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VOL. XLII. No. 141
WEATHER: Generally fair.
. . .
Sellars, Romer Investigate Ohio
Coal Strike; Find Need
Is Apalling.
Campus Will Respond to Plea
of Miners for Clothes,
Grim'Battle With Disease Bacillus
U L U Are Due at4Today
nit\norayr ammimhi _ C
Portrayed in Paintings by
By James Inglis grave which is inscribed 1932 with
The ironical philosophy of a tu- the remark that if he suirvives this
berculosis expert toward the tragic
implications of his own losing fight year he will be satisfied with having
against t h e dreaded disease is outlived his own expectation.
strikingly depicted in a set of grim- Prof. John Barnwell, of the e-
ly humorous symbolic paintings partment of internal medifine, is
now hung in one of the X-ray the present owner of the paintings
rooms of the University hospital. Dr. Barnwell was a patient at the
Dr. Norman Bethune, of Montreal, same sanatorium with Dr. Bethune
at present attending the conven- and was presented with the elabor.-
tion of thoracic surgeons, devoted ate work a short tine ago. The X-
many of the long hours of his con- ray room in the new tubercaltsis
valescence at the Trudeau sanator- unit was choseii as a place to house:
ium, near Saranac Lake, to putting the paintings because this is one
on canvas the life story of -himself of the few places where it could be
and his five room mates, with spe- kept from the sight of patients.
cial regard for the medical aspect The X-ray room is usually com-
of their careers. pletely dark when patients are
A sample of the sardonic humor brought in.
of the, painter is seen in the last The tuberculosis bacillus is rep-
picture which depicts five graves resented as a small red pterodactyl.
with the names of himself and his The first picture hsows the painter
colleagues and the approximate as a baby still in the womb. At this
dates of their respective deaths in- early stage he has become the vic-
scribed. Three of the group have tim of a germ which will multiply
already fulfilled Bethune's predic- and torment him the rest of his
tion and two of these at dates ap- life.
proximating those marked for them The second, painting represents
on the surgeon's canvas. the child's birth surrounded by an-
Dr. Bethune points to his own (Continued on page 2)
iive Run-
is in Fifth Inning
Ianti Team Win
by 5-4 Score.
A revelation of starvation condi-
tions in the Ohio coal fields by two
University students who have in-
vestigated conditions there during
the past spring recess has resulted
in the instigation of an all campus
drive to obtain supplies of food and
clothing for the distressed miners.
Starting next Wednesday the
campaign will be waged by a com-
mittee headed by Eugene Kuhne,
'34, and backed by the Student
Socialist club, the local council of
religion and the liberal student's
Union. Wilfred Sellars, '33, and
Samuel Romer, '33, are the two
students who took the trip of in-
Tell of Suffering.
"We were horrified at the human
suffering and misery among those
50,000 people in the Hocking Valley
Area," they said.
Operators are not held responsi-
ble by the investigators for the
situation. Chaotic conditions in the
mining industry have brought about
the present difficulties, they claim-
ed. The industry has been over-
capiIalized and over-developed.
The United Mine Workers com-
missaries are making every possible
effort to relieve conditions, the in-
vestigators said. "Those in charge
of the commissaries tour the sur-
rounding district and beg the farm-
ers for wheat, pork, or corn to
supply the strikers with the bare
necessities of life.
IThe Red Cross, because of its
policy of not interfering in indus-
trialydisputes, ref uses to alleviate
conditions among the starving
miners to any extent," said the in-
vestigators, "and the Salvation
Ar*ay is working with limited funds,
dispensing religion with its few
bowls of soup."
Union rBehind Strike.
The strike is being sponsored by
the Union Mine Workers of Amer-
ica. It began last February when
wages were cut from $4 to $3 a day.
Farmers and business men of the
area are in sympathy with the
strikers, according to the investi-
Wages were high after the World
war, but repeated cuts have finally
caused the miners to rebel.
"We have left the strike area,"
said the investigators, . "but the
pleas of the mothers and wives
have not left our ears. 'Boys!' they
cried, 'when you get back into the
world, into civilization, tell the stu-
dents there of our condition. Tell
them so they might send us some
food or clothing. Old clothing, can-
ned food, or anything, boys, any-
Well Known Orchestra Engaged
Bird Announces; Tickets
Put on Sale.
