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July 24, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-24

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Not Much Change


. . ... ........ . ...........

itt t~


Shouldn't Give Credit
Hours For PEM...

. j


2:15 A.M. FINAL

Disclose Revolt
Scheme As 28
Are Indicted
Nine-Month Investigation
Is Climaxed By Arrests;
28 Groups Are Named
In Grand Jury Charge
Trials Will Start
Early In Autumn
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 23.-A wide-
spread conspiracy' to promote revolt
in the Army and Navy was charged
today in an indictment against 28
persons which was opened in Federal
district court here.
The accusation, carrying penalties
up to 20 years in prison and $10,000
fine, climaxed nine months' investiga-
tion by a Federal Grand Jury which
reached into all parts of the country
in hearing nearly 7;000 pages of testi-
mony by 150 witnesses.
' he defendants probably will be
arraigned in Washington next Thurs-
day, a Justice Department official
said, with the trials probably start-
ing in late September or early Octo-
The indictment was returned sec-
retly on Tuesday and handed up to
Judge James W. Morris. in the dis-
trict ourt for the District of Colum-
bia. Its existence became known yes-
terday when some of the accused
were arrested, but details of the
charges were not disclosed.
28 Organizations
It charged on the first count that
the defendants and others intended
to imair the loyalty, morale and
discipline of the armed forces.
The grand jurors named 28 organ-
izations and 30 publications as fac-
tors in the conspiracy.
The defendants included:
Gerald B. Winrod of Wichita, Kas.,
publisher of "The Defender."
George Sylvester Viereck of New
York City and Washington, D. C., for
many years a German propagandist
Who was 'sentenced on Marc' 13 for
violation of the foreign agents reg-,
istration act.
William Griffin of New York, pub-
lisher of the "New York Enquirer."I
William Dudley Pelley of Nobles-1
ville, Ind., leader of the Silver Shirts
and publisher of the abandoned "The
Galilean," who faces trial for sedi-
tion at Indianapolis next week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Dlling of Chicago,
author of "The Red Network" and
other publications.,
x Charles Hudson of Omaha, Neb..
editor and publisher of "America In
Remaining Names
Elmer J. Garner and James F.
Garner, 'father and son, both of
Wichita, Kas. They were indicted for
sedition in May in conhction with
the publication of'"Publicity."
William Kullgren : of Atascadero,
Calif., publisher of "The Beacon
C. Leon De Aryan of San Diego,
Calif., publisher of "The Broom."
Court Asher of Muncie, Ind., pub-
lisher of "X-Ray," the mailing privi-
leges of which have been withdrawn.
Ellis o. Jones and Robert Noble,
both of Los Angeles, organizers of
the Friends of Progress. Both of
them were sentenced for sedition on
July 20.
Ralph Townsend of San Francisco,

Lake Geneva. Wis., and Washington,
a contributor to "Scribner's Com-
mentator," who recently was sen-
tenced for failure to register as an
agent of Japan.
William Robert Lyman, Jr., alias
Robert Lanham of Detroit, an officer
of the National Workers League (De-
troit), a distributor of pictures for
Otto Brennermann, also a defendant.,
Tire Tube Rationing
Quotas For August
Are Raised -- OPA
WASHINGTON. July 23.-()-_
State tire and tube rationing quotas
for August, higher in most categories
than in July, were announced today
by the Office of Price Administra-
For the most essential passenger
car services, 58,308 new tires will be
made available, compared with 57,-
097 this month; 87,860 grade two

Hull Outlines Proposal
For Permanent Peace

'Allies Must Exercise Surveillance Over
Nations,' Declares Secretary In Radio


Russians Fall Back Near Rostov
Before Smashing Nazi Assaults;
British Seize Initiative In Egypt

