Cloudy today, light rain
Sir i4rn
I rnt
'Baby' Dies
Committee .
The Experience
of Thomas Man .
VOL. XLIX. No. 141
a 11m
Britain Calls Halt
l ' ,
England Drives For Added
Allies And Armaments;
Soviet Air Pact Sought
Halifax Reassures
Dictator -Countries
LONDON, April 19.-()-Britain
offered a "no encirclement" pledge
to Adolf Hitler tonight as the Cabi-
net urgently stepped up its drive for
more arms and allies.
Foreign Secretary Viscount Hali-
fax, discussing the "cry of encircle-
ment" raised by Germany and Italy
against the French-British defensive
front, declared:
"I would be prepared at any time to
give a most solemn undertaking on
the authority of the government that
no such idea would ever find a place
in British policy."
Lord Halifax said negotiations with
Sdviet Russia for an air pact were
being actively pursued and he hoped
"recognition of different points of
view" would permit the "progress that
we all desire."
It was reported reliably that, as
part of the armaments speed up,
Prime Minister Chamberlain had
agreed to set up a department of sup-
ply to equip the expanding British
army.' A new cabinet post may be
created for it, and announcement is
expected this week.
The Foreign Secretary further de-
clared that Britain's purpose, rather
than encirclement, was "a compre-
hensive system against aggression
excluding no one who will come in
with us" and was without regard for
"the internal political organization
of any country."
He praisd the Roosevelt appeal to
Italy and Germany for a 10-year
peace agreemerlt and expressed con-
fidence that millions everywhere
"trust that his initiative may have a
successful ottcome."
Roosevelt Plan Forgotten
As Hitler's Birthday Nears
BERLIN, April 19.-(l)-Politics
and speculation on Hitler's answer
April 28 to President Roosevelt's
weekend appeal for at least 10 years
of peace were forgotten here tonight
as the two days of military di~play
and fanfare with which German is
celebrating Chancellor Hitler's 50th
birthday began.
Festivities were initiated with a
national broadcast in which the
Fuehrer's name was called "A po-
litical program for the entire world."
Nazi flags waved from almost every
building. Downtown streets were
packed with citizens long before the
festivities started
Diplomat Hits
Embargo Plan
Breckinridge Long Asks
'Cash And Carry' Policy
WASHINGTON, April 19. -(A)-
Conceding that the "cash and carry"
neutrality plan would work, theoret-
ically at least, to the advantage of
Japan, Breckinridge Long, former
diplomat, nevertheless recommended
such a system today as a means of
keeping out of war.
Testifying in the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee's hearings on
proposed changes in the Neutrality
Act, he strongly objected to propos-
als calling for an embargo on ag-
gressor nations or even upon all bel-
ligerents in a foreign war. He called
them dangerous.
A better plan, he said would be to
allow all foreign belligerents to pur-
chase American raw materials, arms,
annueunition and other products, bu
with the stipulation that they pay
cash and furnish ships for the trans-
portation of their purchases.
26,492 Drama Tickets
Go On Sale Monday
From the midst of 26,492 blue, pink,
yellow, white and purple pieces of
paste-board, Mrs. Lucille M. Walz,
publicity director of the 1939 Drama-
tic Season, yesterday announced that
_ea-tha-, an vsafa. na na ntnita,. *-..
'Beat The Horses' Garg
Is Distributed Today
The ntw issue of the Gargoyle,
containing inside information on how
to win money by betting on the races,
appears on campus today. This ex-
clusive information, furnished by the
University's humor magazine, is in-
spired by the running of the famous
Kentucky Derby nert month.
The magazine will also feature an
article on rabbits, their intimate life.
House Adopts
Brid oe Probe
Compromi se
Committee To Aid Read
In Bond Investigation;
McKay Not Mentioned
LANSING,- April 19.-(P-The
House of Representatives today
adopted a compromise resolution
calling for a committee to "cooper-
ate" with Attorney General Thomas
Read in an investigation of bonds
issued for the construction of the
Blue Water International Bridge.
The resolution, submitted by five
representatives designated for that
purpose by a caucus of House Re-
publicans, ordered the appointment
of a three-member committee to "co-
operate" with Read and toa proceed
with its own inquiry if it believed it
necessary or advisable.