Ace Brigode and His Fourteen
Virginians will play for the Military
ball to be held April 29 in the Union
ballroom, it was announced yester-
day by William Bird, '32E., general
chairman of the dance.
Brigode played for the Slide Rule
dance here two years ago and since
then has entertained at Pennsyl-
vania State college last winter, the
University of Iowa Cotillion two
weeks ago, and several of the major
dances at the Universities of II;-
nois and Wisconsin. The band is
to play for the Northwestern senior
ball at the Drake hotel on this Fri-
Tickets for the Military bal will
be placed on sale to the general
public today, Bird said. While the
-tickets have been available to mem-
hers of the R.O.T.C. for two weeks,
this is the first opportunity afforded
to the public. They may be obtained
from members of the committee; at
the R.O.T.C. headquarters, at the
Union desk, or at Slaters, Bird an-
President of Illinois to Speak;
500 Will Be Honored
at Convocation.
Mere than 500 University honor
students will meet in Hill auditor-
ium Friday, April 29, and hear
President H. W. Chase of the Uni-
versity of Ililnois deliver the ad-
dress at the ninth annual honors
Included in the group of students
to be honored'at the affair are ap-
proximately 200 seniors, compris-
ing the upper 10 per cent of the
class in scholarship, freshmen and
sophomores who have maintained
a half A, half B scholastic average,
and other students who have been
awarded scholarships, fellowships,
and special awards by the Univer-
sity. No students having less than
a B average will be included.
Members of the committee in
charge of the affair this year are
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley, chairman; Registrar Ira M.
Smith, secretary; prof. A. L. Cross,
of the history department; Prof.
A. H. White, of the engineering col-
lege; and Dean Henry M. Bates, of
the Law school.
The convocation, which will be
held concurrently with the annual
meeting of the Michigan School-
masters' club, has became a tradi-
tional function of the University
since it was first inaugurated in
Speaker at last year's convoca-
tion was President J. R. Angell of
Yale university, while in 1930 Dr.
George E. Vincent, president of the
Rockefeller foundation, spoke at the
function. President Chase, who will
offer the address here April 29, was
formerly of the University of North
British Budget Omits
Reparations Provision
WASHINGTON, April 19.--(IP)-
Great Britain may have no plans
for making its $171,500,000 debt in-
stallment to this Country next year,
but Washington has yet to be noti-
fled. Revelation today that the new
British budget omits any provision
for reparations receipts or war
debts payments in the year begin-
ning in July had quick repercus-
"Death Takes a Holiday," by Al-
bert Costello, the play that ran for
16 months on Broadway in 1930 and
1931, will be presented April 29 and
30 in Play Production theatre as
the annual production of the Hillel
Given for the benefit of the Uni-
versity Loan fund, the play will
present the scenic and lighting ef-
fects as used in the original pro-
duction which featured Philip Mer-
S. Sylvan Simon, '32, assistant in
the University broadcasting studio
of station WJR, and member of
Play Production, is directing, while
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the En-
gineering school, is assisting with
suggestions and criticisms.
Gibes Fly as Local
Alumni Are Panned
at Annual Banquet
Retorting to a gibe of Prof. John
L. Brumm as to the nobility of the
Ruthven signature, President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven promised to abol-
ish the journalism school as the
first step in the University economy
program in a clever program of
razzing last night at the annual
banquet of the University of Michi-
gan club. of Ann Arbor.
The editorial policy of a promin-
ent Ann Arbor evening newspaper
also came in for its share of the
razzing, when Professor Bruim, of
the journalism school, read an edi-
torial purporting to be from the
We believe that the student
should be trained as an alunmus
from matriculation; he enrolls in
the University for life and, for
better or worse, he will ever re
main an integral part of the
We believe that the relatiois
between the alumnus and~ his
University should he beneficial to
both, and that the mutual assist-
ance provided by the graduates
and by the institution should be
limited only by their powers for
We believe that, to the Univer-.
sity, the alumnus is a member of
a brotherhood boind by the spir-.
itual tie of faith in the ideals of
paper on the subject of Al Capone.
In the editorial it was pointed out
that while Capone was undoubkedly
an undesirable character, on the
other hand murderers do have their
good points. After the reading of
this editorial Ray Baker, editor of
a prominent Ann Arbor evening
paper was requested to take a bow.
