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August 21, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-21

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FRIDAY, AUG. 21, 1936

v. _ ,._ . .. _ri:n4 k._.. ,

Offlcial Publication of the Summer Session





r Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Oontrol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assoca-
tion sand she Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserveds.
Entered pt the PostvOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second clas matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00, Durng regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard
Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ................Marshall D. Shulman
ramhatic Critic ..............John W. Pritchard
Assistant kditors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph T. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander,
Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Reporters: El.anor Bar, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay,
M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent
Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea
Staebler, Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
Circulation Manager .................J. Camero Hal
Office Manager........................Robert Lodge
Word . .
seen some interesting events re-
flected in these pages.
Locally, the Board of Education passed a ruling
declaring in terms so general that they offer no
protection to a teacher, that controversial issues
may be taught, providing it is done upon a
sound basis of factual knowledge. The local
paper observed in commenting editorially upon
this ruling, that any teacher who takes active
part in political movements outside the class-
room ought to be dismissed . . . New University
buildings continue to rise in Ann Arbor. The
University of Michigan will soon be a beau-
tiful institution, with a bell tower and new
graduate and music schools. No one, however,
as yet thought of the two most crying needs
of the University-a dormitory for men and
financial support for the faculty. The insult
supreme was the canvassing of scandalously
underpaid faculty men for contributions to the
tower .. . A great surprise was the instantaneous
reaction to the letter by "Southern Gal" in these
pages. A letter which ought to have brought
forth a kind and sympathetic word brought in-
stead a barrage of vituperation and revealed an
intense sectional feeling on the campus.
Nationally, the presidential campaign has
made the most news. The two major platforms
show a similarity of detail, but differ, greatly in
spirit. Republicans stand for States' rights, non-
interference with business except for a higher
tariff, and a contraction of Federal power
and operations. Democrats stand for continu-
ance of a policy of regulation of laissez faire at
its weakest point-monopolies, for reciprocal
trade agreements as a step toward lower tariffs,
and interference with business to the extent that
is necessary in order to secure a fair return to
labor . . . Labor will be considerably weakened
by a split over the question of whether organi-
zation shall be by industries or by crafts. Ten
powerful unions, members of the C.11O., will
probably leave the A.F. of L. as a result and the
struggle has developed a painful schism between
skilled and unskilled workers at a time when
labor needs all the unity it can muster. Mem-
bers of a newly formed Non-Partisan Labor
group decided to support Roosevelt in this elec-
tion, hoping to' form a genuine Labor party be-
fore the next election and to win the election
after next . . . One of the funniest angles to the
numerous strikes going on this summer is the
story that is told regarding the American News-
paper Guild strike against the Seattle Post-In-

telligencer. The Guild strikers have been joined
by the Teamsters', Loggers' and Longshoremen's
Unions, whose members are burly. It is said that
when some of Berghoff's strikebreakers appeared,
they were beaten after their own manner by
the equally tough strikers. It would have been
worth watching . . . Strikes have continued un-
abated all during these eight weeks, with pros-
pects for increase rather than diminution in the
fall. Although the steel strike wasn't exactly
successful because Lewis had to fight the steel
industry on one side and the A.F. of L. on the
other, and industries like Rand have moved
whole plants rather than comply with strikers'
demands, indications are that labor's strength
is growing to the point where it can not long
be denied ... One could overlook the nonsensi-'
cal and contradictory utterances of Father
Coughlin and the rest of his unholy trinity, were
it not for the astounding fact that thousands
of people throughout the country take his words
as gospel.
'Tntarsnoalhr the hia- noeso ha ennthe

