T he W eatle
Showers eginingtoday or
toniht; warmner ine.south por-
Y.i e
f~fr igan
Labor Union
Independele ,. .
Wheeler Hits
Court Change
As Dictatorial
In Talk Here
Montana Senator Believes
Roosevelt On His Way
To Dictatorship
States He Will Not
Be 'Rubber-Stamp'
President Roosevelt is on his way
to dictatorship "unless he mends his
ways," Sen. Burton K. Wheeler,
Montana Democrat and leading op-
ponent of the President's .Court pro-
posal, told 300 lawyers at the Foun-
ders Day banquet in the Law School
last night,
Senator Wheeler, who was grad-
uated from the Law School in 1905,
said he believes "Roosevelt is acting
with the highest of ideals."
"But thle President did not think
things out very clearly before he
began his movement against the
Court. He was badly advised by the
young men who surround him," Sen-
ator VWheeler said.
Approaching Dictatorship
"If he continues, he is on his way
to the European type of dictatorship.
I, personally, refuse to be whipped
into line by patronage or party whips
to do-even in a constitutional man-
ner--somiething that is unconstitu-
tional," he declared.
Today' liberalism in Europe is
synonymous with dicatorship, he
stated. -
"I hope," Senator Wheeler said,
"that the time will never come when
liberalism here becomes linked up
with one-man power-dictatorship."
Senator Wheeler quoted Postmas-
ter-General James Fa'rley as once
saying that "we'll let the Senate and
the House talk and argue. Then we
will call the roll. We have got the
vote." Senator Wheeler said that he
refused to be this kind of a rubber
Used To Support RooseVelt"
Up until the Court issue, he said
that he supported most of the New
Deal legislation. He was strprised
and shocked, he said, when the Pres-
ident's bill and niessage came to the
Senate asking for six additional jus-
The attorney-general, according to
Senator Wheeler, stated that the
present Court was overworked and
could not handle all the cases brought
in-that It had had to refuse 725
cases the past year for certiorari pe-
"Yet," he protested, "the attorney-
general's point was exposed by the
(Continued on Page 2)
Iowa Ekes Out
Win1 Over Nine
WithRally, 3-2
Fishman Is Handed First
Collegiate Loss; Varsity
Held To Four Hits
(By Daily Staff Correspondent)
IOWA CITY, Ia., April 23.-Hem
Fishman hurled brilliant ball for
seven innings here today but weak-
ened long enough in the eighth to
permit the Hawkeyes two runs, which
were sufficient to win, 3 to 2. It was
the Wolverines first defeat of the
1937 Conference Season.
Trailing 2 to 1 going into the
eighth, the Iowans suddenlycame
to life when Art Manush, a nephew
of the famed Heinie, opened the
frame with his third hit of the game,
a double to left. He scored a mom-
ent later on Haltom's single to cen-
ter. Haltom went to third on Ka-
dell's hit to left and counted on
Klumpar's sacrifice fly to left.
The Wolverines were rendered im-
potent at the plate by Gene Hin-
richs' southpaw slants. The lanky
Hawkeye hurler allowed Michigan
only four hits, which he managed to
keep well scattered.
The loss today was the first sus-
tained by Fishman in his collegiate
career. A junior, he had chalked up
11 victories for the Wolverines, six
of them in Big Ten competition,
Michigan drew first blood in the
fourth when Walt Peckinpaugh bait-
ed Hinrichs for a walk, advanced to
second on Leo Beebe's sacrifice, and
scored on Steve Uricke's sharp single
Two Michigras Parades 30 YearsApart
.Oshawa Strike
EndedBy GM,
Union Accord
More Pay, Shorter Hours
Granted; - Ford Plant In
California Strike
TORONTO, April 23 .-(P)-The
16-day strike of 3,700 workers in the
Oshawa plant of General Motors of
Canada came to an end today in Pre-
mier Mitchell Hepburn's office when
representatives of the company and
of the United Automobile Workers of
America signed their first working
A few hours previously the strik-
ers at Oshawa had voted 2,205 to 36
to accept the agreement, which will
send them back to work Monday with
higher pay and shorter hours but .
without the outright recognition of
their union for which they struck.
