendler is scheduled to deliver the University's Tanner Lecture on Human Values, titled, "Whitman on Lincoln: Aspects of Value," Friday at 4 p.m. in Rackham Auditorium. Vendler, a poetry critic for The New Yorker as well as regular essayist and reviewer for T...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday. October 25, 1999 CIie £id$§&ux lai&g Some days of action the rest of the'L 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich. edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ' d , . ,. .,: Editor in Chief J FiFREY KOSSLF DAV ID WALLAC E Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwi ise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majorI of1 the Daily s editorial board. All othe...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…" Halloween stories are brewing at the Ann Arbor District Library. in local storytellers, parents and children for a fun, spooky time Baring traditional stories about Halloween. 7 p.m. fIkheo £O11u akI LRT Tomorrow in Daily Arts: Check out reviews of the latest albums from Primus and the Clash. Monday October 25, 1999 A Tango' dances in Ckuster hee--way y Matthew Brrett laily Arts Writer Characters ordering a tuna melt and hen regurgitat...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…. . eGREEK.COM Fraternity & Soronty Sportswear/Jewelq BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS HOMES! Bdrms., wired for cable and phone. Off street prkg., free ldry. May-May, Sept.-Sept. leases. Call 663-1370 Nancylat BEST LOCATIONS- BEST I & 2 Bedrooms. For Fall 2000 Fully furnished with heat and water included. Parking. Call us at 668- 1100 BIG 3 & 4 BEDROOM APTS. Great locations. Furnished with parking. 668-1100. CAMPUS ONE, two and three bedroom apts....…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…4'ew - - . The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 25. 1999 - 7A ---------- U' panel discusses adverse events in medical profession By Jon Zemke Daily Staff Reporter Hoping to help eliminate adverse events - medical mishaps - the Oversity Forum on Health Policy organized a panel Friday to discuss ways to curb such accidents. "Those are the things that happen that you don't want to happen," Director of the University Health Forum Marilynn Rose...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…"ix 8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 25, 1999 Free CDs! Daily Arts is giving away free sampler CDs, courtesy of Relapse Records. To get one of your own, stop by the arts office, located in the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard St., after 1 p.m. today. Only one CD per person, please. Shocking 'Shots' examnes '90s sex By Christopher Tkaczyk Daily Arts Writer Sex in the '90s is no new topic for films these days. Even in 1...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

…(The £ icbig~&uttilg V~ ~' V VV~ ~ ~' Am t 'if ... t 4 Regainin resepct will take another Zbig comeback member that feeling in your stomach as Tom Brady marched the Wolverines down the field on the first come- ack drive -the one in which they needed just a field goal to win it? That's what it must feel like if you worry about th status of Michigan's football program on the national scene. 'me was running out - the same way it was on Brady ...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…2B - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 25, 1999 ==CLUB SPORTS CORNER: EDITED By DAVID DEN HERDER Game on: Roller hockey rocks Michigan outscores five weekend opponents, 29-7 The Michigan roller hockey team found a flood of success on the banks of the Red Cedar this past weekend. At a round-robin style hockey weekend in East Lansing, the Wolverines came away with a tie and four sound victories, including a 10- 0 shutout of Ball State ye...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 11

…SportsMonday, October 25, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 3B airbanks trades nuning picks for hockey stic By geoff Gagnon Daily Sports Writer "That was one of the real reasonsI FAIRBANKS, Alaska - With a decided to come. People just lov lash of light and sound, the Alaska- hockey:" Fairbanks hockey team was wel- That local love for hockey ha *med on to the ice by a raucous helped the team garner support with Carlson Center crowd. in Alaska. It al...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 12

…4B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 25, 1999 ,., I . . r ni i w iii i nw wrr rr w i n o w s rr I GAME STATISTICS ...................................... ... ..................... PASSING Player Brady Henson Totals C-A 23-38 2-3 25-41 Y 3 3 RUSHING Player Att A. Thomas 21 Askew 4 Drake 4 Coleman 1 Henson 1 Brady 7 Totals 42 RECEIVING Player No. Knight 7 Terrell 4 Walker 3 Shea 3 Johnson 3 Seymour 1 Joppru 1 Askew 1 Totals 2...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 25, 1999 - 58 I GAME RECAP Big plays fuel illinois' late run, torch Blue defense FIRST QUARTER: By UJ Berka )aily Sports Editor Coming into Saturday's game, Illinois was limp- ng noticeably during the Big Ten schedule. The Fighting Illini, after starting the season with three ion-conference wins, had dropped three games within the Big Ten and had the seemingly impos- ible task of beating No. 9 M...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 14

