Regents Approve University Faculty Appointmer
OM large apartment to share with
eperson. One block from campus.
a month. Call after 5 P.M., NO
393. -C24
GE ROOM with private bath forj
or two persons. One block from
mpus. 808 Oakland, NO 2-2858.'
MS FOR RENT for girls. % block
m campus. 1218 Washtenaw. NO
942 for arrangements. C12
ron River 1 mile from campus is'
rent to refined young married
iple. Phone after 6 or before 9:30.
3-5126. C22
PUS, clean, 4 room furnished
rtment, $70. NO 3-4322. C
aE 3 bedroom house. Modern ranch
>e with attached garage. Large
neled living room with fireplace
d vier. Stove, refrigerator, washer,
'er, ironer and disposal. 1%' blocks
m elementary school. Conveniently
r North Campus and hospitals.
ner will care for yard. and pay
ter. Year lease or longer, $175 per
mth. NO 3-8677. C20'
DROOM furnished apt.dfor 4 girls'
4 boys. Includes silver and dishes.
stefully decorated by interior dec-
tor. Convenient Liberty St. Joca-
n. $160 per month, including heat
I water. Phone NO 3-5098 evenings.
unfurnished," on and off campus
ation, two bedroom,' abundant
set space, tiled bathroom and
mer, large living room, air-con-
e-oned if desired,. birch kitchen,
sets and counters, Westinghouse,
ctric range and refrigerator, wash-
and driers.Tel.yNO 2-7787. On
,nings and Sundays after 6, NO
714 or NO 5-5515. C17
RM. apt. on 1st floor. Stove, refrig.
npus. $110 includes everything. NO.
747. C16'
MS FOR MEN: Quiet. Campus area.
.ens furnished. Low rent. NO 3-4747.
LE ROOM, private bath, linens,
,r campus and hospital. NO 5-5605.
CAMPUS: A nice two room, fur-
hed, all utilities, private bath,
litional services. $80; with garage;
.50. NO 8-7234. C2
111 E. UNIVERSITY, student rooms.
'men at summer rates. Singles and
ble. Phone after 5 P.M. NO 8-8681.
BLOCK from campus, modern apts.
So. Forest. NO 2-1443. Cl
YISHED: Campus apts., 1 'or t
,ms. Boys,' girls, families. Single
s. Summer rates andfall rates.
S. Division. Also caretaker apt.
L COMFORT-Everythng you want
an Ann Arbor _apa artment.
* " " HI FI * * * Modern Kitchen
d Bath # # Washing Machine
* " * Backyard and carport.
JRRY - Cail NO 2-3036 after 5
This is the way to live.
TED TO RENT Sept. 1st, 2 or 3
[room house withi fenced yard, by
tor while doing graduate work.
1 sign 1 or 2 year lease. L1
Figure 5 average words to a line.
Classified between 1:00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri.
9:00 and 11:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786
rr r i rrr i i
on salary and commission basis for
men 18 and over. Apply in person
8 A.M.-5 P.M., 224 S. First St. H7
MERRY ELLEN SCHOOL at 1706 Pauline
Blvd., .Ann. Arbor, invites you to en-
roll your emotionally disturbed, slow-
learning, or retarded child. Visit
school while still in session. Closing
July 1st. Telephone NO 3-3879. FF1
CAMPUS: 23 apartments, 2 houes,
moder, profitable. NO-2-1443. 72
For Sunny Exposure
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good fashion always,
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TYPING: Tihesis, Term papers, reason-
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'59 SAAB $1,875
Mich, European Car Corp
Liberty at Ashley NO 5-5800
'56 OLDS conv., all power, white walls,
leather seats, new top, sharp. $1,395.
NO 2-1443. N5
FORD, 1954 Custom V-8, Fordomatic.
Good condition, extras..NO 5-6886.
LEARN TO PLAY Hammond Spinet or-
gan. $15 per month, includes lesson
in our studio, Rent a Spinet piano
of your ownchoice-$10 per month.
323 S. Main NO 2-5667
ROOM and/or Board, excellent meals at
Tappan International House. Call Mrs.
Griffee at NO 5-5703. El
reasonable prices. Short walk from
campus. Call Hse. Mgr. at NO 2-8312.
