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July 20, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-20

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FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1945

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FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1945

Fifty-Fifth Year

P olitical Catalepsy Imnposed

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
lished every day during the week except Monday and
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
FEAR that German industry, if rebuilt in order
to help pay reparations, will be enabled
once more to prepare for war is motivating an
organization known as the Society for the Pre-
vention of World War III, Inc., to plug a pro-
gram by which Germany would make repara-
tions in labor, services and present assets.
We all agree that Germany, as the chief
cause of the devastation of Europe, should be
made to pay reparations, inwhatever form she
can furnish them soonest. But a program per-
manently choking the development of Ger-
man industry is not only just the sort of
tyranny we have waged the present war to
prevent, it is the best means of fostering
World War III.
While Germany was the aggressor in this war
there is hardly a country in the world which
should not claim some part of the war guilt.
To make Germany bear the whole cost of the
war--- even if she could-would be merely a
repetition of the Nazi slave-labor arrangemeri.i
of the past few years.
.While we claim- that might does not make
right, we continue to act as though it did, rob-
bing all our sacrifices of any lasting signifi-
cance, making them a foolish and pathetic
waste of effort.
But aside from the moral question involved,
the proposed program would actually breed
another war. The recent experience of the
Nazis in Festung Europa has proved that
it is impossible to rule by force, and that
where degradation and poverty are the rule,
so are crime, vicious hatred and unrest
In any case, whether these suppositions are
right or wrong, the proposed program loses
sight of the whole idea of world peace. Render-
ing one nation impotent to make war will not
prevent the rest of the world from doing so.
War cannot be prevented if its real causes are
not eliminated.
In the words of General Eisenhower, "Hung-
ry nations make war. Until we have world
cooperation for prosperity there will be no
world cooperation for peace.
-Marjorie Mills
eoFa scism
A FASCIST GOVERNMENT by any other name
would smell the same.
Franco apparently believes that the United
Nations leaders are either too naive to reali
this or that they do not wish to realize it. In
his address Tuesday promising Spain's return
to monarchy, Franco stressed the fact that the
government would remain the same in sub-
stance although the name might be changed,
if necessary. * ' ,1
This promise of a change to monarchy-in-
name was obviously an attempt to gain the
good graces of the leaders of the United Na-
tions-or, at least, to get what he wants from
them. In this he has a fairly good chance of
succeeding, in view of the fact that he has

succeeded fairly well through all the years of
his regime.
One factor leading to his sudden promise to
call his government a monarchy is probably the
San. Francisco decision to bar from United
Nations membership any government establish-
ed with Nazi or Fascist aid.
Pranco in his address . hsImpd ani tf t nanfpnn

