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April 12, 2001 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-12

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From the shadowy world of trendy Ann Arbor coffee bars to the mean
streets of upper-middle class Grosse Pointe, Apple Pie is the story of
the triumph of the human spirit in the face of some pretty normal,
everyday, ordinary stuff.


Nho Needs to Rent a Truck
fou Can Pack Al Your Stuff



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The Michigan Daily:
"a comedic look at college
life... satirical commentary reigns
supreme and dares the reader not
to laugh out loud..."
The Daily Helmsman:
"laugh-out-loud funny... both
realistic and humorous... as
endearing as it is funny"
The State News:
"Most college students can relate to
some of the events at the
university...manages to make the
situation humorous"
**Available at Border's Books
and Music on East Liberty **
Visit www.ReadApplePie.com for
more information


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f WHAT: U-M Senior Send-off
ditWHERE: Ingalls Mall, across from Rackham
WHEN: Thursday, April 12, 5-7 p.m.

:t. WHY:



Bring your friends and meet other U-M grads relocating to your new city. Find out the hot
spots in the city you're moving to, as well as how the Alumni Association can make your
relocation a lot easier. All seniors who sign up for their free one-year membership in the
Alumni Association will be entered into the contests, including a drawing for a chance to
win a brand new Passat from Howard Cooper Volkswagen! (You must be preseni
to win.)



David Mazzotta

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Go to www.umich.edu/~umalumni/seniors/ for up-to-the-minute info!
NEW! ,AND, your Alumni Association is kicking off a brand new RELOCATION SERVICE
young alumni at the Send-off. If you're planning to leave Ann Arbor, looking to make you
move hassle-free, or want to build your social network, then this relocation service is for yo

The youngest son of successful Korean immigrants, Alex Kim is less concerned with discovering his ethnic
heritage than reminding everybody that he is an American.. He's no Asian Whiz Kid, just an average student
trying to make his way through the University of Michigan in a dreary reality of nerdy roommates, a lousy part-
time job, and a remarkably reticent girlfriend.
As Alex's stultifying life closes in on him, an opportunity to break away presents itself embodied in the
mythically beautiful, if somewhat dogmatic, Naomi. Alex carpes the diem, as he might say, and leads us on a
comically wry journey through every form of silliness college life has to offer as he tries to make sense of his
place in the universe without "swirling down the metaphysical toilet bowl."
The Definitive Novel of Ann Arbor

You'll get . . .
" Local contacts a
* Singles chats
* Helpful links
9 Welcome gatherings

* city info
* Ways to get involved with your community
* And much more!



If you'd like more information visit
send an email to relocating@umich.edu or call 800.847.4764.



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