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July 20, 1945 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-20

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FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1945



Chinese Defenders Repel Japs
After Two Day Border Battle

All Engine Council, Union Board
Candidates Must Register Today

By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, July 19-Thirteen
hundred Japanese troops, striking
across the Indochina border in three
columns, have been smashed back
by Chinese defenders in a two-day
Higher Negro
Good Wages Should
Solve Race Problem
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, July 19-Governor
Ellis Arnall of Georgia says good
wages for the Negro would solve the
"so-called race problem" of the
Writing in the current Collier's
magazine, Arnall points out that the
average American annual income at
the time of Pearl Harbor was $604;
in the South it was $314, the income
of the Negro "considerably lower."
"No plan to cure the South of its
ills will succeed which does not make
that differential its first order of
business," declares Arnall.
Give Negro Opportuity
"Pay the Negro good wages for his
work, give him the opportunity to
demonstrate his own capacity to
learn, work and earn, give him his
constitutional rights and you have
solved this distorted so-called race
"Only the demagogue tries to
make political capital of social equal-
ity, of racial intermarriage.
"Make the South genuinely pros-
perous, so that there is economic op-
portunity for every citizen, white and
black, and the two races will live on
friendly terms.
Not a Separate Problem
"The 10,000,000 Negro citizens of
the South are not a special, separate
problem, any more than they are a
special and separate resource.
"With every increase in the pros-
perity of the section, the friction
between the races diminishes. Wipe
out poverty, and the friction will be-
come negligible."
G. H. Lewis Named Local
Community Ftud Head
Gladwin H. Lewis, former area-
county supervisor of the State Bu-
reau of Social Security in Grand
Rapids, hastbeen named executive
secretary of the Ann Arbor commun-
ity fund and has taken residence
adds a pleasing touch of individuality"
to your library. Thesis bound over
night. Free estimates, pick-up and de-
HARALD OLSEN, Bookbinder
815 Brookwood - - - Phone 2-2915

battle, the Chinese high command
announced today.
Aided by IndoChinese puppets, the
Japanese attacked last Saturday
from a point 13 miles northeast of
Caobang, driving at three towns on
the Chinese side of the frontier, but
by Monday all had been knocked back
across the border,d acommunique said.
The enemy, apparently nervous
over Chinese thrusts into IndoChina,
launched his assault from TravLinh,
two miles south of the frontier. The
battle raged at points south, south-,
west and southeast of Tsingsi, Chi-
nese road junction 15 miles north of
the frontier.
To the northeast, Chinese forces
seized a point 14 miles northwest of
the great airbase city of Kweilin on
Tuesday and pressed on toward the
city, the high command said.
Kweilin's fall is "imminent," said
a central news dispatch from Yung-
ning quoting Gen. Chang Fah-Kwei,
commander of Chinese forces in
Kwangsi Province.
Six Chinese columns are closing
on Kweilin, and advance units al-
ready are fighting in the southern
suburbs by Chinese account. Kwei-
lin formerly was the U. S. 14th air
force's largest base in South-central
A Chinese communique said at least
226 Japanese were killed earlier in a
battle 23 miles northwest of Kweilin,
before the new advance carried to
within 14 miles or less from the city.
Elects Officers
Officersfor the summer term were
elected and a dance was announced
at a meeting of the All-Nations Club
An informal inaugural dance for
the newly elected officers will be held
from 8:30 to 12 p. m. EWi'T (7:30 to
11 p. m. CWT) tomorrow at Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Refreshments
will be served on the Terrace.
'The executive committee members
elected yesterday are Richard De-
fendini, Richard Mock, William
Magnus, Alfred Ray, and Miss B.
Alvarez. Mits Margaret Tavenner is
recording secretary and Miss ' Mar-
garet B. Ray is corresponding secre-
tary. The new treasurer is M. Hizon.
AKA Sorority To Hold
Reception For Visitors
The Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha
Kappa Alpha sorority will hold a re-
ception to honor members of other
chapters attending summer school
from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. EWT (4 p. m.
to 5 p. m. CWT) Saturday in the
West Conference Room of Rackham
Building. All members are cordially

