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September 12, 2017 (vol. 125, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… it is important for allies of the LGBT community to understand the complexity of navigating the business environment for LGBT-identifying people. In 2014, Apple CEO Tim Cook became the first…

… repeat of the events of the Gilded Age, those with low wage jobs are at the highest risk. “In terms of sheer productivity, humans can’t keep up with computers and robots, and even when they can…

April 12, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…, according to a press release. As a part of the event, the University will accept electronics such as laptop and desktop computers, tablets, cellular phones and audio and video equipment to be recycled…

… eager and talented student, noting his passion for robotics and computer science, and that he was a dedicated volunteer at his church. Angela Farrehi, director of the Office of Student Support and…

… Accountability, spoke about Barthel by reading an excerpt from his admission essay for the College of Engineering. Barthel wrote he felt most at peace when using his computer, as it gave him access to…

… countless possibilities. “My desktop is a window into the larger world,” he wrote. “There is nowhere that I feel more content than siting at my computer. When I’m sitting at my computer I can do all…

… administration’s reactions to recent Diag chalkings in the Fleming Building Monday. AWARD From Page 1 AMANDA ALLEN/Daily Accounting Prof. Ryan Ball discusses winning the 2016 Golden Apple award in his office…

December 12, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

Apple heart 35 Make _: rake it 54 Rain gutters run 1 Brewpub choices 6 Turkish tite in under them 5 Bottle tops 7 Doctor'sself- 37 Sign anew, as a 55 System of belief 9 Newly hatched employment, and…

… 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 66 61 62 63 64 65 66 87 68 69 By Me! Rosen ...,...,.. Al W FR Vis ARI TIV tow Bart 734, Va I l .-1. -l ~.iV-..'.. . . .IT/COMPUTER SCIENCE PAID INTERNSHIP/JOB starts at $t2.00/br…

October 12, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 27) • Page Image 11

… importance 1 . Treasure-hunting company Odys- TwoAmerican economists, Thom- Israel Prime Minister Benjamin A violent protest at Egypt's Coptic Apple Inc. co-founder Steve sey Marine Exploration Inc. as Sargent…

… cherry sauce, he said in the article. The revenue it makes from the Duke. Michigan mills and apple forget to mention lunch break munchies of local Ann Arbor employees is enough to keep the stand always…

… price of Jobs's in millions of dollars, the total money Jobs worth today. Last month, it surpassed Exxon high-functioning computer he designed lost when NeXT computing and Pixaar 3 8 Mobil as the world…

September 12, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 7) • Page Image 11

… electronic slideshows. During that time, scores of other similar programs have popped up, including Apple's popular Keynote. Making slick-look- ing presentations has never been easier Even before personal…

computers, slide- shows existed in boardrooms in a low-tech version. Graphic designers sketched graphs, data and sentences onto 35mm slides that were displayed using mechanical slide viewers that went "cuh…

March 12, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

… like a high- tech study utopia than a normal, stuffy library. Complete with comfy couches, flat screen TVs, beautiful classrooms and a computer lab, the $12 million facility on State Street next to Yost…

…-based fran- chise, has decided to accept Mexi- can currency, making conservatives as crazy as a couple of Mexican jumping beans. Fueled by the usual concern that hot tamales will soon replace apple pie, this…

February 12, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…ELO-trademarked computerized vocals take hold when the voice commands the listener to "Turn up the stereo" as the band stars to rock out with high-energy wails and a call-and-response section backed by computer-generated horns…

…The Michigan Daily - michigandaily~com h Monday, February 12, 2007 - 5A The 'Apple' of Sindie's eye SCHNEIDER RETURNS WITH TASTY ALBUM By MATT EMERY Daily Arts Writer Whathas TheApples in…

…Stereo frontmanRob- ert Schneider been up to in the five years since the band's last album? Quite a bit, actually - two side- projects, some schmooz- *** .," ing with Elijah Wood and others at Austin's SXSW Apples

