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August 21, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-21

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The Weather
- Rain today, probably clear-
ing tomorrow; rising tempera-
tures today and tomorrow.




Words .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XLV No. 45



__________________________________________________________ U


Rubber Stamp
Congress Is Hit
By Candidate
Governor Landon Attacks
Abdication Of Functions
By Legislative Body
'Good Government'
Is Election Issue
Republican Nominee Says
Congress Must Perform
Debate, Consideration
(MP)-A demand for a Congress that
"will not abdicate" its constitutional
'functions of "consideration and de-
bate" was voiced by Gov. Alf M. Lan-
don of Kansas today as the Repub-
lican Presidential nominee sped
eastward on his first campaign tour.
From the rear platform of his
train, he told a Sterling, Colo., au-
dience that "good government is one
of the issues of this campaign," and
called for the election of a Repub-
lican Congress to "remedy the sit-
uation" created by "legislation has-
tily prepared and slapped together"'
Nine-Car TrainI
The nominee's nine-car train en-
tered Nebraska late this afternooni
after crossing the northeast corner
of Colorado. He boarded the train
at La Salle, Colo., after motoring1
from his summer ranch home near
Estes Park.
Both at Fort Morgan and Sterling,
in the heart of Colorado's sugar beet
country, Landon referred to the beet
"The beet sugar industry is the
nucleus and the backbone of your
prosperity, and it should receive1
every protection from the federala
government," he said. "It is one
of the crops we can grow here at
In his first rear platform appear-
ances of the campaign, Landon was
introduced by state political lead-
ers, and then stepped forward be-
fore a microphone to wave a greet-
ing. He talked extemporaneously,
his face becoming serious as he spoke.
Discussing what he termed the
said "entirely aside from the admin-
istrative features is the question of
electing a Congress that will not
abdicate one of its most important
functions under the Constitution,
that is, bof consideration and de-
Criticizes Congress
"We have seen more major pieces
of legislation passed in the last three
years without any consideration and
without any debate than we have
ever seen in any other three-year
period in the history of our coun-'
"And the way to remedy that sit-.
uation is to elect a Republican Con-1
"I want again to thank you for
(Continued on Page 4)
M.S.C. Faculty
Men Fired On
Conduct Count
Professor Is Convicted Of
Using Bad Language At
War Gamnes
EAST LANSING, Aug. 20.-()-

Michigan State College dismissed As-
sistant Prof. L. B. Waldo and in-
structor L. B. Mayne of the English
department today, announcing the
action was based on the former's
conviction in Allegan county on dis-
orderly conduct charges.
Prosecutor Welborne Luna at Al-
legan said Waldo had pleaded guilty
and had been fined $10 and costs of
court. State Police Capt. L. A. Lyon
said the case grew out of improper
language used by Waldo to young
men participating in the West Mich-
igan war games.
The official announcement, re-
leased by John A. Hannah, secretary
of the State Board of Agriculture,
which governs the college, said:
"The services of L. B. Waldo and
L. B. Mayne, members of the staff of
the Department of English at Michi-
gan State College, have been perm-
anently discontinued by action of ad-
ministrative officials.
"This action has been taken be-