CIVILIAN JEEP-The peacetime version of the jeep is in volume production at the Willys-Overland plant,
Toledo, Ohio. Bodies get finishing touches (above) on sub-assembly line. The firm, expecting a world wide

market for the Seen as a 'farm and industrial tractor, truck, mobile power
plans to build 20,000 units this year.
American Press Club Does Big
Business in Former Jap Building

By The Associated Press
PELELIU, Palaus Islands - The
"Only American Press Club West of
Tokyo" carries on a thriving busi-
ness on this sunbaked Pacific atoll,
coaled by the thick masonry of a for -
mer Japanese administration build-i
Sgt. Bill Nelson of Montclair,
N. J., a Marine combat correspond-
ent,'is in charge, assisted by Ma-
rine Cpl. Charles (Red) Belisle who
sports a nifty set of handlebar
moustaches despite obvious youth.
Belisle, while not exactly a news-
paperman, claims some familiarity
with the business since his dad,
J. Alfred Belisle of Worcester,
Mass., is the Worcester Sports
Writer for the Boston Herald.
The "West of Tokyo Press Club"
actually had its beginnings on D-Day
when Marines set up a post in a
foxhole. After the Japanese were
blasted out of the big grey building,
the Marines moved in and it has been
a busy enterprise ever since.
"Of course we don't have much
to do nowadays," Nelson, a former
San Francisco Chronicle reporter
says. "It's mostly 'Joe Blow' stuff
about what the guys do on the
island. , But it was a hot spot
"Say," Belisle interposed, "You
might say I'm a naturalized Texan
because I married one." (it is now
duly recorded red is a "naturalized"
* * *
A tall, blond Marine lieutenant
spoke up during a "bull" session.
"In areas where they exercised a
mandate following the last war the
Japs have left an indelible stain," he
said. "I'll show you one example."
The officer raised his voice:
"Oh Baseball, come here a min-
A dark skinned youth of 22 step-
ped timidly into the tent. He wore
an old baseball .cap, a shirt and
"This is Baseball," the lieutenant
said. "His real name is Gadeade,
but we named him Baseball because
he's crazy about the game. We
Author of Costa
Rica Visits City
Sr. Julian Marchena, Director of
the National Library of Costa Rica
at San Jose and author of a new
book of poems entitled "Alas en
Fuga," is in Ann Arbor for a few
weeks visiting the Universityrand at-
tending library science classes.
Visiting the United States as a
guest of the Department of State,
Sr. Marchena will study various types
of libraries, giving particular interest
to the Hispanic Foundation of the
Library of Congress. While here,
Sr. Marchena also intends to study
our libraries' methods for the care
of books, their circulation and library
organization in general.

got him from Angaur where the
Japs had him working in a phos-
phate plant." "Baseball" stood
quietly and you could almost feel
his timidity.
"Show him your back, Baseball,"
the lieutenant said. The little man
took off his "skivvy" shirt. He turn-
ed his back to the light and across
it was a skein of scars. They were
whipmarks left by, Japanese over-
lords. An officer arose to inspect him
more closely and Baseball ducked to
one side. Then he grinned.
"He still does that," the officer
explained. "He remembers that the
Japs slugged him frequently and
without reason. It sometimes was
enough that he happened to be
in the way of a Jap who was in
bad temper."
"Baseball" was 15 years old when
the Japanese came to the isle of Yap,
about 500 miles north of this coral
atoll and seized, him and other young
men as virtual slave laborers.
Parole Boar
Is Vindicated
LANSING, July 19-(IP)-Governor
Kelly reported today that the state's
prosecuting attorneys have endorsed
State Parole Board policies, and that
Michigan judges, with one reserva-
tion, approve the handling of parole
Governor Kelly asked for the opin-
ions of prosecutors and judges after
accusations by Recorders' Judge W.
McKay Skillman of Detroit and oth-
ers that the board was depriving men
eligible for parole of their liberty.
The statements are expected to
squelch the criticisms.

