Soviets Foster
Cultural Study
DITOR'S NOTE: Following is the third in a series of five articles by
ity President Harlan Hatcher on his recent trip to the Soviet Union
I of a delegation which studied higher education. This series of ar-
rignally appeared in The Detroit News. The original articles by
nt Hatcher are 'reprinted here in full.)
vious educational missions to, the USSR have pointed out
ost complete identity of the aims of the Soviet educational
with those of the government. This observation should be
led because it is essential to an understanding of education
Soviet Union, particularly in those fields which we normally
as the humanities and social sciences.
the USSR, education has no intrinsic value in itself. Rather,
9 to serve the requirements of the state - to advance the
ystem economically, culttirally, politically, and ideologically.
r words, it is not, as in the Western World, an end in itself.
.rely a means to an end.
Devoted Scholars
not wish to imply that there are not within Soviet univer-
'ofessors who are devoted to the pursuit of science and art
for the sake of scholarship. There are, and. I think our mis-
nd more of these men than we expected to find. It is true,
t they enjoy a considerable degree of academic freedom,
he Umits permitted by the government.
taps this situation is best illustrated by the experience of one
members of our party at two universities which we visited.
He found, apparently, consider-
able discussion going on among
the faculties on the role of d
ection for journalism in the Soviet
- .university. At Moscow, Kiev, and
. 3 Lvov there are separate faculties
* {#tof journalism. At other universi-
ties, journalism is simply a sec-
tion within the philology faculty.
Recalls Incident
In Leningrad this member of
our party was approached by one
of our hosts, a professor of phil-
ology, who asked about the place
of journalism in the American
university. A lengthy discussion
followed, during which the Amer-
ican explained that both systems
could be found 'in the United
. .States - an independent school
or faulty or a division of a
broader and more general pro-
gram such as liberal arts and sci
ences. He ended his comment with
- the remark .that Michigan foI-
lowed the latter pattern.
"That's the. right answer and
n x -~the only way it's going to be
around here," the 'professor said
k.......with considerable conviction.
Several days later in Kiev a
similar discussion took place,
after which one of the journalism
t professors remarked:
Cites Advantages
"Our universities are consider-
ing this problem very seriously.
We think a separate faculty has
See SOVIETS, Page 2
enate Holds Up Action,
n Foreign Aid Plan
SHINGTON - The Senate last night postponed a final
the foreign aid bill after handing President Dwight D. Eisen-
, victory in a dispute over the development loan fund.
ate Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas won
nt to put off any further roll call votes until next Tuesday
limit debate then on amendments and the multibillion dollar
:43 tiily
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
ire in Pentagon
Ruins Valued Data
Air Force Equipment, Records
Lost as Small Section Blazes
WASHINGTON (P) - Millions of dollars of Air Force computing
equipment and records - some possibly secret - were destroyed or
damaged yesterday when fire burned out a small area of the vast
Pentagon building.
Smoke billowing from burning magnetic tapes overcame more
than a score of fire fighters and sent them to hospitals.
Most of the 30,000 Defense Department workers were sent home,
giving them an early start on the July 4th weekend. Thirty-four
Capital Ar tr
WASHINGTON (A) - President ipert- snapped. "Some people think
Dwight D. Eisenhower's talent as Ihis paintings aren't so good either."
a painter drew criticism yesterday Mrs. Halpert, who runs an art
from a peppery woman right in gallery in Manhattan, sounded off
the middle of the big art-to-Rus - tee nrpyto rsdn ie
sia squabble. hower's discussion of art at his
Mrs. Edith G. Halpert, who's to news conference yesterday
be the curator of the American 'c
art exhibit opening at Moscow In Washington, Chairman Fran-
July 25, Raid President Eisenhower' cis E. Walter. (D-Pa.) of the HouseE
has no business second-guessing Committee on Un-American Ac-
competent critics. tivities carried along his campaign
The President.has shown some- against artists he regards as Red-
thing less than enthusiasm for the tainted.
works selected. He said Wednesday Asks Bar
one of them looked more like a Rep..Walter asked Secretary of
lampoon than it looked like art, State Christian A. Herter, in a let-
and an American exhibit in his ter, to bar from the United States
opinion should display "what an exhibit the works of artists 'with
Feud Rages
The State Department is spon-
soring the exhibit, along with the
Commerce Department and the
United States Information Agency.
Walter said at least half of the
67 artists whose work has been
selected for the Moscow exhibit
have records of affiliation with
Communist fronts or causes.