Gy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 23.-Secre-
tary of State Hull, looking forward
to a postwar world, said tonight that
while a permanent mechanism for
peace was being built "the United
Nations must exercise surveillance
over aggressor nations."
The Secretary's blueprint for peace
was given in an address broadcast
throughout the United States and, by
shortwave radio, to the world. It
followed by only a few hours a sim-
ilar discussion from London by Hull's
counterpart in England, Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden.
Hull included among the measures
he said would be needed for a better
world an international agency to
keep peace "by force, if necessary,"
land "adjustment of national arma-
Neutrality 'Absurd'
At the same time he warned the
remaining neutrals that their pro-
fessions of neutrality were "absurd
and suicidal" in the face of the
world-wide conflict and called upon
"all peoples who prize liberty" to
fight for it as their duty.
Hull's outline of post-war projects
was one of the most specific yet made
by a responsible official of the United
Nations and amplified the policies
previously advanced by Vice Presi-
dent Wallace and Undersecretary
Sumner Welles, among others.
It was delivered in an address pre-
pared for broadcast over all national
networks and for short-wave to the
world. The speech had been eagerly
awaited since President Roosevelt
heralded it at his Tuesday press con-
,Hull advocated the widely dis-
cussed "period of transition" after
the war during which the United Na-
tions cooperatively must'"supplement
and make more effective the action
of countries individually in re-estab-
lishing public order, in providing
swift relief, in meeting the manifold
problems of readjustment."
Constructive Task
"Beyond these," he continued,
"there will lie before all countries
the great constructive task of build-
ing human freedom and Christian
morality on firmer and broader
foundations than ever before.. This
task, too, will of necessity call for
both national and international ac-
. To prevent far, Hull said it was
"plain that 'some international


agency must be created which can-
by force, if necessary-keep the
peace among nations in the future."
"There must be international co-
operative action," he went on, to set
up the mechanisms which can thus
insure peace. This must include
eventualeadjustment of. national
armaments in such a manner that
the rule of law cannot be successfully,
challenged and that the burden of
armaments may be reduced to a min-
Court Of Justice
"It is plain that one of the insti-
tutions which must be established
and be given vitality is an interna-
tional court of justice. It is equally
clear that, in the process of re-estab-
ishing international order, the
nited Nations must exercise sur-
veillance over aggressor nations un-
til such time as the latter demon-
strate their willingness and ability
to live at peace with other nations."
Hull also called for' reduction of
excessive trade barriers, interna-
tional monetary stabilization and
machinery through which capital
may "move on equitable terms from
financially stronger to financially
weaker countries."
Biddle Orders
Sit TO Enjoin
Petrillo Action
Justice Department Acts
To Prevent Threatened
Halt Of Record Making
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 23.-James
C. Petrillo, head of the American
Federation of Musicians (AFL), en-
countered Justice Department oppo-
sition today in his drive to eliminate
"canned" music from every place but
the home.
Attorney General Biddle author-
ized the filing of a suit to enjoin
Ptrillo and the Federation from pre-
v'enting union members from mak-
ing transcriptions and recordings
for anything but private use.
Explanation Asked
In addition, the Federal Commu-
nications Commission called upon
Petrillo and the National Broadcast-
ing Company for a full explanation
of the cancellation of a broadcast by
the National High School Orchestra
from Interlochen.
The FCC also asked its legal staff
to advise it on procedure for "a
broader study into other musical
problems as they affect'radio broad-
casting"-apparently to study 3e-
trillo's order against making record-
ings for non-private use after July 31.
The date and place of the anti-
trust suit was not announced, but a
Justice Department official said that
it would be soon and either at Chi-
cago or New York.
Order Called Unjust
The Department called Petrillo's
order against iaking additional non-
private records "unjust both to labor
and the public"
It asserted that small radio sta-
tions would be forced out of busi-
ness, eliminating a source of morale-
sustaining war programs and that
the order would adversely affect
restaurants, hotels and -small dance
halls which use "juke" boxes, adver-
tising agencies, musical motion pic-
tures, electrical transcription manu-
facturers, and even the radio net-
works and large radio stations.