… more grandiose than the band's previous work, * featuring 14 "true" songs and 12 interludes that No 'do re mi' for Apples in Stereo. Schneider calls "link tracks." Unlike the other link tracks Schneider…

… a new edginess from the band. Although "Apples in Stereo" might be bet- ter known for comparisons to the Beatles, the album's first four tracks distance them from those stereotypes, and instead pick…

… really distinguishes this Apples effort from their past. "Sunndal Song" and "Sunday Song" thrust Hilarie Sidney's vocals to the fore, and just like with the New Pornographers and Neko Case, it's a shame…

October 12, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…-994-8733. www.treecityproperties.conm TWO-BDRM. APT. SPACE-APPL.+ wshr./dryer. Easy walk to U of M hos- pital and downtown. AATA @ door. $900/mo. 734-996-3996 after 6 pm. ~ CENTRAL CAMPUS- 6/7 BDRM. HOUSES…

…-12/hr. Computer proficiency, orga- nization, office book-keeping skills, and reliable trans. req. Resume to Su- san Monaghan. Fax 734-662-9724 or No calls. SEARCH program…

… Sale ncy and Bulk contracts are available- 025 - Parking may receivea 20% discount when 030 - Automotive tudent ID (non-organizational, non- 040- Computers repaid unless prior billing privileges 045…

September 12, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… 51 "Never!" 56 Winter hrs. in the Rockies 5u Chick's non 60 Snazzy Apple 61 Like foul weather 63 Greeted the day 65 "There's really no point" 68 Thing ofthe past 69 River in a 1957 film title 70 VCR…

… - Parking 130 - Automotive 140 - Computers 145 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 112 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41…

April 12, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

… with husband and sometime rockstar Chris Martin. The happy couple chris- tened their offspring Moses, reportedly after a song written by the Coldplay frontman for his wife. Apple and Moses: Clearly no…

… popular iPod ushers in a rash of third-party iProducts. FM transmitters, iPod cases, dancing robot dogs - it's not surpris- ing that the sex-toy market has joined the Apple accessories peck - er, pack. "It…

… similarly stimulating gadgets, including another iPod vibrator dubbed the Audi-Oh and a Blue- tooth-enabled cellular device that redefines phone sex. Karmeisool noted that a computer-com- patible, egg…

…-shaped vibrator first came out several years ago. "The (iBuzz) is probably just an adapted one from the computer mechanism," Kar- meisool said. "But I think it's more gim- micky than practical:" But she added that…

April 12, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 117) • Page Image 7

…. MICHIGAN'S only autho- rized Avid & Apple training center. Contact us @ 248-351-0101 or visit MOST IMPORTANT SKILL for law school success? Check out SUMMER INDOOR…

…. Responsibilities would include copying, collation, packet assembly, typing, labeling, running errands on campus, and some telephone reception help. Applicants should have good computer skills and work- ing knowledge…

January 12, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

… Shuttle around Central and North Campus " Exercise Facility, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers * Models open Daily 741-9300 A . 2(EXTENDED HOURS) www…

… front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr./dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1600. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley. Call Dave at 734…

…, study lounge with comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. Fall. 741-9300; APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Room…

….S. Grant adversary 13 Beatle name 18 Isaac's eldest 23 Sword with a guarded tip 25 Rich soil 26 Deposed ruler 27 Apple's apple, for one 28 Top spot 29 Steakhouse bread offering 31 Bonanza find 32 Recipe amt…

… the Differencel Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help…

November 12, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

… large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts., 1.5 baths., fur- nished & contemporary in every way. Add FREE Internet, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ comput- ers, great location near CCRB…

… new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr. and dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1700. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley. Call Dave at 734-395-6953. ACROSS FROM CCRB, eff. & 1 bdrm. apt…

…, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers *-Models open Daily . (= t741 .9300 EXTENDED HOURS) BEST ON CAMPUS Spacious 2 bedrooms - 2 to 4 person Furnished, A/C, wireless, new…

… Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment…

September 12, 2003 (vol. 112, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

… Tiest, David Tuman ONLINE Geoffrey Fink, Managing Edit. 763.2459, EDITOR: Ashley Jardin a STAFF: John Becic, Kate Green, Janna Hutz, Mira Levitan 0 4 4 4 4 4 Buy an Apple

… laptop, an iPod, and a printer. And dean up. U-M Computer Showcase Buy a qualifying iBook or PowerBook, an Pod and a qualifying printer DISPLAY SALES Leah Trzcinski, Manage( ai7AA0 5 n. di…

November 12, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

… exercise + computer facilities, beautifully furnished, near CCRB! 741-9300, www ABANDON YOUR SEARCH for off- campus hse. May-May lease, Packard & State, 8 bdn., prkg. incl., $3400…

…. $499/mo. 665-8825. AVAIL. NOW OR JAN! Studiosl and 2 bdrm. apts, near business and law schools. Fum., balc. Call Varsity Mgmt. @ 668-1100. AVAIL. NOW/JAN. GORGEOUS 2 bdrm. townhouse. All appl., own wshr…

… furnished * Close to CCRB * Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus * Exercise Room, Aerobics Room " Study Lounge w/ Computers * Models open Daily 741-9300 ( E X T(EXTENDED HOURS) www…

September 12, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

… 1968 Over a cheeseburger and apple pie, he loved to dole out advice to his colleagues and pro- PRESIDENT, FRED t6g6s. ALGER MANAGEMENT Rob Lyon, who worked for Alger 20 years WORLD TRADE CENTER ago told…

… date. They decided it must have been fate and were CLASS OF 1988 later married. Steven worked as a computer analyst at Can- COMPUTER ANALYST, tor Fitzgerald in the World Trade Center, a job CANTOR…

September 12, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 8) • Page Image 8

… ROOMMATE WANTED! Apt./Great Loc./Avail. NOW! $350/mo./obo. Call Liz 216-3899. Lg. for BROWSE & LIST FREE! ies reas1 - APPROX. 1400SQFT HOME has been reno- vated & updated. All appl. are new & incld…

… LEASINGt FOR MAY 2003 332-6000 We take prude in offering the Best in Student Housing. carlsonproperties.comn. CREATIVE BRAIDS! Micro latch comrows dreads extensions $65-155+ Sheila 483-5425. DR. COMPUTER

December 12, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

… by Engineering senior Brian Netter with the news that he Is the 2002 recipient of the Golden Apple Award as Stephanie Ballantyne from Hillel looks on. Egineenn g prof recipient of 2002 Gold Apple Award…

… might have thought he won the Publish- er's Clearing House sweepstakes. But instead he was informed that he had been selected as this year's Golden Apple Award winner. "This is wonderful!" shouted Soloway…

… professor of electrical engineering and computer sci- ence, he said his courses are not just about learning computers but also how computers affect his students' lives. "It's an opportunity to think of how…

… they fit into the world of computers," Soloway said. "It's trying to figure out how what Microsoft does relates to their life." Students of Soloway who sent in nomi- nations agreed with his philosophy on…

December 12, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 51) • Page Image 7

… for the Golden Apple Award and about 15 of those nominations were for Soloway, said Engineering junior, Brian Netter. But the group of students that nominates the winner, Students Hon- oring Outstanding…

… said. "What struck me most was how inspired the students were to chal- lenge themselves." In honor of winning the Golden Apple Award, Soloway will give his "ideal last lecture" Jan. 22 at the Lydia…

…, and computer skills. Responsibilities include light typing, copying, filing, telephone coverage, and mail sorting. 1-2 students needed. 58-10 per hour. Contact Reva Frye at 764-8153. SPRING BREAK…

… to be highly self- directed with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard/typing skills required. Must be available…

April 12, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 118) • Page Image 22

… Margaritas Regi Bee 22 C or H U-M Computer Showcase Michigan Union ground level www.itd.umich. edu/sales 64-Sales 1-800-780-5009 AppleLoan available I lesl All c Also men sand…