unit and passenger conveyance,
PFC Accounts
For 75 Japs,
12 Pill-Boxes
By The Associated Press
With the eleventh airborne divi-
sion, south of Manila, July 19-
Throughout the weary, bloody after-
noon, PFC Manuel Perez kept up his
one-man banzai attack against the
Ducking and twisting beneath
heavy fire, he threw dozens of hand
grenades into strong pillboxes the
enemy had erected to protect the ap-
proaches to Fort McKinley. He re-
turned to his own lines only for
more grenades.
Killed Japs
When he had finished, the little
paratrooper from Chicago had killed
an estimated 75 Japanese a n d
wrecked 12 pillboxes. At the end he
defended himself with his rifle and
bayonet against the last fanatics in
the enemy garrison.
This story was told for the first
time today when the 23-year-old
Perez was awarded posthumously the
medal of honor for his almost in-
credible feat.
Died in Mcnth
He died one month later on an-
other front, protecting the with-
drawal of his advanced patrol, from
which he was awarded the silver star.
Soldiers of this division paid tri-
bute today in a full dress review to
Perez and 13 other medal winners.
In camp Perez was a quiet little
fellow who seldom entered the ro-
bust fun of his fellow paratroopers
yet became one of the most popular
men in the regiment.

All those who wish to become can-
didates for positions on the Union
Board of Directors or the Engineering
Council must submit their petitions
by noon EWT (11 a. m. CWT) today
to the Men's Judiciary Council in
the Union Student Offices.
Union vacancies to be filled include
one position for an L. S. & A. stu-
dent, one for an engineering stu-
dent and one for a student to be
chosen by the combined schools.
One sophomore and two second-
semester freshmen are to be chosen
for the Engineering Council.
Petitions may be signed only by
persons enrolled in the school from
which the prospective candidate is
planning to run, and a student may
sign only one petition. Votes, like-
wise, must be cast within the respect-
ive schools. Thus, an engineering
student may not vote for an L. S. & A.
The election will take place Fri-
day, July 27, and at this time stu-
dents will also designate their choice
for a foreign university to be adopted.
Sponsoring the adoption is the Stu-
dent Organization for International
Cooperation. SOIC will place on the
ballot names of five institutions which
have been either destroyed or dam-
aged during the war. Adoption en-
tails the sending of supplies to aid
in their rebuilding.
Before being approved as candi-
dates, all those who petition must be
interviewed by the Men's Judiciary
Rankin Asks
Samson, A ides,
Resign Posts
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 19--R e p.
Rankin (D-Miss.), charging that
"Communists" have been commis-
sioned in the U. S. Army, suggested
in the House today that Secretary
Stimson and his two chief aides
should resign.
Democratic and Republican mem-
bers of the House immediately went
to the defense of the War Department
leaders, one of them calling Rankin's
remarks deplorable.
Rankin's suggestion that Stimson,
Undersecretary Robert P. Patterson
and Assistant Secretary John J. Mc-
Cloy leave office was the aftermath
of publication yesterday by a Hlouse
military subcommittee of testimony
in an investigation of Army policies
concerning'persons alleged to have
Comunist backgrounds.
The subcommittee made public
the names of sixteen officers and en-
listed men its chief counsel, H. Ralph
Burton, said had backgrounds re-
flecting "Communism in some form".
The Missisippian touched off the
brief but lively discussion by express-
ing hope that President Truman will
continue "his policy when he gets
back, of cleaning house and I hope
he begins next with the War Depart-
ment and puts a stop to the commis-
sioning of Communists in the United
States Army.

