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August 12, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-08-12

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rdita 7?te
Daily Managing Editor
W HETHER IT be for the sake of tradi-
tion, to repent for past sins, to instill
spirit into the oncoming staff or to blast
everyone for general bungling, Managing
Editors have, through the years, taken the
opportunity of issuing a last testament in
their final issue.
As we review the summer's written record,
it will quickly become apparent that a sig-
nificant amount of space was allotted to
artistic subjects. Musical, dramatic, literary,
and artistic events filled a large part of
each day's columns.
We at The Daily have done this be-
cause we feel these subjects are of great
interest to the summer reading public.
With a summer, not distinguished by its
political activity, but with a highly trained
staff of reviewers available much was
made of Ann Arbor's artistic life. Such a
program is most definitely the function
of college journalism. It is regrettable that
so few of our nation's daily papers touch
more than the surface of these activities.
Editorial thanks are due to Donald Harris,
who graciously consented to handle the
bulk of the arrangements for reviewing and
still managed to bring his excellent resources
to report all the musical activity on the
Gratitude is also due to the hard working
junior staff, Becky Conrad, Gayle Greene,
\Pat Roelofs, and Fran Sheldon, who gave
unselfishly of their time and efforts to-
wards seeing that decent newspapers were
being read in campus lodgings. Business
Manager Bob Miller' deserves editorial ap-
plause for a fine job, and splendid coopera-
Faced with a small staff, it was particular-
ly assuring to have such a cooperative shop
at work on the mechanical end of publica-
tions. To Arch, Les, Marion, Millard, Lauren
and our shop superintendent Ken Chatters,
the thanks of the staff for a wonderful job.
Rounding out the plaudits, Maize and
Blue orchids go to Ivan Kaye, who stepped
into the shoes ofUSports Editor Dick Lewis,
when Lewis was drafted at midseason.
In the hope that we informed many, of-
fended few, aroused some, we affix our final
30 to The Daily and head out towards the
green pastures of the Law Quandrangle.
Wiegand. Winner of the Mary Roberts
Rhinehart Mystery Award. Originally
published by Rhinehart Books Inc., now
available in a pocket edition, Dell Pub-
lishing Co.
THE FICTIONAL boarding house, with its
ability to attract with a certain degree
of credulity an assortment of wierd char-
acters, provides an interesting core around
which author and Daily reviewer Bill Wieg-
and builds this prize winning novel. In addi-
tion to the many standard ingredients of a
detective thriller-murder via a kitchen
knife in a locked room, the police on the
wrong track, and evidence of the murder
pointing toward the unwilling hero- Wie-
gand heaps on some of the fresh and un-
expected to make Tolliver good reading not
only for the mystery adict, but for the un-
initiated as well.

Tolliver, a physician who was stripped of
his right to practice because of one-time
links with the underworld, is looking for-
ward to returning to his profession in an
Amazon jungle clinic. But before Tolliver
can leave murder intervenes at the house
where he boards, and he becomes the Num-
ber One suspect. To prove himself innocent
Tolliver goes off to hunt the killer in his
own methodical fashion on a trail leading
in and out of his own past; always eluding
the police until he voluntarily surrenders for
his own protection. -
Wiegand does well in creating an atoms-
phere of tension and suspense in the
boarding house even before the murder
occurs. Some parts of the book are slow-
moving however, bogged down in the writ-
ing itself. Wiegand's excessive use of de-
scriptive words and phrases interfer with
the forward motion of the plot, and the
reader at times is conscious of the author
rather than of the characters. These in-
teruptions, though infrequent, are irri-
tating. As the description becomes more
simple, the pace quickens.
Some of the characters in the novel, as
the tough policeman, Lt. Carmichael, and
the land lady, Mrs. Oberholz, never quite
leave the "type" category; but Samuel Tolli-
ver does emerge as an individual with opin-
ionated comments and a distinctive moral
Though hardly a chiller, as the cover il-
lustration and copy advertise, the antics of
Mr. Tolliver will enjoyably fill a long study

The Eisenhower Democrats

"Think Maybe We'd Better Say
Something About It?"