In a more serious vein, President
Ruthven propounded a new creed
for the closer co-operation between
the University and the alumni, the
text of which is reproduced here.
As an illustration of this co-opera-
tion, the President pointed out the
development of the Michigan Un.
dergraduate Scholarships, and in-
troduced the three holders of such
scholarships from the Ann. Arbor
alumni club who are now in col-
lege and who were the honor guests
at the banquet.
These three b o y s, John F.
Schmidt, '35E, Victor P. Kayser, '35,
and John H. Bollock, '35, were pre-
sented with copies of the recently
published book, "The First People
of Michigan" by Dr. W. B. Hinsdale,
international authority on Ameri-
can archeology.
Ragged Playing Is Displayed by
Both Feams; Petoskey
Hits Homer.
Five runs scored in the fifth in-
aing enabled Michigan State Nor-
mal to defeat Michigan at Ferry
field yesterday,5-4, in the first reg-
ularly scheduled contest of the sea-
son for the Wolverines. The Huron
tallies came as a result 'of three
hits, a sacrifice, and an error by
With the exception of this one in-
ning McNeal, who started on the
mound for the Wolverines, pitched
admirably. The other three hits
collected off of him were widely
Michaelis Hit Freely.
Michaelis, who assumed the hur-
ling duties for the Hurons, was hit
more freely, but was aided by some
poor base running on the part of
the Wolverines.
The Wolverines kicked away a
wonderful scoring opportunity in
the seventh inning when Tompkins
was caught trying to steal third
after a double to right. Later in
the same inning Diffley, who had
received a base on balls and ad-
vanced to third through Braendle's
single, was caught at the plate in
an attempt double steal.-
Three of the Wolverine tallies
came in the last half of the fifth.
Petoskey started the proceedings
with a hard line drive into right
Box score of the game will
be found on page 2.
tield that went for a home run
when it bounded over Gruber's
head. The rally was nipped in the
bud when Braendle was caught in
Ian attempt to steal second.,
Braecdle took hitting honors for
the dlay(collecting three singles in
three btes at bat. Tompkins also
had a ield day with the stick, get-
ting a double and two singles in
five tines up.
Michaelis had streaks in which he
was invincible. He scored seven
strike--outs. All but three of the
ten Wolverines whcP took part in
the cnest fell at victim to his fast
breakini curve ball.
Ragged Ball Exhibited.
Altogether the Wolverines collect-
ed 12 hits. Nine men were left on
the bases. Michaelis bore down in
the pineis, or else waited for some
Michigan man to get too frisky on
the bases.
Both teams played ragged ball,
The Hurons had three errors chalk-
(d up against them while Michi-
gan had two. In addition, there
were several "boners" on both sides.
In the sixth inning Manuel got to
second on what should have been
an easy out, Wittkop and Christy
waiting for each other to take an
easy fly ball back of second until
lit finally fell safe.
Wistert demonstrated that he may
become an invaluable member of
Coach Fisher's mound staff in the
two innings that he pitched. Mich-
aelis got to him for a double but
none of the other Normalites were
able to knock the ball out of the
infield. He struck out one.
An invitation to attend the meet-
ing of distinguished scholars and
business men who will confer on
problems in occupational educa-
tion has been extended to Prof.
George E. Myers, of the School of
Education, by the American Asso-
ciation for Adult Education.
SProfes:or Myers, who has accept-
ed the invitation, will meet on May
2 with the other members of the
!council in the board room of the
Carnegie corporation, in New York
City. The conference is to present
ito the association "competent ad-
vice before proceeding on a pro-
gram of studies" in the field of oc-
cupational education.
'fThe committeemen are: Dean W.
F. Russell, Dean Emeritus James E.
IRussell, and Prof G F Kefanver.
All manuscripts to be submitted
for awards in the Avery and Jule
Hopwood creative writing contest,
must be turned in by 4:30 o'clock
this afternoon at the English de-
partment office, 3221 Angell hall.
Three bound copies of each entered
selection must be handed for the
major awarded works.
By far the largest undergraduate
contest of its kind in the world,
the Ilopwood contest offers more
than $11,000 in awaurds to winners
in the fields of fiction, drama,
poetry, and the essay-
Thoracic Group Elects Officers
for Coming Year; Muller
Chosen Preidemnt.
