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July 27, 1935 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-27

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', JULY 27, 1935



r v _ , _ s a. s

New Tax Bill
Is Greeted By
Various Views

Elsie Janis Seriously Injured When Her Car Hits Truck

Sharp Criticism Advanced
Frvnn Many Fronts; Is
Led By Sen. Walsh
Praise By Doughton
AExpect To Raise Annual
Sum To Total Of More
Than $250,000,000
,WASHINGTON, July 26.- am] --
Strong criticism and vigorous praise
today greeted the tentative bill with
which Democratic committeemen of
the House propose to put the Pres-
ident's tax ideas on the statute
The Democrats on the House Ways
and Means Committee had drafted a
measure designed to raise an annual
sum variously estimated at $150,000,-
000 to more than $250,000,000.
In general the criticism was from
two sides - advocates of a balanced
budget, many of them Republicans,
and left-wing share-the-wealth men.
The praise came from members, in-
cluding a number of Democrats, who
said the committeemen in shaping
the plan followed a middle-of-the-
road course.
Senate Battle Foreseh
From the Senate side came a por-
tent of the battle ahead. Senator
Walsh (Dem., Mass.), in a radio
speech last night in the Washington
Evening Star forum, analyzed the
President's proposals critically, and
said it was "unfortunate" that the
question was not presented "as a rev-
enue measure rather than a reform
Urging that action be postponed
until January, he said:
"None of the proposals for re-
.distribution of wealth, of which we
have recently heard so much, is sound
or practical."
In brief, the measure formed by
the House committeemen calls for a
stiff tax on "excess" cdrporation
profits, ranging as high as 2 per cent;
new inheritance taxes ranging from
4 to 75 per cent; additional gift taxes
of 3 to 57 per cent; higher surtaxes
on individual incomes over $150,000.
The committee Democrats turned
down, for the present at least, the
President's idea of taxing dividends
passing from one corporation to an-
other. It drastically revised the sug-
gestion for a graduated tax on cor-
poration incomes.
Took Middle Course
"In choosing rates for inheritance,
gift and icome taxes, the committee
members selected neither the lightest
nor the stiffest of various schedules
under study, but took an 'in between'
course, Chairman Doughton (Dem.,
N.C.), said:
"It has been our aim to readjust
the taxes on a more equitable basis
without harming or favoring any-
Today, the Democrats met again to
smooth up some rough edges and to
talk over again the excess profits
and graduated corporation >income
levies. On Monday, the bill will be
put before the full committee.
Meanwhile, though, the Repub-
licans opened their initial attack.
Representative Treadway of Massa-
chusetts, ranking Republican on the
committee, said the maximum rev-
enue estimated from the next taxes
is "nothing like the equivalent of the
administration's extravagant expendi-
"It is also evident," he added, "that
this is a forced measure and that the
Democratic members have very little
sympathy with the President's pro-
posals. Undcer pressure, however,
they have made a gesture to save his
Another critic was Representative
Woodruff of Michigan, a Ways and
Means Committee Republican. He
described the proposals as a "bitter
disappointment" and "comparatively

insignificant if anyone intends to do
anything at all about balancing the
A number of conservative Demo-
crats, however, indicated their sup-
port for the plan while some of the
more liberal expressed favor for
stiffer rates on large incomes.
Washington Sculpture
Threatened By Erosion
SIEBERT, Coio, July 26. - (P)-
Weather and time are wearing down
Siebert's "George Washington."
So long ago that none of the resi-
dents knows when, an outdoor sculp-
tor chiseled a likeness of the first
president on the face of a sandstone
rock northwest of here.
Now erosion threatens the -image.
Wind and the elements have elimi-
nated the right side of the head and
part of the right eye of the landmark.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., July 26.
- (M - G. B. Gyorke, owner of a
laundry here, onced helped a prime

-Associated Press Photo.
Elsie Janis, famous actress who won the name of "sweetheart of the A. E. F." during the World War, was
seriously injured when the sautomobile in which she and her husband, Gilbert Wilson, crashed into a parked
truck near East View, N.Y. Wreckage of their automobile is shown in this picture. Wilson suffered slight
head injuries.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