The Daily welcomes conmmunications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON - As Congress heads for
home, everyone is talking about the
meaning of the past session-the things
done and undone, the trends that developed,
the signs that the President will have a
staggering job on his hands when Congress
meets again. All in all, however, the out-
standing feature of the session was the
growth of a novel and useful relationship
between the White House and the Demo-
cratic opposition.
House Leader Sam Rayburn, Senate Lead-
er Lyndon Johnson and the other Demo-
cratic chieftains decided at the beginning
of the session that they would support Presi-
dent Eisenhower whenever they could reas-
onably do so. In part, the motive was strict-
ly political. In Rayburn's and Johnson's
native Texas, the polls showed Eisenhower
with 76 per cent of the voters behind him.
As Johnson has remarked, "Nobody but a
right wing Republican would want to kick
this kind of popularity in the teeth."
In part, however, the Democrats' deci-
sion was also the result of the long exper-
ience of responsibility which they had
enjoyed. Before this experience and re-
sponsibility also came to him, the late
Sen. Taft used to say that "the business
of the opposition is to oppose." The very
different viewpoint of the Democratic
leaders is again that of Lyndon Johnson,
who has said that "We're all in the same
airplane together, and it just isn't sensible
to hit the pilot over the head so hard that
the plane crashes."
At the beginning, it must be added, Presi-
dent Eisenhower, his Cabinet and his politi-
cal advisers either took the cooperation of
the Democrats rather lightly for granted, or
they were - actually disturbed by it. No
thanks were offered. Loud partisan noises
were made on issues which the President
was sure to lose without Democratic support.
* * * *
T HIS PHASE PASSED, however, as the
President learned his political job. He
began on occasions to consult Johnson and
Rayburn, and particularly Rayburn, whom
he knows and likes of old. Rayburn quietly
advised the President on how best to secure
Democratic help without riling Democratic
tempers. By stages, the collaboration be-
tween the White House and the moderate
Democrats was regularized with the more
astute members. of the Cabinet like Secre-
tary of the Treasury George Humphrey,
quietly joining the act.
It is hard to know whether the results
have been more remarkable in the House
or in the Senate. It was in the House that
wise old Rayburn rose in the middle of
the reciprocal trade fight, to inquire scath-
ingly, "Isn't there a man on the Repub-
lican side who will support his own Presi-

dent?" Yet on the whole the new develop-
ment has been more important in the
Senate, where divisions are deeper and
the going is harder for the Administration.
Senate Minority Leader Lyndon Johnson
has made the biggest mark of any Senator
of his age in a good many years, partly by
his success in directing the strategy of co-
operation, and partly by his triumph in
pulling his own party together. In both
efforts, he has had much help from such
respected senior Senators as Richard B.
Russell and Walter F. George of Georgia.
But Johnson is still the man who has had
to work at the job from twelve to eighteen
hours a day.
IN TERMS OF White House policy, the
results are typified by two incidents. Early
in the session, it will be recalled, the left
wing Democrats tried very hard to filibuster
the tidelands bill. Johnson and the Demo-
cratic moderates, who are the strongest
cooperators, were strongly for the bill. At
one point Sen. Taft told Johnson that a
"filibuster had never been broken," and
talked of giving up.
Johnson replied with some scorn that
the anti-tidelands filibusterers were not
southern filibusterers, and suggested hold-
ing the Senate in continuous session. Taft
went to the floor immediately to announce
this intention, and the filibuster folded up.
By the same token, at the close of the
session, Sen. Pat McCarran of Nevada was
threatening to talk the President's refugee
bill to death. Johnson and the new Major-
ity leader, Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia, jointly invited McCarran to a chat
in Johnson's little office. There they told
McCarran, cold turkey, that they would
fight him until hell froze over unless he
agreed to a bill admitting at least 200.000
refugees from Europe. McCarran gobbled a
bit, but the two leaders working together
were too much for him. The angry old man
backed down, and the President got his bill.
. "We've fought Eisenhower when we
thought we ought to," is Johnson's way of
summing up. "But we haven't been personal
or sniped or sulked, and we've tried to show
what we think an opposition party ought
to be."
. This does not mean that the Democrats
are not going to be tough on Eisenhower in
the next session. They will take their politi-
cal profits where they find them. But it
does mean that on vital over-riding issues
Eisenhower can count on the support of a
coalition of moderate men. The coalition
excludes the extremists of both parties. It
is made up of the big, middle-of-the-road
majority. It will follow Eisenhower as long
as he leads the country successfully. And
it is a very great asset, both to the President
and the country he leads.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)




