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July 24, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-24

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DAY. Y 24. 1942

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Ed itorial Staff
Romer Swander .. .Managing dit'or
Wil1 Sapp . .City Edito'r
Mike DaSn Sports Editor
hale Champion, John Erl wine, Robert Mintho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel

Edward Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business Sta f f
usnes S f .Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
PublicaiUons Manager



The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the vieWs of the writers

Shouldn't Gve Credit
Hours For PEM . .
CRTEDI HOURS for Mien taking the
now fanous PhM is the latest sg-
gestion to come from the promoters of physical
. culte.
'this university has set a mhinimum of schol-
atc hours requisite for graduation.n hose hours
are solidly scholastic and do not'con st of miass
exPcrcises under a broiling sun.
Coach Fritz Crisler wants the TUniversty to
offer hours for his honors in brawn course.lie
sughests that dne hour fbr two niilht be Mtigh.
H PEM PROGRAM is a matter of war-time
el ediency and not a permnent ptar of the
scholastic curriculum. Its purpose is to help get
healthy, strong men for the Amy, but it is
hardly related to better knowle'dge of plhylcs
or nithematics or engineering.
Since PEM' connection to the acaderilc cur-
riculum is only temporary, there is no reason
why standards should be lowered for the sake
of strong backs. Now, more than ever, men
with knowlede are needed. And credit hours
for PEM will cut down the value of college men
to iheir country by slashing their educatoh.
-Leon Gordenker
Cartel Investigatioin
t Stalled . .
E VER ON THlt ALERT to' grasp at
any hint of undesirable practice di
the- part of labor and to magnify it to propor-
tions of a national disgrace, th Ai'ericn press
is strangely silent about the persistent pressure
of industrial monopolists to stymie the Senate
Oateit Committee's further investigation of mon-
opoly and cartel deals.
The Committee has acquired Dejbartient of
Jutice records of such transactions and has
'met twice very recently under the most closely
kArded secrecy, but neither time was anything
de ided. Both Senator Pepper and Senator
White, members of the' Coinmittee, are re-
ported to be in, disagreement with the conduct
of the investig tion.
T IS CLEAR however, that the most imporitait
factor in the stalling of the proceedings is
the' powerful behind-the-scenes influence of the
ind'tstralsts themselves. These industrial forces
"hae already brought about' a cessation of anti-
trut prosecutons for the duration of the war.
It Teems that their power over a disgustingly in-
adequate and insincere Congres is almost un-
aPWe are at present uiimistakably losing
the war. But we are losing it at h'o ne as
ijiuch as we are on foreign battlefields and '
oceans. We are allowing our vested interests
-our monopolists and our selfish, deceiving.
pseudo-patriotic profiteers-to sabotage the
war effort to a greater extent than any other
gtoup in the country. Congress either actu-
ally wants to play ball with them or it hasn't
the'backbone to make sure that its commit-
tees-such as the Senate Patent Committee
-finds out the faAts no matter whose toes
are.stepped upon.
IW ALLOW big business to further its own-
interests at the expense of the war effort,
which we portentously proclaim to be the most
crucial thing in our history, and then we credu-
lously listen to our industrialists proclaim them-