Prof. Ford Believes State Could
Improve Tax Collection System

Says, Although State Now
In 'The Black,' System Is
Far FromBeing Logical
Although Michigan's tax collections
are now sufficient to keep the state
"in the black," the state and local'
systems are still far from being log-
ically organized and interrelated and
tax reform will doubtless be before
the public for a long time to come.
This is the conclusion of Prof.'
Robert S. Ford of the economics de-'
partment, research investigator in'
the Bureau of Government here in
a bulletin entitled, "Recent Develop-
ments in the Michigan Tax Situa-
The primary purpose of the new
tax policy since 1932 has been to de-
crease the tax burden on property.
Although it is not possible to mea-
sure exactly the effects of this policy,
nevertheless, there has been a con-
siderable reduction in the property
tax burden. The total property tax
levy declined $69,000,000, from $216,-'
000,000 in 1932 to $147,000,000 in 1935,
although during this period the com-
bined state and local tax burden de-
clined by about $32,500,000; the dif-
ference between these two figures
represents approximately the amount
of sales tax during the fiscal year
1934.The sales tax yield was con-
siderably larger during the fiscal year
ending on June 30, 1936, when it
amounted to approximately $46,000,-+
In 1935, the state's income orig-
inated as follows: sales tax, 34.7 per
cent; gasoline tax, 19.3; automobile
weight tax, 13.9; general property tax,
9.8; miscellaneous taxes, including
liquor, 9.6; public utilities, 8.4; and
corporation taxes, 4.3 per cent.
The significant point at present
is that 55 per cent of all state taxes
are derived from commodity levies,
sales and gasoline taxes, Prof. Ford
states. Adding the auto weight tax,
almost 60 per cent of the total tax
burden is paid by general consumers
and car owners, Prof. Ford points out.
The property tax, once the mainstay
of the state system, has undergone
an uneven decline from 44 per cent
(Continued on Page )
Russian Probe
Lays Bare Plot
Against Soviet
Death Planned For Heads
Of Commnunist Party To
Make Way For Facists
(Copyright, 136, by the Associated Press)4
MOSCOW, Aug. 20.-(R')-Death
for Communist leaders to pave the'
way for a Fascist regime in Russia
was the picture unfolded tonight in
the trial of 16 persons charged with
fostering a terrorist plot against the
Gregory Zinovieff in dramatically
shouted words accepted full guilt for
the conspiracy to kill Soviet leaders
and gain control of the government
as he faced judges and prosecutors
in the Hall of Columns, the former
Nobles Club.
"Trotzkyism plus terrorism is. of
course, Fascism," he declared. "I
went all the way from opposition
party powers to counter-revolution
and terrorism and actually Fascism."
Zinovieff and Leon Kameneff, who*
with Joseph Stalin, now secretary
of the Communist Party and dicta-
tor of Russia, once ruled the Soviet
during the -illness of Lenin, an-
swered state charges in entirely dif-
ferent manner.
Kameneff quietly discussed the plot
from the witness stand, but neither
he nor Zinovieff made any attempt
to deny responsibility for the con-
"We never broke or betrayed our

alliance," Zinovieff declared. "We
did, however, deceive the party by
playing the role of double crossers by
pledging loyalty anew to the party
in order to use the same weapons
Trotzky was employing, but in a
different manner."
State Democratic
Committee Picked
LANSING, Aug. 20.--UP)-Chair-
man Edward J. Fry of the Democratic
state central committee announced
today the membership of the party's
campaign committee, of which he
will be the chairman.
The other members are:
Staa Himham. rmmiccim. r M. r

State Job-Seekers
Favor Merit Plan
LANSING, Aug. 20.-(A')--The
Michigan Merit System Association
said today early returns from a sur-
vey of candidates for election to the
legislature indicated most of them
favored State Civil Service.
William P. Lovett, of Detroit, secre-
tary of the association, said only "two
or three" of the 170 Wayne county
candidates were opposed to civil serv-
ice, and that he planned to sound out
the sentiments of the 400 or more
out-state candidates.
Each is being sent a questionnaire
concerning his attitude toward civil
service, along with a copy of the
civil service bill the association hopes
will be submitted to the legislature.
Lovett said the association did not
plan to take an active part in the
political campaign.
Detroit Wins



From Brownies
Climb Within 5 Percentage
Points Of Second Place
Indians In 8-4 Victory
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 20.-UP)-The De-
troit Tigers, defeating the St. Louis
Browns, 8 to 4, for an even split of
a four-game series, today pulled up
within five percentage points of the
idle Cleveland Indians in second
Rogers Hornsby's crew, making
their usual late-season, going-no-
where drive, seemed bent on deny-
ing the Tigers a chance to gain on
the Indians when they took an early
4 to 0 lead.
Beau Bell hit a tremendous 450
foot home run to the dead center-
field bleachers in the second inning
and Julius Solters walloped for the
circuit with two men on in the third.
Tommy Bridges tightened, how-
ever, and yielded only three hits in
the remaining six innings, while the
Tigers were belting Earl Caldwell,j
Elon Hogsett and Russ Van Atta for
a total of 17, including at least one
hit for every member of the team.
Goose Goslin's two-bagger, Billy
Rogell's single and a single by
Bridges, scored thenTigers' first duo
of runs in the fourth.
Rogell, Bridges and Walker singled
to load the bases in the sixth. Burns
followed with a single, scoring a run
and sending Caldwell to the show-
ers. With Hogsett on the mound,
Charley Gehringer ended the inning
by hitting into a double play.
Hogsett, who started both games
of a doubleheader against the Tigers
Tuesday, being knocked out in the
first inning both times, contributed
a wild throw in the seventh, letting
two men score and giving Detroit
what proved to be the winning runs.
The Tigers, however, added three
more off Van Atta to make their
victory safe.
The play that caused Hogsett to
be charged with his second defeat
in the present series came after Gos-
lin singled and Simmons was hit by
a pitched ball. When Marvin Owen
hit a high bounder to the box, Hog-
(Continued on Page 3)