E UROPEANS must be coming to the conclusion
that we Americans are wonderful organizers
of goods, and poor organizers of peoples, Wher-
ever we go, the trolley cars run, and the minds
of men stop still.
A correspondent in Austria reports that one
of our American Military Government officials
was seriously annoyed because some local pa-
triots drew up a list of Nazi writers, intending
to send it around to bookshops, with a warn-
ing against sale of works by the men named.
Our A.M.G. official is certainly opposed to the
Nazis. But he does not want Austrians to go
actively to work against the Nazis. That would
be irregular. We are forever telling the con-
quered and liberated peoples not to think, until
we can complete plans for their education.
The result is a vast frozen disorder, which we
call order. Another correspondent, writing from
Kitzbuhl, makes the valid point that if we really
wanted to understand the Austrian situation, we
wold allow the people to produce their own news-
papers, and to hold political meetings. We would
then quickfy find out who was who, and what
was what; but it is as if we feared to set this
vast clockwork in motion; we prefer that all the
tiny figures shall stand still, until we, working
from the outside, are ready to rearrange them.
The last-mentioned correspondent, Philip
Jordan of the Nation, tells about one American
captain, in the town of Strobl, near Salzburg,
who fired the Nazi mayor and deputy mayor,
and actually held a municipal election to de-
cide on their successors. It worked like a
dream, apparently much to the astonishment
of higher-ups in the American Military Gov-
ernment. But what is really astonishing is
that Americans should find it astonishing that
the free election system works.
AS TO WHAT we are afraid of, one cannot say,
for we could always halt journalistic and
political manifestations harmful to us. Indeed,
such manifestations would be useful; they would
reveal our enemies. It is much easier to make
judgments among men in motion than among
men at rest.
The political catalepsy we have imposed on
our zones of Germany and Austria is of aid to
the Nazis, if it is of aid to anyone. The defeat-
ed Nazis work best in just this atmosphere of
deathly silence. Where Nazis have managed
to creep into, or remain in, municipal govern-
ments, it is certainly of help to them that no
local paper can denounce them, and that no
T HE MICHIGAN STUDENT, faced with the
intimate and overwhelming problems of ev-
eryday life, readily accepts as inevitable such a
prosaic thing as the zoo which is located be-
hind the University Museums Building. Such
unimaginativeness cannot be subscribed to by
us. We have always been fond of zoos, and the
one on campus (no exception) has long been one
of our favorite attractions. When we were
younger, our father used to take us to the
hometown zoo and match the zoo-keeper for
anything he had inside.
*V* *
A local banker collaborating with a zoologist,
crossed a deer with a kangaroo (the object be-
ing. a pocket full of doe), and the attempt
ended rather tragically. The result of the
union was a precocious young monster that
ran off and left the mother kangaroo holding
the bag.
Of particular interest are the campus-zoo's
bears. One is so tame that he'll eat off your
hand, or your arm, or anything else you put in
the cage. The other is as cross as a bear. It's
apparent that the bears come from good families,
and even a novice can tell that the bears show
signs of, good breeding by the way that they
scratch themselves. "The Daily," our favorite
campus newspaper, even has a special cub re-
porter who keeps track of the grizzlies' progeny.
*, .*

Wartime housing shortages put an end to
the zoo's rabbit collection. The ingrown hares
had begun to multiply like a "Business Ad"
calculating machine. One of the rabbits had
a brood of six, beating the Canadian record by
a hare, We watched a female turtle put on
quite a risque swimming exhibition for the
males, but they weren't interested,-a reaction
which evidently gave rise to the saying, "As
slow as turtle."