…'m talking about your mind. You per- verts. Best Computing Center: Angell Hall Fishbowl- This is like asking patrons at Outback Steakhouse what their favorite meat is that they serve. The fishbowl has more…

computers in its entryway than any other lab on campus. I move to strike this topic from the Best Of next year. Best Place to Work Out: CCRB- It's here, IM building or the NCRB. This is a no-brainer. See…

December 12, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

… children with computers like Hewlett-Packard and Apple. "Since we're all engineers, if we get them some computers, we know enough to teach them and they wouldn't have to have teachers" Daniel said. The group…

… students at Markley on Stturday was taken to the Univer- sity Hospitals emergency room due to his level of intoxication. Computer lifted from Angell Hall A computer was stolen from an off cc in Angell Hall…

… over the Midwest. and Girls Club has some technology resources, such as video games and Study: Most Michigan residents Soppose concealed weapons computers, they are somewhat outdated. Engineering junior…

… Bernard Drew said through their donations to the chil- dren, they are working toward closing the technology gap. They hope to pro- vide the kids with an opportunity to manipulate current computer technolo…

December 12, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 51) • Page Image 5

… engage in time trials, race computer opponents, or vie against humans with a modem, TCP/IP or the Microsoft Gaming Zone. Regardless of the mode, you can choose from a variety of tracks in each city. A…

… Hear your grades on Touch-Tone: Call 8-1645 (on campus) S , . T C 6 3,#. E } t t } :., - : Apple Gives You Great Savings just In Time for Gift Receiving! Sci'e $350 Apple Power Mac G4 Cube $1…

….399 -SOMllz 1MB 1 ,64SDRAM 20G/DVD-ROM/56K Sae 1o0 Apple Power Mac G4 $1389 400MIzIlMB L2/64SDRALM/20G/DVD-RO:.l/56K Louer Price! Apple Power Mac G4 Dual '2,049 450MHz/1MB L2/ 128SDRA.M/30G DVD-ROM/56K Lower…

… Price! Apple Power Mac G4 Dual $4849 …

October 12, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

… Jennifer @ 663-0536 or fill out appl.@ 350S. Fifth Ave EOE. HANDY PERSON/maintenance for day care. Min. painting, yd wk, repair, cleanup. $8-10/hr. M-S 2-6 pm. Exp. pref. 996-4847. HEALTH CARE ASSISTING…

… person Mon.-Fri. 3PM-7PM for answering multi-line photo system, filing and general office duties. Computer exp. and exc. communication skills required. Call 665-3686 x55. AVAIL. MAY: 7 bdrm. house, 200…

… Aspiration 50 Without a profit 52 Like some Gernreich designs 55 Doctor's request 51 Computer " Walk-ins receive 20% discount with valid U of M student I.D. (non-organiza- tional, non-business ads only) * All…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 7

…, vice-president of research at Computer Economics, said. Various reasons may accoutnt for this ascettt, the most obvious being the large nutmter of Intemnet savvy teenagers with a grasp ott today…

…'s technologies. "The techtnology is getting easier and easier to use as more and more kids Itave access to coniput- ers" said Catiheinhe -Incke, a setnior research aia- lyst at Computer Economics. Jim Havetys…

… , tte Nagcr i To l uti iiian lappl icain r t ildl tit or E-mai: t't' 111111 cm o etupa lab in ittiSllooLIPI fer bilogy o 'silvtu S maoriri p iiimc . N y 10t ii/SINk iAppl hIeil T to:ttic/iiicc' Ft ili…

April 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 117) • Page Image 7

… assistant needed. dal candidates will be extemely pofessional. cn hsiast i. self motivated and organ ied. Computer literay a plus. Send resume and compensation hsory to Attn: Director of Sales & MarketnL: Fax…