Hopes Fading
For Entombed
Rescue Workers Nearing
Critical Spot In Efforts
To Free Four Miners
Relatives Surround
Entrance To Shaft
Rescue Crew Is Clinging
To Last Hope That Men
May Be Removed Alive
MOBERLY, Mo., Aug. 20.-(P)-Ex-
hausted but determinedly clinging to
a fading hope the victims would be
found alive, rescue crews pushed to-
ward the critical point tonight in
their efforts to reach four miners, en-
tombed beneath a collapsed mine
shaft since Tuesday.
Dogged crews picked, shoveled and
hacked away at earth, rocks and de-
bris that filled the perpendicular
shaft, more than 100 feet deep.
"We are working on the assumption
that the men are still alive," said Ar-
nold Griffith, state mine inspector.
Griffith hoped to have the main
shaft cleared in a few hours. From
thereon, the time needed to reach
the imprisoned quartet depended on
the condition of a lateral tunnel in
which the victims were working when
a fire swept the surface structure of
the mine and collapsed the shaft.
Around the mine opening relatives
of the entombed men-their faces
drawn and pale-maintained the vigil
started soon after the disaster
stunned the coal mining community
Tuesday afternoon.
Wives, children and relatives of the
trapped men refused to give up hope.
The comment of Mrs. Demmer Sex-
ton, wife of one of the men, was
S"I won't give up hope until they
either find the bodies of the men or
bring them up alive."
But veteran miners shook their
"We're digging for bodies," said
one. "They can't be alive now."
* Clearance of the main shaft was
the only hope of entering the mine.
Several miners, their patience frayed
by prolonged rescue efforts, threat-
ened to defy officials and force their
way down an air shaft, but guards
were hurriedly thrown around the
area to prevent their entering the
gas-filled vent.
Later Ed Stonner, father of Ed-
ward -Stonner, Jr., another victim,
pleaded with Griffith to be allowed
to enter the air shaft. He was re-
Two previous efforts to effect a
rescue through the shaft failed be-
cause of water and deadly gases.
With this issue The Daily sus-
pends publication until Tuesday,
Sept. 22, at which time a special
Orientation Week issue for in-
coming freshmen will be circulat-
The next regular issue of The
Daily will be Tuesday, Sept. 28.

Loyalists Hope To Drive
Wedge Between North
And South Forces
Government Troops
Claim Two Victories
Investigate Reports That
American Citizen Is Held
In Captivity
(Copyright, 1936, by the Associated Press)
MADRID, Aug. 20.-Loyalist forces,
in a desperate effort to break the
narrowing semi-circle around Ma-
drid battled fiercely tonight to drive
a wedge between northern and
southern rebel armies.
The government hurled a vast
force into two major battles in an
effort to open a corridor from Ma-
drid to the Portuguese border
through rebel-held territory.#
While the thunder of war broke al-f
most within earshot of the capital.
several members of the United States
embassy drove during the night to
Escorial to investigate reports that
an unidentified American had been
held prisoner there since the civil war
The two crucial engagements were
fought in the Guadarrama sector,
northeast of Madrid.'
Loyalists declared they had
strengthened their positions on all
fronts in the mountainous battle-
front about 40 miles from Madrid.
They claimed two decisive victories
over large enemy forces in the vi-
cinity of Navalperal and Perguerinos
in- a government drive against the
walled city of Avila.
The insurgents, they said, suffered
heavy losses and fled before advanc-
ing Loyalist columns.
Government forces claimed also to
have taken the town of Donbeniton
east of Merida, and to be preparing to
storm Merida itself, an important
railroad junction for Extremadura.
On the south, battle lines were
drawn about 100 miles southwest of
Madrid, closest .the rebel forces have
come to the capital on their north-
ward drive.
The Madrid defenders in the south,
however, appeared to have ended
their retreat. With consolidated
forces they were reported to have
checked the swift rebel drive of about
100 miles from the vicinity of Bada-
Report Gov. Olson
I h *1 rh Tm O f1 v Im