The resolution, substituted for one
demanding a separate House investi=-
gation, did not mention Frank D.
McKay of Grand Rapids, Republican'
political leader, whose name'has been
linked with a Toledo bond house
which floated the issues to finance
the Bltie Water Bridge.
The resolution empowered the leg-'
islative committee to employ "special
assistants," to incur expenses, to sub-
poena witnesses and to examine the
books and records of persons or cor-
Spring Parley
Head Names
Faculty Aides
Parley Opens Tomorrow,
Professors Will Advise
And Join In Discussion
Posts Remain Open
For Student Panel
Members of advisory faculty boards
for four of the panels for the annual
three-day Spring Parley opening to-
morrow were announced last night by
Ralph Erlewine, '39, chairman.
In the advisory board for Gov-
ernment and Economics panel, the
faculty speaker for which will be
Prof. I, L. Sharfman, chairman of
the economics department, are Prof.
Leonard L. Watkins and Prof. Shorey
Peterson of the economics depart-
ment, Prof. George C. S. Benson of
the political science department and
Prof. Richard Fuller and Dr. Hans
Gerth of the sociology department.
Faculty members of the advisory
board for the panel on Religion,
whose faculty speaker is Kenneth
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association, will include Prof.
Wilber R. Humphreys of the English
department, Prof. Arthur E. Wood of
the sociology department, the Rev.
W. P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian
Church, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, coun-
selor in religious education, Dr.
Isaac Rabinovitz, director of the
Hillel Foundation and the Rev. H. L.
Pickering, director of the Disciples'
' Members of the advisory board to
the panel on American Culture will
be Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the phi-
losophy department, Prof. Jean Paul
Slusser, Prof. Alexander M. Valerio
and Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the
architecture college.
The Science and Civilization panel
will have as members of its faculty
advisory board Prof. Harold. J. Mac-
Farlan, faculty speaker, Prof. A. D.
Moore and Prof. F. N. Menefee of the
engineering college, Prof. Norman R.
H. Maier of the psychology depart-
ment and Prof. Byron A. Soule of the
chemistry department.
Faculty members of the University
Student panel will be announced in
The Daily tomorrow. These faculty
men will serve in an advisory capacity
to the student speakers. Erlewine
said, and will take part in the dis-
cussion panels.
Air Units Plan
To Hold 2-Day
Carnival Here
The University's Department of
Aeronautical Engineering will cooper-
ate with five other organizations to
sponsor this city's first two-day air
carnival May 20 and 21 at Ann Arbor
With "safety and ease of flying"
their keynote, the organizations will
display some 25 different planes,
mostly small types suitable for priv-
ate use and will demonstrate each.
The organizations behind the plan
include, beside the aeronautical en-
gineering department, the following:
Washtenaw County chapter of the
National Aeronautical Association,
the student branch of the Institute
of Aeronautical Sciences, and the
University Flying and Glider Clubs.
Five manufacturers have already
accepted invitations to demonstrate
their ships and others are expected to
answer soon. In addition to the small
private ships, an American Airlines
[passenger plane may be exhibited if
it can be landed at the Ann Arbor
Robert C. Hinckley, chairman of
the CAA, which is responsible for
the University's flight training course, I
will be guest of honor and main
speaker at a banquet to be held at the
Union on the evening of the 20th.
The banquet, given by the Institute
of Aeronautical Sciences, will be at-3
tended by more than 200 people.
Exhibitions will be donated by the 1
Glider and Flying Clubs and the CAA 1
students will give a dramatization of
their training period, step by step.
In addition, tentative plans have been
made to broadcast the highlights of
the affair, and Selfridge Field may
send a flight squadron to give stunt-
ing exhibitions.
62 Compete
In Hopwoods
73 Manuscripts Indicate
Slight Decrease In Total
A slight decrease in the total num-
ber of manuscripts submitted to the
annual Avery and Jule Hopwood con-
tests was shown yesterday when the
manuscripts were counted after the
4:30 p.m. deadline. 62 students en-
tered 73 manuscripts into both major
and minor divisions of the contest, as
compared to last year's 65 entrants
and 85 manuscripts.