HITLER, A Biography by Rudolf Olden, Trans-
lated by Walter Ettinghausen. New York:
Covici-Friede, 1936. $3.00.
(Review Copy Courtesy of Wahr's Bookstore)
A WHILE before Hitler became dictator, jour-
nalist Dorothy Thompson wrote: "When I
walked into Adolf Hitler's salon I was convinced
that I was meeting the future Dictator of Ger-
many. In less than fifty seconds I was sure I was
not. It took just that time to measure the
startling insignificance of this man who had
set the world agog." One doesn't expect Dorothy
Thompson to make mistakes; why didshe err
here? Who is Adolf, the little putty-faced Aus-
trian whose badges of dictatorship are a swas-
tika and a moustache that acts as underpinning
for his nose? What combination of innate char-
acter and externalities brought him to the dic-
Rudolf Olden attacks his biography from a
standpoint of psychology, which is the only
right way in this case at least, because the whole
Hitler story is one of an unusually constructed
individual employing mass psychology with weird
success. A visiting Michigan professor, on be-
ing approached by this writer with a propo-
sition to go over and hypnotize Hitler, re-
marked, "The only trouble is that Hitler would
probably hypnotize us." The remark contained
more truth than one might think.
Mr. Olden has dug deep into official and
extra-official archives for his material; addi-
tionally, his former editorship of the Berliner
Tageblatt has given him first-hand contact
with the German political scene during Hitler's
rise. Now the author is in exile, and holds an
appointment at Oxford. The thoroughness of
his researches is apparent on every page: he
accepts nothing at its whole value, but analyzes,
reconstructs, and does everything but algebra in
order to thresh out the truth that is buried in
a smothering mass of propaganda. At one point,
for example, he devotes pages of conflicting
evidence and arithmetic to show that Hitler did
not arrive in Vienna at fourteen, as "My Battle"
would have us believe, but at nineteen, a fact
which has enormous bearing on the development
of his character.
For all that, the biography is very readable.
Possibly the author sometimes goes a little
awry, his reasoning leaping factual synopses
of enormous breadth in order to get at a conclu-
sion: he may; for example, proceed too rapidly
in concluding, from indirect evidence, that Hit-
ler is homosexual; yet, when Mr. Olden's sug-
gestions are capable of two interpretations, he
is very careful to indicate the fact. He pre-
sents all probable conclusions, and then empha-
sizes the one he prefers.
He gives us a Hitler who lacks every qualifica-
tion for political enterprise except one: temp-
erament. Mr. Olden's Hitler began as a petit
bourgeois in upper Austria; starved as hack
painter in Vienna; served in the war as a cor-
poral on office duty behind the front, and won
a distinguished service cross for inexplicable
reasons; became propagandist for the army; al-
lied himself with a small political party (the Na-
tional Socialists); screamed his way to notoriety
in Bavaria; organized a putsch that made him
dictator of Bavaria, and which three days later
ended in a fiasco; served six months in prison
for treason; on emerging, continued active lead-
ership in the party until he had shouted and
sobbed and battered his way to national fame
and the largest representation in parliament;
had a decisive encounter with President Von
Hindenburg, after which his strength began
to weaken; then, just as his power was beginning

Letters published in this column should not beI
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of Thet
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
All letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
I want to congratulate you most heartily on
the liberalism you have displayed during the
period of the summer school. If this method
is continued during the regular year, the Uni-
versity of Michigan will take a foremost place
for real progress. Cordially yours,
-M. Levi.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Thank you, Professor
Levi. Over a period of several years, you
have been our most faithful correspondent.
The ideal which you have fought for, free-
dom in its various forms in order that true
democracy and world peace may be main-
tained, is one that merits the respect and
support of all intelligent men.
However, one ought iot to be compli-
mented on his liberalism. In so far as it
means a group of attitudes free as is human-
ly possible from prejudices, is it not to be
expected that liberalism will exist, if any-
where, in our college journals?
to pick up speed on its way down the skids into
oblivion, he won the chancellorship of Germany
-and the rest we know.
Germany, of course, has been in a state of
seething unrest since the war. But why wasn't
it Kurt von Schleicher, or von Papen, or Hjal-
mar Schacht, or some similar leader, who gained
the dictatorship? Events conspired with them,
too. Is Hitler so far superior to them in ability?
He is, according to Mr. Olden, superior in only
two ways: temperament, and propagandizing
ability. He is intolerant, brutal-BRUTALITY
is his watchword-yet he himself cannot make
a decision, and time and again he has placed
his subordinates in embarrassing positions be-
cause of this vacillation. He is a master of crowd
psychology; yet he is very far from being an
intellectual giant. He has written a mighty book,
"Mein Kampf" (My Battle), embodying his po-
litical philosophy, but this book contain nothing
but the same old idea or two, reshaped (and
sometimes not very well reshaped) and reiter-
ated over and over again, in sentences that make
Thorndike as lucid as a McGuffey Reader. But
he epitomizes, in his policies, brutality and force,
actually practiced and carried an inordinate
distance; and when he speaks, he shouts stirring
inanities at his listeners until he has them worked
up to fever pitch, whereat he loses control, goes
into a trance, shouts, screams, and sobs inco-
herencies like an abstraction of all madnesses.
And he has them.
This biography is soundly constructed, rooted
deep in scholarship and ratiocinative activity,
and highly useful.
-John W. Pritchard.
The blam-jam fools who have been curtailing
the activities of our munitions plants ought to
hand their heads in shame; and, furthermore,
they should be placed in the front line of the
army which may be needed to repel invaders.-
Bernarr Macfadden, in Liberty.
London style show displays shoes with heels 10
inches high. They are very attractive and it is
almost possible to walk in them.