WASHINGTON-Behind the President's sing-
ling out of ,Admiral William Leahy as one of
his most trusted advisers on war strategy is
some' vtallyi important background which may
affect the entire future strategy of the war.
Not only is Admiral Leahy one of the most
rounded navy men around the President (Hull
liked him as Ambassador to France and Ickes
Paid great' tribute to him as Governor of Puerto
Rico), but the Admiral also played a great part in
trying to stop Japan before it was too late.
In fact, if Admiral Leahy's advice had been
followed in 1937 when he was Chief of Naval
Operations there would probably have been no
war in the Far East, and perhaps none in Europe
Leahy proposed, when the Japs first want into
China, that the U. S. and British fleets impose
a long distance naval blockade, cutting off Ja-
pan's oil, scrap iron, cotton, and copper, and
starving out the Japanese Military machine in
three months. At that time, Britain and the
United States had the strongest navies in the
wrld, were not worried about convoys, attacks
in the Mediterranean, the protection of India.
All they had to do, Admiral Leahy told the
President, was station the American fleet off
the California Coast and the British fleet at
Singapore, and the Japs would be finished. At
that time they had had no chance to build up
heavy reserves of oil and scrap iron as they did
However, the State Department blew hot and
-old, finally undercut Leahy's plan.
Stop Japan
One year later, however, he revived it, after
the Japs sank the Panay in a deliberate slap at
the U.S.A. And on one Sunday afternoon in
December, 1938, Leahy spent three hours in
Secretary Hull' office pleading with him that
now was the time to stop Japan, before it was
too late. Leahy argued that a world war was
certain, that if we waited to long Britain would
be in it up to the neck, could give us no help,
but if we acted at once, showed Europe we
meant business, it would serve as such an object
lesson to Hitler that war in Europe might be
prevented. g
But on that same afternoon, Hugh Wilson,
later Ambassador to Germany and head of the
appeasement -clique, pleaded with Hull that we
must not dffend Japan, that she needed her place
in the sun, that if we let her expand in China
she would be satisfied, would go no further.
In, the end, Hull sided with Hugh Wilson.
root To Maiy Fronts
Ever since then, Admiral Leahy h's laned
toward ccnc&htrating our main war effort in
the Far East. And ever since Pearl Harbor
there has been an important group in the Navy
-also in the Army-which favors knocking Ja-
pan out of the war first.
This group 1llieves we cannot' fight n too
An Axe To Grind
THE DAILY, because of its policy of presenting
all sides of every question, printed two days
ago, an editorial entitled "What Has Happened
To Bicycle Regulation." There is no place for
such an editorial in The Daily. It was clever,
ad slillful, but through its vicious use of rich
symbolism, the most diabolical and subversive
statement ever to appear in this paper. The
Daily has an obligation to the Board of Regents,
and also to its readers. Therefore we ask that
such an editorial never again be printed.
I quote "A long-standing rule at this Univer-
sity has been no bicycles are to be ridden on
canips. By order of the Board of Regents."
But Michigan's bicyclists- aren't content to
leave their transportation outside their first
classes. There you have it, the first differenti-
ation, the first seed of dissent dropped. We can
picture the reader "Aha, so Michigan's bicyclists
aren't content to leave their transportation out-
side'their classes," he is in an ugly mood, "well,
we'll>see about that." And out he goes to sharpen
his knitting needles and to wait for the heads
to drop.

THUS is the class struggle fostered. To quote
further-"Those fortunate souls with their
two-wheelers dodge in and out among us poor
pedestrians at the risk of our limbs and the ex-
pense of our nerves." The first hint of economic
inequality, the Marxian, argument beginning to
flower. Picture if you will, a fortunate bicyclist
at home surrounded by luxury, and, lunching
delicately off a gold-plate of scones. "Well,
kiddies what shall I bring you from work today?
Would you like a nice li'l ol' dish of caviar?"
Golden-haired, little Allicia answers, "Aw, hell,
daddy, we had caviar yesterday." And all the
kiddies in chorus, "We want the limbs of a big,
fat, old pedestrian."
THAT IS THE PICTURE the writer would have
us accept. But it is a false one. I knew a very
fine bicyclist once, he had gotten his millions,
true, but was just as simple and fine and decent
as anyone you might like to know. Jones was
his name, old Pete Jones. It's people like Pete
who make the world a fine place to live in.
And finally "One of these days a person is
going to be seriously hurt by one of these bike-
riders who insist upon pedalling across campus.