Union Sees Recognition
Union leaders saw a measure of
recognition in the cleause dealing
with the length of time the agree-
ment will continue-"until and so
long as and concurrent with the
agreementnbetween General Motors
Corp., in the United 'States, dated
Feb. 11, and the United Automobile
Workers of America" which con-
tinues at least until August 11.
Immediately after the agreement
was signed J. L. Cohen, union counsel,
said he and Harry J. Carmichael,
vice-president and general manager
of General Motors of Canada, Ltd.,
were leaving for Windsor, Ont., to
make an agreement to cover General
Motors workers there. Both the
Windsor and St. Catherine's, Ont.,
plants havekbeen closed since the
Oshawa strike.
The Oshawa strike was entirely
RICHMOND, Calif., April 23.-(/P)
-The Ford Motor Co. assembly plant
here was closed today by a sit-down
strike. Officials of the United Auto-
mobile Workers of America said 1,-
800 workers were involved.
B. A. Bullwinkle, company man-
ager, returned from luncheon to find
the workmen in possession of the
plant and the power turned off.
DETROIT, April 23.- () - The
I United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica announced today that an election
under the National Labor Relations
Board to determine the right of the
union to represent employes of the
Packard Motor Car Co. in collective
bargaining will be held April 28.
Union headquarters said the elec-
Miehigras Parades
Show Little Change
In 30 Years'. Tie
When Joe College and Josie Co-
ed of 1937 go on parade they act
just about as did their forerunners of
Horses were prominent in both
parades, as were bicycles and vehicles
representing the "gay nineties." Like-
wise there were gawking and de-
lighted crowds in both 1907 and 1937.
The stage coach was the float of
the Rocky Mountain Club, made up
of students from that region who
rode in the parade while brandish-
ing pistols and firing blank cart-
The - ponies shown represent the
College Pony, with which all students
of Latin are familiar.
Aiso shown above is the' prize-
winning float sponsored by Mimes,
senior men's honorary dramatic so-
ciety in yesterday's Michigras parade.
Mimes presented a group of four
females with suspiciously exaggerat-
ed contours and hirsute calves, all
of whom wore flowing yellow robes
and toupees concocted from dust
mops. One was in the bath tub.
Anyway, if there was much differ-
ence in the two parades, it was this
year's emphasis on sex as compared
to the manliness of 1907's winning
Agriculture Economy
Plan Voted By house
WASHINGTON, April 23.-(I)-
The House heeded. President Roose-
velt's plea to keep a multi-million
agriculture appropriation within his
budget estimates today, but it de-
feated a Republican proposal to go
much farther along the. economy
Without a record vote, the cham-
ber voted $927,421,996 to run the Ag-
riculture Department in the fiscal
year beginning July 1.
Opening Night
Of Miehigras
Attracts 5,000
Expenses Made By 10:30;
Prize For Best Boothl
Goes To Trigon
500 Co-eds Conduct
Dime-A-Dance Mart
Yost Field House took on a gala
carnival spirit last night as 5,000
milling Michigras patrons packed the
spacious building to overflowing.
Committeemen estimated at 1:30
a.m. today that more than $4,000 had
been paid into the fund which is to
build men's dormitories and a wom-
en's swimming pool.
Willis H. Tomlinson, '37, general
chairman, pronounced the carnival
an unqualified success at 10:30 p.m.
The Sphinx "clean-up squad,
self-styled gamblers of the old
school whose large roulette wheel
was expected to be one of the
biggest money makers of the
Michigras, spent a long time
counting over the evening's re-
ceipts. They had lost $3 and
given more than $50 in trade in
five local shops. The booth will,
however, continue to operate.