…/18. Experience required U of M Pouid ose Children's Ceter. 998 8399. FNDRAISING; MANAGER Nation company seeks self-i otivatd eradua or bachelor's candidate o full te m~pIllelint. Successful appl icaits will…

…. depending on experience. For noe nli, please call Performiance Personnel at 668-6933 or email a resume to p rprsa2 CaaoI .coni G;REAT SUMMNIER JOB! Good atmnospheire. good py Appl at Big George's Homre…

… cleaning. May-Aug.. 4( hrs./wk., mrust have references.y8/ hr. Sprng Valley Trout Firtmi. tkxer. onl. 20 inis. f rotmUn of Michigan (734) 4269437 [ Computer Programmer/Analystj No experience needed!! IMS, a…

… biomedical software firm in Silver Spring, MD, employs 120 programmers developing biomedical systems and software. SAS, C, C++, JAVA, ACCESS, SYBASE and many other languages. Knowledge of one computer

January 12, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

… Saturday's hockey game, DPS orts state. .The subject pulled and grabbed the arm of the person standing in the place he left. There were no injuries. A report was filed. Student finds computer inked A student…

…'s edition of the Daily. .},..;: ii W t hnLb t What's happening in Ann Arbor today Get out of the cold and warm yourself up with free hot apple cider and donuts. You can stay and relax with free billiards…

March 12, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… CENTRAL OR MEDICAL- eff. I & 2 bdrm. Semi-fum. w/ appl. & rkg. avail. $475-$675/mo., util. incl. 747-6895. PARK PLAZA - 1320 S. University. 3 bedroom available now through Spring/Sum- mer '98. Call 761…

…-6308. ADMINISTRATIVE Asst.- Genitor Corp. seeks enthusiastic, self-motivated individual for P/T office position. Solid computer skills a must. Fax resume to: 734/213-2525 or e- mail ADVERTISING SALES…

…/Boston. Competitive salaries + room and board. Internships are available. Call Camp Greylock for Boys (800)842-5214 or Camp Romaca for Girls (800)779-2070. MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and Service…

…-0413. TAMARACK CAMPS L----- ATTENTION STUDENTS! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. $6.50+/hr. to start, bonuses up to $8/hr. For…

January 12, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

… phone included. One owner. 126,000 miles. $7,995 .-negotiable. 313-913-3472. TbYOTA COROLLA 87 80K mi. Silver manual, moon roof, cassette, runs fine, but no -A/C. $2350. Rich @ 936-2122. computers LAPTOP…

…. Center & Grad campus. 2 big bay windows, sunny SE exposure, tile kitch. & bath, working fireplace, hardwood floors/new carpeting, new kitch. appl., ceiling fans, & good closets. Avail. early Feb. $695/mo…

… STUDENTS!! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. $6.50+/hr. to start, bonuses up to $8/hr. For application & info stop by 611 Church…

November 12, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…. Dishwasher, disposal, mirrored dining area, track lighting, A/C, heat & water included, parking spot. Laundry on premises. 665-8825. APPLE COLOR Stylewriter Printer $179. Global Village 14.4 Modem $45. Both…

… items I yr. old, good cond. 332-2519. IBM THINKPAD 365 XD Pentium 120, 11.3 dual scan 24 RAM, 1.1 GB HD, 33.6 modem, CD, as new. $1300/best. 930-6424. MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and…

…). $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free information. Call 410-783- 8274. ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Let it work for you! For free info, log onto: www.hbn.coni, access code:5319. AD PLACEMENT…

…. BA/BF, writing & organizational ability, computer & library research skills req. Mechaical background/ ability pref. Fax resume to 313-973-0808, attn. J. Carbeck ESPRESSO ROYALE CAFFE. 214 S. Main St…

… Photoshop a must. Call Aimee at (313) 747 8619. JACK N' JILL LEARNING Center is look ing for full & part-time teachers. Call Nan at 761-8070. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! $6.50+/hr. Create your own sched. Va l computer

September 12, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 125) • Page Image 12