… 6B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 25, 1999 Bad kanna comes around for stickers By Dave Roth Daily Sports Writer What goes around comes around, and unfortunately for the Michigan field hockey team, it could not have come around at a worse time. In Iowa City, the eighth-ranked Wolverines fell 1-0 to No. 3 Iowa to give up their first-place spot in the Big Ten. The Wolverines had beaten Iowa 1-0 on their home turf Oct. 8, giving ...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 15

…SportsMonday, October 25. 1999 Dii!v - 78 spikers play welb not well enough to win SPIKERS' SCHEDULE AT ThE MIDPOINT OF THE BIG TEN SEASON MICHIGAN FIND$ ITSELF -7 IN THEEDST OF A TWO-MAiTCH SKID. HERE AR TH REMAINIG OBSTACLES FOR THE~ WOLVERINES. Oct. 29th at Iowa Oct. 30th at M nnesota Nov. 5th Purdue Nov. 6th Wisconsin Nov 12th at Penn State< Nov 14th at Ohio State Nov. 19th lllinois Nov. 20th Indiana Nov. 24th Michigan State Nov 26th No...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 16

…8B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 25, 1999 Guevara wants freshmen to learn: 'this is how we do it' Fans got their first look at Anne Thorius and the Michigan women's basket- ball team on Saturday in the Wolverines' annual Blue/White scrimmage, DANA LINNANE/Daly By Arun Gopal Daily Sports Writer Amidst the din of pop hits such as the New Radicals' "We Only Get What We (Give" and Montell Jordan's "This Is How We Do It", the Mi...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…JE ar *ri Weather Today: Cloudy. High 44. Low Tomorrow: Sunny. igh 53. 22. One hundred eight years fedftoriadfreedorn Thursday March 25, 1999 ------------------------- I Bill would prohibit multiple ddrew By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter University students who are regis- tered to vote in Ann Arbor but have a residence elsewhere in Michigan will soon have to choose exactly where home is if a bill passed by the state ate is signed ...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 NATION/WORLD i ELECTION Continued from Page 1A Blue Party and the Defend Affirmative Action Party were also campaigning on the Diag. MSA Blue Party candidate Glen Roe said "people are very receptive of what the Blue Party stands for." DAAP candidate Courtney Rawls also said she received positive feedback from students. "A lot of people indicated that they were interested in DAAP," Rawls sai...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 - 3A ESEARCH ! MRI technology uses xenon to view heart, lung Doctors have long used magnetic res- onance imaging in many clinical appli- *tions. But now University scientists have put a new twist on the technology which currently polarizes water mol- ecules in a patient's body with a power- lful magnetic field - by substituting xenon gas for water. The implications of using xenon ins...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 U| {iigan Da1i Skip your lectures For Christina L eave Chem 1800 now. Let sleeping cadavers lie in Med Sci, leave Socrates and his methods to hemlock in next week and go to your real classes 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page ...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 5

… HIGHER EDUCATION The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 - 5A Mass man bann d from all colleges Convictd sex offender found soliiting female undergrad near UConn canpus By Jtifer is The Paily Camps S1ORRS,Jonn. - A convicted sex eder who solicited female students on cmpus wis banned from all college caniuses ir the nation, a Superior Cout judge uled Tuesday. Jin Urban, 38, of Billerica, Mass., is fte after )osting $150,000 bail. Inder...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 6 BEDROOM HOUSE beginning Summer or Fall term. Attractive home with hardwood floor, two baths, two kitchens, Florida room, new furnace. Great location for medical or engineering students. Call Michigan Realty Management, 662-5500. EHO. 6 BEDROOM HOUSES remodeled, spacious, parking, great location and clean. Available Fall 1999. Call 994-3907. I *************PARKING!************* On campus p...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