The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi -
bility. Publication in it is construe-
tire notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 37-S
To all students having Library books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Wednesday,
August 12.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between August 12 and
August 14 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Friday, August 14 will be
sent to the Cashier's Office and their
credits and grades will be withheld until
such time as said records are cleared
in compliance with the regulations of
the Regents.
Scholarship offer for study at the Free
University of Berlin, Germany during
the academic year 1953-54. Covers tui-
tion, room and DM 170 per marks, plus
round trip air transportation between
West Germany and Berlin. Open until
August 16. Application should be made
to the office of the Secretary of the De-
partment of Political Science, Univer-
sity of Michigan. For study in any
field within' the social sciences. Ade-
quate knowledge ofGerman required.
Applicant must be unmarried and not
older than 26, either sex, must have
satisfactory academic record at college
level. Personal interview to be held
with each applicant.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August gradu-
ates from the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, and the School of
Education for departmental honors
should recommend such students in a
letter to be sent to the Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 1513 Administration Build-
ing before August 20.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health :r
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in_ August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than 11 arm., August 20.
Grades received after that time may de-
fer the student's graduation until a la-
ter date.
The General Library will close at 6
npm. daily. beL.innin . Friday Ai, 4 t 14

George London, Metropolitan Opera
Bass. Feb. 28
Boston Pops Tour Orchestra, Arthur
Fiedler, Conductor, Mar. 4
Elean Nikolaidi, Greek Metropolitan
Opera Soprano, Mar. 12
Myra Hess, British Pianist, Mar. 17
Sixty-firstMay Festival, six concerts,
Apr. 29, 30 and May 1 and 2
Detailed information may be had
by communicating with Charles A.
Sink, President, University Musical So-
ciety, Burton Memorial Tower.
In Eight-Week Courses

'The Maltese Falcon' .. .
To the Editor:+
RE: The Donald and Eleanor
Hope review (August 8, 1953)
of "The Maltese Falcon."
This review could have ended
with their first sentence: "'The
Maltese Falcon' is a great movie."
After that it was a prime example
of pseudo-intellectual double-
SAMPLE: "The dectective-hero,
Sam Spade, is a hero. Unlike many
of his popular colleagues, he is
neither sadistic nor courageous,
and he steers clear of psycholo-
gical jargon. Sam has both emo-
tion and intellect and thus, he be-
gins to resemble our idea of the
complete man, for he thinks and
"A complete man by definition,
and by consequence of his confu-
sion of emotion and intellect, ad-
heres to moral values, and in this
society, recreates them. But mor-
ality now, and in the society this
movie presents, is chaotic. As a
result, Sam's morality cannot be
It would have been excusable if
this review had been written in
psychological jargon-or in any
jargon of a known variety. In my
opinion this review was esoteric
and uncommunicative, if not com-
pletely chaotic and unreadable.
The last paragraph of the re-
view confides, "This review does
not give the movie away."
. Neither did it give the review
May I suggest that the reviewers
read "The Art of Plain Talk" by
Rudolf Flesch. For it seems that
the reviewers have sacrificed read-
ability for the sake of being "lit-
erary," assuming, of course, that
they had something to say in the
first place.
-Walter Vogtmann
A Summary ...
To the Editor:
DURING THE first week of this
past July, Mr. F. Chigbu-Em-
eme of Nigeria set forth the the-
sis that Mau Mau terrorism in
Kenya Colony was both justified
and worthy of approbation from
the outside world. It has since
been the objective of your corres-
pondent to contend otherwise. To
date various aspects of the Kenya
crisis have been discussed in let-
ters to the Michigan Daily. For
the reader who has followed these
columns no more than a summary