Interview A S
To the Editor:
If this Hamilton is such a smart
campaign manager, why does he al-T
low these news reels of Governor
Landon be shown around the coun- Willia
try? Or is Farley doing that?
There is one, an interview with
Senator Vandenberg, that goes some- THEREi
thing like this: "Well Governor, what to rec
do you think of the farm problem?" the avera
"Well Senator, I think something The traits
should be done about it." "Well Gov- statistical
ernor, what do you think about world not be as
peace?" "Well Senator, I'm in favor ist might
of it," etc. ably be m
Then there is the one where the A grou
governor rides a horse. This one has and 100,0
certainly cost him the horse-lovers' en from w
vote. The governor is no gaucho. acteristics
Heywood Broun says that every workingf
time Landon speaks on the radio the chosen f
odds against him go up a point. The transport
odds must double every time one of 10 per ce
his news reels is shown around the cent, whi
country. -Joseph Gies, '39 ufacturin
Data on
C I PPI NGS proportion
United S
Arbitration recorded,
data wer
(Felix Warburg in the Nei Republic) acteristic
IF ONE of these days you are hand- T
ed a summons-and it happens to The la
the best of men--you'll suffer an in- ssts oft
stant of acute terror and then you'll little ove:
wonder what you're going to do about thepopu
it. Not every layman is aware of it, things.
but there is one thing you can do, slxth (ln
once a legal battle is inevitable, selling a
Instead of worrying along through
the frustration, delay and expense Answc
of going to court, you can, if your
opponent is willing, arbitrate-thus (From
saving months, perhaps years, of ap-
prehension over the outcome, greatly Wllial
reducing or even eliminating the ex- presiden
pense of legal counsel, and saving sociation
your local taxpayers a minimum of State po
$50 for every day your case would to4 dec
have been before a jury. Supreme
Suppose you become embroiled in minimu
a dispute that seemsuheaded for the from th
courts. You and your opponent de- the Alba
cide to arbitrate. You write to the in the
American Arbitrati'on Association Journal:
headquarters at 521 Fifth Avenue, The o
New York City and steps to complete gavepr
the arbitration are takenat once. terpre
The hearing may take place at the acted
headquarters of some local organiza- State
tion, perhaps a chamber of com- the St
merce. From the local panel, some ed by
arbitrator satisfactory to both sides of wh
is selected. In an important case, could
three arbitrators may serve: each and h
side chooses one, the two selected The
choose a third, or the association Unite
may appoint all three. If technical State
matters are involved, a man with the S
the special knowledge required is witht
chosen. You can have an attorney statut
if you want one and if you duly no- trary
tify your opponent of your intention, As th
but it isn't essential. Then the hear- is to ar
ing is arranged and the matter is this im
settled in an informal, businesslike answere
fashion within a few weeks after the answer
dispute first arose. First,
This short cut to justice was large- to-3 de
ly made possible by a group of lead- had no
ing New York business men who, in the Sup
1926, merged existing arbitration District
groups into the American Arbitra- controll
tion Association, and set out to estab- But, s
lish a sound basis for the practice cepted t
of arbitration. Arbitration had often court
been attempted before, but there cidedrti
was no standardized procedure or putdit
nation-wide machinery available. York co
Many arbitrations had failed because sioriin
the local laws were inadequate to en- Court's
force them.
* * *f Coln
These business men of 1926 revi- Third
talized th~e laws which provide that responsl
when men agree in writing to arbi- other, w
trate, the courts are closed to them falls sh
j until they fulfill this obligation; and have a
that when an award is made, the Fourt
courts will enforce it. In nearly all Justice
states, some laws are in effect. deis, St
Today, the association embraces a tion oft