Thirty-four of the manuscripts
were entered in tie major divisions
open only to seniors and graduate
students. Although awards in the
majors in past years have been as.
high as $2,500, $2,000 is the highest
award that will be given this year.
Awards in the minor division, open
to all qualified sophomores, juniors
and seniors, will range downward
from $250.
In the majors seven students sub-
mitted manuscripts in the field of
fiction, six entered in dramatic writ-
ing, 11 in the essay and 10 in poetry.
All except fiction show an increase
over last year's entries.
The largest entry in the minors was
made in the field of fiction, in which
18 manuscripts were subimtted. A
marked decrease was shown in the
essay, with only three entries, as
compared to last year's 11. Seven stu-
dents entered the drama division of
the minors and eight will compete in
Education Fails
To Better Ideals,
Says Dr. Heller
Modern education has not elevated
youth to higher ideals even though
practical advances have been broad,
Dr. Otto Heller, Dean Emeritus at
Washington University in St. Louis
papers which represents thousands of
under the auspices of the German de-
partment. He attributed the low state
of idealism to the general assault now
being carried on against the
The lack of idealism in education
today, he stated, is characteristic of
the general neglect by all "pillars of
society" of alleviating social condi-
tions. He pointed by way of illustra-
tion to the waning influence of reli-
gion in political life and the business
world, and to the abandonment'" by
science, which has enriched the world
physically, of the search for "first
and last causes." Supposedly progres-
sive inventions. he further argued,
Rightists Told
By Roosevelt
To Quit Party
Democrats Hear Warning
Suicide Threatens Party
If It Goes Conservative
President Delivers
SpeechAt Banquet
WASHINGTON, April 19. -P_
President Roosevelt, declaring to-
night that the Democratic Party
would commit suicide if it turned
conservative, called on Democrats
who disagree with present policies to
subordinate their prejudices or get
out of the party.
In a message to a junior Jackson
Day dinner of the Young Democratic
clubs here, he said:
"There never was, and never will
be, a political party whose policies
absolutely fit the views of all of its
Offers Two Choices
"Where men are at variance with
the course their party is taking, it
seems to me there are only two hon-
orable courses-to join a party that
more accurately mirrors their ideas,
or to subordinate their prejudices and
remain loyal."
Looking ahead to 1940 and calling
on the Party to cleave to the prin-
ciples that brought it to power, he
"There is no use fooling ourselves.
If we are to have a reactionary re-
gime-or if that term is too horrific
-call it a -conservative regime, you
may depend on it that it will be the
other fellow's regime."
Denies He Opposes Change
In inviting Democrats to leave the
Party if they cannot remain loyal,
he said that he was not seeking to
prevent them from trying to change
the Party's program.
"It- would be a poor sort of politi-
cian or statesman," he said, "who
did not fight for his sincere principles,
but that is a different thing from ally-
ing themselves with their Party's en-
emies and getting in a stab wherever
and whenever they can do so safely."
French Search
For Saboteurs
Burning Of Liner Paris
Stimulates Precautions
- LE HAVRE, France, April 19.-(R)
-Investigators seeking the origin of
flames which wrecked the liner Paris
and took two lives turned tonight to
a theory that multiple fires were set
by foreign saboteurs.
The flames burned for more than
13 hours before water from fire hoses
in the holds over-balanced the 34,000-
ton liner, which turned on her side
and settled in 36 feet of water at her
Extra police guards were ordered
for the huge Normandie, flagship of
the French Line, which was behind
the Paris in dry dock.
Lindbergh Begins Aviation
Research For Government
WASHINGTON, April 19.--(P)-Be-
hind closed doors at the War De-
partment, Col. Charles A. Liindbergh
started an intensive survey today of
American aviation research facilities
for the expanding army air corps.
The famous flier, reporting for two
weeks special duty as an active army
officer, read reports and records in
preparation for air trips to several'
scattered research centers. At 37, he
is the youngest officer of his rank.