… NATION/WORLD The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 - 7A NATO bombing begins in Kosovo Gunderson's lecture praised by students KOSOVO Continued from Page 1A Montenegro's pro-Western leader, Milo Djukanovic, blamed Yugoslav President Slobodon Milosevic for the attacks, calling them "the tragic consequences of an irrational policy of confronta- tion with the entire world." The central Serbian town of Kragujevac, a major military- in...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 8

…8A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, March 25, 1999 NATION/WORLD 737 needs more than just redesign The Washington Post WASHINGTON - Two puzzling Boeing 737 crashes were probably caused when an abrupt rudder move- ment sent the planes spiraling into a dive that the pilots were powerless to control, a federal safety panel said yes- terday in a report that warned a redesign that previously was ordered for the world's most popular passenger jet is...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 9

… _.£ CAROLINA 2, N.Y. Islanders 1 Nashville 3, TAMPA BAY 0 DETROIT 2, Buffalo 1 N.Y. Rangers 2, FLORIDA 1 Boston 3, OTTAWA 0 San Jose 8, TORONTO 5 OOLORADO 5, Vancouver 2 Montreal 2, EDMONTON 0 NBA BASKETBALL Minnesota 87, BOSTON 68 ATLANTA 103, Indiana 102 CHARLOTTE 110, Chicago 81 Detroit 84, NEW JERSEY 71 Ucie Ldjgm t~lg want my 'MTV The Michigan hockey team's entire trip to Worcester, Mass. can be seen on Channel 3 in the dorms, char...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 10

…r IA - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 Best of the best compete in Iowa I I PICK 'EM! I By Da Dingerson Daily Sports Writer This weekend, the Michigan men's gymnas- tics team makes the trek to Iowa to compete for the title of Big Ten champions. The meet will take place tomorrow through Saturday in Carver-Hawkeye Arena. The Big Ten Championships could be the most exciting meet of the gymnastics season. The GYMNASTICS honor o...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 11

…the Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 - A' Blue to get 'feet wet' in Arizona SHARAT RAJu Sharat in the Dark Baseball bizgs sp g to Arnn Arbor ople are excited. It's an exciting time - the Final Four, NCAA hockey regionals, MSA elections. Oh yes, the end of March has everything. None of those do anything for me, however. Sure, I'll enjoy -watching the Final Four as I do every year, even with Michigan State and Ohio State in St. Peter...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 12

…12A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 25, 1999 Non-conference foes mean more 'M' woes Pitching problems? Not" an issue yet this.season By Dan Williams For The Daily The non-conference woes contin- ued for the 3-8 Michigan women's tennis team yesterday as they fell to No. 14 Notre Dame, 9-0. The three top players for the Irish set the tone by defeating Michigan's three upperclassmen. Michigan junior Danielle Lund fell to No. I11 Michell...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 13

…16B -The Michigan Daily -Wgend, etc. Magazine - Thu ay, March 25, 1999 .t q :.: e B e b @ $ : .,. x r .; - ., x.: ' i i h 0 Y ¢ P I N-d -~+ 1 n '" s e .* a d a s v - * 5 r , .. , . -fit ' in le-t Video Rewind 'Yentl' showcases solid talent in music, filmmaking ,.By Christopher Tkaczyk Daily Arts Editor Barbra Streisand's first directorial effort came in the form of "Yentl," an endearing film about a 19th Century girl who decides to cross dr...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 14

… 28 -- The Michigan Daily -- Weekend, etC MagaZine- -Thursday, March 25,99 4 0 The Micign 'Daily - Weekend, etc V " r. The Tangled Web: Websites we think you'l like http://wwwairsicknessbags. corn Ever find yourself stuck on the runway in an airplane waiting to take off and there's nothing to do but wait for a bag of peanuts and a free drink? Ever take notice of the airsickness bag in the seat-pocket in front of you? If so, take a look ...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 15

…;. 1458 Ie-ichig a i ,; f eC dM li Thuf arch.2,19J99 A weekly uide to who's Thursday, March 25 why you need toe there ... h eL ist Wednesday, March31 40 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR BAI 40 oz. beers more prevalent on Camp Films opening Doug's First Movie Hoping to reproduce the success of "Rugrats," Disney brings this animated kids show to the big screen. At Briarwood: 12:10, 2:10, 4:10, 6:40, 9. At Showcase: 12:45, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50, 8:45, 10:30. EDtv ...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 16

