April 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 117) • Page Image 7
… assistant needed. dal candidates will be extemely pofessional. cn hsiast i. self motivated and organ ied. Computer literay a plus. Send resume and compensation hsory to Attn: Director of Sales & MarketnL: Fax…
…/18. Experience required U of M Pouid ose Children's Ceter. 998 8399. FNDRAISING; MANAGER Nation company seeks self-i otivatd eradua or bachelor's candidate o full te m~pIllelint. Successful appl icaits will…
…. depending on experience. For noe nli, please call Performiance Personnel at 668-6933 or email a resume to p rprsa2 CaaoI .coni G;REAT SUMMNIER JOB! Good atmnospheire. good py Appl at Big George's Homre…
… cleaning. May-Aug.. 4( hrs./wk., mrust have references.y8/ hr. Sprng Valley Trout Firtmi. tkxer. onl. 20 inis. f rotmUn of Michigan (734) 4269437 [ Computer Programmer/Analystj No experience needed!! IMS, a…
… biomedical software firm in Silver Spring, MD, employs 120 programmers developing biomedical systems and software. SAS, C, C++, JAVA, ACCESS, SYBASE and many other languages. Knowledge of one computer…