systeyofro itraUnitedSthat.reaches quired1
every. corner o h ntdSae n the Dist
functions in nearly every industry., there is
There are facilities in 1600 cities, and tween t
there are 7000 members of the official Final
panel of arbitrators. The associa-
tion's arbitrators have been called Ransom
upon to decide everything from the Suprem
quality of ivory nuts to whether an court's
actress' baby was as "act of God"; statute.
everything, in fact, that causes con- upheld
tending parties to clash in civil suit. foundL.
n iv si preme C
Arbitration is benefiting the public by state
in a thousand ways it never suspects,.ysa
An association of all the grain deal- on appe
ers has for years effected, through ar-
bitration, savings that have'indirect- arises, t
ly resulted in lower prices for grain tion cla
products. The building industry the dray
generally refers disputes to arbitra- provides
r tion, thus reducing costs and ulti-; mert a
mately helping the home builder. must, i
The same is true of manufacturers of arbitrat
textiles, with resultant savings on importa
1 clothing prices. Even furs are less ties mu
expensive because the New York tion ist
trade has a very efficient system of Under
arbitration. party k
No claim is too large or too small On cla
for arbitration. Members of the $5; und
New York Stock Exchange arbitrate 1 per c
claims that run into hundreds of These p
thousands of dollars. A large clean- trators,
ing and dyeing firm uses arbitration, sociatio
settling claims often involving only ganizati
a few dollars. Ther
What might be accomplished by abouta
applying arbitration on a large scale men as
was illustrated recently in New York Headed
City, when 2,500 cases pending in the Hoover,
lower courts, which were already two J. Wat
to four years behind, were transferred cius R.
by the litigants to the American Ar- business
bitration Association. local c

m F. Ogburn in Public m
Management t
is some interest in trying s
ord the characteristics of S
ge American city in 1930.
presented will all be those t
ly measurable. They may n
interesting as those a tour- f
observe, but they will prob- e
more accurately described.
p of cities between25,000W
00 in population were hos- p
vhich to compute the char- a
of the average city. The
populations of these citiesh
or study were engaged in
ation to the extent of about m
nt, in trade to about 16 per f
le 38 per cent were in man-c
gg, which per cents are the s
fgor the total urban areas.
33 such cities distributed i
nately in all parts of thea
tates except the south werev
and the averages of these
e considered to be the char-
s of the average city.
* * *
rgest class of workers con-t
those in manufacturing. A
r one-third (37 per cent) of
ilation at work are making
Between one-fifth and one-e
7 per cent) are buying anda
n din that way making thev
gring Mr. Ransom
the St. Louis Post Dispatch)n
m L. Ransom of New York,s
t of the American Bar As-t
*, says he does "not see howt
wers are nullified" by the 5-
,ision of the United Statest
Court in the New Yorkf
n wage case. We quote
e text of an address before
any Law School, as printedx
American Bar Association1
ourt of appeals of New York1
its construction and in-
tation of the statute en-
by the legislature of the
of New York and held that
ate statute as so interpret-'
it went beyond the limits
at the State government
do in abridging the rights
reedom of adult women.
Supreme Court of the
d States was bound by the
court's interpretation of
tate statute, and agreed
the State court that the
e as so construed was con-
to constitutional right.
e net effect of this reasoning
gue against a rehearing for
portant case, it needs to be
d. The several steps to the
are simple and easy to follow.
the New York court, in a 4-
cision, said in effect that it
choice in the matter-that
reme Court decision in the
of Columbia case of 1923
econd, the Supreme Court ac-
the decision of the New York
as if the latter court had de-
he case on its merits, or, to
another way, as if the New
urt had comeato its conclu-
dependently of the Supreme
earlier action in the District
mbia case.
iwith each court placing the
bility for the decision on the
we have judicial review that
ort of providing that which we
right to expect.
h, there is the belief of Chief
Hughes and Justices Bran-
one and Cardozo that rejec-
the New York law is not re-
by the adverse decision in
trict of Columbia case; that
s an essential difference be-
ly, it does not follow, as Mr.
says, that the United States
e Court is bound by a state
interpretation of a state