… right time to get an Apple Power Macintosh or PowerBook. Because in addition to getting the computer that lets you do more than you can imagine, you can save big time. For a limited time, students are…

… eligible for special cash rebates. *This is a limited time rebate coupon offer. See your Apple campus reseller today for complete details. fiInn I ...:.<r ,. ®Dl I <R .I 11 I Il i 1 ail r 71(i .'l…

March 12, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

… FROM $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes, Jeeps, 4WD's. Your area. Toll free 1-800/218-9000 ext. A1864 for current listings. A+ COMPUTING- Call for discount software prices & free…

…. 313/971-0990. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers. Incredible deals! 486s and Macs as low as $350. Printers starting at $29, 17" monitors as low as $499. Notebooks…

…-3920 or visit building NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL-Eff. I & 2 brdrm. semi-fum. w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475-$675/mo.. util. incl. 747-6895. LG. 2 BDRM. APT. just blocks from IM Bldg. Fully fum., balconies…

February 12, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…-fumn. w/ appl. & prkg. 1Iviil. $475-$675/mo., util. incl. 747-6895. NEAR UNION, spacious studio and I bdrm. apts. 741-9300. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE Webuy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers

… bdrms, 1.5 baths, & new appl. Avail. May or Sept. 5 bdrm. hse. w/2 level porch. Avail. Sept. 10 bdrm. hse. 4 baths, hardwood firs. Great place for 10-20 students. Avail. Sept. Don't pass these upl Call…

September 12, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 127) • Page Image 6

computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church, Ste. 304 or call 998-7420. ***ATTENTION STUDENTS*** The Michigan Daily is…

… watch 1 yr. old in my Plymouth home & drive si- blings to school on Weds. Ref. req. Call 414- COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming…

… individuals. Highest Starting Pay In Town! Appl in person at BELL TOWER HOTEL, 30 S. Thayer (on UM Campus). EOE. HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS are earning free spring break trips & moe 1 Sell 8 trips & go freet Bahamas…

… & need a great room close to campus in the winter? Rent neg., contact Dave 994-0665. BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA color monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO…

…-0647. HOUSEKEEPING- Laundry, vacuuming, other cleaning; 6 hrs ./wk .;$9/hr.; walking distance to campus; after 6 p.m. call 662- 7169. MAC 7200 16 Megs RAM. Barely used. Keyboard & mouse incl. $1500 neg. New! Apple 17…

… inch monitor add $700. 741-5262. [ MAC POWERBOOK 145b-4M/80M HD, * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. B/W screen, Apple Laser printer incl. Mint Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. cond., $975 or…

March 12, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

… bedroom) - $2395. New kitchens, big bedrooms, great locations! 930-9999. LG. 2 RM. EFF.'S & 1 bdrm. apt.-on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl., new appl., pkgt. avail. 747-6895. TOP CAMPUS…

….00, Computer desk $88.00, Queen mattress set $98.00. Fr piece bedroom set $158.00, Queen sofa sleeper $248.00.' APARTMENT FURNITURE RENTAL AND SALES, INC. 4801 WASHTENAW, ANN ARBOR (12 miles East of US 23, next…

… laundry included. Call 313/449-8902. ANN ARBOR'S COLOSSAL computer sale. Sunday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wash- tenaw Community College's Morris Lawren- ce Bldg. New/used hardware & software; kids table…

October 12, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

… j ' The Michigan Daily - - Thursday, October 12, 1995 - 3A Campus protest to support inonty issues TrD now chargingfor Ci1- access Students who access the University computer systems via modem…

… are now being charged for that service. The charges are being deducted from each student's monthly computing al- location of$11.30. Students who dial in are charged $4.40 per month, which allows them…

… access to the networks, said Ken Horning of the University's Information Technology Division. Since the computing allocation is in- cluded in a student's tuition, most stu- dents will not end up paying…

… Daily More of the latest in computers and multimedia technology will go on dis- play today at an open house for the University's new Media Center in the School of Education Building. The center had been…