WANT TO rent, swap or exchange 9
room house in Flint, three blocks
from VT. of M. campus for comparable
accommodations in Ann Arbor. Call
NO 8-8712. ,F13
LESSONS in singing and speaking,
Carol F. Westerman, NO 8-6584. F9
ROOMMATE WANTED: To share spa-
cious 5 room apartment, with swim-
ming pool. $90 from now 'till Sept. 1.
NO 5-7356. Fo
CHESS SETS: 2 hand-carved Austrian
(figurines). One English Ivory. One
German plastic (figurines). Call after
7, HUnter 2-4056. B6
LARGE COLLECTION of classical mu-
sic: piano, ppera scores and organ.
Wide selection of Bach and Mozart.
Also Conn flute, $50. Call after 7,
HUnter 2-4056. B5
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able tires and tax). Other sizes
comparably ,low. Tune-ups. Brake
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Subscribe to
Michigan Daily
At their June 26 meeting in
Hidden Valley, the Regents ap-
proved, the following appoint-
Prof. Jesse E. Gordon, assistant
professor of psychology at Mon-
tana StateUniversity,was ap-
pointed assistant professor of
psychology for a three-year term,
beginning with the 1959-60 aca-
demic year.
Prof. Gordon received his B.S.
degree in 1950 and his M.S. de-
gree in 1951 from New York Uni-
versity. He receive dhis Ph.D. de-
gree from Pennsylvania State
University in 1956.
From Montana
After teaching at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin for two years,
he joined the Montana State Uni-
versity faculty in 1957.
Prof. Harry W. Hann, assistant
professor emeritus of zoology, was
appointed consultant to the Mu-
seum of Zoology for the period
from June 10 to July 31, 1959.
Dr. Matthew Alpern, associate
professor of visual education and
research in the ophthalmology
department of the medical school,
was given a concurrent appoint-
ment as associate professor of
physiology in the medical school,
effective July 1, 1959, without sal-
ary. *
Medical Appointment
Dr. Elizabeth Crosby, professor
emeritus of anatomy in the medi-
cal school, was named as a con-
sultant to the neuro-surgery de-
partment of the medical school,
effective July 1, 1959, through
June 30, 1960,
Dr. Donald A. Kerr, professor
of dentistry in the school of den-
tistry, was named as professor of
pathology for dentistry, effective
July 1, 1959, without salary.
Dr. Merle Lawrence, professor
of acoustics in the otolaryngology
department of the medical school,
was given a concurrent appoint-
ment as professor of physiology,
effective July 1, 1959, without sal-
New Psychiatrist
Dr. Kenneth A. Kool, who has
been director of the Electroen-
cephalographic Laboratory at the
Vetreans Administration Hospital
In Salt Lake City and a member
of the University of Utah College
of Medicine faculty since 1954,
was appointed as an assistant
professor of electroencephalogra-
phy in the psychiatry department
of the medical school, effective
Aug. 1, 1959.
Dr. Kooi, a native of Muskegon,
received his M, S. degree in neuro-
anatomy and his M. D. degree
from the University, where he also
served his internship and a resi-
He has served two tours of duty
in the United States Army Medi-
cal Corps, and assumed his post
at the V. A.- Hospital in Salt Lake
City in 1954.
New Director
Wray Smith, an administrative
associate in the Willow Run Lab-
oratories, was appointed assist-
ant director, effective July 1, 1959.
In his new position, he will con-
tinue to be responsible for the di-
rection of the administrative
staffs of the laboratories and for
assisting the director and asso-
ciate director in formulating and
implementing administrative poli-
cies and procedures. .
Smith received his B. A. degree
in mathematics from George
Washington University in 1948,
and his M. S. degree in instru-
mentation from the University in
1958. He was with the National
Bureau of Standards in Washing-
ton, D. C. (from 1947 to 1950),
and served as an instructor at St.
John's College for the 1950-51
He subsequently served as tech-
nical publications editor for the
National Bureau of Standards in
Corona, Calif., from 1951-53, and
scientific staff assistant at the
Naval Ordnance Laboratory there,
for the 1953-54 year, before com-
ing to the Willow Run Labora-
tories in 1954.
Lab Chief
Prof. Louis J. Cutrona, of the
electrical engineering department,
was appointed a research engi-
neer, effective July 1, 1959, and
will serve as head of the Willow
Run Radar Laboratory, the larg-
est of the several laboratories
within Willow Run.
