12B -'e Michigan Daily - Weeind, etc. Magazine - Thursoy, February 25, 1999
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The Michigan Dail- Weekend, etc. N
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Continued from Page 2B
to ensure that everything in the building is
working properly because the building's
"life systems are really our primary con-
cern. That's No. 1."
Travis said all officers undergo training
in such areas as radio procedures,
responding to calls and emergency situa-
tions, interacting with the community,
weapon use, first aid response and CPR to
ensure that they can handle any situation.
This training has come in handy for
Larry Proctor, also known as "Doc" who
has been a DPS officer for more than 30
In his career, he has witnessed six
deaths, talked a student out ofjumping off
the roof of South Quad, crawled on his
hands and knees to extinguish fires and
almost delivered a baby in Alice Lloyd
Residence Hall. He also bragged that he
has even fought off bats.
Not surprisingly, playing the role of a
superhero can have its perks. Officer
Travis enjoys the direct contact he has
with students who live in residence halls.
In particular, he said he likes watching
first-year students blossom into responsi-
ble young adults.
"It's nice to see people really mature.
There is a definite difference between
(students' maturity levels) at the begin-
ning and end of the year."
He also realizes the importance of
enforcing the guidelines to maintain a
Heavy sound of
By Adlin Rosli
Daily Arts Writer
Misassociation of metal with
mediocrity - as in Poison and
Winger -- has spurred all media
forms to ignore this genre. But
today there seems to be a resurgence
of interest in it. Proof of this can be
seen in the recent feature stories in
Rolling Stone magazine and on
MTV about contemporary metal
Although the mainstream seems
to finally be catching up with what's
been going on in the metal under-
ground, heavy music fans the world
over have known for a while now
what everyone else is slowly figur-
ing out: Metal is still a strong and
vibrant scene.
Sweden is shaping up to be to
metal what Seattle was for grunge.
Bands such as In Flames,
Hypocrisy, Drain sth, Entombed and
Haunted all hai
country. The big
these terrific b
Arguably me
today, the group
polyrhythms, jaz
that unmistakab
hard stuff to crea
punishes and enth
group has bare
word of mouth h
endary with mu
Despite the
Meshuggah has
wide, lead sing
spoke modestly o
of attention the
"We've been p
years. Through
never had that mi
sibly because of1
Lt. Declan Lugin, a twelve-year veteran of the force, shows officer Jeff Glebe the
ropes. Both officers patrol South Quad for the Department of Public Safety.
safe environment. To that end, he has a
key that fits every lock in East Quad
Residence Hall.
Travis beams about the excellent rela-
tions he has with East Quad residents.
"People know who I am," he said. "I'm
not here to cause harm. I'm here to assist
people and be a resource in many
respects. I never talk down to anyone.
Everyone deserves respect."
This mentality has earned Travis the
respect of many East Quad residents --
respect of which he's proud.
Travis believes that his strong relations
with the residents mean that "even people
who have been written up for marijuana
or alcohol can still have positive contact
(with him) because (they've) had positive
contact before the incident.'
Furthermore, Travis isn't out to ruin
student's fun. For instance, when an East
Quad resident carried half a case of
Honey Brown Amber Lager past Travis,
he simply said "hello" and let the student
keep walking. Travis didn't hound the stu-
dent about his drinking age or why he had
beer in a residence hall.
Travis says he's not there to stop any
crazy college kids from having fun.
1 from the frozen ture in all our songs. Even though
kahuna among all we've only done four shows in
ands, however, is America, it's really interesting that
95 percent of the feedback we
tal's 'finest band receive is from America. So we're
combines complex really happy that finally somebody
az sensibilities and likes our music," he said.
le element of the "It seems like in Europe they are
ate music that both 10 years behind and only listen to
hralls. Although the Iron Maiden. That kind of music. In
.ly toured, strong Germany the poofy hairstyle and
ias made them leg- tight jeans is still popular. So are
sicians and fans of hockey haircuts," Kidman said.
"We've also heard that the metal
solid reputation scene in America has been going
established world- down in the past couple of years so
ger Jens Kidman, we didn't even think about coming
of the present flood to America," Kidman said.
group has been (But) "this past summer since we
would be touring for a three-year-
laying for about 10 old record. But we still got the
the years we've response that we got and we just
uch attention, pos- looked at each other thinking,
the complex struc- 'What's going on here? What's hap-
pening?' So we're really happy
about the response," he said.
Speaking of the situation of the
media ignoring this style of music,
Kidman was not shy about with the
accusations. "I think maybe MTV is
to be blamed for that. They took
away "Head Bangers Ball" in the
US and in Europe. You know that
they just show crap now. I can't
understand how they can do that. Its
like MTV thinks everybody in the
whole world listens to only one type
of music which is totally wrong," he
The singer also spoke about how
many times the band would be on
the brink of a major breakthrough
" but was undermined by unavoidable
setbacks. "We had a big hype thing
going when we had our "Destroy,
Erase, Improve" album and we
toured with Machine Head for nine
weeks in Europe, but not that much
happened after that," Kidman said.
"Maybe it's our own fault as we
didn't rehearse for a year, didn't do
any shows. Our guitarist Fredrik
(Thordendal) took that time off to
do his solo album and we lost our
bass player. We didn't bother tour-
want to make
money. I under-
stand that. But I
think it's a
shame that they
don't let bands
who may not
sell that much
but who make
good music get
a chance," he
"But I under-
stand that the
bands are their
income. There's
3ps fans a
ing in the US or Europe
that. Then recently we had
plans to support ou
"Chaosphere" album be
financial problems," he said
In light of these p
Kidman accepted the realiti
business he is in as part of
they must travel. "Record
nies, I understand that t
just too much business in ti
thing. It's really hard. Its
trouble. We've been given 1
for this and that but when
there it's never like anythin
promised. You don't take th
seriously that comes t
Kidman said.
And not taking things too
ly seems to be what Mesh
all about. "It's really imp(
have a sense of humor. At
try because most bands try
to be serious and I think
worn out. Its been done fc
Kidman said.
Then there is Meshuggal
ing music. Listeners of a
cannot help but at least be
the group's talents with thei
ments and ideas. The (
among the people who aj
the group's music, inevitab
to spark a debate as to
Meshuggah is really metal,
other musical hybrid.
"I don't care what people
sound like. A lot of peopl
put us in a box when they
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