miany fronts at once; that the problem of at-
tacking heavily fortified France is terrific, that
we should concentrate on Jap n and the North
African front. The latter the point out, could
be used as a stepping stone into Europe after
Japan is knocked out of the Pacific.
So with Admiral Leahy closer than ever to the
White House, his views should have an import-
ant effect upon future war policy.
No Women Wanted
Justice Felix Frankfurter has just about de-
cided to dispense with a law clerk next Court
His law clerk is being inducted into the
Army and with experienced young lawye'rs so
scarce, a friend suggested that Frankfurter em-
ploy a wonanlaw clerk.
"I am sure you could find a very able young
woman lawyer," the friend said. "And it would
be quite an innovation. I know it would make
a big hit with th women."
"It probably would," snapped Frankfurter,
"but it wouldn't make a hit with me. I won't
have a woman law clerk. Can't stand them."
Newv Flag For Capitol
You hear little about it, but an important
phase of war production planning is the dehy-
dration (dryirg) of meats, vegetables and fruits
for U. S. forces and lend-lease shipments.
WPB experts estimate that if all the food
needed for United Nations armies were dehy-
drated instead of canned, the difference in
container weights would be 4-billion pounds, or
equal to the shipping space of 180,000 railroad
cars or 360 merchant vessels of 10,000-ton capa-
War chiefs are so concerned about the matter
that a special inter-departmental committee of
the WPB, the War and Agriculture Departments,
has been appointed to expedite priority ratings
on materials needed for erecting dehydration
At a recent meeting, this committee listenegd
to various experts. Throughout the long dis-
cussion, an elderly man sat silent in the back
of the room. He was William W\ Skinner, as-
sociate chief of the Agriculture Department's
bureau of chemistry and engineering, the gov-
ernment's top authority on dehydration.
But he was not called on until the meeting
was breaking up. Then he was merely asked
if he "concurred" in the views expressed by the
With a withering glance at the previous wit-
nesses, most of them youths, Skinner replied:
"I have been a student of dehydration for
mhany years, but I don't suppose that counts.
Qld fellows like me don't get much attention.
The accent is on youth in these times-so much
so that I think it wouldn't be out of place to de-
sign another flag for the Capitol in addition to
Olld Glory.
Yes, gentlemen, I recommend a background
of bright green, with a pair of diapers rampant."
Capitol Chaff
Admiral Sherman, commander of the late
airplane carrier Lexington, pays great tribute to
newly enlisted navy men. With only four months
training," he says, "they behaved like veterans,
The order to abandon ship was almost like a
parade drill." . . credit farsighted Senator Josh
Lee o4 Oklahoma with having advocated many
months ago giant trans-Atlantic transport
planes to carry war materials to Rssia and
Britain. Now various experts say this will be
the only solution to our serious shipping prob-

FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1942
VOL. LI No. 28-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its pubhcation except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Notic es
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Detroit Civil Service exam-
inations. Closing date for filing ap-
plications is listed in each case.
Intermediate Typist (Male), July
30, 1942, $1650 per year,
Power Plant Apprentice (Male),
July 30, 1942, 85c to $1 per hour,
Auto Repairman (Male), July 31,
1942, 95c to $1 per hour.
General Auto Repairman (Male),
July 31, 1942, $1.05 to $1.15 per hour.
Medical Attendant (Male), .July
31, 1942, $1518 per year.
Motorman (Male), until further
notice, 79c to^84c per hour.
Trackman (Male), July 27, 1942,
83c per hour.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
If you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe
a balance of approximately 60 per-
cent of the value of the property,
the Investment Office, 100 South
Wing of University Hall, would be
glad to discuss the possibilities of
refina&,'ing your contract through
the medium of a mortgage. Such re-
financing may effect a savings in
To Purchasers of War Bonds: Those
who have pledged 10% of their an-
nual income for the purchase of War
Bonds, either under the University's
payroll savings plan or otherwise,
are entitled to a special button and
sticker. These may be obtained at
Investment Office, 100 South Wing,
University Hall.
University Committee on
Sale of War Bonds and Stamps
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Inforiation has re-
ceived word of three positions open
in the Juneau, Alaska, public schools
for teachers of Commercial subjects,
Language, and Band. Salary quoted
for all of these positions, $2100.
The following letter has been re-
ceived from the Superintendent of
Schools, Fairbanks, Alaska:
"In order to complete the teach-
ing staff of our high school for the
coming year, we are.n need of two
men to cover the following fields:E
elementary shop, physical educa-
tion, natural science (physics and
chemistry), and advanced mathe-
matics. The physical education in-
structor will be required to coach
basketball." I
Further information regarding any
of these positions may be obtained
at the office of the Bureau.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall
Academic Notices
Candidates for the Master's degree
in History: Language examination
for candidates will be held on Friday,
July 31, at 4 p.m. in Room B, Haven
Hall. Those intending to take exam-
inations must sign in the office of
te HistoryDepartment, 119 Haven
all, as soon as possible.E
A. E. R. Boak1

Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be recommended by the
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session or
the Summer Term : The Compre-
hensive Examination in Education
will be given on Saturday, August 8,
at 9 o'clock in 2432 U.E.S. Informa-
tion regarding the examination may
be secured a't the School of Educa-
tion Office.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in Education will be held
on August 24, 25 and 26. Anyone ,de-
siring to take them should notify
my office at once.
Clifford Woody
Chairman of Committee on
Graduate Study in School
of Education.
Summer~ Term Women Students:
Registration for the second season of
Physical Education will take place
at Barbour Gymnasium on Friday,
July 24th, 9-12 a.m., 1-5 p.m. and
Saturday, July 25, 9-12 a.m. Summer
Term women now enrolled in physi-
cal education, classes for credit or as
electives should re-register at this
time. Other term students may also
join these classes.
Department of Physical Education
for Women
Summer Session Women Students:
A new series of activity courses in
Physical Education will start on July
27. Archery, Body Conditioning, Bad-
minton, Golf, Modern Dance, Out-
door Sports, Riding, Swimming, and
'Tannic 1Iwi hpcnff,~r,'.A l 4VlireifM

Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week. Exceptions to these regulations
may be made only because of extra-
ordinary circumstances, such as seri-
ous or long-continued illness.
E. H. Walter, Assistant Dean
Ensemble (Music Lit) B 159 will
meet as usual on Friday, July 24, in
Hill Auditorium; at 2.
Organ Class will meet as usual on
Friday, July 24, in Hill Auditorium
,at 3.
- Palmer Christian
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry and Conservation, Msic, and
Public Health: Students enrolled in
the regular Summer Session who re-
ceived marks of I or X at the close
of their last term of attendance (v1.,
semester or summer session) will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course un-
less this work is made up by July 29.
Students wishing an extension of
time beyond this date should file a
petition addressed to the appropriate
official in their school with Room 4
U.H., where it will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Campus Worship: , Midday Wor-
ship at the Congregational Edifice,
[ State and William Streets, each
Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10 p.m.
Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led
by various Ann Arbor clergymei-
Henry O. Yoder, chairman.
Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel,
William and Thompson streets, at
7:00 a.m. and 8 a.m. Father Frank
J. McPhillips officiating. Open to
E. W. Blakeman,
Counselor of Religious Education
School of Music Students may se-
cure complimentary tickets to the
series of Beethoven sonatas to be
given in the Rackham Assembly Hall
on the evenings of August 3, 6 and
13, by applying at the office of the
School of Music before the end of
this week. After July 25 any remain-
ing tickets will be available to the
general public.
Biological Chemistry L e tu r e :
Doctor Roger J. Williams, Professor
of Chemistry in the University of
Texas, is delivering a series of lec-
tures on "The Vitamins of the B
Complex Group, their Distribution,
Significance, and Micro-Biological
Methods of Study," from July 21 to
24, inclusive. All rectures will be
given in the Rackham Ampith ater.
The lecture pni July 22 will be at 4
p.m., and th, lectures on July23 and
24 will be at 2 p.m. All interested
are cordially invited to attend.
Dr. Fred G. Stevenson will lecture
on the subject "Correspondence Work
for High Schools," Friday afternoon,
July 24th at 4:05 p.m. in the Univer-
sity High School auditorium. The
public is invited.
Events Today
"Hay Fever" - one of Noel Cow-
ard's most amusing plays, will be
presented by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players of the Department of
Speech tonight through Saturday at
8:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the
Mendelssohn Theatre Bx Office"
from 7:00 to 8:30 daily.
German Table: The German De-
partment is sponsoring on Friday,
July 24th, a picnic on the Island.
Meet in front of Rackham Building
at 4:45 p.m. Picnic supper (35 cents)
and program of games and songs.
Intermediate and advanced students
are urged to make reservations at
204 U.H. by Thursday noon.