One-third Communist
And about one-third of them, he
added, "have significant records
,of affiliation with the Communist
The committee of four which
selected the questioned art told
President Eisenhower in a telegram;
from New York last night that the
The President said he would ne
censor the selections and the com
mittee said "we wish to strongl
uphold your decision that no work
will be withdrawn from the ex
hibition because of the alleged per
sonal opinions or backgrounds o
the artists."
*,It added: "Such withdraws
would give the Soviet propagan
dists an ideal weapon to attack ou
Democratic freedom. ...
"The works are of high qualit
and have been generously lent b
leading American museums an
private collectors. In our cor
sidered judgment the exhibitiv
presents the best and the mos
vital aspects of American art c
our time."
Hint Franco
Plans Hug
MADRID AP) - Generalissimo,
Francisco Franco is to launch a
sweeping program of economic re-
form and austerity shortly.
Dangerous social unrest is ex-
pected to follow,
Reliable political informants
said the austerity measures will be
announced within the next two
weeks and will hit both workers
and business.
Strengthen Power
A new law of public order is
being pushed through the Cortes
(Parliament) to reinforce the re-
gime's power to put down unrest
and social disturbance.
Forecasting the drastic reforms
in a speech last month, Commerce
Minister Alberto Ullastres said:
"This is probably the worst mo-
ment through which we will
pass . .
Franco, in a speech Monday,
appealed for unity and said, "It
is the safety and life of Spain and
your future that are at stake."
U. S. Involved
The United States also has . a
stake involved: since 1951 Spain
has received more than a billion
dollars in nonmilitary aid, defense
support and-Urlus farm produce.
And under the aid-for-bases
agreement of September 1953, the
Americans have built a network
of air bases at a cost of 350 mil-
lion dollars for joint use by the
Americans and the Spanish.
The United States has also pro-
povided th Spanish, nearly 500 mil-
lion dollars in weapons andmili-
tary material, including a number
of warships,
Troubled Period
The Franco regime is forced
to begin the austerity program be-
cause of vital need for foreign
credit just when foreign coun-
tries are losing interest in loan-
ing money on past terms. I
Spain's present dollar holdings
are said to be less than five mil-
lion dollars.
This meant seeking help from
international organizations, the
International'Monetary Fund, the
Organization for European Econ-
omic Cooperation and the United
They demanded that Spain put
its financial house in order. After
months of negotiation, Spain
agreed and a memorandum of
proposed changes was initialed in
Madrid June 26, reliable sources
said. They added that final agree-
ment will be reached in Paris
within two weeks, making Spain a
full-fledged member of the OEEC.
Spain now is associated with the
Government sources said they
expect the austerity program to
boost unemployment from 60,000
to 100,000 workers during the first
two or three months.
pieces of fire equipment and 3001
firemen rallied from the District
of Columbia and nearby Virginia
and Maryland communities. The
Pentagon, headquarters of Amer-
ica's farflung armed services, is
in Arlington, Va., across the Po
tomac River from Washington.
Breaking out just before noon,
the flames were brought under
control about three hours later.
The fire was believed to have
started from defective electrical
Air Force Hit
The blaze centered in the Air
Force statistical center on the
first floor of the massive building.
Here are located 30 million dol-
lars worth of computing machines
and great stores of recording tape.
There were various reports, but
officials said they would be unable
to assess the dollar damage - or
to determine the exact nature of
what was lost - until they could
get into the burned area.
The Center contains personnel
records as well as secret data.
Valuable Data Lost
One officer said at least 7,000
acetate tapes containing classified
information had been lost. He
said it would take from 5 to 10
years to replace them, if they
could be replaced.
Other department officials re-
ported none of the expensive data
processing machines in the burned
area had been salvaged. "Some
classified papers were destroyed,"
they said without disclosing what
type of secret material was In-
The fire was confined to an area
of a few thousand square feet out
of more than three million square
feet in the Pentagon.
The flames were kept in check
by concrete walls, ceilings and
floors, making them invisible to
al lbut the firemen. The blaze was
fed by false ceilings and floors
built into the area.
While the area of the fire was
limited, damage to the floors, walls
and ceilings could be heavy. A
small cloud of smoke warned work-
ers of trouble.
The fire was on the first floor,
belowthe main level of the Penta-
MSU Students
Face Trouble
EAST LANSING to)m- Discipli-
nary action against 23 Michigan
State University students involved
in rowdy outbreaks on the cam-
pus June 11-13 was announced
yesterday by the dean of students'
Students fought and stoned
police during the three days of
examinations coinciding with final
One student was found inno-
cent, three were suspended, 14
were placed on strict disciplinary
probation, four on disciplinary
probations, two on warning pro-
bation and decisions were still
upending in two other cases. !