of the issue should now be re-
My objective throughout has
been to illustrate one point: as
conditions stand any defense of
the Mau Maus is the direct anti-
thesis of supporting self-deter-
mination for the Kikuyu. Let us
trade the argument. It now stands
admitted that the terrorists do not
have native support (Mr. Ememe:
communicatiot of 4 August).
Without native support it seems
somewhat of an abortion to claim
the Mau Mau as a force either of
democratic representation or of
true native self-determination.
Since Mr. Ememe also defends
self-determination (communica-
tions of 18 July and 4 August), he
is now supporting both ends of an
obvious contradiction.
In attempting a solution for the
dilemma in which his arguments
have become entangled, the gentle-
man from Nigeria has retreated
from the principle of self-deter-
mination. Now, he claims, the Mau
Mau are to be justified, NOT be-
cause they represent the down-
trodden native but because they
are those few who understand the
dire British objective to "reduce
the Africans to serfs." The only
inference one can logically make
from this position is support of
Mau Mau totalitarianism over the
Kikuyu majority. Naturally, this
is a strange position for one who
truly believes in political democra-
cy. When your correspondent
made this reference, the gentle-
man from Nigeria replied (4Aug-.
ust) with what appears to be a
guilty conscience about leftist in-
fluence in African nationalist>
movements. He raved a good deal
about thought control and sim-
plism but never got around to at-
tacking the argument he himself
had admitted in the same letter.
In conclusion it seems necessary
once more to reiterate that the
British administration of Kenya
has not itself been the epitome of
political democracy. This conten-
tion has not once been advanced
by your correspondent. Neverthe-
less, that administration is the
best of available alternatives in
Kenya today. The Kikuyu major,
ity has chosen to remain loyal to
it as they await improvement nt
their status. Perhaps the loyal peo-
ple of Kenya Colony, who, have
been living on the spot, are not as
ignorant in their choice as Mr.
Ememe would have one believe.
-Allain de la Berge


Time of Class
8:00 am.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.M.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Other hours

Time of Examination
8:00 a.m., Thursday
8:00 a.m., Friday
2:00 p.m., Thursday
2:00 p.m., Friday
4:00 p.m., Thursday
10:00 a.m., Thursday
10:00 a.m., Friday
4:00 p.m., Friday

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-It was kept strictly off
the record, but ex-Secretary of State
Acheson recently gave Democratic senators
his private analysis of what is going on in-
side the Kremlin.
Meeting with the senators privately, he
dismissed Premier Malenkov as ambitious
but not a "real leader" of Russia. His bold
coup against secret police chief Beria has
"temporarily" put him in complete control,
Acheson said, but the "best mind" in the
politburo is the old Bolshevik, Foreign Min-
ister Molotov.
Acheson described Beria's "biggest mis-
take" as creating a deputy "who became
ambitious and worked closely with Malen-
kov." The result was that Malenkov "made
medicine" with Beria's deputy and, to-
gether, they captured the much-feared
secret police chief and threw him into
his owht prison to face the same trumped-
up charges he had brought against others.
"This was a bold stroke on the part of
Malenkov," observed Acheson. "He realized
he was taking a great chance, for, had he
failed, it would have been his neck instead
of Beria's."
Of the Kremlin survivors, Molotov "is
by all means the most capable, and has the
best mind," Acheson added.
Malenkov, though now in the driver's seat,
"is not thought of as a real leader." In shift-
ing power from one dictator to another,
Acheson pointed out, any loosening of the
iron grip is seized upon by suppressing peo-
ple as a sign of weakness.
s* * *
"Malenkov's great mistake, so far as los-
ing power and prestige for the Kremlin, was
made when he started to soften immediately
after Stalin's death," Acheson explained. "He
sent Vishinsky back to the United Nations
smiling instead of scowling, and over in Ber-
lin the Communists proceeded to soften up
on the tough type of administration Stalin