Statetlaws which have been
by state courts have beenj
unconstitutionalsby the Su-
Court and state laws rejected
e courts have been sustained
eal to the Supreme Court.
the inclusion of the "arbitra-
ause" is becoming general in
wing of contracts. This clause
s that any future disagree-
arising out of the contract
f either party desires it, be
ed. In all but 13 industrially
nt states, however, both par-
st agree to arbitrate if litiga-
to be avoided .
r A. A. A. procedure, each
nows exact costs in advance.
ims under $500, the fee is
ider $1,000, $10; it averages
cent of the amount involved.
payments go, not to the arbi-
but to help support the as-
an, which is a non-profit or-
panel of 7,000 arbitrators is
as tamper-proof a group of
s it is possible to assemble.
by Owen D. Young, Herbert
Charles M. Schwab, Thomas.
son, Daniel Willard and Lu-
Eastman, it extends down to
s and professional leaders in
ommunities. Serving without

ciologist Reconstructs
"he Average American City

oney with which to buy the things
hey need. About one-tenth are en-
aged in moving objects and per-
ons from one place ' to another.
lightly more than one in 10 (10.7
er cent) are following an occupa-
ion little developed in former times,
amely, writing, copying, figuring,
ling, etc. The inhabitants of Av-
ragetown require one in eight or
ine persons (11.6 per cent) of the
orking population to render them
iersonal services, such as preparing
nd serving food, laundering, clean-
ag, cutting hair, etc. There is 'a
igher type of service requiring much
more training, as in law, teaching,
nedicine, dentistry and other pro-
essions. About one in 11 (8.7 per
:ent) is required for such high grade
ervices. Finally, one in 50 is normal-
y engaged in some public service,
uch as protecting property from fire
nd theft, inspecting, and in doing
arious services for the city.
The average city requires about
three (2.7) police for every 1,000 of
the ordinarily employed population.
A slightly larger number (3.7) of offi-
cials and inspectors and guards are
needed. To minister to our physi-
cal ills four (3.9) physicians are
available for every. 1,000 of the
working population. The need for &
lawyer seems to be slightly greater
(4.2) and that of a preacher slightly
less (3.1). All these services appear
to be necessities. On the other hand,
music, which may not be considered
so much a necessity, calls for more
teachers and performers (48) than
there are doctors, preachers or law-
yers. About six times as many
teachers (23.8) as there are in any
one of these other professions are
wanted by the inhabitants.
In the average city two out of three.
persons are of native stock, that is,
born of native born parents. This
proportion is about the same in the.
Northern and Southern city. But in
the Southern city one person out of
three that one meets is likely to be a
Negro; while in the Northern city he
will be either foreign-born or the son
or daughter of an immigrant. Of
thosq who are not of native stock, one
out of three will be foreign born and
the other two will be children of for-
eign-born parents.
The average city is slightly more
attractive to women than to men, if
we take their presence to be an indi-
cation, for there are only 97 men to
every 100 women in the average city.
While there are more women in the
average city than there are men,
those who earn a money income are
largely men. Yet in this generalized
typical city, one in every four adult
women is working outside the home.
The average person employed in a
factory earns at the rate of about
$1,300 a year. This figure is deter-
mined by dividing the total factory
pay roll of the city by the sum of the
average numberhemployed per month
in factories. The rate is thus prob-
ably underestimated, but the actual
earnings of an average employe are
probably less, since unemployment or
partial employment is not consid-
ered. This figure includes payments
to women and young persons as well
as to men. In retail stores the fig-
ure is about the same, $1,350. In the
typical city of the South, the rate of
earnings is lower, $960 in manufac-
turing and $1,190 in retail stores.
The average family that rents a
dwelling pays $28 a month for it.
this figure is undoubtedly higher than
the median rent, or the rent paid by
the typical wage earner. In the
South the average rent is $18.
* * *
The family in Averagetown con-
sists generally of only three or four
persons, including boarders and rela-
tives, considering two persons as a
minimum family. More exactly, 100
families contain in the average
Northern city 333 persons, which is