American likes."
"That's his privilege," Mrs. Hal-
a significant record of service to collection "is not communistic,
the Communist party." negative, or un-American."
Over B
Berlin if
Report Heart
Sends Long1
To Hospital
K. Long abandoned his motel
capitol in Covington last night
and drove into New Orleans.
It was reported that Gov. Long
was to undergo an electrocardio-
gram for his ailing heart. But the
governor strode past reporters at
the Roosevelt Hotel here, telling
"I'm not answering any ques-
tions. I'm not telling you any-
thing. Get away."
Gov. Long was accompanied
here by a driver and an unidenti-
fied man and woman. The man
went into the hotel with the gov-
ernor, while the driver drove the
woman away.
Covington is about 40 miles
north of New Orleans.
The governor had planned to
open a campaign for reelection
Earlier, one of his doctors, Dr.
Edgar Hull, asked by newsmen
what the rigors of a campaign
might do to Gov. Long's health,
"I prefer not to talk about that."
The governor was in good spir-
its last night as he was whisked
away in a, car with his psychia-
trist, Dr. Paul Pratt.
"I might be going to the
bushes," Gov. Long joshed. He
added he would be back in the
capitol, Baton Rouge, tonight.
The 63-year-old governor,
spining about like a top despite
doctors' efforts to slow him down,
scheduled four Fourth of July
But yesterday he choked up
with what doctors first thought
was a periodic attack of the
asthma from which he suffers.
Later, however, Dr. Victor Lief,
described the seizure as a slight
heart failure.
Dr. Hull and Dr. Lief examined
Long again today and announced:
"The Governor needs a complete
1 rest and avoidance of strain."
Soviet Calls
,World Pace
Reds Goal
Rejects Press Club
Queries at Luncheon
Continues U.S. Talk
WARNS U.S.--James P. Grant of the International Cooperation
Administration asked for a shoring up. of American economic
aid, programs yesterday.y
Grant Cals for S trength
In Foreign Aid Pattern
A drastic reduction in United States military and economic aid to
underdeveloped nations would be "extremely dangerous, short-sighted
and unwise.",
The opinion, voiced yesterday before a capacity crowd attending
the first of five talks on "The Challenge of Soviet Expansion," was
te Ruling
Pennsylvania Supreme Court yes-
terday ruled the Pennsylvania ob-
scenity statute unconstitutional.
The court, in a 5-2 decision held
unconstitutional the provision of
the state penal code prohibiti ig
exhibitions of a "lascivious, sac-
riligious, obscene, indecent or im-
moral nature."
The far-reaching d e c is io n
leaves the state without any stat-
ute on the books guarding against
allegedly indecent or lewd movies
or personal performance.
The ruling was handed down in
the case of Martin 'Blumenstein,
manager of a drive-in theater.
near Scranton, Pa.
Blumenstein was convicted of
t violating the penal code section in
showing a burlesque film.'
He was sentenced to three
months in jail and fined $200 by
Judge Michael J. Egen of Lacka-
wanna County Court.
The conviction was confirmed
by the state superior court.
Yesterday's 5-2 decision re-
versed the Superior Court Justice
Curtis Bok wrote the majority
opinion from which Justices John
C. Bell, Jr., and Michael A. Mus-
manno dissented.
Justice Bok reviewed the 1956
state movie censorship decision
which had held pre-censorship of
films invalid.
He referred to rulings by the
United States Supreme Court
which held unconstitutional sta-
tues using the words "sacriligious,
lascivious, indecent, immoral or
Strikes Plague
. itself. Johnson abandoned
ler plans to bring the bill to
inal vote yesterday.
He also mentioned that many
iators have engagements in
ir home states over the July
A key action in the day-long
sion came when the Senate ap-
Dved a two-year, two-billion-.
Ilar program for foreign devel-
nent loans requiring financing
[hat amounted to a victory for
esident Eisenhower.
t was a compromise brought
t by Democratic and Republi-
n leaders as a substitute for a
asury-financed five-year, five-
lion-dollar program backed by
airman J. William Fulbright,
-Ark.), of the Senate Foreign
4ations Committee.
But while it was written into
multibillion dollar foreign air
[by voice vote, the compromise
Snot satisfy Sen. Fulbright and
n. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.).
Sen. Fulbright said President
senhower had forced an end to
y effective loan program.
James P. Grant's, deputy director for program and
International Cooperation Admin-Y
planning of the
State Legislators Prepare for Final Tax Battles.