demonstration against them can be staged out-
side the windows of the city hall.
The average European must be coming to the.
conclusion that while we Americans are wonder-
fully capable at moving mountains of material,
we often seem terrified by a mere mouse of an
Idea. Europeans know we are brave; but it must
also seem to them that we become strangely un-
comfortable the moment the fighting stops; we
want everybody to keep quiet for so long as we
have to stay around, and we can't wait to get
out. We don't seem to know what we want, and
we seem to be against wanting, in principle; we
have extraordinarily little taste for political
We don't seem to be, at all, the secure and
happy souls Americans were once presumed,
everywhere in the world, to be; and it will be
a pity if this war ends with the world changing
its notion of the American character, and be-
ginning to think of us as a confused and doubt-
ful giant, a behemoth in a brown study. We
have nothing better to export than the princi-
ples which have made us great; and it is time
we pushed the button in Germany and Austria,
and let the hubbub start, and see what comes
of it, as once we gave ourselves our own start-
ing signal, happy and unafraid.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
Parvenu Printer
WASHINGTON-Army 'officers recently re-
turned from Germany are telling this story
to illustrate the difficulty of selecting Germans
with whom they can cooperate.
When the psychological warfare branch of
SHAEF established the first allied newspaper
for German readers in Aachen last winter, it
was decided to use German personnel wher-
ever possible. Editorial control, however, was
to be strictly Allied.
A typesetter who seemed to have the respect
of his fellow-workers in the printshop of the
existing Aachen newspaper was selected to serve
as plant superintendent. He had come to the
shop with a worker's cap, overalls, and mixed
well with the other printers.
Next morning a man in a top hat, winged
collar, frock coat and neatly pressed striped
trousers appeared in the front office and asked
where his desk was to be. The Americans at
first did not recognize him, finally realized
that lie was the worker chosen the day before
to be plant superintendent. After some hesi-
tation, he was given a small private office.
About noon an American officer passed by
this new office of the superintendent and found
the words "eintritt verboten" (entrance for-
bidden) being lettered on the door.
Capital Chaff
A TTENTION Col A. R. Duwall, Commander,
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.: Did you know
that you have a lot of men returned from over-
seas with discharge points ranging from 90 to
125, who are doing nothing more important than
"squads right," teaching how to "G.I." the bar-
racks, tie knots and read a compass? Some of
them are wondering whether the army dis-
charge system really amounts to anything.
The American Army has discovered another
interesting document in Cologne - a letter
from the Nazis thanking the Ford Company of
Cologne for a contribution of 35,000 marks to
Hitler's birthday fund in 1939. Henry Ford
was decorated by Hitler in 1939. . Col. Lind-
bergh got a Hitler medal at the same time.
Prime Minister Churchill lost two of his key
advisers last week in an Atlantic air crash: Sir
William Malkin, legal adviser to the foreign of-
fice, and Capel Dunn, foreign office military ad-
viser. Both were returning from San Francisco
to accompany Churchill to the Big Three meet-
It was certain that General Chennault, the
Flying Tiger, would resign ever since Gen. Al
Wedemeyer placed Lieut. Gen. George Strate-
meyer over Chennault. Wedemeyer had been
sore at Chennault for publicly complaining
about the scanty supplies received for his
Chinese-American flyers. There has been

friction in the China command for a long
while, first between Chennault and Stilwell,
later between Chennault and Wedemeyer.
Jimmy Dunn, the State Department's chief
defender of Dictator Franco, is attending the
Big Three sessions . . . Ed Pauley, head of the
American reparations delegation at Moscow, also
flew to Berlin.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

CItei o he6ctor
Pin a l phrases. Mr. Weiss is an expert. I vited to do so, At the close of the
see'd a feller once who made a big meeting, he made a motion that
To the Editor: success of himself thet way. He discussion on"'this subject be car-
IN READIN' the AVC editorials wa'nt no fool. He even gt elected ried on at the next meeting. Since
and must say that I am up a tree. on his words. He wa'nt on tlhis can- Mi. Weiss is not a member this
Take the latest one, fer example. I pus, though. mtion was out of order. However,
couldn't see as how the composer Ef you really perpose to litli the it was accepted as comitig from a
Mr. Weiss, had set down eny argy-'hull world in your AVC chapter on prospective member. Since then,
ment 'tall for the AVC here on cam- campus with speshul emphasis on Mr. Weiss has made no effort to
. Chunking or Belgrade, thet's a become a member.
pus for the AmVets, or eny other ofl-
the meny, which are springin' up like large rrti c. hty dcon',.tiu ever If Mr. Weiss were a member he
mushrooms). mention just what, in add itioni omight have a better idea of the ob-
the advantages the veterans o"' jects and purposes of the V. O. I
Jest to be more sartin I got out campus have in the VO, they were quote from our ConstitutIon.
my pencil and -put lines under lackin' before you came to re-vi-
evc ythin' that the AVC Is s'pposed taminize them? Ef it is big words "The object of this organization
to d.. As fur as I found the AVC and high soundia' phrases which shall be to promote mutual helpful-
imeans "nore serious and signifi- don't mean anythin' 'tall, I don't Mess, cement ties of comradeship, to
cant activities," "a good fight for foster social activities and to work
freedom, security and peace," and fe mt t lharmoniously with the University
is "instrumental in making this a. f-Lawrence Welsch and its afifiliated organizations." The
better world in which to live." Treasurer V. O Veterans Organization is a fraternal
Sounds big, doesn't it, and a mite Traur Vorganization and recognized as such
empty? "We have reached a cross- by the Univeristy.
roads." Did thet happen the day VO's Purpose Stated Among our members are men
the artikle was printed or the day who have joined the American Le-
before wen the author thought it To the Editor: gion, The Veterans of Foreign
up? REGARDING MR. WEISS and his Wars, and any other organizations
"What benefits a person in Chun- criticisms of the Veterans Organi- they have so desired. It is to be
king or Belgrade benefits a person zation-May I offer a little informa- expected that future returning
here on this campus." This thought tion that Mr. Weiss does not seem to Veterans will also have joined such
kivers a lot of jography. "Like peace, know or care to inform himself "political" groups. Therefore, in
human beterment and welfare is in- about. . order to be acceptable to these
divisible." It is mirac'lus what the To begin with, Mr. Weiss is NOT men, it is essential that the V. O.
mind can put together in the way of a member of the Veterans Organi- remain a local group, organized to
words. zation. He requested to discuss the operate on the campus and con-
Of course, ther' is lots of people A. V. C., of which he is a member, cern itself with campus affairs.
thet might go fer them high-soundin' at one of our meetings and was in- -Jack Bandfield