Both Armies Consolidate
Desert Positions; Allies
Attempt To Force Fight
New Gun, Tanks
In English Hands
Associated Press Correspondent.
CARIO, Egypt, July 23-The Army,
of the Nile carried the fight to theI
Axis forces along the entire 40-mile'
Alamein desert front today for the
second straight day but its main at-,
tention was devoted to consolidating
positions won in the opening phase
of the new battle.
The British, seeking to force the
issue, went into the third night of
the attack without a major decision1
in sight.
An early assessment of British+
gains showed tank and infantry ad-1
vances and consolidation in the+
center, at the western end of Ruwe-1
isat Ridge and about Deir El Sheim,,
and some progress by imperial in-
fantry in both the northern and
southern sectors.
Many Tanks, GunsI
Obviously the British had many
new tanks and guns.
The enemy forces encountered at'
most points were predominantly Ger-
man, indicating diminished Italian
participation in the main battle
cauldron about 80 miles west of Alex-
andria. Some prisoners were taken.
(Axis communiques said the Brit-
ish attacks in the .main battle caul-+
dron were repelled and counter-
attacks launched, with the capture
of 800 to 1,000 imperial prisoners and
destruction of 130 tanks.)
Allied light bombers and fighter-
bombers were late in starting their
operations yesterday because of dust
storms churned up by the bombing
of enemy positions in the light of
flares and the half-moon the night
before. .
The dust subsided about tlee hours
after dawn, however, and te bombers
attacked relentlessly throughout the
rest of the day.'
Nineteen Direct Hits
Nineteen direct hits and many+
near misses were scored on armored
cars, vehicles and gun positions.
The RAF lost 11 planes. The Ger-
mansbhad some dive-bombers in the
air, but in general their aerial ac-
tivity remained on a small scale.
Whilethe main aerial activity was
in the battle sector, U. S. Army heavy
bombers joined the RAF in pounding
Tobruk, Gazala, Salum, Fuka and
Matruh, all Axis air or supply bases.
Picncs Bomb
Jap Posit ions
In New Guinea
MacARTHUR, Australia, Friday,
July 24.-LA)-Allied bombers made
five attacks Thursday on new Japa-
nese installations near Buna Papua,
and left a 5,000-ton Japanese trans-
port burning, Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's Headquarters announced to-
Build.ings and barges at Gon Mis-
sion, the settlement on the northern
coast of New Guinea where the Jap-
anese succeeded in disembarking be-
tween 1,500 and 2,500 troops Wed-
nesday, were raided by Allied dive-
bombers, a communique said.
This is the first time the use of
dive-bombers against the Japanese
has been mentioned in this area,
All the bombs fell in the target
Fighters also attacked the Gona
toehold where an anti-aircraft bat-

tery was silenced.
Art Ci-nema League,
To Show Famous
'Duck Soup' Tonight
Opening the summer Art Cinema
League series, the Marx Brothers'

To Sciences, Says Prof. Howson
Religion Has Not Been Adapted

Head Of


At Vassar Declares Refinement
Is Requisite Of Education

"One of the first requisites of a
more dynamic religion is the refine-
ment of its thinking," declared Prof.
J. Howard Howson yesterday.
Speaking at the concluding lunch-
eon of the Eighth Annual Confer-
ence on Religion, Prof. Howson
pointed out the fact that religion has
not been wholly adapted to the new
orientation of life that has grown
out of the comparatively modern de-
velopments of science.
The obsolescence of the idea that
the earth was the center of the uni-
verse, growing out of the studies of
Copernicus, was only a beginning of
this new orientation. The laws of
gravitation and evolution as well as
the development of modern psychol-
ogy followed in the next few cen-
turies. As a result, Prof. Howson
remarked, our educational system is
animated by this newer type of ap-
On the other hand, our religion
is anchored in a Pre-Copernican
world and is losing its grip on our
younger people, To hold them we
must "either protect them from the
implications of science or get into
the mood of science and take the
'Second Front
Plans Denied
To- Commons

view that no concept is valid unless
it is derived from the facts," Prof.
Howson declared.
Indicating his preference for 'the
latter course, Prof. Howson discussed
some ideas in religious experience
that he believes to have permanent
validity and which could serve as a
basis for this new approach to reli-
gion. Included among these were
"the awareness of the life that flows
through us," "the sense of commu-
nity," and the fact that "religion has
emphasized the supremacy of the
Union Leaders
Protest OPA

Wage Policies


Prof. Is Found
Dead In Auto
E. Miller Of Math Dept.
Dies Of Heart Attack
Dr. Edwin W. Miller, 37 years old,
University professor of mathematics,
was found dead in his car late yes-
terday afternoon at the intersection
of Ford and Middle Belt roads in
Garden City.
Deputies of the Wayne County
sheriff's department said Prof. Mil-
ler apparently suffered a heart at-
He is survived by Mrs. Frances M.
Miller, and his mother of Marquette.
He hAd no children. Miss June Fink-
beiner, a fellow apartment-holder of
Prof. Miller's at 210 S. Thayer St.
said last night that when she saw
Prof. Miller at 1:30 p.m. yesterday
he seemed "perfectly healthy."

Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, July 23.--The govern-
ment declined flatly today to let
Commons in on whatever plans it
has for a second front, but the tenor
of its statement, coupled with an an-
nouncement that Britain was digging
deep into her remaining manpower,
aroused speculation as to whether a
decision has been reached on an in-
vasion of Europe to help Russia.
Further, it was officially disclosed
that ano'her United States convoy,,
one lnfthe largest ever to cross the
Atlantic, had brought many more
U.S. soldiers and airmen to augment
the Allied divisions now in the Brit-
ish Isles.
The thousands of newly-arrived
soldiers included American pilots,
ground crews, Negro troops and other
forces, a large corps of nurses and
quantities of equipment.. The convoy
had a safe crossing and its personnel
is scattered now over the British Isles
in numerous training billets.
The second front was the major
politico-military topic in all British
circles from fish-and-chips shops to
the highest quarters.
It was clear to people and govern-
ment that their fate is bound up with
that of Russia.
Sir Stafford Cripps, Britain's Lord
Privy Seal and Commons spokesman
for Prime Minister Churchill, gave
the members of Commons to under-
stand the government would not tip
its hand.

FDR Confers With CIO,
AFL, Business Heads In
Unusual Unity Gathering
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, -July 23. - The
leaders of orgarnized management
and labor paid an unusual wartime
"unity" call upon President Roose-
velt today, and a little later the CIO
and AFL jointly asked him to forbid
any "interference" with wage rates
by the Office of Price Administra-
Together, Eric A. Johnston, presi-
dent of the Chamber of .Commrerce
of' the United States, William P.
Witherow, president of the National
Afsociation of Manufacturers, Wil-
liam Green, president of the AFL,
and Philip Murray, president of the
CIO, entered Mr. Roosevelt's office.
They told him that "for the first
time in history" they had "sat down
together voluntarily, to canvass what
more" labor and management could
"do to win the war." They said they
had given the country a "demonstra-
tion" of the "unity of purpose and
action of American management and
labor," and that additional meetings
would be held when they seem ad-
Not long afterward, the joint la-
bor war board of the CIO and AFL
called to urge that Mr. Roosevelt
continue the wage policy agreed up-
on early in the war-no strikes, dis-
putes mediated by the Labor De-
partment, and wage controversies
settled by the War Labor Board.
Green told the President OPA was
the only federal agency, which was
"interfering." At the recent Los An-
geles conference on wages in the air-
craft industry, he said, an OPA rep-
resentative had opposed a flat wage
increase, and had thereby "inter-
fered with production, caused resent-
ment and lowered morale."
Both Green and Murray opposed
any effort to "freeze wages," a ques-
tion much discussed in connection
with efforts to curb living costs.

Axis Onslaughts Repulsed
On Road To Stalingrad
By Defending Forces
Soviet Successful
In Northern Area
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Friday, July 24-With
large forces of Axis tanks and mech-
anized infantry beating at the de-
fenses of Rostov, the Russians re-
ported today that their hard-pressed
armies had fallen back on one sector
of that critical front after repulsing
seven attacks throughout yesterday.
Meanwhile, the Russians said, their
forces defending the road to Stalin-
grad, on the Volga, repulsed strong
enemy onslaughts yesterday, while
in the Voronezh area at the northern
end of the blazing front the Russian
successes continued.
The Novocherkassk area of the
Rostov battle, some 20 miles north-
east of the city proper, saw perhaps
the most intense fighting of the day,
Russian reports indicated.
Fought Defensive Battles
"In the Novocherkassk area, our.
troops fought defensive battles
against large forces of enemy tanks
and mechanized infantry," the mid-
night communique said.
"One of our units during the day
repulsed seven enemy attacks and
killed over 1,000 German officers and
ml. When our troops were threat-
ened with encirclement they retreated
to new positions upon the ordex of
the command."
(This was the second straight day
that the Russians had acknowledged
a crack in the defenses around NoV-
oclierkassk. Just how far the Red
forces retreated was not indicated.)
Heavy pressure on the forces stand-
ing guard over Stalingrad continued.
The Russians declared the Germans
were throwing in reserves in the
fighting around Voronezh "and are
trying with all their might to regain
this lost position."
Many Tanks Disabled
The Soviet report said several
scores of tanks, were disabled and
about 1,000 men killed in one sector
of the Voronezh front while in an-
other sector one unit repulsed three
counter-attacks and captured a fort-
ified position.
The Russians in the Voronezh area
are hitting the Germans fiercely in
an effort to relieve the pressure on
the armies to the south.
The most intense fighting was on
the lofty north bank of the Don at
Novocherkassk, 20 miles northeast of
Rostov,'but other German columns
were converging on the delta port
from Voroshilovgrad and from Tag-
anrog, 40 miles west on the Sea of
Nazi Bombs
Belst Three,
British Areas