Two Peace Groups
Will Present Views
Will Speak Today
In Meetings
Finding Oneself
I s Problem,
4 aw 1 l wl o i r s s l® Y
Dempsey Snared By Four Coeds
With Aid Of A Pullman Porter
Religious Leader To Talk I
Today On Americant
Policy Toward Peace
Finding the "fifth point of the
compass"--where we are individuallyk
in the post-war broken world-is the
greatest problem facing individuals
today, Dr. Ralph W. Sockman saidI
in the second of the Martin Loud lec-,
ture series on "The American Way-
Present Problems," yesterday at the#
First Methodist church.t
Dr. Sockman will discuss the ques-
tion "Is There An American Way to]
Peace" at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Union Ballroom. The final talk in
the Loud series will concern "New
Horizons in The American Way" and
will be given at 7:30 p.m. today in thea
auditorium of the First Methodist
Among the problems that need so-;
lution, Dr. Sockman noted the greata
increase in wealth accompanied by a
parodoxical increase in poverty, and,
the coming of machines to make life]
easier physically, but harder morally.,
"We no longer want rest, quiet and
solitude after a day's work," he said,
"but rather, there is a popular clam-
or for excitement, entertainment and
thrills to fill our new wealth .of lei-
sure time."
Five Fraternities
Robbed of $138.50
Police today are investigating the
theft of $138.50 from five fraternity
houses early yesterday morning, evi-
dently the work of one group or an
A member of Phi Gamma Delta,£
one of the fraternities visited by the
thief or thieves, was awakened about
5:30 a.m. by a prowler in his room
and gave unsuccessful chase. He
described the man as short and
stocky, wearing a blue coat, dark
blue hat and glasses. Men at the
other fraternities slept through the
The fraternities robbed and the
amounts taken are Alpha Delta Phi,
$25; Alpha Sigma Phi, $40; Delta
Sigma Pi, $50; Phi Beta Delta, $13.50
and Phi Gamma Delta, $10.
All-Campus And Anti-War
Committees Reflect
Nation-Wide Schism
Lockwood, White,
Woodcock To Talk
Two separate peace meetings to-
day by the Michigan Anti-War Com-
mittee and the All-Campus Peace
Committee, will reflect locally the
nation-wide split in public opinion
on the role the United States should
assume in international politics.
The Peace Rally at 4 p.m. on the
Library steps, backed by the Peace
Committee and supporting the for-
eign policy of President Roosevelt,
will present as speakers Charles E.
Lockwood of Detroit, Democratic
candidate in the recent Regency
election, and Rev. Horace White of
the Plymouth Negro Congregational
Church and a member of the Wayne
County Board of Supervisors. Rev.
White will speak on the failure of ap-
peasement to halt fascist aggression
and Mr. Lockwood will present a
foreign policy for the United States.
Bulletin Corrected
In the event of inclement weather,
the Peace Rally (4 p.m.) will be held
in the Natural Science Auditorium in-
stead of in Hill Auditorium as was
announced in a bulletin being dis-
tributed this morning.
Rev. H. L. Pickerill, active in the
movement to establish student coop-
eratives on campus and director of
the Disciples' Guild, Leonard Wood-
cock, author and lecturer recently
returned from Mexico and William
Muehl, '41, will address the Anti-
War Strike at 11 a.i, on the ill
Auditorium steps. The program of
the' Anti-War Strike emphasizes
strict neutrality legislation to isolate
the United States from the threat of
European war and supports thewar
Mr. Lockwood, a graduate of the
University in 1914, served with the
A.E.F. overseas in the World War and
upon his return attended law school
in Detroit. He taught at the Detroit
College of Law for 10 years and was
appointed a member of the NRA Con-
sumers' Advisory Council in which
capacity he furnished information
which enable Detroit city officials to
break the milk trust. He is an officer
of the Detroit chapter of the Nation-
al Lawyers Guild and a member of
Labor's Non-Partisan League.
Maylo To Preside
Albert P. May1o, '39, editorial direc-
tor of The Daily, will preside at the
Peace Rally (4 p.m.) and Clarence
Kresin, '39, past president of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, wil pre-
side at the Peace Strike (11 a.m.).