Presenting, almost every kind of
case involving the treatment of
chest tuberculosis by means of sur-
gery Prof. John Alexander of the
medical school, conducted a dem-
onstration yesterday at the second
session of the convention of Thor-
cic surgeons meeting at the Univer-
sity Hospital clinic. Dr. Alexandei
in the opinion of many observers
went a long way towards establish-
ing the value of surgical treatment
in many selective cases of tuber-
culous chest disorders.
The clinic provided demonstra-
tion of almost all the kinds of ther-
apy in chest tuberculosis which
have been treated in the hospital
this year. Dr. Alexander was assist-
ed by Dr. John Barwell, Dr. Camer-
on Haight, Dr. Duane Carr, and Dr.
J. Dewey Bisgard.
Other highlights of the morning
session included papers by Dr. M
C. Indoe, and Drs. Anderson and
One of the most eminent speakers
scheduled for the meeting, Dr. E.
J. O'Brien of Detroit, was unable
to appear on account having been
seriously injured in an auto crack-
up last week. His paper on the
management of poor surgical risks
was delivered by one of his assist-
The afternoon session was feat-
ured by papers delivered by Dr.
Alexander, Dr. E. S. Welles of Sar-
anac Lake, N. Y., Dr. Carl A. 1-ed--
blom of Chicago, and Dr. Frank E.
Berry of New York.
The following oflicers were elect-
ed for the coming year: Dr. George
P. Muller, of Philadelphia, presi-
dent; Dr. George J. Heuer, of Cin-
cinnati, vice president; D. Duff S.
Allen, of St. Louis, secretary.
Dr. Edward Churchill, of Boston, I
was named treasurer, and Dr. Evart t
A. Graham, of St. Louis, was chosen
editor of the society's journal.
Doty Will GiveO rgan
Recital at 4:15 Today
Due to the absence -of Palmer
Christian, University organist, E.
William Doty, instructor in organ
in the School of Music, will give
the regular Wednesday afternoon
organ recital at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon in Hill auditorium.
The program includes: "Concert
Overture in A," by Maitland; "Noc-
turne," by H-umphreys; "Toccata
and Fugue in D minor," by Bach:,
Weaver's "The Squirrel"; Schubert's7
"Ave Maria"; "Ronde Francaise,"
by Boelmann and "Up the Sague- 7
nay," by Russell.;
' 3
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-- .Spedig IPhoto.
Martin i Mol
a 't llJ.M0
Governor Brucker Invites Ann
Arbor Man to Speak to
State Conference.
Upon invitation of Governor Wil-
'jer M. Brucker, Martin J. Mol, '34L,
vill be one of the principal speakers
it the state convention of the Re-
)ublican. party to b hi e 1 d in
Trand Rapids onApril 27.
Mol is president of the Universit3
>f Micligan Republican club, is as-
yociated with Slater's Inc., and is
lice president of Edwards BrothersI
;ublishing Co.
As early as 1921 Mol achieved
irominence among senators a n d
.:epresentatives and other state of-
icials by being Speaker of the
'hird House, an organization of
legislative pages who carried on
their own deliberations at the capi-
ol after the style of senior legisla-
During his senior year in the lit-
7rary college, Mol was president of
.he Studeni, Ciristian Association
and prominent in a number of
other campuslitorga iza ions.
In 1928, )ew>oegin. behalf of
-resident Hoover at a Republican
:nass meting hld in Kansas City:
Mo., attended by party leaders and
delegates to the national conven-
tion of the Republican party.
Education Professors
Attend Flint Meeting
Faculty members of the Educa-
tion school were a part of the Anrn
Arbor delegation to the annual
convention of the Michigan Indus-
trial Education soety, April 14-16,
at Flint.
SProf. M. f,. Byrn, head of the
industrial arts department in the
University High school and presi-
dent of the society, addressed one
of t'the sectional meetings on the
subject, "Some Devices for Teach-
ing Practical Electricity in the Gen-
eral Shop."
Others who attended were Prof
Edgar Johnson, principal of the
high school; Prof. George E. Myer:
and Prof. Thomas Diamond, of the
vocational education department.
Freshman Treasurer
Is Secretly Married
Not to be outdone by Arthur W,
Bishop, '34, who announced hi;
marriage during vacation, Wilbui
Blair, '35, treasurer of the freshmar
class, announced to the campus las
night that he had been marriec
since June 17.