What's Your Opinion?
Question Of PEM Credit Hours
Brings Varied Student Response

Student response to Herbert 0.
(Fritz) Crisler's suggestion for credit
hours in PEM proved to be varied, as
Michigan's newly hardened males
were asked yesterday: "Do you
feel that your efforts in the physical
fitness program should be rewarded
with academic credit?" Some of the
comments .were:
Eugene Mandeberg: "If I spend
from four to five hours a week at
PEM, some credit should be given.
I'm not asking for five or six hours."
Don MacCoul: "No! Credit should
not be given. I don't mind putting in

have accounts receivable at the
Dean's office."
Jim Landers: It is as much to the
credit of the University to have phy-
sically fit men as mentally fit. For
this reason PEM is a valuable course
yet one to two hours credit is only
Bill Loud: In view of PEM's pur-
pose, to fit men for the armed forces.
I think no credit should be given. A
man should be glad to have the op-
portunity of taking the program. If,
when the war is over, physical hard-
ening continues, that's a different
matter and credit is only fair."
Rill .reh=g. If fthe'v dotinove'credit.

ownsley Memorial Exhibition
Sells Over 1,000 Tickets Already
By MIKE DANN fire order will run through their paces
Daily Sports Editor for nearly an hour and a half. High-
The ticket drive for the Townsley light of the exercises will be mass
Memorial Program is less than one games that are so typical in Army
day old, but already over a thousand and Navy training centers through-
tickets have been sold with the de- out the nation.
mand increasing by leaps and bounds. All members of the program will
A tremendous wave of enthusiasm wear certain colored shirts and shorts
has swept the campus in an effort that will greatly add to the color of
to make the mass public demon- the evening's activity.,
stration by 1,850 PEM students a The greatest-tug-of-war in history
fitting tribute to the late Dr. Elmer will be staged when 1,000 students
R. Townsley who founded the Uni- will partak in the age-old sport.
versity's physical fitness program. Earl Risk y, of the IM depai'tment
Every department and group con- points out, "imagine about 35 tons
nected with the University has set on each side, both pulling with all
up special committees to take care their might. Just seeing that event
of the ticket distribution for the alone should more than pay for the
exhibition which will be staged Wed- price of the ticket."
4.--- -1T..._. ..._ .13 A e p i~l nr.dit in ri.4itt,4 hw's cy

By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 24 (1Friday)--The
heaviest German air attack on Brit-
ain in weeks broke over three sec-
tions of England early today, with
Nazi raiders scattering bombs and
flares and defying intense anti-air-
craft fire.
There were no immediate indica-
tions that bhe fliers were concentrat-
ing on any one town.
The raiders hit at the North and
East Midlands, Eastern England and
East Anglia, sending down showers
of flares and following them with
high explosives,
The Germans flew over after an
other day of RAP attacks on occu-
pied areas.
British Spitfires flew fast and low
over the German-occupied coast in
their fifth consecutive day of such
raiding, spattering machine-gun fire
and pouring bombs on enemy tropps
and gun positions and road, rail and
canal traffic.
Although the, air ministry said the.
operations were not on a large scale,
they were described as intensive, and
Mi~ff nnnosition from, the d~fe,,dain

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