Basing his comment on his de-
scription of the apparent success
of the foreign aid policies of the
Soviet bloc, Grant said the United
States must increase interest in
economic aspects of foreign aid
programs without sacrificing the
aid used to build a "military pro-
tective shield" around the nations
it assists.
Soviet Appeal
A principal appeal of the Soviet
programs, begun in 1955, lies in
their apparent willingness to pro-
vide desired projects without in-
sisting on their economic sound-
ness or economic reforms, he said.
One drawback, he commented, was
the current implementation of a
number of uneconomic programs
which, in the long-run, may reflect
unfavorably on the Soviet program.
If the United States is to con-
vince uncommitted nations of the
desirability of democriacy, it should
place "more emphasis on mutual
interest" in the nations it aids, he
remarked, to convince them it is
not providing aid for selfish or
militaristic reasons.
Creates Dependence
The Soviet aid policy is used, he
said, to create dependency of the
aided nations upon the Soviet bloc,
to "gain more influence and good
will" for the Communists and ulti-
mately to gain some measure of
control over the nations' govern-
ment and foreign policy.
Grant saw some indication that
the Soviet bloc's policy was not
succeeding entirely, saying Egypt
has been "apparently disen-
chanted" and the enthusiasm of
India, Ceylon and Burma has at
least "begun to diminish rapidly."
White Hulse
Denie's Story
Department said yesterday it is
not alarmed by menacing state-
ments made by Russian Premier
Nikita Khrushchev.
"He seems at times to enjoy
making dramatic statements,"
press officer Lincoln White added
to reporters.
White's statement f o 11 ow e d
publication of reports that
Khrushchev had taken a very
tough attitude against the West
in a private conversation with
former Gov. Averell Harriman of
New York.
Tribune Report
A New York Herald Tribune
story by Joseph Alsop said the
inner circle of the United States
government had been shaken and
alarmed by Hitler-like statements
made to Gov. Harriman by
Khrushchev. The. New York
Times' Harry Schwartz described
the talks as very rough.
Press Officer White read this
statement in comment:
"I have no comment on the
conversations of Gov. Harriman
in the Soviet Union. I would, how-
ever, like to say a word with re-
gard to editorial comment in
press reports as to the reaction in
United States official circles to
what is reported as the threaten-
ing tone of Mr. Khrushchev's re-
marks to Mr. Harriman.
Public Comments
"Quite apart from what Mr.
Deputy Soviet Premier Frol R.
Kozlov appealed yesterday for an
end to suspicion and distrust in
international relations but warned
that if war is unleashed over the
Berlin issue "force will be met by
In an address at, a National
Press Club luncheon, K o z 0ov
called for a new era of United
States-Soviet friendship, pictur-
ing this as a basic foundation for
future world peace.
Then, in reply to a question as
to whether the Soviet Union
might use force to make Berlin a
free city he gave the following an-
Force Possible
"If a war is unleashed and
force is resorted to, then force will
be met by force."
However, he expressed hope
that a summit meeting, would
prove useful whatever outcome
-is reached by the Four Power for-
eign ministers when they recon-
vene at Geneva July 13.
He said that if it is impossible
to reach agreement .at Geneva or
at the summit meehng on the fu-
ture of Berlin, the Soviet govern-
ment will be compelled to con-
clude a separate peace treaty with
Communist East Germany.
Rejects Questions
By- Soviet Embassy insistence,
the questions. were written and
submitted in advance.
National Press Club President
William H. Lawrence said Kozlov
declined to answer "fully 50 per
cent" of the questions.
"In 15 years," Kozlov said on
television," the Soviet Union will
have the highest living standard
in the world, will abrogate all
forms of taxation, will have a
system of expanded social insur-
ance, will have the shortest work-
ing week in the whole world."
He outlined some of the Soviet
aims in the coming seven years to
provide 22 million new housing
units and to step up education in
all grades. He said 2,300,000 spe-
cialists will be graduated from
Soviet technical schools over the
next seven year period.
Russian Boss
Asks C ont rols
On Writers
MOSCOW (A)-Premier Nikita
Khrushchev called this week for
a stricter controls by the Com-
munist party to keep writers from
falling prey to the cult of the per-
In anallusion clearly aimed at
Michigan lawmakers relaxed
over the Fourth of July weekend
today, preparing for bigger fire-
works in the next two weeks.
They left behind an alnost-
completed $360 million budget for
the current fiscal year-the larg-
est budget in state history.
Among the few budget items re-
maining are appropriations for
supplemental state school aid
spending and capital outlay.
The capital outlay appropriation
is expected to be somewhere
around $15 million, with the Uni-
versity receiving "between $245
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