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October 12, 2006 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-10-12

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2A-The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 12, 2006

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Debris falls from an apartment building on New
York's Upper East Side after a small plane with
New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle aboard
crashed into it yesterday.
Yankees' Lidle
presumed dead
in plane crash
Yankees pitcher one of at least two
killed in collision; crash doesn't seem
to be a terrorist attack
NEW YORK (AP) - A small plane carrying New
York Yankee Cory Lidle slammed into a 50-story sky-
scraper yesterday, apparently killing the pitcher and
a second person in a crash that rained flaming debris
onto the sidewalks and briefly raised fears of another
terrorist attack.
A law enforcement official in Washington said
Lidle - an avid pilot who got his license during last
yearts offseason - was aboard the single-engine air-
craft when it plowed into the 30th and 31st floors of
the high-rise on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Mayor
Michael Bloomberg said both people aboard were
Lidle's passport was found on the street, according
to a federal official, speaking to The Associated Press
on condition of anonymity. It was not immediately
clear who was at the controls and who was the second
person aboard.
Federal Aviation Administration records showed
the plane was registered to Lidle, who had repeatedly
assured reporters in recent weeks that flying was safe
and that the Yankees - who were traumatized in 1979
when catcher Thurman Munson was killed in the crash
of a plane he was piloting - had no reason to worry.
"The flying?" the 34-year-old Lidle, who had a
home near Los Angeles, told The Philadelphia Inquir-
er this summer. "I'm not worried about it. I'm safe up
there. I feel very comfortable with my abilities flying
an airplane."
The crash came just four days after the Yan-
kees embarrassingly quick elimination from the
playoffs, during which Lidle had been relegated to
the bullpen. In recent days, Lidle had taken abuse
from fans on sports talk radio for saying the team
was unprepared.

Bush defends stance on North Korea
President Bush unapologetically defended his approach to North Korea's nuclear
weapons program yesterday, pledging he would not change course despite contentions
that Pyongyang's apparent atomic test proved the failure of his nearly six years of effort.
Bush rejected the idea of direct U.S.-North Korea talks, saying the Koreans were
more likely to listen if confronted with the combined protest of many nations.
The president said he was not backing down from his assertion three years ago
that "we will not tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea."
He said the United States "reserves all options to defend our friends and our
interests in the region against the threats from North Korea, a stance he said
includes increased defense cooperation, especially on missile defense, with Japan
and South Korea.
But he added: "I believe the commander in chief must try all diplomatic mea-
sures before we commit our military."
Army: Troops to stay in Iraq until 2010
The U.S. Army has plans to keep the current level of soldiers in Iraq through 2010,
the top Army officer said yesterday, a later date than Bush administration or Pentagon
officials have mentioned thus far.
The Army chief of staff, Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, cautioned against reading
too much into the planning, saying troops levels could be adjusted to actual con-
ditions in Iraq. He said it is easier to hold back forces scheduled to go there than
to prepare and deploy units at the last minute.
"This is not a prediction that things are going poorly or better," Schoomaker told
reporters. "It's just that I have to have enough ammo in the magazine that I can
continue to shoot as long as they want us to shoot."
His comments were the latest acknowledgment by Pentagon officials that a signifi-
cant withdrawal of troops from Iraq is not likely in the immediate future.a little bit of
difference in the testimony or what he said."
Page scandal: Ethics panel questions officials
House officials who directly supervise teenage congressional pages were
questioned yesterday by ethics committee investigators probing the handling
of former Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate messages to pages.
The internal investigators spoke privately with Peggy Sampson, who super-
vises House pages sponsored by Republican lawmakers, and her Democratic
counterpart, Wren Ivester.
The high schoolers attend classes at Congress' page school and perform
errands for lawmakers.
Reid got $1 million for Las Vegas land
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a
Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for
three years, property deeds show.
In the process, Reid did not disclose to Congress an earlier sale in which he transferred
his land to a company created by a friend and took a financial stake in that company,
according to records and interviews.
The Nevada Democrat's deal was engineered by Jay Brown, a longtime-friend and
former casino lawyer whose name surfaced in a major political bribery trial this summer
and in other prior organized crime investigations.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports
Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com.



'Azzam the American' indicted

AI-Qaida video propaganda videos for al-Qaida.
Adam Yehiye Gadahn,;28 ciuld"
personality charged be sentenced to death if convicted
with treason of the charge, which has been used
only a few dozen times in U.S. his-
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The tory and not at all since the World
charge of treason was used for the War II era. He also was indicted on
first time in the United States' war a charge of providing material sup-
on terrorismyesterday,filed against port to terrorists.
a California man who appeared in Gadahn "knowingly adhered

to an enemy of the United States,
namely, al-Qaida, and gave al-
Qaida aid and comfort ... with
intent to betray the United States,"
according to the indictment, hand-
ed up by an Orange County grand
The suspected al-Qaida opera-
tive has been sought by the FBI
since 2004.

Stock scandals cost CEOs jobs
0 While stock option regulators and prosecutors do it Santa Clara-based McAfee,
for them. a leading maker of eimputer
shenanigans are cleared Yesterday, the scandal's fall- anti-virus software, also fired its
up, executives ousted out widened when the chief president, Kevin Weiss.
executives of both McAfee The abrupt departures of
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Inc. and CNet Networks Inc. McAfee CEO George Samenuk
- Companies sullied by stock stepped aside to atone for stock and CNet CEO Shelby Bonnie
option chicanery seem intent option shenanigans that will follow last week's resignation
on cleaning out their executive erase some of the companies' of Apple Computer Inc. board
suites and boardrooms before past profits. member Fred Anderson.


Editors in Chains:
Secrets, Security and the Press
Monday, October 16,2006,4:00 p.m.
Honigman Auditorium, Law School
University of Michigan
Bill Keller
p Executive Editor
-- The New York Times

Potrio .ounesy oi sew Y orKl inc
Bill Keller joined The New York Times in 1984 where he has held the positions of
domestic correspondent in the Washington, D.C. bureau (1984 - 1986), reporter in the
Moscow bureau (1986 - 1988), bureau chief in the Moscow bureau (1988 - 1991),
bureau chief in the Johannesburg bureau (1992 -1995), foreign editor in the New York
City bureau (1995 - 1997), managing editor in the New York City bureau (1997 -
2001), op-ed columnist and senior writer in the New York City bureau (2001 - 2003)
and Executive Editor in the New York City bureau from July 2003 to the present. In
1989 he won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the breakup of the former Soviet
Union. Bill Keller stirred up controversy this past June when The New York Times
published an article revealing that the U.S. Administration had kept tabs on suspected
terrorists by tapping into bank records which track global transactions. President
Bush and Vice-President Cheney called the newspaper a disgrace, and several
congressmen suggested that it was guilty of treason and demanded the prosecution of
its Executive Editor.
For additional information:
Web site: www.umich.edu/~aflf
Telephone: 734-764-0303
The 2006 Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom is sponsored by the
Academic Freedom Lecture Fund, American Association of University Professors University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor Chapter, and the University of Michigan's Office of the President, Office of the Vice President for
Communications, Law School, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Board for Student Publications, and
Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. This lecture is free and open to the public.

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