The Radar Laboratory is in-
volved in major programs in the
field of air-borne and ground-
based radars with support through
P r o j e c t Michigan, the United
States Air Force, and the Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency.
Degree at Cornell
Prof. Cutrona received his B. A.
degree from Cornell University in
1936, his M. A. degree in 1937 and
his Ph.D. degree in physics in
1940 from the University of Illi-
He joined the Willow Run staff
in 1949, and served until 1956
when he became a professor of
electrical engineering at the Uni-
versity. He was on leave during
the 1956-57 year to work with the
Space Technology Laboratories of
the Ramo-Woolridge Corp., where
he took part in studies of guid-
ance and communication with
space vehicles.
He returned to the Universiyt's
electrical engineering department
in 1957.
Two Appointments
Dr. Andrew S. Watson, of the
University of Pennsylvania, was
appointed as an assistant profes-
sor of psychiatry in the medical
school and assistant professor of
law in the law school, effective
July 1, 1959.
The appointment, which covers
a three-year period, provides for
five-eighths time in the medical
Regents Accept
From Houses
The University Regents ac-
cepted nearly $4,000 in contribu-
tions from students in Residence
Halls at their meeting yesterday.
The contributions will cover the
cost of new furnishings and other
purchases made for several men's
and women's housing units. Con-
tributions for recreation room al-
terations formed about a third of
the total..
Houses making contributions for
this purpose were Lloyd and Adams
of West Quadrangle, giving $750
and $400 respectively, and Cooley
of East Quadrangle, which gave
$100. In addition, the residents of
Williams House of West Quad-
rangle contributed $280 for a
recreation room carpet.
The Regents also received over
$1,000 for television sets from five
women's housing units. These
were Butler, Little and Hunt
Houses of Mary Markley, contri-
buting $205, $220 and $205 re-
spectively, Alice Lloyd, giving $220,
and Stockwell, giving $220.
Of the remaining money, $595
came from.West Quadrangle for
a piano, $45 from East Quadrangle
for a record cabinet for WCBN,
$150 from Mary Markley for a
duplicator, $325 from Alice Lloyd
for folding doors, and $184 from
Victor Vaughan for a set of en-
school, one-eighth time in the
law school, and one-fourth time
for private consultation.
In the law school, Dr. Watson
will take part in courses and sem-
inars in which the qualities of
human behavior are of "substan-
tial significance" such as crim-
inal law, criminal procedure, evi-
dence, and domestic relations.
Board Gran
Twenty-E igi
University Regents have ap-
proved the following 28 committee
Profs. Willard A. Oberdick and
Thomas F. McClure of the archi-
tecture and design college were
appointed to the Executive Com-
mittee of the architecture and de-
sign college.
Prof. Oberdick was appointed
for a four-year term, ending June
30, 1963, and will replace Prof.
George B. Brigham,. Jr., whose
term expires June 30. Prof. Mc-
Clure was appointed for the aca-
demic year of 1959-60 and will re-
place Prof. Emil Weddige while
the latter is on sabbatical leave.
Prof. J. Philip Wenette, of the
business administration school,
was appointed for a two-year term
to succeed Prof. Olin W. Blackett
on the Executive Committee of
the business administration
school. His term will expire June
30, 1961.
Deans Named
Dean Roger W. Heyns of the
literary college and Dean Stephen
S. Attwood of the engineering col-
lege were appointed to the Library
Council, both for four-year terms,
ending June 30, 1963.
Dean Heyns will succeed Dean
Tom W. Rowe of the pharmacy
college and Dean Attwood will
succeed Prof. Walter B. Sanders,
chairman of the architecture de-
Renville Wheat was named to
succeed himself for a four-year
term, ending June 30, 1963, on the
William L. Clements Library Com-
mittee of Management.
Law School
Prof. William W. Bishop, Jr., of
the law school was appointed to
the Committee on American In-
stitutions Lectureship and, Profes-
sorship for a three-year term,
ending June 30, 1962.
Prof. Bishop will succeed Prof.
Hessel E. Yntema of the law
John J. Ross, '61, was named as
student representative on the
Board of Directors of the Devel-
opment Council. He will serve a
two-year term, ending June 30,
1961, succeeding Maynard Gold-
man, '59.
