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April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… brilliant ball for seven innings here today but weak- ened long enough in the eighth to permit the Hawkeyes two runs, which were sufficient to win, 3 to 2. It was the Wolverines first defeat of the 1937…

… scored a mom- ent later on Haltom's single to cen- ter. Haltom went to third on Ka- dell's hit to left and counted on Klumpar's sacrifice fly to left. The Wolverines were rendered im- potent at the plate…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…~n rr liixieu '4rnnc- H erm Fishman Falters In 8th; Hinriehs tars Iowa Hurler Gives Nine Only Four Hits; Defeat Is Southpaw's First (Continued from Page 1) Wolverine first sacker, drove a ter- rific…

… the Wolverines threaten to score. In that inning, after Smick had lined out to left, Bob Campbell, batting for Pat- enelli, took two strikes and then, slammed a long triple to left field. He was caught…

… first. The Wolverines and Hawkeyes tangle again in the second game of the series tomorrow afternoon. Burt Smith, right-hander, is slated to pitch for the Wolverines against Lowell Gosser, ace of the Iowa…

…- whelming defeat of California, Coach Chuck Hoyt's Wolverines are now pointing for their four big May meets, three of them dual engage- ments and the fourth the Conference title scramble May 21 and 22. While…

… meet of the season, the two-day battle at Ferry Field between the aces of the Western Conference in which In- diana will be striving to defend its team title from the Wolverines. At the moment, however…

…, its an odds-on bet that the crown will change hands with the Wolverines picking up where they left off in the Conference indoor meet in March. Win Over Bears Easily Nothing but praise can be given the…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

… specifically charged with' Michigan's Wolverines will swing kidnaping and second-degree assault. into action for the first time today Immediately after the indictments when Johnny Townsend competes in were…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

Wolverines; Six Runs Unearned By KENNETH PARKER Michigan won its second Confer- ence baseball game in three starts by routing an erratic Northwestern club in a loose contest yesterday at Ferry Field, 10 to 4…

…. Art Patchin worked the entire nine innings for the Wolverines, allowed four runs, eight hits, and struck out twelve. Had it not been for Al Ped- erson, Wildcat slugger who took his responsibility as…

…'s ten runs were made with the aid of eight Northwestern errors, four of which were made byl Merrell, the shortstop. As a result six of the Wolverine runs were unearned, all but one of the errors proving…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

… Siegel and Bob Anderson head the list of the invading1 Wolverines. The captain will, of course, play the No. 1 position, while Anderson will meet the Ypsi No. 2 netter. Miller Sherwood will play at the No…

…- papermen (rightly dis-credited) with a miscue when he charged in on a slow hit ball and bobbled it when he tried a one-handed pickup. Opinion on the Wolverine bench was that Paulson didn't have time to get…

…'s scorebook registered a hit for the Wolverine outfielder, giving him a perfect batting record for the day, but the sports scribes gave Merrel an error. Woods and Kimbell, Northwestern's hurlers, didn't have…

… enough stuff to fool Michigan's hitters. They fanned only two Wolverines, while Regeezi, Ford and Teitelbaum hit five balls as hard as any hit during the afternoon, but they weren't propelled toward the…

… over last year when he didn't get a sem- blance of a base hit in two games against the Wolverines. It was teammate versus teammate when Clayt Paulson faced Ray Kim- bell, whorelievedWoods in the sixth…

… Stewart, Northwestern coach was impressed with the manner in which the Wolverines conducted themselves. He remarked during the course of the game "If Michigan is as good a team all season as it is today…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

Wolverines ma be playing. Yesterday the Wester Conference champions from Illi ois happened to be the unluck party, with the result that 'th lanky Michigan right-hander seI them home smarting under a 4 t 1…

… defeat. Good as McNeal was, it took mor than good pitching to stop the I lini. And that extra punch, in ad dition to the timely thunder car ried in the Wolverine bats, was sup plied by a brand new made…

… by setting 11 of the Wolverin down on strikes, but when mi were on bases he had a tough tir in keeping the Maize and Blue ba ters from giving the ball a ride.P that, he w o u I d have scrap through…

…- partment of economics, to explain why his department taught an eco- nomic system which allowed certain Two Wolverines go Hitless. Of the Michigan batters, ont 'Mike Diffley and Ken Manuel faile to hit…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

… Phila ig off several good plays.itt r a S delphia hurlers, winning 16 to 5. Thngolsveriaemgtopltes. td Pittsourgh and St. Louis indulged I The Yankees collected six runs in The Wolverine mentor alternated…

… to 1 (Continued from Page 1) end inning the Wolverine third stcker poled a mighty wallop be- tween right and center clear to the tennis courts, but in circling the U ases neglected to touch third and…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

… makes her win tour:- of, the half' dozen men working, out under the former Wolverine. star. Heys. A other champion that thxe Under theĀ° direct spriinof DJ~tnold veteran trained was Jerry Tra- Coaceh Kipke…

… the Wolverin es can un- should place in the diseus event, cover a center with a fairly good ____--- chance to jump against the other Conference centers the team will be ChER EADNGat a ditstinct…

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