Publicationin the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 13-S
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stancesr, courses dropped after the
third week will berecorded with the
grade of E. -E. A. Walter.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncement for Building Mainten-
ance Supervisor, $3721 to $4071 per
year, has been received in our office.
Further information may be obtained
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Signed: University Bureau
of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information
Students who took registration
blanks for registration with the Bur-
eau are reminded that they must be
returned not later than a week from
the day they were taken out. Bureau
of Appointments.
Signed: University Bureau
of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information
Symposium in Television: .The
Department of Speech will sponsor
a symposium in television Wednes-
day, 10-12 a.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater; Wednesday, 2-4 p.m.
in the Kellogg Auditorium; Thurs-
day, 10-12 a.m. in the Kellogg Audi-
torium; Thursday, 2-4 p.m. in the
Kellogg Auditorium. Motion pic-
tures and lectures will be presented
by officials of the General Electric
television station WRGB in Schenec-
tady. Meetings are open to the pub-
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to visitors on Friday evening,
July 20, from 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.
CWT (9:00 to 11:00 p. m., EWT) if
the sky is clear to observe the moon
and Jupiter. Children must be ac-
companied by adults.
Detroit Civil Service announcement
for Senior Assistant Traffic Engi-
neer, $3,933 per year plus time and
a half for sixth day, has been re-
ceived in our office. Further infor-
mation regarding examination may