4,000 Workers Idle
As Employers Strike
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, July 19-Retaliating
against 700 AFL workers who have
been on strike seven weeks, 140 lum-
ber dealers today closed their 200
yards in Wayne, Macomb and Oak-
land counties.
The - action, termed by a dealers'
spokesman "Managements' strike
against their employes," made some
4,000 workers idle and affected 10,000
carpenters on construction work. It
also tied up construction work on
homes and factories and reduced
production of material for the armed
Howard T. McLees, Secretary of
the Detroit District Lumber Dealers
Ascociation, said the Carpenters
District Council (AFL) and the
Teamsters Union (AFL) have been
demanding a closed shop, unioniza-
tion of foremen, wage increases and
improved working conditions.
"They wanted a closed shop and
they got one today," he asserted.
"We're going to stay closed too until
the union decides to meet us half
Shortly after the yards were closed,
army officers sent two trucks to one
of the yards to pick up lumber to
crate war material ready for ship-
ment from the Essex Steel and Wire
McLees said the lumber was re-
leased to the army because is was an
emergency need, but added that
otherwise not "one foot of lumber
was moved today-not even over the
Also closed today was the United
States Rubber Co., with 6,000 idle,
and Graham-Paige Motors Corp.,
with 2,900 idle."
Miami Navy Plane
Falls; 15 Aboard
MIAMI, Fla., July 19-()-Fif-
teen fliers from Miami Naval Air Sta-
tion-four officers and 11 enlisted
men-are believed to have perished
when their four-engined Privateer
plunged into the Atlantic Ocean
while on a training flight, the Navy
disclosed today.
The Miami Weather Bureau re-
ported that heavy storms swept the
Atlantic off the South Florida coasts,
eastward to the Bahamas, on the
night the Privateer took off.

Council. Prospective candidatos will
be notified as to time and place of
interview, and at this time each in-
terviewee must present an eligibility
card for the summer term.

Lumber Men
Close Yards


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Keen Casual for Campus Wear


lemi... Our

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributions to this
column from friends ofrUniversity of
Michigan men now in service are wel-
come and should be addressed to Mich-
igan Men at War, The Michigan Daily,
Student Publications Building.
After being wounded in action with
the Seventh Army .in Europe, Pfc.
JASON E. COLBATI is now serving
with the North African Division of
the Air Transport Command in
Dakar, French West Africa. A stu-
dent at the University when he en-
tered the army in August, 1943, Pfc.
Colbath will assist in the ATC's pro-
ject for flying 40,000 men a month
from Europe back to the United
S* * *
Master Sergeant CLAIRE E.
PURDUM was recently awarded
the Bronze Star for meritorious
service at the Air Supply Division

in Naples, Italy. Sgt. Purdum,
entered service in May, 1942.
Recently commissioned ensigns
in the Naval Reserve at the "An-
napolis of the Air," Pensacola,
Florida, were ROBERT J. BAUER
Having finished their intermediate
training, they will be ordered to
duty either at an instructor's school
for further training or at an opera-
tional base. Prior to entering the
Naval Reserve, both Ensign Bauer
and Ensign Potter attended the
University for two years.
Lieutenant JACK T. REDWINE,
'40, is now on active duty with the
Mansfield Regional Office of the
Cleveland Ordnance District, Army
Service Forces. Lt. Redwine, whose
parents reside in Ann Arbor, also
attended the University Law School.
A resident engineer of a China.
air base of the 14th Air Force
"Flying Tigers," First Lieutenant
LIM D. WEE is now in his fifteenth
month of service in China with the
Corps of Engineers. Before enter-
ing the Army in August, 1941, Lt.
Wee, a member of Alpha Lambda,
was a forestry student at the Uni-
The organization with which Lt.
Wee is serving is responsible for
the construction and maintenance
of .U. S. air fields in its sector of

Sterling Silver Charms
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Treasures to prize forever, hung on our jing-
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(Prices plus 20% federal excise tax.)
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