The All-Campus Peace Committee
presents a five point program assert-
ing that since the threat to world
peace comes from fascist aggression
and that appeasement and isolation
are policies of surrender, it favors sup-
port of the President's attitude that
the economic power of the United
'States should be exerted against ag-
gressor nations and that this nation
should cooperate with the peaceful
nations of the world against unpro-
voked aggression. It also supports the
Good Neighbor policy for solidarity in
the western hemisphere, strength-
ening and democratizing of the armed
forces of the United States and for-.
varding social and economic security
as a part of defense "as basic as
armaments themselves."
Asserting that "declaration in ad-
vance of their refusal to support the
government in any foreign war is a
potent weapon in the hands of stu-
dents in their struggle to keep Ameri-
ca out of war," the Anti-War Com-
mittee advances a program emphasiz-
ing support of the war referendum,
passage of compulsory and strength-
ened neutrality legislation to lessen
the danger of war for America, op-
position to the '"super-armament pro-
gram" and "aid and relief to the vic-
tims of oppression and to refugees
throughout the world."
In a telegram to the Peace Com-
mittee last night, Edouard Benes,
former president of Czechoslovakia,
said: "I consider President Roosevelt's
efforts to insure the peace of the
world most important and am sup-
porting his undertaking with enthus-
ism and optimism."
Interfraternity Council
T. r_ -vmm Rainntip ta T ivht
-Daily Photo by Neibert
Friendly enemies were Eleanor Miron, '41, and Jack ,Dempsey, former
world's heavyweight champion, as they engaged in a bridge game while
on board the Wolverine, a west bound Michigan Central flyer. Dempsey
and his partner, Amy Reisfeld, '39, defeated Miss Miron and Ned Brown,
former sports editor of the New York World, by more than 4,000 points.
'Pitehing Woo' And Girl Revue
To Be Featured At Michigras
Jack Dempsey has gained everlast-
ing fame as the Manassa Mauler, but
little mention has been made of his
equally famous eye for feminine
beauty. Disgruntled at this failure
to recognize his prowess, Dempsey
found ample opportunity, to exercise
it when he made the acquaintance of
several attractive Michigan co-eds
Sunday while on board a train bound
for Chicago via Ann Arbor.
The former champion, who was on
his way to referee boxing bouts in
Battle Creek, was playing cards with
a companion in his drawing room
when Eleanor Miron, '41, Lucille Co-
hen, '41, Rita Schulick, '41, and Amy
Rnacfll,3QnnQ- a ., by
rather fearfully, but were put at ease
immediately by the friendliness of the
ex-champion. When he asked them
to play bridge they accepted at once.
In response to a question about
Don Siegel, '39, who has just turned
professional, Dempsey said that he
had heard "Siegel was a pretty good
amateur," but was unable to com-
ment further because he had never
seen him fight.
Joe Louis should be world's cham-
pion for three or four more years at
least, the ex-champion believed.. No
"white hopes" have yet appeared
who can threaten him, he said. When
he does lose, Dempsey predicted, it
should be because of his seeming in-
ma.ifr, n a r- r --ih -nn -A
More than 50 fraternities, sorori-
ties and independent organizations
will open booths at the Michigras May
5, Harriet Sharkey, '39, and James V.
Halligan, '40F&C, co-chairmen of the
carnival booth committee, announced
Booths operated by sororities will
range from the intriguing "Pitching
Woo" of Alpha Xi Delta to the more
gustatory efforts to be shown by Al-
pha Omicron Pi's ginger ale booth,
Alpha Phi's popcorn dispensary and
Alpha Epsilon Pi's candy apples.
Other sorority booths will be: Alpha
Chi Omega, "Frostbites"; Alpha Gam-,
o Thalf.a' -d'nf,.4Ant hv ~h. * (hi
laborate in a "fortune-telling" feat-
ure. Other booths will be entered by
Adelia Cheever House, Betsy Barbour.
residence, Martha Cook, Mosher-Jor-
dan, and Helen Newberry dormitories.
Thirty ffaternities will also turn
their efforts to creating original and
interesting stands, with such success-
ful repeaters as Beta Theta Pi's "all-
girl" revue and Lambda Chi Alpha's
"O'Shaughnessy's Bar." Other fra-
ternities entering booths will be:
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Sigmi
Phi, Chi Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Tau Delta, and Delta Upsilon.
Hermitage, Phi Delta Theta. Phi