"It is way beyond our expecta-
tions," he said. "You can't even fight
your way through the terrific mob."
Tomlinson estimated that expenses
had been made by 10:15 p.m.
First prize for the most ingenious
booth of the 58 judged was awarded
to Trigon fraternity for its booth en-
titled "Tiger Hunt." Honorable
mention went to Phi Epsilon Frater-
nity's "Polish Off the Prof," Theta
Chi Fraternity's "Throw the Prof.
at the Bull," and Pi Beta Phi Sor-
ority's "Picture Gallery."
Contest Winners Announced
The judges of the contest were
Prof. Russell C. Hussey of the ge-
ology department, Karl Litzenberg of
the English departmentanLd Miss
Hilda Burr of the physical education
The two radios offered in the in-
dependents contest went to Arthur.
B. Taramello, 1513 S. University Ave.
and Frank Firnschild, 426 iamilton
placed. Bonth Williams, Daily col-
umnist, acted as master of cere-
monies and picked the numbers from
the basket.
The many and varied booths lining
he walls bore a host of diverse titles,
everywhere from Beta Theta Pi's
"Follies Berserk" and Chi Phi's "Rat
Race' 'to the combined offering of
Alpha Delta Pi and Delta Kappa Ep-
silon bearing the modest title of
"The Ten Most Beautiful Women."
Dancing In Center
In the middle of the Field House
the basketball floor was laid out for
dancing and 500 Michigan co-eds,
under the direction of Mary Jane
Mueller, '38, acted as dance partners
at 10 cents a dance. Dancing was
interrupted in the middle of the eve-
ning for performances by the Mich-
igan Band and the Varsity tumblers.
Not the least interesting of the
booth attractions to the many spec-
tators was that of Sigma Phi frater-
nity, which gave revelers the oppor-
tunity of dumping Miller Sherwood,
'37, president of the Men's Council,
Stanley See, '37, and Walter Lillie,
'38, into a tub of water. All sat on
a steel pole which collapsed when a
customer hit the bull's eye.
The uncertainty concerning the
ownership of the William L. Clem-
ents' manuscripts, bequeathed to the
University two and a half years ago,
has been settled by agreement be-
tween the Board of Regents and the
heirs, President Ruthven announced
Funds Cracks
4 Million Appropriations
Bill To Be Reported In
House Next Week
Amount Is Same As
Asked By Ruthven
Organized opposition to Univer-
sity appropriations in the House col-
lapsed yesterday as Rep. M. Clyde
Stout, chairman of the ways and
means committee, announced that a
bill increasing the next biennium's
budget would be reported to the floor
next week.
The bill calls for an appropriation
of $4,673,253 for each of the next
two years, representing an annual
increase of more than $600,000 over
this year's allowance.
Rahoi Promises No Decrease
Rep. Philip J. Rahoi, Iron Moun-
tain Democrat, who led the group he
termed "progressive bloc," yesterday
announced that he would make no
attempt to reduce or eliminate entire-
ly the appropriation, according to the
Associated Press.
He had made such threats earlier
in the session, irritated by expres-
sions of some University faculty
members which he considered "anti-
democratic," the Associated Press
Same As Ruthveh Asked
The measure calls for an appropri-
ation identical to that which Presi-
dent .Ruthven asked. Its terms pro-
vide that the appropriation be an
amount annually equal to .83 mill for
each dollar of assessed valuation.
Last year's appropriation was equal*
to .73 mill.
In his budget message to the legis-
lature he said, "We ,are not asking
for a complete restoration of the
1930-32 appropriations at this time,
but if the University is to maintain
its standing with the other large
universities of its class, we must be in
a position to meet competition from
these institutions in securing addi-
tions to the faculty, as Well as re-
taining our present faculty, and,I
further, to provide necessary equip-'
Cross, Gluck
Win Case Club
Debate Final
Judges Rule News Is Not
Property In Split Vote;
$50 Prize Awarded
Richard E. Cross and Daniel J.