… 4B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, March 25, 1999 4 0 The Michigan Dai Weekend, etc Controversies over the Rock puts city, By Alana Steingoid For the Daily On the corner of Hill Street and Washtenaw Avenue sits the Rock, one of Ann Arbor's most famous and most fre- quently used landmarks. Everyday, it is covered and re-covered with a fresh coat of paint, displaying Greek letters, graffiti, social commentary ...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 17

…12B - The Mihigan Daily -Weeke , etc. Magazine - Thursday, arch 25, 1999 0 The Michigan Dail-Weekend, etc. Magazine Thursday. March 25.190 - 5B .............p. ......,... ..,,....,,,...f ,.. .. ...p..«...., .,... .. ... w ' etc. Weekend, etc. Column CIRC clsure," she said, eliciting in me a Which brings us back to the conse- wave of anxiety that grew steadily quences of choice. Choice is a terrifying stronger in the following silence, bu...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 18

… I 68 -"Theichigan shy W- Weeken tc, Magazine Thtsdaylarch 251 '9 the MichI Independent video stores give big chains a run for their money By Cortney Dueweke Daily Arts Writer It's late on a Sunday night, and you've got a major paper due in your eight a.m. lecture the next day. You're seated at your desk, books and papers scattered before you, a pen resting thoughtfully between your lips. The document on your comput- er is bare - save fo...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 19

…M0B+ e MichiganDaily - Wee ndt Etc. Magazine Thurstay, March 25, 1999 0 Road-Trip of the Week Graceland tacky, but not as decadent as you've heard The Michigan - Weekend, etc Renovations prepare AZ's grand old theater for the next century March 25: Elvis has left the building / What: Graceland / Where: Memphis, Tenn. / How to get there: Take 1-23 South to 1-475 outside of Toledo. 1-475 will become 1-75, which will then merge into 1-71 Sou...…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 20

…8B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine -- Thursday, March 25, 1999 0 The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Maga A. ... 6..Ied 6y £rif:t HaOill photo~toc~q A dr ( a n a ILIkgAFu .. 6 Send 11 students from the School of Art and Design to Miami to work with children and amazing things happen. This year, Project Serve added a special School of Art and Design site to their already impres- sive list of Alternative Spring Break...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…One hu ig anrf re One hundred eikht years of edit r freedom Weather Today: Cloudy. High 38. Low 31. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 40. Thursday February 25, 1999 GEO plans walk-out following break Lack of contract could provoke GSI strike By Nick Faizon Daily Staff Reporter After four months of contract negotiations th the University, members of the aduate Employees Organization voted to stage a walkout early next month at their membership ...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…2A- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 25, 1999 NATION/WORLD Military receives pay increase WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted over- whelmingly yesterday to give the nation's military the biggest benefits increase since the early 1980s, includ- ing an across-the-board 4.8 percent pay increase with further boosts in future years. The pay raise for the nation's 1.4 million active-duty military is half a percentage point more generous than...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 25, 1999 - 3A .RESEARCH Study: Ethic hurts women's self-esteem The Protestant ethic of hard work and self-reliance may be to blame for the negative view overweight women have of themselves, according to University research. In a study to be published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Diane Quinn, a psycholo- gy doctoral candidate, and psychology Prof. Jennifer Crocker fo...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 25, 1999 (1te daticgzn &ziltfg Hang in there! Semesters toughest week is almost over 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

… i N'S NCAA KEBALL (24) FLORIDA 89, South Carolina 61 (5) MARYLAND 77, Clemson 60 (20) Syracuse 73, BOSTON COLLEGE 56 (23) Texas 62, BAYLOR 52 (11) KENTUCKY 88, Vanderbilt 63 (10) OHIO STATE 63 (15) Wisconsin 54 (7) ST.JOHN'S 73, Notre Dame 53 ARKANSAS 104, (2) Auburn 88 (17) Indiana 70, ILLINOIS 64 (OT) (1) Duke at DEPAUL, inc S re £c11,, uts The Michigan soccer team signed four recruits Tuesday, increasing the class of 1999 to six. Andre...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