LONDON, Aug. 21.--(Friday)
- (T) - Unconfirmed reports
reaching London early today said
a revolution had broken out in
Portugal and that it was be-
lieved President Oscar Carmona
had been killed.
It was learned the Lisbon radio
station had been silent through-
out the night.
Ordinarily the Lisbon radio
club has broadcast frequent bul-
letins at night regarding the
Spanish civil war.1
No messages had been received
here from Lisbon, the Portuguese
capital, in nine hours.
It had been impossible to tele-
phone Portugal for the past ten
days. Only outgoing calls had
been accepted from all points in
the country.
Uruuay Asks
U. S. Mediation,
But Is Refused.
State Department Rejects
Invitation To Participate
In Proposed Movement
The United States tonight rejected
a Uruguayan proposal to participate
in an attempt to mediate the Span-
ish revolution with a statement chat
it did not feel warranted in depart-
ing from its established policy of
non-interference in the affairs of
other nations.
In a formal note transmitted to the
Uruguayan minister, Jose Richling,
acting Secretary of State William
Phillips said:
"Actuated by a profound and con-
stant desire for peace, this govern-
ment wishes to give support wher-
ever practicable to the principle of
conciliation. However, this country
is committed to 'the principle of non-
interference in the internal affairs of
other countries."
The note directed attention to
this government's statement of policy
with regard to the Spanish crisis on
August 7 to "scrupulously refrain
from interference in the unfortu-
nate situation which now exists in
The Uruguayan government in a
note to the department August 17,
suggested a "cordial mediation to be
offered to Spain by the American
countries which; to this end, might
act jointly either in Washington
within the Pan American Union, or
in any other American capital which
might be chosen."
Koesis Wins Medal
Honors In Tourney
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Aug. 20.-.)-
Charles "Chuck" Kocsis, University of
Michigan golf star and 1936 inter-
collegiate champion, fired a sub par
70 today to romp off with medalist
honors in the Syracuse Yacht Club's
seventh annual invitation tourney.
The quiet Kocesis bore down on the
back nine to breeze home with a
three under par 33 to match with an
outgoing 37 and score the 70, two
below par.
His card showed four birdies, three
of them on the first half of the in-
coming stretch where he passed Bi]
Holt, Syracuse amateur star who took
second honors with a par cracking
Kocsis was medalist in the sam

Acts By

Resent Search Of
Steamer Kamerun
Premier Mussolini Allied
With Nazis In Political
Sympathy To Rebels

(By the Associated Press)
"Force against force."
This challenge of Nazi Germany
urled at the Spanish Loyalist foes
f Fascism last (Thursday) night
,ooled hopes of other European pow-
rs for neutrality in the bloody
truggle in Spain.
Backed up by the guns of warships
[riving toward Spain, the National-
Socialist regime of Reichsfuehrer
kdolf Hitler delivered a steel-clad
ltimatum to the Loyalist govern-
nent at Madrid that any future acts
,he Nazis deemed overt would be
mnswered by Germans "with every
neans at their command."
France's avowed hopes for a neu-
rality pact were dimmed as the Hit-
er government followed a crisp ulti-
natum to Spain with the crackling
radiogram of the commander of its
Spain-bound fleet that he would
'meet with force all unjustifiable
acts of force."
Deemed "unjustifiable" by Nazi
3ermany was the reported halting
and search of the German steamer
Kamerun by armed forces of the
Spanish loyalist cruiser Libertad on
he high seas of Cadiz.
Battleships Under Way
In bellicose, if diplomatic, terms,
the Nazi government instructed its
charge d'affaires at Madrid to make
plain its resentment to the anti-
Fascist Loyalist government, and to
warn the Loyalists that if any sim-
ilar incident should occur the Loy-
alists would have answer from the
guns of German warships.
Last night seven Nazi battleships
steamed toward Spain to keep a
rendezvous with nine other armed
Nazi vessels in or near Spanish wa-
Neutral military observers in Ber-
lin expressed relief that German re-
sentment over the Kamerun incident
had not burst out more drastically
against the Madrid Loyalists.
The National-Socialist regime in
Hitler Germany is necessarily sym-
pathetic to the Spanish Fascist reb-
els-a fact which did not help to
relieve resentment against the Span-
ish loyalists' reported actions.
Aligned with German Nazis in po
litical sympathy to the Spanish Fas-
cist-rebels' cause was Fascist Italy
-made ready on land and in the air
by Premier Mussolini.
Italy In War Gamms
IE Duce sent 200,000 men off to war
games, and kept mobilized the class
of 1914 recruits. His air pilots re-
mained on call, and the airdromes
housing his hundreds of fighting
planes were made ready for any
France, a socialist-controlled state
now and sympathetic to the Span-
ish Socialist-Communist loyalists,
found herself trying to push a neu-
trality pact on two neighbor nations
each preparing to back up affronts
with something stronger than diplo-
matic words.
France's only hope of staving off
collapse of her neutrality moves, well-
informed sources in Paris said, lay
in getting Great Britain to help her
persuade the Loyalists at Madrid to
make speedy amends to the "affront"
to Germany.
Germany already has accepted the
(Continued on Page 41
Voters To Register
For Board Election
Qualified Ann Arbor voters are re-
minded that in order to vote for rep-
resentatives to the local school board
in the special election Sept. 14, regis-
tration must be made by Saturday,
Sept. 5.

