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July 03, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-03

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agical Symposium
duled Next Week

(Continued from Page 1)

Encourage Cultural


the University of Bucharest med
e tenth annual Summer Bio- ical school, will discuss "Fun
al Symposium, "Cell Struc- tional Changes in the Organiza
and Function," will be pre- tion of the Animal Cell," Tuesd
ed Monday through Wednes- at 4 p.m. and a panel discussi
of next week by the biologi- will be held at 5 p.m. on the sam
clence division. day.
ans Ris, professor of zoology Talks on Synthesis
he University of Wisconsin At 10;a.m. Wednesday, Pro
speak on "The Organization Palade will speak on "Protel
the Nucleus and Chromo-yh
es," Monday morning at 10:00 Synthess in the Pancreas.' Pro
Ris wil ldiscuss "The Fine Stru
and H. E. Huxley of the bio-1 ture of Spermatozoa" at 10:4
ics department at University a.m., and Prof. Robinow's subje
ego, L~ondon will discuss "The wil lhe "Fresh Observations o
etural Basis of Muscular Con- the Structure and Division (
tion," Monday at 11:00 a.m. Somatic Nuclei of Fungi," a
Rockefeller Speaker 11:40a.m. ,
onday evening's program twill Wednesday evening Huxley wi
ist of S. Granick, associate of discuss "The B i o p h y s i c s o
Rockefeller Institute for Med- Muscle," at 8 p.m., and Pro
Research,. speaking on "The Granick will speak on "The Ev
roplast, Its Structure, Inheri1 lution of Photosyntlesis," at 8:4
e arid Function," at 8 p.m. p.m.
C. F. Robinow, professor of
eriology at the University of
er t Ontario, who will discuss Ce
Tent Ideas on the Organiza-
of the Bacterial Nucleus," at G n D
orge E. Palade, associate
ther of the Rockefeller Insti- * irew or s
for Medical Research a1d a
ier professor of anatomy at
A Fourth of July fireworks dis
pla described as the "biggest eve
PProve ifle. for Washtenaw County" will b
held at 9:30 p.m. Saturday a
r cor1 Buhr Park on Packard Rd. ne
Easy St.
AYLORD - A change in title The display is scheduled to las
Ioger Jacobi, a member of the about an hour-and-a-half.
I school faculty, was approved
ie Regents Friday. Approximately 90 per cent o
cobi, who has been a lecturer the fireworks will be aerial an
two-fifths time basis, has been will be visible to residents in t
inted an assistant professor surrounding area.
two-thirds time basis for the 'The second annual displayL
-60 University year. He has sponsored by the Ann Arbor Spir
pted a part-time appointment of '76 club.
. the Ann Arbor Board of Edu- washtenaw County junior dep
n as' director of music to cover uties will direct parking in thre
other one-third of his tim. llots. No admission is charged.
te Ann Arbor public shools,
011 succeed Prof. Margerite If rain falls, the display will b
%Iwho resigned from the school held Sunday night at the park.
ion to serve ful-time on the About 20,000 persons watche
ol of Music faculty. last year's display.
toieoe of o dt * MATS 65
SATU "This Earth is Mine"
Ends 1DIAL
Saturday NO 8-6416
% 1 Jr ! ." Bosley Crowher, N. Y.Tirms 2 _

- many advantages. You know you
C- can be very helpful. to us," he
a- added, "in case you want to men-
y tion some of the outstanding
>n American schools of journalism
2e when you visit the other universi-
On the other hand, the num-
f. ber of students who can be ac-
n cepted in journalism (or any oth-
f. er field) is rigidly prescribed by
c- the Ministry of Higher Education
10 of the USSR as are, generally, the
et courses to be taught, the basic
n content of those courses, and the
of examinations to be met before a
at degree is granted. So it is with all
fields of higher education in the
ll Soviet Union.
of Controlled by Ministry
f. There are at the present time
- approximately 780 institutions of
0 -higher learning in the Soviet
Union. Roughly 230 of these are
under the direct control of the
Ministry of Higher Education. Of
this number, only 39 are full-
fledged universities, the remaind-
er being specialized institutes of
one kind or another.
The educational program of So-
viet universities is much more
limited in scope than is true for
universities and colleges in this
- country. As a general rule what
Mr we know as the professional
e schools (medicine, engineering,
It agriculture, architecture, mining
etc.) are organized in separate in-
r stitutes. Some of these, such as
engineering, music, and architec-
st ture, are responsible directly to
the Ministry of Higher Education

in S
the h
met w
felt t.
in th
the hi
the R
in the
the b
he re
of al
S. K
of the

INSIDE KREMLIN-This photograph, from President Hatcher's recent trip to the Soviet Union,
shows murals of religious motifs on the walls of the Palace of the' Supreme Soviet.