… 6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 25, 1999 I I BDRM. FOR RENT in 3 bdrm. home. Familysituation. $350incl.all. 665-3261. 1 BDRM.- PROFESSIONAL & grad. bldg. vaulted ceilings, bay windows, spacious, dwshr., A/C. Call CMB 741-9300. 1-2 FEMALES NEEDED to share 1 bdrm. in a 2 bdrm. apt. For the Fall on South U. and S. Forest. $300-$450. Call 997-0952. 1014 CHURCH- Modern, fum. Studio w/ balcony for 1 person $625; tri-level Townhouse w...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 7

…Black sc droppin By Sarah Mcgill The Chronicle DURHAM, N.C. - In the early 9s, black high school students were 'drawn to historically black colleges and universities in great numbers. -,Dine years later, however, many 61ack students are opting to forego that experience. All five of the historically black colleges and universities in the University of North Carolina school system have witnessed declining enroll- ments and Scholastic Aptitude Te...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 25, 1999 Men's gymnasts look MARK SNYDER Mark My Words for No. 1 Hanison skbzes lkkCt on Robeson s legacy Keith Harrison isn't sure when the lightning struck him. It probably n't his in his birth year of 1968 - this century's most racially charged year. It may have been when he graduated and put the initials on the side of his col- lege ring. But the odds are, what Harrison says he was "meant ...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 9

… 161% The MichiganDaily-_Rekend,_etC._Magazine_- Tiday,_February25;,i999* Former rock 'n' roller now heads hip local database 0 By Sasha Higgins Daily Arts Writer There is no doubt that we live in an information age. We are told answers to the most obscure questions are very often only a click of a mouse away. But many computer users have spent hours searching in vain for a topic after a search engine has provided 10,000 pos- sible links. An...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 10

… 28 - The Michigan Doijy - Weekend etc. Maga'ine Thursday, February 25, 19 9 0 0 0 The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. M 4 .1 eJ Websites we think you filke http.// Your mission - if you choose to accept it - is to pile into a rust-colored VW Bus (or a Saturn of unknown color a when the Bus breaks down) and accompany a band of roving hippies in their quest to eat at as many Denny's restau- rants in the world as they ...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 11

…14B' ' e Michiandaily - Weekeid , et. again e Zi ursday.February 2, 1999 0 0 0 The Michigan Daily -' Wekend, etc. A weekly guide to who's Thursday, Feb. 25 why Ihatisehap edMing and through why you need to ' there... Wednesday, March 3 FRIES OR S LAW? Area greasy spoons offer more than ju Films opening 8MM ** Nicolas Cage stars in this psychological thriller about a detec- tive in search of the creators of a snuff film. At Briarwood: 1:...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 12

… 4B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine -Thursday, February 25, 1999 0 0 Daily - Weekend, etc. Ma The MichiganI WCBN gives students, music lovers a chance to spin discs like the pros Top 1.0 Albums (The nation's top-selling albums for the week) By Cortney Dueweke Daily Arts Writer Are you sick of hearing Natalie Imbruglia every hour, on the hour? Do you know the words to "One Week" for- wards, backwards and perfectly up ...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 13

…12B -'e Michigan Daily - Weeind, etc. Magazine - Thursoy, February 25, 1999 0 0 0 - 0 The Michigan Dail- Weekend, etc. N _. .V .. ., _ _ DPS Continued from Page 2B to ensure that everything in the building is working properly because the building's "life systems are really our primary con- cern. That's No. 1." Travis said all officers undergo training in such areas as radio procedures, responding to calls and emergency situa- tions, in...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 14

… Idio Uri 0 'o '-TI .- '' _ ep : r . 0 o 09 t n t Q1 0 v' co0' a ' ai O,'. :r 0 .4 PIZ .4.40 n"0 0 0e4 4)0 t 0 CO: 0o r- < ADO cc O C~ coo k.j ' A .. _. f: b. c 0 -. ca to S :*. ' a r o0 CV cr0. D °0cr c~. 0 wo 00 C-. " -l -i CD to O , wu~ 0C p 0 : r4C : 0) CD -4 r a) 'G co C CD *(0 cr (0 .. . CD 0c 00*~ CD CLC)0- PVoco C CL c r3 0 1 .0 0 CD o CAD.~ ~ ~R. 0 l<-N e 9)y<'C W W cn 0 CL.I< <0 Q. " 0 v, 0C0.0o- r/' a; co'< 00. OQ a 0...…

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