VOL. XVI No. 30
Geology 11s: There will be a field
trip Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m.
to Whitmore Lake. Please bring 25c
for transportation.
All Lutheran Students enrolled in
Summer School are invited to a picnic
this Sunday afternoon at Portage
Lake. Students will meet at Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Wash-
ington St. at 4:00 p.m. Married stu-
dents are to bring their families. Call
5981 or 3401 for reservations before
Saturday noon. Bring your bathing
suit and 25c for eats.
Services in Trinity Lutheran church
this Sunday. Trinity Lutheran
Church located on E. William St.,
Fifth Ave., will continue for the sec-
ond Sunday the combination service.
Opening liturgical service at 9:15.
Sermon by the pastor, Rev. Henry
Yoder on "Acres of Diamonds." Ser-
vice closes at 10:45. Students welcome.
Rev. Henry Yoder.
Episcopal Student Group: The stu-
dent fellowship meeting will be held
Sunday evening at the home of Mrs.
William Sellew, 2122 Hill street. Cars
will leave the church office at seven
o'clock. All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially nvited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m.
Children's Hour; 11:00 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend
Henry Lewis.
Summer Session Symphony: The
orchestra will play a short program
Sunday evening at 7:30. Please be
at the library steps at 6:30 for an im-
portant rehearsal with the mixed
David Mattern.
Summer Session Mixed Chorus:
The chorus will give a short program
Sunday evening at 7:30. Please be
at the library steps at 6:30 for an
important rehearsal with the or-
David Mattern.
Methodist Episcopal Church: Sun-
day 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship
Service. Dr. C. W. Brashares has
chosen as a sermon subject, "Who
Uses You?"
Congregational Church: 10:30 Ser-
vice of worship with sermon by the
minister, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps.
Subject, "The Gospel of Beauty."
Miss Jean'Seeley will sing and James
Pfohl will be at the organ.
Stalker Hall for University Stu-
dents and Friends: Sunday, 6:30 p.m.
Informal devotional hour for Uni-
versity students and their friends.
Dr. C. W. Brashares, pastor of the
church, will be the speak'er and lead-
er for the discussion hour. His topic
is "Life Choices in the Light of Re-
ligion." This will be the concluding
event in the summer program series
on "Rethihking Religioi." Refresh-

ments and fellowship will follow the
The Third Vesper Service will be
held Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock
on the Library Terrace. The program,
directed by Professor David Mattern
of the School of Music, will be pre-
sented as follows:
PetitesSuite, Debussy.
- I. En Bateau.
11. Cortege.
Summer Session Orchestra con-
ducted by Walter Bloch, Flint, Mich-
Summer Session Chorus, Ye Watch-
ers and Ye Holy Ones, 17th Century,
German. Conducted by Carl Lund-
gren, Springfield, Illinois.
In Joseph's Lovely Garden, Tradi-
tional Spanish.
Baritone Solo by Henry Austin.
Summer Session Men's Glee Club.
Conducted by Franklyn Weddle,
Flint, Michigan.
Fierce Raged the Tempest, Chorus,
Allegro molto
Orchestra, Conducted by Fred-
erick Ernst, Louisville, Ky.
A Mighty Fortress is our God, Lu-
M,,n's Glee Club, Conducted by
James Pfohl, Winston-Salem, N. C.
Chillun Come On Home, Spiritual-
Cain, Chorus.
Song of Victory, Fletcher.
Chorus and Orchestra.
Graduation Recital: Carl Fredrick-
son, Baritone, student of Professor
Arthur Hackett, will give the follow-
ing Graduation Recital, Monday eve-
ning, July 29, at 8:30 o'clock in the
School of Music Auditorium, to which
the general public, with the exception
of small children is invited. Mr. Ger-
ald Greeley, will be the accompanist.
Evening Hymn, Purcell.
Come Again, Dowland.
Verdi Prati, Handel.
"Revenge, Timotheus Cries" Alex-
ander's Feast, Handel.
Le Charme, Chausson.
L'Intruse, Fevrier.
L'Angelus, Bourgault-Ducoudray.
Mandoline, Debussy.
Ein Ton, Cornelius.
Wohin, Schubert.
Die Stadt, Trunk.
Zueignung, Strauss.
My Lady Walks in Loveliness,
O Mistress Mine, Quilter.
Siesta, Besly.
When I Think Upon the Maidens,
C. E. 26: There will be no meeting
of C. E. 26 Monday evening, at 8
o'clock, July 29.
- - - John S. Worley.
Discussion Group.Meeting: All per-
sons engaged or interested in the ed-
ucation of Negroes are invited to a
discussion group meeting to be held in
the Michigan Union Room 302 Mon-