Others, of which medicine and recommended by the academic get represents State appropria- ballet, drama, and literature are maii
A agriculture are good examples, re- council of the institution. Pro- tions. encouraged to the fullest extent. man
e port directly to the ministry con- rectors and other staff members The second item of importance Almost every community of any turies
cerned with their activities. Even are provided as needed. is that all appointments with the size has its own opera house, sup-
in these cases, however, the MIin- The top administrative body is rank of full professor or above ported by the state, its own bal- In
is istry of Higher Education retains the academic council which is must be made by the Ministry. A let and theater, and its own li- thea
it considerable control over admis- chaired by the rector and whose recently announced policy also brary of substantial holdings. The that
sions, graduation standards, gen- membership consists of the pro- makes every university position Soviet nation, as has been repeat- schoo
- eral' course requirements, and rectors, deans of faculties, heads open for competition every five edly noted, probably publishes catio
e such matters. of departments, several ranking years. While this was adopted more books than any other coun- with
Organization Pattern professors chosen by their col- primarily "to assure younger men try in the world. What is more, "TI
)e In internal structure, all Sovie leagues, the librarian, and repre- an opportunity to advance," it the people are avid readers and .the t
universities and institutes follow sentatives from the university's nevertheless means that there is printings run into exceptionally the.n
d almost the same organizational party .and trade unin organiza- essentially no tenure of employ- high figures. hours
pattern, with some allowances in tion. In some cases representa- ment beyond a five-year period. The system of education re- histori
staff depending upon the size of tives from industry also are in- Against this background, it is flects these interests. There are ing p
the institution and its particular cluded. somewhat easier to understand special institutes for ballet, where nical
function. Each university, for ex- Has Several Duties why certain activities in the gen- youngsters enter at an early age laid4
ample, is headed by a rector who The council is charged with eral area we call humanities are and remain through the equiva- and
is appointed by the Ministry of adapting plans and programs of given high priority and supported lent of a ten-year education, spe- natur
Higher Education from a panel the institution to policy decision far more lavishly than in our cial conservatories for music and t
of the government, with formu- country and why certain others where promising talent is hunted art c
lating an overall plan for the in- are virtually non-existent. I have out and given the finest kind of lectic
Stanley r postitution based upon the recom- said that the higher schools func- training, and special programs for ism i
mendations submitted by each de- tion .to serve the state's cultural those interested in the theater or set a
partment, and with other general and ideological development as in other fields of the visual arts.
Pla s oncer. matters of this kind. It also ap- well as scientific and political Departments of philology (lan- Thi
points junior staff members and, needs. , guages and literature) usually are lishes
The University Stanley Quartet in smaller schools, judges the dis- Thus it 'is that music, opera, among the oldest and strongest of th
(Gilbert Ross nad Gustave Ros- sertation defenses for doctors' de- says:
seels violins, Robert Courte, viola, grees. . IN FU 'URE: "T
and Paul Olefsky, cello) will. give In general, faculties of the uni- IN*FUTURE: terial
a public-concert in Grand Rapids versities can be grouped in two way a
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in St. Cecilia general areas: natural sciences convii
Auditorium. and humanities. The social sci- mater
The concert is sponsored by the ences do not exist as we know tory.
University music school, the Ex- them in American universities. terial
tension Service, and the St. Ce- them in American universities. ' 1 Commity Coleges -omic
cilia Society. Finally two other facts are rele- formi
The program will i n c lu d e: vant in understanding the degree divers
"Quartet in C major, Op. 50, No. of planning and control which is As more youth seek a college studiec
Quaret n Cmajo, O. 5, No ofplaningandconrol hic iseducation and as costs of attend- students, if better provisions and sui
2" by Haydn; "Quartet in A minor exercised by the government over edgaton, aas co ottn- suetsr etter padn histor
(for Jean on her birthday)" by th Soviet university system. First, icllegeaypfr ei- reathe technical-vocational pro- is my
Vaughan Williams; "Quartet in roughly 99.9 per cent of the bud- crease, greater pressure will be the hnicaggostr An
D minor (Death and the Maiden)" get of Soviet universities comes place on community coleges to . . stren
by Schubert. from funds alocated by the Min- channel their efforts in the direc- The University and other senior viet s
Olefsky, who is solo cellist with istry of Higher Education. This tion of university parallel cur- institutions could add prestige to ognit
the Detroit Symphony, is guest compares, for example, with a nicula, says University Prof. Jesse the occupational programs by cultur
cellist with the Stanley,'Quartet university such as Michigan where P. Bogue of the Center for Higher their recognition and apprecia- ther
for the Summer Session. only 44 per cent of the total bud- Education, tion of the total range of func- weak
"This means community col- tions of the community colleges." that
leges would have to give less at- Prof. Bogue suggests that by philo
tention to some of their other giving emphasis and strength to alone,
necessary functions," he notes. various curicula, especially the some
"This is a danger which con- vocational-technical, community vidua
S cerns community college leaders colleges could thereby improve ture,
iN C in all sections of the country," he their position for the selection of sition
said. "While community colleges students into various kinds of educa
of Michigan are educating and programs, found
to training more people for organ-
ized occupational positions requir-
ORCHESTRA-TYPE MUSIC ing at least two years of college
than any other institutions, there
every night of the week is a general agreement that effort ESPECIALLY FOR
in this field lags considerably." E P CA L O
with our newly installed Industry Tie
STEREOPHONIC JUKE BOX Prof. Bogue points out that
Michigan is a highly industrial-
ized sttae. "It needs to have, $20
Come out and see this Completely Remodeled Club therefore, educational institutions
FLOOR SHOWS which will provide organized oc-
cupational programs to meet
every FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS many of the demands of business A:W
and industry."O N
He says, "The community col-
REUEL KENYalNleges are the logical places for the
development of these programs.
and hisORCHESTRA "Thestate could encourage W
and is RCHE TRAthem to provide improved pro-
playing every weekend grams of an occupational nature
by making larger appropriations
*" ' ' for them than for other types.W th
Technical education is more ex-
ALpensive than academic," Prof.
Am er ,ialtL.R.104Bogue adds. FO TOT
Improve Quality
1035 S. Main -Phone NO 8-6141 "Moreover, it might be possible MAMBO
for community colleges to improve
the quality of university parallel MERINGUE
216 W. William Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
Telephone NO 8-8014 OPEN:

