6B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, April 12, 2001
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Extensive menu selection-
pleases Pizza House clientele
The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magp
Students' choices highlight best
of what's around the University
By Heidi Wickstrom
Daily Arts Writer
Over the past two years, Pizza House
has earned top honors in The Michigan
Daily "Best of Ann Arbor" Poll for their
extensive variety of delectable pizzas,
entrees and munchies. Since its humble
beginning in 1985, Pizza House has
flourished into something of a take-out,
delivery and dining-in Mecca, with an
immaculate menu of appetizers, salads,
sandwiches, pasta dishes, chipatis,
desserts and, of course, pizza to satisfy
any craving. As this school year comes
to a close and the votes have been cast
for all that which is great in Ann Arbor,
it is no surprise that for a third-consecu-
tive year, Pizza House has proven to be
a favorite dining and delivery establish-
ment among Michigan Daily readers.
Pizza House, located on Church Street, has been a campus favorite for years.
Whether you feel like dining-in or
carrying-out, a Pizza House appetizer or
salad can complement a main course or
be a meal in itself. Their many appetizer
selections range from standard fare, like
chicken fingers, buffalo wings and
onion rings, to more unique treats, such
as their mini-pizzas, pepperoni stix and
highly-acclaimed three cheese nachos.
If you fancy a salad, they offer over ten.
different varieties, from antipasto to taco
When it comes time for the main
course, Pizza House serves up a wide
variety of fantastic sandwiches, sub-
marines and savory pasta entrees to
pleasure any palate. You can order cold
and hot sandwiches and subs alike, with
top-sellers being the chicken parmesan
sub, Georgia reuben and Italian sub.
Their Big as a House Burger certainly
lives up to its name; a half pound of beef
and a plethora of toppings to choose
from give this burger legendary status.
Since this is Ann Arbor, Pizza House
has not forgotten the vegetarian diner; a
Big as a House Burger can be made with
a black bean patty on request. As for
their delightful pasta selections, they
offer everything from ravioli and
spaghetti to lasagna and fettuccini alfre-
do, providing a taste of Italy right here in
Ann Arbor.
When it comes to chipatis, Pizza
House proves that no one does it better,
with a wide array of dressings and top-
pings to complement this unique salad-
bread hybrid. The Original Chipati is the
most popular of the chipati family; how-
ever, the chicken ceaser, steamed veg-
etable and chicken ranch chipatis, as
well as the spinach-version, the
Chipopeye, are not to be forgotten. To
complete the masterpiece that is chipati,
a spicy, yet creamy Pizza House original
chipati sauce or your choice of a salad
dressing accompanies the goods.
Pizza House serves up a mean pizza,
hence the name. The choices are end-
less, as they offer a traditional or thin
crust pizza, as well as their famous
Chicago Deep Dish or Stuffed Pizza.
Their specialty pizzas will solve any
problems of having to choose toppings;
they feature many interesting and
unique varieties, such as the chicken
alfredo, seafood, chicken salsa, salad
pizza and Southwestern BBQ pizzas.
These specialty pizzas, along with cal-
zones, pizza pockets and matzo pizzas
are offered for those looking to liven up
their dining experience.
Saving room for dessert is a must at
Pizza House. Regardless of your tastes,
they have a tempting treat to satisfy any
sweet tooth. The Snickers Pie and New
York Cheesecake are House Specials,
and their more than 20 flavors of shakes
and malts are fantastically mind-bog-
gling. For the more upscale diners, a
scrumptious tiramisu is also offered.
Convenience is key for the Pizza
House customer. All these dishes can be
enjoyed in the restaurant or in your
home. Pizza House has over 40 drivers
on staff, which means that fabulous food
is only a phone call away. Also, Pizza
House is open from 10:30 a.m. until
4:00 a.m., seven days a week, for both
dininglin and delivery. Therefore, there
are only 45.5 hours a week when you
cannot reach the Pizza House crew.
If you find yourself hungry after read-
ing this, give the folks down at Pizza
House a call or stop in to experience
some great food and service for your-
Best of the University: All the
things you voted for, and are afraid to
fess up to, be prepared to learn what
University students really care about.