sembly Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing at 8:30 p.m., Friday, Jly 24.
Given in partial fulfillment of, th
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music, the recital is open to the
Public Health Assembly: Dr. War-
ren T. Vaughan, nationally known al-
lergist of Richmond, Virginia, will
speak on. "Allergy and the Public
Health" at an assembly period of all
students in public health on Friday,
July 24th at 4 p.m. in the Auditorium
of the W. K. Kellogg Institute. The
lecture is open to the public.
Phi ilelta Kappa will hold its final
membership meeting today at 5 p.m.
in room 3206 University High Schol.
Wesley Foundation: Party and in-
formal fun tonight for all Methodist
students and friends on the church
lawn near Huron Street. On the
program are outdoor ping pong, bad-
minton,,croquet, shuffle board, folk
dancing, group games, singin, and
refreshments. Meet first in the stu-
dent lounge by 8:30.
Coming Events
Wolverines: there will be a meeting'
of the Wolverines Sunday, July 2,
at 2 p.m. in room 302 of the Union,
David Striffler, Vice President.
A Physical Fitness Review will be
be held on Ferry Field Wednesday
evening, July 29th, beginning at 7:45
o'clock, in which the students en-
rolled in th'e Physical Conditioning
Classes will participate. This Review
is to be dedicated to Dr. Elmer R.
Townsley. Price of admission is 56
for adults and 25c for children. The
proceeds will be given to Mrs. Towns-
ley and her three small children.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Michigan Union, Michigan Leaue,
Haller Furniture Store, Wahr's Book
Store, the Intramurat Sports Build-
ing, University Golf Course, and the
Athletic Offices.
H. O. Crisler
John Genn Metcalf, Organist, will
present a 'recital at 8:30 p.m. Mon-
day, July 27, in Hill Auditorium, in
partial fulfillment of the require-.
ments for the degree of' Master
Music. Assistant Professor of Organ
and Theory at Hendrix College, Con-
way, Arkansas, Mr. Metcalf has ar-
ranged a program of compositons k
Bach, Brahms, Vaughan Williams
and Vierne.
Students and Faculty of the Latin
and Greek departments will meet for
a Coffee Hour and Round-table diĀ§-
cussion of teaching problems on Tues-
day, July 28, at 4:10 in the East Con-
ference Room of Rackham.
Episcopal Students: There will be
celebration of Holy Communion in
Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris Hall,
at 7:10 Saturday morning, Saint
Ja'nes' Day.
The FinalConcert of the 1942 High
School Band Clinic will be presented
in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 Saturday
night, July 25, under the direction Pf
Professor William D. Revelli, and two
guest conductors, Mr. Cleo G. FoN
and Mr. Mac E. Carr. The program
will include Komm Susser Tod by J.
S. Bach, the Great Gate of Kiev b
Moussorgsky, and close with Sousa's
Stars and Stripes Forever. The'pub-
lie is invited.
Graduate Outing Club: The chiuf
has planned for the afternoon of
Sunday, July 26, an outing to PortagE
Lake for swimming followed by al
fresco supper. Total expenses per
capita for food, transportation and
use of beach facilities are exected
not to exceed ig ihty cents Those iri..



By Lichty

" C

r (

"Personally, T

think my time would be better spent learning to
operate a lathe!"






Need For Post-War Thought
To The Editor:
LAST SEMESTER a Post-War Council was
formed in an endeavor, to wake this campus
up to a partial understanding of what kinds of
problems we shall have to solve. It held a two-
day conference in the spring and is now holding
weekly meetings to discuss various aspects of
the general subject. These discussions are held
for the students to acquaint themselves with
certain specific problems, to allow them to take
part in the discussion and to propound their
ideas if any there be.
But it does not stop there. If a student merely
enters the meeting and listens to what is being
said without giving it enough thought to re-
member it outside, he gains nothing. He must,
one out of the meeting, consider what he has
heard with his friends, exchange ideas and opin-
ions with them and store in his mind what he
has learn'ed.
THE GENERAL support for the Post-War
Council has been good-the student support
for this group has been meager, to say the
least. This subject is important enough to be
worthy of consideration by all of us, and while
I am conscious of the fact that many students
cannot attend these meetings for legitimate
reasons, many more are simply too lazy and
too uninterested to come.
The student response to the Post-War Council
is typical of the kind of attitude which, we take




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