Gluck, attorneys for the defense, de-
featec Milton A. Kramer and James
Mehaffey, attorneys for the plaintiff,
yesterday to win the final Case Club
argument of the year at the Law
School. All four are juniors in the
Law School,
The question in the fictitious case
was whether the defendant, Station
WAM of Ann Arbor, could broadcast
the news of the plaintiff, the Asso-
ciated Press, before the papers had
a chance to be delivered without the
radio stations paying for the right.
Five judges, all lawyers, George
Burke, Ann Arbor, Ferris B. Stone,
Detroit, James McClintic, Detroit,
Roy Brownell, Flint, and Harry G.
Gault, Flint, decided by a split vote
of 3-2 that the news did not consti-
tute property.
Gluck and Cross each received the
Harry M. Campbell award of $50 and
Kramer and Mehaffey received $25
each. The final case culminated an
activity of five months in which 325
law students participated.
Later in the day, at the Founders
Day Banquet, Regent James O. Mur-
I fin presented billets to 32 law stu-
dents who have spent at least two
years in the Law Club.
Yost Is Interrogated.
By Radio Commission
WASHINGTON, April 23.-(P)-
Prof. Fielding H. Yost of the de-
partment of physical education
warmed the bench today during a
six-hour hearing mefore a cominuni-
cations commission examiner.
Yost is president of the Ann Ar-
bor Broadcasting Co., Inc., wich
seeks permission to operate a combi-
nation commercial and experimental
station at Ann Arbor.
Examiner George H. Hill told Yost
and other Ann Arbor witnesses to-
New Budget Head
* ,.
Harold D. Smith
Appointed State
Budget Director(
To Quit Position As Chief
Of University Bureau Of
Government Here
Harold D. Smith, director of the
Michigan Municipal League and of
the University's Bureau of Govern-
ment, has been appointed state bud-7
get director, Governor Murphy an-
nounced yesterday.
Mr. Smith will assume duties next1
week as administrative assistant to1
the governor. His appointment to thel
budget director's post becomes effect-1
tive July 1. Mr. Smith has been
given a leave of absence from thec
Municipal League but he will defi-
nitely resign his position as head of,
the Bureau of Government.;
Work Is Administrative
"In his announcement of the ap-1
pointment," Mr. Smith said last
night, "the Governor indicated that'
the position is a technical one. That
means that my work will be of an
administrative nature. I believe that
if democracy is to function properly,
there must be a clear distinction be-
tween the policy forming,.or political,
branch of the government and the
administration. The two do not mix
very well," he said.
"It will be my job to study the
entire financial system, including the
accounting division of the state and
to do considerable economic plan-
ning," Mr. Smith said.
Training Need Recognized
"There is a greater recognition,
now," he added, "that individuals
must be trained for their specific
governmental jobs rather than be
appointed to an administrative po-
sition simply because of party serv-
Governor Murphy said in part yes-
"I want the budget balanced and I
(Continued on Page 8)
_ ,
Homer Martin
To Speak Here
On Civil R1iohts
Homer Martin, president of the In-
ternational Union, United Automo-
bile Workers of America, will speak
on "Labor and Civil Rights" 8 p.m.
Monday, April 26, at the Pattengill
Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High
School under the auspices of the
Washtenaw County Conference for
the Protection of Civil Rights, the
Student Workers Federation an-
nounced last night.
A four-page pamphlet tracing the
history of the recent negotiations be-
tween Herbert Cassell, manager of
Ann Arbor Recreation Center, and
pin boys striking for higher wages
will be distributed in Ann Arbor to-
morrow by the Student Workers Fed-
eration, it was announced last night.