-Selection Of
Ferris' Jury Is
Up ToJudge
Says 'I'm Running This
Court' After 3 Panels
Are Exhausted
DETROIT, July 26. - (AP) - Re-
corder's Judge John T. Boyne took
over selection of a jury to try Wil-
liam Lee Ferris and three women
companions for the murder of How-
ard Carter Dickinson, New York at-
torney, today, but exhausted the
available veniremen before he could
fill the jury box.
Judge Boyne, declaring "I'm run-
ning this court" relieved attorneys of
the jury selection task after three
panels of 50 had been used without
obtaining 14 jurors. Attorneys had
haggled for four days over the prob-
The trial was recessed at noon un-
til 9 a.m. Saturday and sheriff's
deputies ordered to serve another
special panel of 50. Twelve of four-
teen jurors to be used in the trial
had been seated tentatively when
the recess came.
Defense attorneys, with 80 per-
emtory challenges at their command
had exercised 71 of them, the prose-
cution 7, and the court had removed
7 from the box.
Judge Boyne, voicing dissatisfac-
tion with what he termed "dilatory
tactics" of defense counsel, took over
selection of the jury after two de-
fense attorneys clashed openly in
court today.
day evening, July 28, 7:15 o'clock.
The topic for discussion is "Coopera-
tion between the Negro professional
group and Negro workers."
Emma Mary Foote, Organist, stu-
dent of Palmer Christian, will give
the following Graduation Recital,
Monday afternoon, July 29, at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which
the general public, with the exception
of small children is invited:
Piece Heroique, Franck.
Cantabile, Franck.
Toccata, Adagio, Fugue in C, Bach.
Prelude Op. 11, Schmitt.
The Mirrored Moon, Op. 96, No. 6,
Toccata, Op. 59, No. 5, Reger.
Symphonie VI, Widor.
Women's Educational Club will
meet Monday, July 29, in the Alumnae
Room of the Michigan League, at
7:15 o'clock. Miss Evelyn Cohen,
Costume Director of the Michigan
Repertory Players, will speak on "The
Modern Theater Movement." All
women students who are interested
in Education are invited to attend.
lik our
BREAKFASTS... 10c to 30c
LUNCHES...... 10c to 40c
SUPPERS ....... 15c to 45c

Importance Of
Chemicals In
Farming Told
Editor Sees A Future For
Agriculture That Is Very
Bright With Promise
EAST LANSING, July 26.--(A) -
Wheeler McMillen, New York editor,
told a gathering of 5,000 farmers here
today that the chemical industry,
developing processes for the manu-
facture of farm crops into everything
from dress goods to house paint,
"guarantees a future that is bright
with promise for the farmers of the
United States.' He was addressing
the Farmers' Day crowd at Michigan
State college.
McMillen recalled how nationalism
abroad has destroyed America's for-
eign markets and a shrinkage of the
demand for foodstuffs at home has
created an acute depression in agri-
culture. The time has gone, he said,
when farmers may concern them-
selves with the growing of crops for
foodstuffs alone.
He predicted that the future would
find American farmers growing the
crops from which the chemists would
manufacture rubber; that vegetables
and other farm produce would yield
alcohol to be mixed with gasoline as a
cheaper and more efficient motor fuel;
that other crops would be manufac-
tured into textiles, and that insecti-
cides and fungicides might be ex-
tracted from vegetables now used only
for salads.
Not A Panacea
McMillen, who is the editor of
Country Home, suggested that Amer-
ican farmers might boycott manufac-
turers who import raw materials from
abroad that could be extracted from
home-grown farm crops. Referring
to the extraction of oil for paints
from soybeans, now an established in-
dustry, McMillen said: , "I suspect
farmers will be fully justified in de-
manding that their dealer supply
them with paint made from American
soybeans instead of paint made from
some foreign oil."
McMillen denied that he viewed the
industrial use of farm crops as a
panacea for agriculture's ill, or that
there would be an overnight change
that would make everything rosy for
the farmers. He predicted, however,
that the next 20 years would bring
advances that would amaze a Rip Van
He said that if other nations' na-
tionalism is destroying our foreign
trade, he could see no reason why the
United States should not clamp down
on unnecessary imports and become
its own buyer.
Independence Urged
"Shall we here muddle along, hop-
ing and praying that something will
turn up to restore those lost foreign
markets?" he demanded' "Shall we
continue to talk about importing prod-
ucts that our own farmers and man-
ufacturers can make in order that
other countries can buy from us? Or
shall we recognize the hard fact that
foreign countries are not buying our
surpluses primarily because they do
not want to buy them, because for
nationalistic and military reasons
they do not want to depend upon the
United States?
"Is it time for us to remember that
we are a nation gifted with such na-
tural resources as nature gave to no
other nation on earth, and may we
not be capable of doing business
amongst ourselves to better advantage
than we can gain by foreign trade at
the expense of our own people?"
McMillen referred to the AAA pro-
gram of crop reduction as something
that might tide the farmers across
an emergency but which in itself
would do not material good and could
not be followed indefinitely.