3.3 persons per family. The average
Southern city the number is 3.5.
In the average city, six out of every
10 adults over 15 years of age are
married, and about one in 10 is wid-
owedsordivorced. Thus three in 10
are single, which in modern times
may result from the demands of civ-
ilization being so great that not many
young persons between 15 and 18 can
get married. In any case, four out
of 10 persons in the average city are
not married, whatever may be the so-
cial significance.
The tax load on the average citizen
who works is probably around $80 in
the average city. This is about one-
seventeenth of the average wage
earner's annual income;but there is
not much meaning to this fraction,
since taxes are distributed unequally.
Viewed in another way, the tax is
only $32 a year per capita. What
does the average person get for $32?
Police protection, garbage collection,
the use of paved streets, etc. Wheth-
er he could get more for that $32 if
he spent it for other things is a ques-
tion which each one may ask himself.
But he gets a good deal for his taxes
in goods and services that are es-
The resident of the average city has
not paid as he went along. So his city

Post-Morter On Dramatic Season
-Repertory Players Achieve High Level Of Performance-

THIS is a triumphant requiem, a dirge for
Caesar; post-mortems are digging into en-
trails, and this column is not to be primarily
that; Shakespeare's bones are not disturbed with
Whether this summer was the best that
the Michigan players have ever allowed us to
the dangers of a European class war sent diplo-
mats into another ineffectual non-intervention
pact, headed by Blum of France . . . European
diplomats have otherwise been taking quiet
vacations. Just after the Englishmen in the
Foreign Office had left for the country, came
the notes simultaneously from the Italians and
the Germans announcing acceptance of the in-
vitation to the Locarno conference in the fall,
with so many reservations that the likelihood is
that the Locarno will do just what the advance
Locarno session between France, Belgium and
Great Britain did-nothing . . . The Olympics
have been a failure. The Jarret disqualifica-
tion and the peculiar circumstances surrounding
the inactivity of Michigan's Stoller, combined
with a host who congratulated only Nordic vic-
tors (what a joke it is that the colored boys
from the United States have been taking innu-
merable firsts!) set no example of sportsman-
ship for the world to follow. It must have been
a great strain for the Nazis to suspend their
usual ,activities while the visitors were around
. . . Russia seems about to execute a mouthful
of Zinovieffs-Trotzkyites, who were among the
first to support the party in its bottle stages.
Trotzky, in Norway, denies the affair, but those
who are being held in Russia have for some
reason confessed to a plot against the life of
These eight weeks have been exciting. If there
is anything in the way of editorializing that we
may say before the last issue goes to press, let it

enjoy, I am not prepared to say. That the
players proceeded from triumph to triumph, with
no letdown from the production angle, I have
no hesitation in stating. Therefore, the Mich-
igan Repertory Players die not, but sleep mere-
ly, and snore rather loudly out of their fitful
dreams of recent glory.
There are flaws . . . There are always flaws;
no company misses them; the difference lies in
the placing of those flaws. In brief, make your
mistakes, but pick your moment. Most of the
flaws were minor, in that they did not jeopardize
a major element of a play.
Apeces and a Few Nadirs
Such major errors as existed were generally in
the vehicle rather than in the production. Some
of the high and low spots of the season follow:
Finest performance: Charles Harrell as Both-
well in "Mary of Scotland."
Weakest performance: Charles Harrell as Er-
hart Borkman in "John Gabriel Borkman."
Finest feminine performance: Sarah Pierce as
Mrs. Ella Rentheim in "John Gabriel Borkman."
Most laudable reversal of form: Virginia Frink,
who, in the title role of "Mary of Scotland,"
achieved high excellence as a tragedian, although
she had previously played nothing ,but comedy
(to my knowledge).
Best vehicle: "Mary of Scotland," by Maxwell
Worst vehicle (in the sense that it reminded
one of a very competent bullfrog trying to be a
cow): "The Old Maid," Pulitzer Prize play by
Zoe Akins.
Best production: "Mary of Scotland," directed
by Valentine B. Windt.
Some We Missed
This critic always gets his stories cut. This
is the best apology I can make to some of those
individuals whose acting passed unnoticed.
Briefly I'd like here to mention Nancy Bow-
man, whose rotund merrymaking is always amus-
ing and excellent; Josh Roach, who played to

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