be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Signed: University Bureau cf
Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Lecture. "The University High
School Program of Citizenship Edu-
cation." John M. Trytten, Assistant
Professor of Commercial Education
and Principal of the University High
School. 2:05 p. m. (CWT) or 3:05
p. m. (EWT). University High School
Auditorium on Friday, July 20.
Student Recital: Florence Mc-
Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Mast-
er of Music at 8:30 p. in., (EWT)
Sunday, July 22, in3Pattengill Audit-
orium of the Ann Arbor High School.
A pupil of Professor Hackett, Miss
McCracken will sing selections by
Gluck, Debussey, Dvorak, Mednikoff
and Rachmaninoff. The general pub-
lic is invited.
Phi Delta Kappa. Business meet-
ings for the selection of candidates to
membership will be held in the East
Council Room of the Rackham Build-
ing on Friday, July 20, and on Mon-
day, July 23, at 7:30 o'clock. It is
important that all members of Omega
chapter attend. Members of other
chapters are cordially invited.
. Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority sponsors a summer
dance at Smith Catering Service Fri-
day evening, July 27, 1945. Music by
the Sophisticated Five. Tickets may
be purchased from members of the
Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority cordially invites all
sorors from other chapters, attend-
ing summer school, to a reception in
their honor, Saturday afternoon, July
21, 1945 in the West Conference room
of the Rackham building from 3-5
p. m. (EWT).
A new class in social dancing will
be offered on Monday evening begin-
ning Monday, July 23, at 7:45 CWT
(8:45 EWT) and will meet at the
Women's Athletic Building. All Uni-
versity men and women students are
invited. Register now in Office 15,
Barbour Gymnasium, or at the first
meeting of the group.
Graduate Picnic: Bring your own
lunch, drinks will be furnished, and
come prepared for a good time. Meet
on the Rackham Building steps at 3
EWT and we will go to the Island
together. In case of rain go to the
Graduate Outing Club Room. Grad-
uates and members of the Outing
Club are cordially invited. Date is
Saturday, July 21.
A Special Matinee of "The Male
Animal" will be giv'en Saturday at
1:30 (CWT) by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players of the Department of
Speech. Tickets are on sale at the
box office, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Identification Cards are now avail-
able for the Summer Term in Room
2, University Hall.
Friday at the USO, Portraits of
Servicemen - Fridaycevening from
7:00 to 10:00. You can call up or
come in and make an appointment.
Academic Notices
Students who intend to take the
Language Examination for Masters'
degrees in History should sign up in

effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his represent-
ative, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen and sophomores
to Professor Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman of the Academic Counsel-
ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other
students to Associate Dean E. A.
Walter (1220 Angell Hall.)
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Summer Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
Psychology 31, Makeup examination
for students who received X or I
will be Friday, July 20, at 2:30 (1:30
CWT) 2121 N. S.
All students, graduate and under-
graduate, who took the Graduate
Record Examination during the
Spring Term may obtain their scores
by calling at the Graduate School
Office during this week.
General Library, main corridor
cases. Books printed in English be-
fore 1640.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
160 Rackham Building. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war,
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
General Library, main corridor
cases. Early military science selec-
tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27,
memorial collection, presented by Col.
T. M. Spauiding, '02.
Events Today
The Third Clinic of the season at
the University of Michigan Fresh Air
Camp, will be held Friday, July 20th,
8:00 (EWT) at the Main Lodge. Dr.
Leo Kanner, child Psychiatrist, will
be consultant. The camp is on Pat-
terson Lake, near Pickney. Students
interested in Mental Hygiene and the
problems of adjustment are welcome
to attend.
Classical Coffee Hour. For stu-
dents and friends of the Departments
of Latin and Greek. Friday, July 20,
at 4:15 (EWT) in the West Confer-
ence Room of Rackham Building.
Play. "TheMale Animal" by Thur-
ber and Nugent. Michigan Repertory
Players, Department of Speech. 7:30
p. m. (CWT) or 8:30 p. m. (EWT).
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Friday,
July 20.
Motion Picture. Mexican Film, "No-
che de las Mayas." 7:30 p. m. (CWT)
or 8:30 p. in. (EWT). Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, Friday, July 20.
Coming Events
Conference on the United States
in the Postwar World. July 23 to
August 3. Special bulletin available
in the Summer Session Office, Room
1213 Angell Hall. Distinguished vis-
itins 1peturjnar


By Crockett Johnson

This hammock is an excellent
idea...1Ican relax and catch
up on what's been going on in
the world of letters. It just
happened to occur to me-
7-'3 Cupy.Fgl,,194, U. New.pop Pic.



So I'll read a few dozen of
the more significant new
volumes aloud to you. Have
your parents got a copy of
Bulwer-Lytton's latest book?



There are only 96 more pages, but if you
don't want them read to you-very well . .
But a knowledge of literature is a very

One must hold up one's end of a conversation.
If one meets an author at the'Martini table,
he expects one to criticize his lost book, offer

----------- -----

I It's the first I've heard from
Csusin Minerva since her book
became a best seller ... John!





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