oviet universities. What is
more significant; far from
relegated to second place in
heavy emphasis on science,
departments actually are
strengthened and expanded
ghout the Soviet Union.
colleagues and I repeatedly
the question whenever we
uith university people if they
hat the new educational re-
would depreciate the work
e non-scientific areas. The
ers were a uniform "no" with
examples -of how studies in
umanities actually would be
gthened. But it remained for
Rector of Irkutsk University
e heart of Siberia to give
est answer. Gazing out the
)w of his conference room,
New Buildings
ut there we are b uil d'in g
new buildings at a total cost
most 30 million rubles ($3
n). They are to house our
unities faculties.
haps the general attitude
d education in this field is
summed up in an article by
altakhchyan and Y. Petrov
ring in the "Toronto Quar-
of October 1958. Entitled
Teaching of Philosophical
ces," it says in part:
he Soviet Union's youth are
ted in a spirit of profound
et for the cultural heritage
e past. They carry out to the
the precept of, the great
that one cannot become a
er of the new society with-
having assimilated all the
ual riches accumulated by
ind throughout the cen-
Emphasize Philosophy
the same article, however,
authors, after .emphasizing
all students in the higher
ls receive a systematic edu-
n in philosophy, conclude
this statement:
he courses differ according to
ype of school. For example,
main stress in the ninety
devoted to dialectical and
ical materitlism-the lead-
hilosophy course - at tech-
and agricultural coleges is
on dialectical materialism
philosophical problems in
al science. At universities
eacher training, medical and
olleges, the syllabus in dia-
al and historical material-
s broader and 140 hours are
side for the courses."
Gives -Purposes
s same article also estab-
rather clearly the purposes
ese philosophical courses. It
e section on historical ma-
ism is arranged in such a
s- to present, profoundly and
ncingly, the meaning of the
ialist understanding of his-
The laws governing the ma-
life of society and the econ-
structure of society, and
ng the foundation of man's
ified s p i r i t u a l life, are
d as the real basis of the
ical process." (The emphasis
d so the observer sees both
gth and weakness in the So-
ystem: strength in the rec-
ion and encouragement of
al activities important to
nation's development, and
ness in the rigid requirement
these activities adhere to one
sophy and one philosophy
It is not surprising that in
of the areas of high indi-
I creativity - art, arhitec-
novel writing, music compo-
, criticism, etc. - the Soviet
tional system is weighed and

tman of romance languages depart-
ment, has received an appoint-
ment as linguistic consultant to a
project which will make motion
picture films and film strips of
four of the foreign language. in-
stitutes which will operate at, th~e
University and 11 other univer-
sities this summer, under provi-
sions of the National Defense Edu-
cation Act (NDEA).
These films and film strips will
be made by the International Com-
mundcations Foundation of Beverly
Hills, Cali., under contract with
the .United States Office of Edu-
They will be made available to
teacher training institutions and
to schools and colleges in which
languakes are taught, and in par-
ticular to those institutions which
are planning to organize additional
institutes under provisions of the
Purpose of the films is to provide
example and instruction ingad-
vanced techniques of language
analysis and instruction, includ-
ing the use of electronic and audio-
visual aids, and to attract in-
creasing numbers of students to
undertake effective language
studies. The institutes which will
be filmed are those at the Univer-
sity of Colorado, the University of
Texas, Louisiana State University
and at the University, June 22-
Aug. 14.
Since the end of the spring se-
mester, Prof. Staubach has been
participating in the staff organiza-
tion of the project in Beverly Hills,
and will accompany the picture-
making team. lie will serve as
technical adviser and will provide
liaison with the administration
and the teaching staff of each in-

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