Dean Heyns, Prof. Paul W. M-
Cracken of the business adminis-
tration school and Prof. Ronald
Freedman of the sociology depart-
ment were appointed to the Exec-
utive Committee of the Institute
for Social Research.
Two Year Terms
All appointments were for
three-year terms, ending June 30,
1962. Dean Heyns - will replace
himself, Prof. McCracken will
succeed Prof. D. Maynard Phelps
of the business administration
school, and Prof. Freedman will
succeed Prof. ;Amos H. Hawley of
the sociology department.
Five appointments were made
to the Executiv'e Committee of
Flint College, all for one-year
terms, ending June 30, 1960. Profs.
Douglas A. Hayeg of the business
administration school and How-
ard R. Jones of the education
school were named to succeed
Prof. Edward T. Calver of the
English department, Flint College,
was named to succeed Prof. Basil
G. Zimmer; Prof. Robert H. Co-
jeen of the Flint College business
administration school was ap-
pointed to succeed Prof. Alvin D.
Loving of the Flint College, and
Prof. Frederick H. Test of the zo-
ology department was named to
succeed Prof. Jon W. Lederle of
the Institute of Public Adminis-
Prof. Richard C. Boys of the
Extra Fine
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English department and Prof. Ed-
ward L. Walker of the psychology
department were named to the
Executive Board of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate
Prof. Boys will succeed Prof.
Arthur W. Bromage of the politi-
cal science department and Prof.
Walker will succeed Prof. Nathan
Sinai of the public health school.
Both were appointed for five-year
terms, ending June 30, 1954.
Prof. Harold E. Wethey of the
fine arts department and Prof.
Albert P. Mullen of the design col-
lege were named to the Executive
Committee of the Museum of Art.
Prof. Wethey was named to suc-
ceed Prof. Marvin J. Eisenberg of
the fine arts department for a
two-year term, ending June 30,
Interim Term
Prof. Mullen was named for a
one-year term, ending June 30,
1960, to complete the unexpired
term of Prof. Weddige, who is on
sabbatical leave.
Prof. Edith G. Morgan of the
nursing school was appointed for
a two-year term to the Executive
Committee of the nursing school.
Prof. Morgan, whose term will ex-
pire June 30, 1961, succeeds Prof.
R. Faye McCain.
Prof. Axel Marin was named to
the .Executive Committee of the
engineering college. He was ap-
pointed for a four-year term, and
will succeed Prof. Glenn V. Ed-
Also appointed to the Executive
Committee was Prof. Lewis N.
Holland for a two-year term, and
he will succeed the late Prof. Jo-
seph G. Tarboux.
Willow Run
Prof. Lawrence L. Rauch of the
engineering college and Dean
Heyns were named to the Execu-
tive Committee of the Willow Run
Prof. Rauch succeeds himself
for a three-year term, and Dean
Heyns will succeed Prof. Freeman
D. Miller of the astronomy de-
partment, also for a three-year
Prof. Stephen H. Spurr of the
botany department and Prof. D.
Maynard Phelps were named to
the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics for four-year
terms, ending May 31, 1963.
Prof. Spurr will succeed Prof.
Accept Budget
For Projects
At VU'Meeting
GAYLORD -- Bidgets totalling
$1,385,719 were reported to the
Regents at Hidden Valley Friday.
The budgets had been initiated
since the Regents' meeting June
12. The sources of funds for the
budgets was as follows: federal
government, $1,077,049; industry
and individuals, $227,276; foun-
ations, $79,194; and endowment
income, $2,200.
Research grants and contracts
made up the bulk of the budgets,
accounting for all $1,365,064 of
the total with $20,625 represent-
ing instructional programs.
Four projects being adminis-
tered by the University Research
Institute accounted for the bulk
of the budgets approved in the
field of research.
One of $487,400 and another of
$113,000, both with funds from
the United States Army Signal
Supply Agency, will deal with
problems of national security and
will be under the direction of
Jospeh A. Boyd of the Willow Run
A budget of $100,594 with funds
from the Office of Vocational Re-
habilitation will cover research
aimed at providing a "more scien-
tific basis for the design, con-
struction, prescription and use of
adaptive and assistive devices in
the treatment and rehabilitation
of persons with disabilities involv-
ing the upper extremities." This
will be under the direction of J.W.