the German people more food, greater
variety of goods in the stores and several
other measures to lessen their burden,"
Acheson continued. "It was the easing off
on these dictatorial powers that gave the
German workers encouragement to re-
quest changes in working conditions in
the factories, one big factory especially.
Much to their surprise, the requests were
granted immediately. The initial try was
so successful, it encouraged the workers
to make additional requests which, in turn,
were granted. After the second victory,
the workers began to have such confidence
in what they might accomplish that they
called a strike for additional benefits. The
riots followed."
Acheson added that Malenkov's meekness
had given heart, not only to the people of
East Germany,but all the Soviet satellites.
* * * *
"There developed throughout all the satel-
lite countries a lessening of the iron hand-
from Malenkov all the way down through
the subordinates," he said. "This led the
people to feel that perhaps now was the
time to make a demonstration for greater
privileges and freedoms. Whether Malenkov
will now start an entirely opposite tack and
attempt to recapture power by going back
to the old Stalin strict, hard-boiled dictator
methods is a question nobody can answer."
With the Politburo tearing at the seams
from internal trouble, the ex-secretary of
state urged: "Now is the time we should go
ahead with all our plans and programs
with greater speed than at any time since
Korea started. We all know Russia started
her great armament build-up immediately
after World War II just as we proceeded
with our great armament tear-down. The
result was that when the Korean War start-
ed, Russia was three years ahead of us and
up until now, has been gaining on us.
"We now have an opportunity to lessen
the gap. As the Korean war has progressed,
we have had to divert to that area nearly

Anyone interested in reviewing re-
cently developed electronic computing
instruments in the late fall please write:
E. J. Bondy, 2111 Woodward, Detroit 1,
Michigan. We will have two machines
in a trailer laboratory designed for data
reduction work: one machine is a plot-
ter, and the other a trace reader. It a
sufficient number of University person-
nel are interested, we will arrange to
have this display in Ann Arbor. Please
contact us just as soon as possible.
A representative from The Mead Cor-
poration of Chillicothe, Ohio, will be
at the Bureau of Appointments on
Thursday, August 13, from 1 to 5 p.m.
to interview women graduates for the
position of Assistant Plant Editor of
their monthly magazine, and men grad-
uates for their Sales Training Program.
The Whitehall Pharmacal Co. in Lin-
coln Park, Mich., will have an inter-
viewer at the Statler Hotel in Detroit
on Aug. 12, 13, and 14 to talk with
men interested in a position as Sales-
man for the company in Southeastern
The U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office
has a vacancy in its Division of Naviga-
tional Science for a Nautical Scientist
(Editing). Requirements include a,
bachelor's degree with 24 semester hrs.
in subjects related to the art and sci-
ence of navigation or 4 yrs. experience
in a field of physical science or a com-
bination of education and experience.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-,
sion has announced an examination for
the position of Plant Industry Inspec-
tor I. Graduates who have specialized
in entomology, plant pathology, horti-
culture, botany or forestry are eligible
to apply.
WTVB in Coldwater, Mich., is accept-
ing applications from graduates who
have majored in Radio for the following
positions with the station: Continuity
Writer, Salesmen, Salesman-Announc-
International Harvester Co. of Detroit
is looking for men graduates to fill job
openings in Sales, Accounting, and
For appointments, applications, and
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Teachers for Ankara, Turkey: Teach-
ers are needed in the fields of mathe-
matics, general science, biology, and
physics for the High-School-Junior Col-
lege, Ankara, Turkey. Instructions is in
English. Interested persons contact the
Bureau ofr Appointments. Room ,3528
Administration Building, extension 2614
for additional information.
Linguistic Luncheon Meeting. "Lan-
guages and Categories of Thought." Alf
Sommerfelt, Professor of Linguistics,
University of Oslo. 12:10 p.m., diningj
room, Michigan League.
Popular arts in America. "The Pop-
ular Arts in America." Gilbert Seldes,
radio and television critic for the Sat-
urday Review. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A.
Angel Hall.
Lecture, Thursday. August 13. In-
stitute for Mathematics Teachers: Op-
tics, Photography, and Mathematics,"
Richard J. Wilson, Argus Cameras, Inc.,
11:00 a.m., Room 130 Business Admin-
istration Bldg.
Lecture, Friday, August 14. Institute
for Mathematics Teachers, "The Build-
ing of Mathematical Concepts," Har-
old P. Fawcett of Ohio State Univer-
sity, 11:00 a.m., Room 130 Business Ad-
ministration Bldg.

