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April 20, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Muff Chances To Win As Wisconsin Piles UpAnEarly Lead Fishman Relieved After Sixth Inning By BUD BENJAMIN The 90 precious feet from third base to home plate proved to be death valley to Michigan…

… chasing a little pop bunt, and the stage was set for the Badger brace of runs. Wolverines Mix Signals' The Michigan eighth resulted in faux pas number two. With the bases loaded and none out, Bob Campbell…

… smacked a good single to right. The Wolverine base procession for some strange reason failed to set sail, only one run scored as a result, and Walt Peckinpaugh was trapped along the unlucky 90 paces and…

… promptly scored as Capt. Bob Gerlach socked the first of his three hits of the afternoon, a sharp single to center. Badgers Score In Fourth Back came the Wolverines. After Charley Pink had popped to Andy…

… ahead again in the fourth on two extra knocks, a double by A Dismeir and a triple by Norm Olson down the right field line. Hinrichs passed Kremer in the Wolverine fourth, but. Campbell 'forced him at…

… second, Trosko lined out, and Bob was thrown out by Bietila when he attempted to steal Wisconsin went down in order in the fifth, Gedeon's hit was all the Wolverines had. to offer, and it wa still 2 to 1…

April 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

… safeties..1 The win was the fifth of the season for the Wolverines who have been touring the south for thepast week and to date the "gas house gang" from Ann Arbor has dropped but two decisions. Fishman…

… in the fifth and Steve Uricek tallying in the sixth. The Wolverines could touch Buckeye John Dagenhard for only four hits but had many more scoring opportunities than did Ohio. The Bucks had but two…

April 20, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…. Any group interested in combining Wolverines Bat Out 7-3 Victory Over Hillsdale Good Pitching And Timely Hitting Gives Michigan Win In Opening Game HILLSDALE, April 19. - Timely hitting in three…

… innings gave the Michigan baseball team a 7 to 3 vic- tory over Hillsdale in the first offi- cial game of the season for the Wolverines here this afternoon. The Maize-and-Blue made their nine hits and the…

April 20, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

… Michigan at Ferry field yesterday,5-4, in the first reg- ularly scheduled contest of the sea- son for the Wolverines. The Huron tallies came as a result 'of three hits, a sacrifice, and an error by Braendle…

…. With the exception of this one in- ning McNeal, who started on the mound for the Wolverines, pitched admirably. The other three hits collected off of him were widely scattered. Michaelis Hit Freely…

… Braendle's single, was caught at the plate in an attempt double steal.- Three of the Wolverine tallies came in the last half of the fifth. Petoskey started the proceedings with a hard line drive into right…

… streaks in which he was invincible. He scored seven strike--outs. All but three of the ten Wolverines whcP took part in the cnest fell at victim to his fast breakini curve ball. Ragged Ball Exhibited…

…. Altogether the Wolverines collect- ed 12 hits. Nine men were left on the bases. Michaelis bore down in the pineis, or else waited for some Michigan man to get too frisky on the bases. Both teams played ragged…

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