Neutrality Liopes Dimmed
As Germany Hurls Threat;
SeekTo Split RebelArmies


Use Force


American Bar Seeks To Curb
Press And Radio Trial Publicity

Proposals for curbing what it termed
newspaper and radio "hippodroming"
of American criminal justice as in
the Hauptmann and Mooney trials1
are contained in the report of thei
American Bar Association's commit-
tee on criminal procedure to be pre-
sented to the association at its an-
nual convention starting Monday inc
Stressing publicity given the trial
of Bruno Hauptmann for the kid-
naping of the infant son of Col. and
Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, the re-
port proposes enactment of legisla-
tion that would strengthen existing
contempt of court statutes.
The report said "the most serious
criticism of American criminal pro-
cedure today is that the judges of
the courts permit newspapers to
usurp the court's own duties and
"Newspaper interference with crim-

the courts is the jeopardizing of thet
defendant's life or liberty if he is in-t
nocent, or the jeopardizing of thet
defendant's conviction, both in the
trial court and the appellate court,1
if; he is guilty."
Citing proposals advanced in the
past for "correcting the present sys-
tem," the report suggested that a new
statute might be enacted to give the
courts more broad powers of punish-
ing for contempt as a weapon for
controlling publicity in criminal
The report said "it is a recognized
fact that while English judges make
use of the inherent power of a court
to punish for contempt of court the
publication of more than a fair and
accurate report of pending criminal
proceedings American judges rarely
have resorted to it.
As one of the reasons for this re-
luctance, the report gisted: "The
recognition by the judge that many

0 1JLJ1 iEixt i P V GI
ROCHESTER, Minn., Aug. 20.-UP)
-Gov. Floyd B. Olson was resting
more easily tonight, after a day dur
ing which he was reported sinking
gradually, the Mayo Clinic bulletin
issued at 5:30 p.m. said.
The bulletin declared:
"There is no change in the Gov-
ernor's condition. He is resting com-
fortably. Temperature and pulse
only slightly elevated. He is taking
intravenous feeding with more com-
fort today."
Intravenous feeding was resorted to
almost entirely, as attempts to give
the Governor nourishment through
the tube inserted in his small intes-
tine caused him excruciating pain,
which physicians attempted to re-
lieve by administering opiates.
He took nourishment with less
pain today, and continued receiving a
few close friends and political as-
sociates in his St. Mary's hospital
Graduate Married
In League Chapel
Miss Edith Smith, '36 of Ann Ar-
bor became the bride of Clarence
Seibert of Detroit at a ceremony held
last night in the chapel of the
The Rev. Theo R. Schmale of the
local Evangelical Church officiated
and the only attendants were the
brother and sister-in-law of the


event last year with a record 66, and
insisted when he arrived for a tune
up round that he was "not up to par."
He wasn't-by two strokes.
LANSING, Aug. 20.-(P)-Demo-
cratic organization officials left today
for a conference in New York Friday
I a wii 1?cmc-p- {Aa- n- - A +a

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