Rae, Jr., of the medical school.
Still another UMRI project is
covered by a $75,060 budget with
funds from Ballistic Research
Laboratory and is aimed at the
development of high a 1 t i t u d e
sounding rocket. This project is
under the direction of L. M. Jones
and N. W. Spencer.
Dr. Watson, a native of High-
land Park, received his B. S. de-
gree from the University in 1942.
He also holds two degrees from
Temple University, an M. D. in
1950 and an M.S. in medicine in
For the past three years, he has
been engaged in teaching and
ts Leaves, Sabbaticals,
it Committee Positions
Philip M. Northrop of the dental
school, and Prof. Phelps will suc-
ceed himself on the Board.
Prof. Samuel D. Estep of the
law school was appointed to suc-
ceed himself for a four-year term,
ending June 30, 1963, on the Exec-
utive Committee of the ,Michgani
Memorial Phoenix Project.
The Regents also approved
eight leaves of absence and six
off-campus assignments.
Leaves of Absence
Prof. John W. Addison, Jr., of
the mlathematics department, was
granted leave without salary for
the coming academic year which
he plans to spend as a visiting as-
sociate professor at the University
of California at Berkeley,
Leave was granted from Sept. 1,
1959 to Sept. 1, 1960 to Prof. Louis
J. Cutrona, of the engineering col-
lege, who will serve as head of the
Radar Laboratory of the Willow
Run Laboratories during that
Prof. Alexander DeConde, of
the history department, received
leave without salary for the spring
semester. He hopes to complete
the second of a two-volume his-
tory of Federalist diplomacy and
politics with the aid of a Guggen.-
heim Fellowship for studies in the
diplomatic and political history of
Franco-American relations, 1797-
Visiting Professor
A second-semester leave with-
out salary was also granted to
Prof. Lawrence B. Kiddle, of the
romance languages department,
who has been asked to act as vis-
iting professor of Spanish at the
University of Wisconsin.
A research position in the Bell
Telephone Company laboratories
will occupy Prof. Joseph B. Krus-
kal, of the mathematics depart-
ment, while on leave without sal-
ary for the 1959-60 year,
The grant of a leave without
salary for the academic year will
permit Prof. Joseph J. Martin, of
the engineering college, to assume
the position of visiting professor
at the University of California at
Los Angeles.
Bendix Job
Prof. Don E. Rogers, of the en-
gineering college, will use his leave
without salary ,for the coming
academic year serving as a mem-
ber of the technical staff of the
Ann Arbor Bendix Systems Divi-
G. Lavett Smith, Jr., research
associate under a National c-i'
ence Foundation grant, will teach
at Ohio State ,University from
June 22 to Aug. 31, 1959 under
the terms of his leave without
An off-campus assignment was
undertaken by Reeve M. Bailey;
of the Museum of Zoology, from
June 9 to 20 in which he did field
work on a special research project
supported by a Rackham grant.
Mexico Trip
Robert R. Miller, also of the
Museum of Zoology, is currently
doing field work in northern Mex-
ico on a research project support-
ed by the National Science Foun-
dation. His study began June 7
and continues through July 25.
The month of August wll see
three members of the gerontology
division attending a Summer In-
stitute in Social Gerontology at
the University of ,California at
Berkeley. Wilma T. Donahue, di-
rector, will be accompanied by two
of the division's staff members
Harold L. Orbach and Jean C,^
Prof. Henry van der Schalle, of
the zoology department and cura-
tor of mollusks for the Museum
of Zoology, will have off-campus
duty from Aug. 15 to Oct. 23, 1959.
He will explore the marine mol-
lusk fauna of Eniwetok Island un-
der the invitation of the Atomic
Energy Commission. A temporary
appointment, without stipend, a
a visiting colleague at the Unver-
sity of Hawaii has also been
granted. All materials collected
by Prof. van der Schalie during
his ' off-campus assignment will
become the property of the Uni-
Offers View
On Africa
writing in a joint disciplinary pr
gram conducted by the Univf
sity of Pennsylvania Law a
Medical Schools.
Dr. Watson holds an assista
professorship in the Penn Medic
School, is an associate professor
the Penn Law School and also
a lecturer in the Bryn Mawr C
lege School of Social Work,
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