… monitors and CD-ROM drives at each computer, separated by a parti- tion from the main lab so that classes can be held. "The effort has been focusing on people to people,"said Louis King, the Information…

… activities. The consultants also will help faculty to incorporate computer projects into as- signed course work. At the University, however, Presi- dent James J. Duderstadt reaffirmed his commitment to…

… Center demonstrates a new CD game to Sheri Schultz, an Apple Corp. employee. rad Opening Today: Presentations of the University's relocated Media Center, SEB, thrid floor, 10 a.m.3 p. M. The Center…

October 12, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…. Apple 15" monitor, keyboard, & mouse. Lots of original software. $1500 or best. Call Mickey at 747-0048. SAVE $$$$ New computers, still in boxes. Up to 70% off. Used computers as low as $299. 800…

… STUDY POSITION Research asst. Duties incl. basic office tasks & word processing. Call 763-5224 for moe info. WORK STUDY job: must like to work on computer. Data entry & odd jobs involved. 10 hrs./wk. East…

April 12, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…Vudent prisl LH.I ndLwitUhthe 11wo things you cantafodto Il m sows. uetpie.Adwt h F AppleComputer Loan and 90-Day Deferred Payment Plan, you can take home a Mac without having to make a single payment for up…

… VI NAT tON BOOK Being a student is hard. So we have made buying a Macintosh easy So easy, in fact, that prices on Macintosh personal computers are nnw even Inwer than their already Q 1VWUGYC. A1w st…

January 12, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

… bdrm. semi-fum., w/ appl. & g. avail. $475-$775/mo., util. incl.147-65. NEAR UNION 1g. Contemporary studios. 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. 741-9300. NOW LEASING Fall '95 Fumished houses + Apartments Stopbyfor…

… brochure. Capus Rentals 1335 South University at Washtenaw 665-8825. PARKING near Rackham. $50/mo., 996: 2836 or 761-9192. APPLE COLOR + 14" monitor brand new. 28 pcot pitch can suport up to 16.8 million…

… colors $298. Call Brian 913-8117. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment] Now selling 386s as low as $349, 4 86s as…

…). L-shaped bdrn. makes ideal triple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great loc. for Medical Campus & close to North Campus bus…

December 12, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 48) • Page Image 17

… buy. The Apple Computer Loan and 90-Day ime, with the Apple Computer Loan and 90-Day Deferred Payment Plan, you can Deferred Payment Plan. The solution that gives you the . 4 a own a Macintosh personal…

computer, printer, CD-ROM drive or other periph- power every student needs. The power to be your best. Apple I C . -1HPP ,x 1rlll' _. 15* …

… 2 PTS 18 18 17 12 10 10 10 9 2 2 w 12 11 12 8 10 5 6 5 3 2 L 4 5 4 8 6 7 6 6 13 11 T 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 3 0 2 2 11 2 only $1,413. Or about $25. a month. 6364/250, Apple Color Plus 14" Display…

…, AppleDesgn~ Keyboard and mouse. Only $2,588. Or about $49. a month.f Macintosh Performa 6115 8/350 with CD-ROM, Multiple Scan 15 Diplay, AppleDesign Keyboard and mouse. only $3,365. Or about $62. a…

… month. t N BUY AN APPLE MACINTOSH NOW. PAY FOR IT LATER: eralswithout maing asnglepayment for90 days: Combine that with no hassles, We're not just making it easier for you to buy a Macintosh…

September 12, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 121) • Page Image 9

Apple Computer Loan, its now easier than ever to buy a Macintosh personal computer. In fact, with Apple's special low interest and easy terms, you can own a Mac for as little as $23 per month.t Buy any…

… select Macintosh now, and you'll also get something no other computer offers: the Apple student software set. It includes aprogram designed to help you with all aspects of writing papers. A personal…

March 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 91) • Page Image 7

… files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free delivery. Call 313/ 475-1130. TYPING…