Four thousand copies of the
pamphlet, "The Truth About the Pin
Boys." will make public the demands
Drive To Get $160,000,
Estimated Cost Of Unit,
Will BeginThis Fall
New Unit Will Form
Part Of Quadrangle
Professor Anderson Says
Third Of Sunm Is Needed
To Begin Construction
The third unit of the dormitory be-
ing built on E. Madison Street next
to the Union will be financed by the
University of Michigan Club of Chi-
cago as the goal of its 10-year pro-
gram, Emory J. Hyde, president of
the Alumni Association, announced
A campaign to obtain funds by
subscription will be started next fall,
he said, and though all of the $160,-
000, approximate cost of the unit,
will probably not be raised by the
Chicago alumni's drive, officials be-
lieve that the University will advance
the remainder of the needed mone'.
University Needs Third Now
It was estimated by Prof. Henry
C. Anderson of the engineering col-
lege, director of student-alumni re-
lations, that a third of the total cost
of construction could have to be
given to the University before con-
struction could begin.
"The length of time that will be
taken to raise the $50,000 to $75,000
necessary to the commencement of
the unit is highly conjectural," Pro-
fessor Anderson said. "Although
some of the subscriptions will be on
a 10-year basis the Chicago alumni
hope that they will be able to raise
the initial amount in less than the
period of their program." He hesi-
tated to conjecture whether the
amount necessary for construction
can be obtained within a year.
Chicago alumni decided upon the
dormitory project after Shirley W.
Smith, vice-president of the Univer-
sity, and Professor Anderson talked
to the governors and club members
two months ago in Chicago, accord-
ing to the April 24 Michigan Aifmnus
magazine. T. Hawley Tapping, gen-
eral secretary of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, declared that the student
dormitory committee had also played
an important part in directing the
attention of the club to the need for,
men's dormitories.
Will Add To Quadrangle
The addition of this unit is sig-
nificant, Professor Anderson said, be-
cause combined with the other units
it will contribute to the quadrangle
plan that is the basis of the project.
The two units now under construc-
tion will hold 121 students and cost
approximately $185,000, including
furniture. The unit proposed by the
Chicago Club will hold 61 students,
he said.
Rochester, N.Y., alumni have a-
ready directed their 10-year program
toward the dormitory project, ac-
cording to Tapping.
"Though the 10-year program was
introduced in 1928," Tapping said,
"because of the depression its adop-
tion has been delayed until now and
the Rochester and Chicago, the first
to direct their efforts towards the
dorm project, are presumably to be
followed by other clubs."
The resolution providing for the
construction of the new unit was
passed April 16 at a meeting in
Chicago at which Presdent Ruthven
(Continued on Page 2)
Not Guilty Plea
Filed By Slater;
Asks For Jury
Myron E. Slater, owner of the Col-
lege Bookshop, arraigned yesterday
in Justice Jay H. Payne's court, en-
tered a plea of not guilty to charges
of disorderly conduct in connection
with the picketing, April 9, of the
Ann Arbor Recreation Center.
Trial was set for 2 p.m. May 4 by
Justice Payne. Mr. Slater was re-
leased to his attorney, Frank B. De-
Vine, who demanded a jury trial in
the case.
Bloc Opposed Alumni Of Chicago
To University WT,1r. T_'___ - _
w in r mance 1 nird
Of Dormitory Units
Trade Associations Must Show
Service To Public, Jamison Says
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
of a series of articles on trade associa-
tions and the public, labor and indus-
try. The third .will appear in a sub-
sequent edition.
Trade associations must show the
public that industry does not make
profits through unethical business
practices, that it realizes the people
expect public service of it and that it
is willing to fulfill these expectations,
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the Bus-
iness Administration School, said in
not only against his competitors with-
in an industry but against every
other industry - as well, more and
more advertising is being done by
trade associations for the industry
as a whole, said Professor Jamison.
Above all, these organizations of
employers must avoid any suspicion
of having as their purpose the fixing
of prices, he emphasized. "Most of
the feeling that exists against trade
associations is based on that fear.
Many liberal politicians, especially,