Best Campus Tradition: Naked
Mile- If there's anything better than
college co-eds running through the
streets in the buff it's being the amateur
pornographer who is putting it on the
internet for $3.95 a week.
Best Campus Event: Football
Saturdays- Fans sitting to watch future
Major League baseball players play
football. I smell irony.
Best Speaker (past year): Jesse
Jackson- He never meant to make
your daughter cry, though he can
rhymes better than Aurthor Miller. The
civil rights pioneer is always welcome
Best Course: Psych 111- Won last
year. Won this year. Will win again next
year. It's the weeder class for the psych
department, I promise.
Best Blow-Off course: Psych 111-
It wins the best course, and then wins
the best blow off, I think the students
are trying to send a message to admin-
istration. More courses like sorority
girl, easy.
Best Professor: Ralph Williams-
Hey, it's a special treat when you can
teach like hell, touch your knees stand-
ing straight up, and palm two medicine
balls. All hats down for Ralph.
Best Lecture Hall: 1800 Chem-
But, it's so big. I know baby, I know it
is. If we start slow you'll get used to it,
it's a long walk to the front row, but
we'll get there.
Best Bathroom: Angel Hall- There
are more urinals in here than I can
shake my stick at. And a dozen sinks to
boot. Watch the zipper, stuff like that
Best Residence Hall: South Quad-
A big brunch, and a big bunch of ath-
letes make this a hot spot to canvas the
on-campus muscle. Oh, is that Drew
Henson? Wow, that's a nice Land Rover.
Best Residence Hall Cafeteria:
Bursley- Up in the Bur-lodge the sexy
grandpa roams free, serving some of
the University's finest in pre-packaged
Best Co-op: Michigan House- This
co-op is tolerable, sexy and ready to
step to the podium and take home the
gold for this best of.
Best Student Group: Blue Party-
Since everyone here is liberal, I dunno
how the hell they win all the time. I
think it's those T-shirts and khakis they
are always sporting.
Best Frat to Party With: Beta Theta
Pi- Big jeans, big muscles, aw shit41
dunno these jokers are probably the
smoothest group of criminals on cam-
pus, pimpin' the ladies leavin' their
heads ringing.
Best Sorority to Party With: Delta
Gamma- The DG's know how to
dance and swing with the best of them.
Actually, I don't know if they do, I'm a
Best Place to Study: Law Library-.
It's oh-so-quiet. Turn off your Bjork CD
and get some work done. Just because
you are taking German pass/fail doesn't
mean you should slack. Dad, is that
Best Library: Graduate Library-
For reasons why this is the best library
on campus, head to the Best of Dating
section. It will open your eyes, where as
the grad library opens something else.
I'm talking about your mind. You per-
Best Computing Center: Angell
Hall Fishbowl- This is like asking
patrons at Outback Steakhouse what
their favorite meat is that they serve.
The fishbowl has more computers in its
entryway than any other lab on campus.
I move to strike this topic from the Best
Of next year.
Best Place to Work Out: CCRB-
It's here, IM building or the NCRB.
This is a no-brainer. See previous.
Best Student Job: Library
Assistant- Standing at a counter with a
nose in a book, getting paid $10 an hour
on work-study does sound pretty sweet.
I quit.
Best Athlete (male): Drew
Henson- In addition to batting sub-
.300 and getting paid $18 milliOn or so
over the next 6 years, he's also the recip-
ient of "best athlete." Yeah, we certainly
voted on these before you bolted.
Best Athlete (female): Elise Ray-
You crazy little Olympian you. We're all
so so proud. Vaulting, and doing that
thing on the uneven bars. Stick those
Best Sports Team: football- Uh,
what did you expect to get picked
broomball. It's the University of
Michigan. We must put this topic on
here to stroke our own egos.
Best Sports Tradition: Hockey
chants at Yost Arena- Making noise,
making no-oy-se. This is the part where
My Name is Jonas really starts to rock.
Best Thing About Football
Saturday: (tie) tailgating and win-
ning- Well next season at least one of
these is automatic. There's always
drunk tailgaters at the Big House.
Blue Party members Matt Nolan and Je
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