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August 21, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-21

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Eleanor Holm Jarrett Clarifies,
Her Stand On Olympic Question

Professor Ford
Criticizes State
*r n '

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membe of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session~ Room 121;;
Angelli-Hall until 3:30. 11:00 a m. on Saturday. I

ployment in automobile andsbody Athletic Tnion, should not be printed,
plants in the United States so far
during the 1936 season was above the she said today, arriving home aboard
1929 level. the S.S. Bremen.
"During July 345,000 persons were Dismissed from the American
at work despite the fact that several Olympic team for drinking, Mrs. Jar-'
plants had closed down for retool- rett insisted she was "heart-broken,"
ing," the association's statement said. but looked as if she would survive.
"This figure compares with average She thinks she was "the goat of the
employment of 363,000 during the whole thing," but has no intention
nine months since November, 1935, of bringing legal action against
when the 1936 models were intro- Brundage.
Iuced. The July figure is within 8 Wearing two large orchids and a
per cent of the peak employment for white dress trimmed in what she
this period. said was fuchsia, Miss Jarrett had
"In contrast with this small range 1 her own version of why and how she
of variation, retail sales have fluc- was dismissed from the team.
tuated in the same period from 217,- "I was not on an all-night party
000 cars in February to 460,000 in with Charlie MacArthur. I was with
April, an increase of more than 100 a party of newspapermen and I admit'
per cent from bottom to top. I was drinking. I had five or six
"That a level trend of factory jobs glasses of champagne."
was maintained in the face of wide Here a reporter asked, "were you
changes in sales volume means that plastered?"
the manufacturers and their dealers "No, I never drink more than five
protected the factory employees from or six," she replied.
nine-tenths of the shock of seasonal "Charlie MacArthur (husband of
variation in retail demand the actress, Helen Hayes) merely
"This was accomplished through came over to the table, and I met
the early introduction of 1936 models, him. That was the last I saw of
which made it possible to build up him."
satisfactory field stocks * * * and ad- Mrs. Jarrett said she was not
vance building of inventories of warned by the Olympic committee1
parts." after this party.
The association pointed out that "I understand that the members
this employment stability was of five or six of the teams were
achieved in the face of factory sales called- in and were warned about
15 per cent below the record high breaking training. I wasn't at the
levels of ,1929, and with dollar sales meeting, and I was not given any
still one-third below peak levels. warning. I knew nothing of my dis-
"Reemployment oustripped pro-
duction and sales because of the in- Roosevelt Defended
crease in size, addition of equip-
ment, and improvement in quality of B Frank M"1y
all , cars during recent years, fac- -ivmurp
tors which increased sharply the
amount of labor required per ve- GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 20.-(/')-
hicles," the report said. Frank Murphy, high commissioner of

missal until after it was announced
in Hamburg after the ship docked.
Mrs. Jarrett charged that most ofs
the team was out of the Olympic
committee's control on the ship go-
ing over. She thought that "about
half of them were drinking," but she
would mention no names and assert-
ed she was dismissed merely assan
example to the rest of the team.
In explanation of her suspension
from the A.A.U., Mrs. Jarrett recalled1
that she wired Rita Mastenbroek of1
Holland, the favorite to win Mrs. Jar-
rett's Olympic title, offering to meet
her when and if she won. Soon after
this wire was sent, Mrs. Jarrett saidE
she was teld she was banned from1
European amateur competition.
Her immediate plans are to seek<
reinstatement as an amateur beforet
the metropolitan registration com-1
mittee of the A.A.U. and to appear
with her husband, Art Jarrett, thel
orchestra leader, on a vaudeville
tour, starting in Detroit, Aug. 28.E
She will stay in New York until it is
time to leave for Detroit.
Fellow Miners
Sa ve Trapped
Man From Hole
Rescue Crew Risks Lives
To Free Miner Buried
For Four Days
POTTSVILLE, Pa., Aug. 20.-(P)- t
Fellow miners rescued Edward Har-
ley, 26, from an improvised coal holet
late today after he had been im-
prisoned for four days, by a cave-in
Rescuers, risking their own lives byI
prisoned for four hours by a cave-in.-
going into the hole where further
cave-ins were expected at any mom-
ent, dug frantically through coal and1
rock to free Harley, then raised himi
to the surface by means of a ropet
placed about his waist.
Harley was carried to an automo-
bile near the coal hole on a moun-
tain side, and taken to a Pottsville
hospital. Physicians said he was suf-
fering from shock and minor cuts and
The trapped man, his head pro-
truding from the pile of coal that]
fell on him in the 40-foot hole, en-
couraged rescuers by telling them:,
"I don't seem hurt, much." The Rev.
John Healy, Pottsville, administered
the rites for the dying while rescuers
worked to free him. Father Healy en-
tered the hole after rescue workers
had propped the sides to reduce dan-
ger of further cave-ins.
Harley's parents and five sisters
saw him removed from the hole, while
his two brothers assisted in rescue
1 work. Harley was not married.
f LL ER3] ~