… loc. 534 Hill. Call Cheryl 995- 1184. FEMALE HOUSEMATE NEEDED: For a single in a 5 bedroom house off State st. near athletic campus Call Lisa at 764-1930. COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz COMPATIBLE. 120 Meg…

…. NEC 286 - VGA monitor, 40 MB Hard Drive, 3.5 & 5.25 HD floppy, software. $600/ best. Call 769-9431. LASER PRINTER '91 APPLE II NT. $1900. Call Todd, 995-5575. COMPAQ 286 DESKPRO, VGA, HD, $595, Laser…

February 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

… Campus, 2 , dishwasher, microwave, free laundry. il. May-May or Sept.-Sept. No pets. 663- BDRM. & 6 BDRM. HOUSES avail. May- May near campus, all major appl. Off- tarking, laundry, very large rooms, walk…

… 536 South Forest Street Now leasing for fall. Effiencies. 1, 2, &3 bedroom apartments available on 8 or 12 month leases. Very competitive rates, heat & hot water incl. Ammenities include: computer room…

February 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 75) • Page Image 10

… more time for both. The new Apple' Macintosh' Classic' II computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers- and still find time for what makes college life real…

… you can run even the most sophisticated applications with ease. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange…

… information easily with almost any other kind of computer. In addition to its built-in capabilities, the Macintosh Classic II can be equipped with up to 10 megabytes of RAM, so you'll be able to run several…

September 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

…'ve added even more instruments to their eclectic mix: "We used a melatrom (sic), right? A bit of sitar... some weird sine waves, computer waves. Don't know what they're called.. Stephen Street knows what…

apple in the clouds... oranges on the moon... a lemon underneath the sea with a propeller on and little portals -- it looks like a submarine. And 'Planet Love' looks like a tomato with rings around it…

September 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…! Prices " negotiable! Call me at 996-3815. r ~. COMPUTER: APPLE IIC, with monitor * 'nd Imagewriter printer. All software mcl. Appleworks for spreadsheet, database, and * sword processing. Call Michelle at…

…. Great opportunity. Application deadline: 9/29/91. COMPUT'ER/AV USERS FACILITY o medical campus needs individuals to wormW Mon.,Wed., & Fri. morning. Learn/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. $4…

April 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. MALE or FEMALE. Call 1-206-298-3691 ext. 71. ASSISTANT NEEDED TO PROVIDE COMPUTER hardware/software technical support. 20-40 hours/wk. Pay $7-$8 depend- ing…

… Taste of the Big Apple 63 -2163 GREEK G.AB Alpha Xi Delta Wishes t congratulate its graduating seniors ARE YOU RESUME CLUELESS? Ex- perienced resume writer will write and print your resume. Call 668…

March 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… - Tuesday, March 12, 1991 TheMichigan Dail hiaLal ITD may enege on ResComp payment by Andrew Lev Iraq bombs rebels, destroys holy sites * Residence hall computing ser- vices could be jeopardized next…

computing centers could become even more crowded if proposed ITD cuts affect residence hall computer center clusters. Associated Press Saddam Hussein's troops shelled Shiite Muslim. rebels in mosques in the…

…. "If ResComp's budget was significantly reduced, RA's, ResComp coordinators, ResComp trainers, and RD's might lose ac- cess to the computer loan fund," said Havlicek. The computer loan fund pro- vides…

computers free of charge to residence hall staff and many ResComp employees during the school year. "Users might see a cutback in open hours for each ResComp cluster. ResComp services such as learning…

… workshops, computer usage workshops, and consulting hours might seriously drop. Basi- cally, everything that is ResComp would be a possible source of cuts," added Havlicek. LSA first-year student Scott Beal…

… myself but I've got a couple thou- sand dollars in it," he quipped. Westen received $2,000 dollars along with his Golden Apple trophy. ,'m going to miss Michigan a lot' - Drew Westen professor of…

…'s first Golden Apple Award. Executive Director for Univer- "That $2,000 about doubles I 1- ~ j …

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