Lightning 'Strikes Twice'
And Kills Four Brothers
GREENVILE, S. C., July 26. - ( P)-
Lightning striking twice in the same
place, has killed all four sons of Mr.
and Mrs. David B. Odam.
A bolt struck the Odam farm house
14 years ago, killing Samuel, 10, and
Thomas, 8, while they were eating
The two surviving sons, John Per-
shing Odam, 17, and Willie, 12, were
walking past a well into the house af-
ter plowing one evening this summer
when. lightning struck the well.
Both lads and the mules they had
been plowing with were killed.
U -t

Soviet Hero To Atte mpt 6,250-Mile Flight

,-Associated Press Pnoto.
This map shows the proposed route for Soviet Pilot Sigmund A.
Levaneffsky's 6,250-mile non-stop flight from Moscow to San Francisco.
Levaneffsky (pictured above), who received the title of "Hero of the
Soviet Union" for his part in rescuing the Cheliuskin survivors, is the
son of a Polish blacksmith and first became known in America for his
rescue of James J. Mattern, American around-the-world flyer, when he
was stranded on the frozen wastes of Anadir, Siberia, in 1933. Accom-
panying Levanoffsky on his long hop are Co-pilot Baibukoff and Naviga-
tor Victor Levehenko.
The Careers And Personalities
Of Our Senaors PeterGerr

PROVIDENCE, R. I., July 26. -()
- A Republican leader, the late Gen-
eral Grayton, once remarked to a
newspaperman that there was a
young man in Newport who would
make a good man for the Democrats.
Gerry was interviewed and his po-
litical views appealed so strongly that
he was put forward as candidate for
the Newport representative council
in 1911 and elected.
Thus began Gerry's political career.
Two years later the second Rhode
Island congressional district, usually
Republican, elected him representa-
tive. In 1916 he was elected to the
senate and returned for a second term
in 1928. Now he is serving his third
term. f
A native of New York, where he
was born 55 years ago, Gerry pub-
lishes the Providence News-Tribune.
His great-grandfather Elbridge Ger-
ry, was a signer of the Declaration of
Independence and vice president of
the United States in 1812. Thomas
hamplains,J oliets
Dwindling In Paris
PARIS, July 26. -.(A') - French
family names famous in American
history are fewer in the latest Paris
No Champlain and no Joliet is list-
ed, but there are 27 Cartiers, not de-
scendants of the great explorer, how-
ever, for he died without issue.
There is only one Lafayette, the
Count J. de Lafayette, but there are
three Rochambeaux, a marquis and
two counts.
In addition, there is a Count Rob-
ert de la Salle, probably of the family
of the explorer of the Mississippi, and
another untitled de la Salle, an at-
There are two Marquettes, believed
by French genealogists to be collateral
descendants of the Jesuit explorer,
and one Montcalm, a marquis like
the general defeated by Wolfe at

Gerry, his grandfather, was an of-
ficer in the navy, and his father, El-
bridge T. Gerry, a prominent New
York businessman.
Although a man of wealth and early
New England family, the senator has
drawn much support from the poor-
er and: foreign born sections of the
population. On the speaker's stand
his face is usually sober, but oc-
casionadly a sudden smile illumines it.
Gerry was graduated from Harvard
and practiced law for a time. He is
the Democratic national committee-
man from Rhode Island and was one
of this state's delegation to the Dem-
ocratic national convention of 1932
which stood staunchly for Alfred E.
Smith. After Roosevelt was nominat-
ed, Gerry announced his support of
his party's choice.
W he re G
2 p.m. Majestic Theater, "Curly
Top" with Shirley Temple.
2 p.m. Michigan Theater, "Strand-
ed" with Kay Frances and George
Brent, and Arline Judge and Kent
Taylor in "College Scandal."
2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, "Air
Hawks" with Wiley Post, and George
O'Brien in "Cowboy Millionaire."
2:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, "The Princess and Mr. Parker."
7 p.m. Samre features at the three
9 p.m. Summer Session Dance,
Michigan League Ballroom.
9 p.m. Union Membership Dance.
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning on the Huron River, Sounder's
Canoe Livery.


and Mimeographing
Work done in our own shop by
experienced operators at mod-
eraterrates. Student work a
of all makes. Bought, sold, rent-
ed. exhanved cleaned1 andi re-


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