Yhnterpretih9 the fleiwz4


.11. aty, Dgi g g iay, August i.
Evening service will be resumed on Sep-
tember 21.
It will be closed for repairs from Au-
gust 31 through September, 7; and on
all Saturdays and Sundays, August 15
to September 20 inclusive.
It will be open from 8 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday except at
the times noted above.
The Divisional Libraries will be closed
from August 15 through September 12,
with the exception of Bureau of Gov-
ernment, Engineering, East Engineer-
ing, Hospital, Mathematics-Economics,
Natural Science, Physics and Transpor-
tation which will be open on short
schedules. Information as to hours will
be posted on the library doors or may
be obtained by calling University Ex-
tension 653. Requests for material from
the closed libraries will be taken care
of at the Circulation Desk in the Gen-
eral Library.
The University Musical Society will
observe its Diamond Jubilee season by
the inclusion of the following twenty-
six major artists and organizations in
its several concert series for the season
of 1953-54:
Roberta Peters, Metropolitan Opera
Coloratura, Oct. 7
Guiomar Novaes, Brazilian Pianist,
Oct. 12
BostonuSymphony Orchestra, Charles
Munch, Conductor, Oct. 22
Virtuosi Di Roma, Fourteen Instru-
mentalists, Nov. 2
Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell,
Conductor, Nov. 8
De Paur Infantry Chorus, Leonard De
Paur, Conductor, Nov. 24
Guard Republican Band of Paris,
Francois-Julien Brun, Conductor, Nov.

Associated Press News Analyst
United Nations face a very
serious prospect if initial reports
of Chinese retention of war pris-
oners turn out to be true.
President Eisenhower and Sec-
retary of State Dulles, by their in-
tent scrutiny of the problem, in-
dicate the evidence is piling up
that the Reds are violating the
truce agreement on release of pri-
It, is much too early to pass fin-
al judgement, however. In the
near-primitive conditions which
exist in North Korea and in cer-
tain functions of the Red armies,
foulups in such an exchange op-
eration would be bound to occur
even with the greatest of goodwill.
The Allies have a. precedent
for doubting that such goodwill
exists. It is obvious that the
Reds detained hundreds of men
who sh'ould have been exchang-
ed with the sick and wounded
long ago. Just why is not clear.
It is possible they feared world
reaction during the truce nego-
Some of the men were victims
of neglect, poor organization, lack
of doctors and medicines. The haz-
ards probably were not much dif-
ferent from those run by the aver-
age Red soldier.
Some were the victims of direct
brutality, another thing which is
common within Far Eastern arm-
These facts are not stated as
any sort of excuse for the Reds,
even though international con-
ventions merely require treat-
ment of prisoners in conformity
with treamtent given by the cap-
tor to his own armies. They are
stated as evidence of the neces-
sity that the Allies be able to
pinpoint any charges they make
either on the subject of treat-
ment or post-armistice deten-
But even if the record is made
perfectly clear the Allies will face
the dilemma of what to do about
Dulles has suggested that one of



those actually named by repatri-
ates as having been left behind at,
specific camps. Allied diplomats
even then can argue themselves
blue in the face without getting
any satisfaction, jtt as they have
about the German prisoners in
Russia since World War II.
What will the West be able to
do then? It will be facing a great
test, before the Oriental world,
of its highly proclaimed regard
for the individual.
In the old days, in such a case,
a rescue expedition would have
been organized in short order. Re-
member the Boxer rebellion,
That sort of thing isn't done so
much any more. But the possibil-
ity the situation could lead to a
real war with China has already
found expression in semi-official



Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harland Britz.......... Managing Editor
Dick Lewis ....,.........Sports Editor
Becky Conrad............Night Editor
Gayle -reene............Night Editor
Pat Roelofs................ Night Editor
Fran Sheldon..............Night Editor
Business Staf
Bob Miller............Business Manuger
Dick Astrom. .Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg......... .Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner... Advertising Associate
Bob Kovacs ......Advertising Associate





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