Ruthven Will. Present
Only Speech at
Caps and Gowns Will
Appear for First
Swingout, the first official meet-
ing of the class of 1932 in pre-
paration for graduation, will be
held on May 4 in Hill auditorium,
according to Richard L. Tobin
swingout ' chairman. Alexander
Grant Ruthven will be the only
speaker on the .accompanying
The final plans for the tradi-
tional function were completed
yesterday. The procedure in gen-
eral will be the same as that fo
lowed by the parade of the grad-
uating seniors.
To Meet at Library.
The entire class of 1932, clad for
the first time in their caps and
gowns, will meet at 3:30 o'clock, on
May 4, in front of the library. Here
the parade will start after the
ranks are formed.
The varsity band will lead the
procession being followed by the
honor guard, composed of 50 prom-
inent students from every college
and school of the University, mem-
bers of the literary college, the en,
gineering school, and other colleges,
marching in the same order as that
The procession will march dwn
the diagonal in a northwest direc-
tion, and down North University to
Hill auditorium, thus making a
( complete circuit of the campus.
(The route has been considably,
lengthenedbecause the parade l
ordinarily ,four blocks long and the
leaders were often seated in Hill
auditorium before the end of the
line had been formed.
Predict Largest Gathering.
Classes for seniors will be dis-
missed at 3 o'clock on the day of
Swingout so that all may be able
to attend, It is expected by the
committee that there will be more
people present than ever before in
the history of the event since the
graduating class is unusually large
and since interest in the affair has
increased steadily in the last few
The honor guard will be named
some time in the near future, Tobin
said last night.
Seniors were urged by the Swing-
7ut committee to obtain their caps
and gowns as son as possible as
these wil be required to be worn at
the affair.
Spinoza, Leeuwenhoek
to Be Lauded Tonight
The names of two famous Dutch
men of research-Spinoza, and Lee-
iwenhoek-will be honored by the
University Research Club and two
tther research organizations on the
Beginning at 8 o'clock in the ball-
°oom of the League, papers will be
,.-ead by Dr. Dwight H. Parker, head
of the department of philosophy,
-nd Dr. C. V. Weller. Dr. Parker
will read a paper on Spinoza while
r. Weller's paper will be based on
he work of the Dutch physiologist,
ieeuwenhoek. Dr. Weller's talk will
)e illustrated with lantern slides.
In addition to the University Re-
'earch Club, which is sponsor of
the memorial meeting, the Junior
research and Women's Research
,lubs will participate as guests.
3rief reports on the activities of the
three clubs will be given at the
Ten courses in various fields of
contemporary interest will feature
the third annual session of the
'Alumni University" to be held here
beginning June 21, it was announc-
°d recently by Wilfred B. Shaw,
Director of Alumni Relations.
The Alumni University, which
was inaugurated in 1930, immedi-
itely found a favorable response
from graduates who felt the need
of intensively reviewing the general
feld of college instruction, and of
studying some special subject ne-
glected in undergraduate days. To
give the atmosphere of undergrad-
uate days the "students" at the
session will fill out almost as long a
series of cards as the regular stu-
dents, pay fees in person .to the
University cashier, and attend the
caseso nntire.
The courses and instructors foi
the session are "Contemporary Con-
cepts in Child Behavior," to be given
by Prof. Martha G. Colby of the
psychology department, "The Mod-
ern City," by Professor Roderick D
McKenzie of the sociology depart-
ment, "Practical Appreciation of
Music," by Prof. Earl V. Moore,
director of the School of Music,
and "American and the Pacific," by
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the de-
partment of political science
Others are "Modern Views of the
Universe," Prof. 1-eber D. Curtis of
the department of astronomy, "The
Conflict of Ideas in Current Amer-
ican Literature," Prof. Howard
Mumford Jones of the English de-.
partment, and "Current Economic
Problems in the Light of Economic
History" Prof. n. nn n n of
Tryouts for 'Meet
Being Held This
the PrinCe'
Week at
Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Meet the Prince," a light comedy
by A. A. Milne, has been chosen by
comedy club for their spring show
to be presented May 12, 13, and 14
at the Mendelssohn theatre.
Tryouts for the plav are being
he Daily sores again. The
spo-t pages of the Daily will
carry all major league baseball
accounts and excellent coverage
of important mid-western inter-