VOL. XLV No. 45
Says, Although State Now THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1936
In The 'Black,' System Is Notices
Far From Being Logical Automobile Regulation: The Auto-
mobile ban will be lifted Friday, Aug.
(Continued from Page '} 21, at 5 p.m.
of the total in 1913 to 5 per cent W. B. Rea, Assistant Dean.
last year, although 85 per cent of The Intramural Sports Bldg. will
local taxes are from this source. be closed to activities Friday, Aug. 21,
While the adoption of the sales at 6 p.m. Lockers must be renewed -
tax served to bolster up state rev- or vacated on or before that date.
enues during the depression years, it A. A. James.
has placed a heavy burden upon con-
sumers. About one-half of the re- Blue prints and directions for Sep-
duction in the property tax levy be- tember registration for College of
tween 1932 and 1935, or approximate- Literature, Science, and the Arts;
wen32 and01935,as risappbutfrom College of Architecture; School of
ly $35,000,000, was redistributed from Education; School of Forestry and
property owners to consumers. Conservation; and School of Music
Undoubtedly the' burden on 'real will be mailed the first week in Sep-
estate was extremely onerous and tember. These reports will not reach
some form of tax relief was necessary. you unless the Registrar's Office,
However, in formulating a policy of Room 4, University Hall, has your
tax relief for real estate, the prin- correct address fo' that time. Please
ciple of ability-to-pay should be report any change of address at once.
given greater weight than has been
the case heretofore, Prof. Ford de- Visiting students and teachers en-
clares, rolled in L. S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.;
A constitutional amendment per- Forestry; Music; Your credits for
mitting the levying of a state income this Summer Session will be sent
tax has been defeated three times in wherever you direct immediately af-
Michigan but it might well be recon- ter the grades are received if you will
sidered, he believes. It was pointed University Hall. between now and
out thatthe proposed Amendment
No. 4, which will be voted upon in
November, providing for the repeal Drought Boom On
of the general property tax and the
substitution .therefor of an income Corn Prices S s
tax is defective and would create at
serious fiscal situation. i The total
property tax levy in 1935 amounted CHICAGO, Aug. 20.-(A')-The
to $147,500,000; of the total levy the drought boom in corn prices sagged
portion for debt service amounted to in the grain pits today after quota-
$34,000,000, while the portion for cur- tions became so high compaartively
rent purposes was more than $113,- few traders would buy.
000,000. Showers in parts of the farm belt
It has been estimated in the Bu- made the market nervous, and cash
reau of Government, that the most corn fell two to four cents below $1.37
to be expected from an income tax a bushel, the 16 year peak reached
in Michigan would be about $40,- yesterday.
000,000 per year. In other words, this Demand for corn for both im-
change in the tax system would mediate and future delivery dimin-
create an annual shortage of about ished as prices rocketed this week,
$73,000,000 per year. The propo-
nents of this amendment have not and improved weather conditions
explained the 1nanner in which this speeded up the reaction which set in
late Wednesday
shortage would be made up. If the at
income tax were to produce as much More than an inch of rain fell in
as the property tax, it would be neces- parts of Kansas last night, relieving
sary to levy taxes approximately 300 a state broiled for weeks by 100 'de-
per cent higher than income tax gree plus temperatures. Showers al-
rates in other states: Such a change so cooled Missouri, and pushed Iowa
would be disastrous for the state. temperatures down to normal.

fill in the proper request in Room 4,
Aug. 20.
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate: Students who expect to re-
ceive a teacher's certificate at the
close of the Summer Session must pay
the fee by Aug. 21, Blanks for this
purpose may be secured in the office
of the Recorder of the School of Ed-
ucation, 1437 U.E.S.
Notice to Householders: Rooms are
being sought for teachers attending
the Training Conference for Nursery
School Teachers sponsored by the
Michigan division of the Works Pro-
gress Administration which will be
held at the University Elementary
School from Sept. 7 to 18. House-
holders who have rooms available for
this period are urged to list them at
once with Miss Davis by telephoning
4121, Extension 360 during the day,
or 7456 in the evening, or by writing
to the School.
Sarita Davis, Librarian.
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: College of Archi-
tecture; School of Education; School
of Forestry and Conservation; School
of Music, who expect to receive de-
grees at the close of the Summer
Session should pay the diploma fee
not later than Aug. 21. Blanks for
payment of the fee may be secured in
Room 4, University Hall.
Students from other colleges, en-
rolled in the Summer Session, who
wish to transfer to the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts for the
year 1936-37, should call at Room
1210 Angell Hall for application
blanksgforeregular admission.
Special Colloquium in Applied Me-
chanics: The Summer School stu-
dents in Engineering Mechanics who
have been working on Photo-Elas-
ticity will present the results of their
work on Thursday, August 20, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 445 West Engineering
Building. The reports will be illus-
trated by slides. All interested are
cordially invited to attend.

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Did you ever see a man carrying a

billboard under his arm?



IN THE 16TH CENTURY when the
harbor of Venice was filled with
ships from every land, and the city
itself was a center of bustling com-
mercial activity, the populace were
forced to pay one "gazetta" each
for the privilege of reading the days
news, displayed poster-fashion in
the public square. Printed periodi-
cals thus came to be called "Ga-
iTHE modern Gazettes-the daily
newspapers--are read in millions of
homes daily. Hundreds of the bet-
ter ones contain The Associated
Press dispatches from all parts of
the world. Read the local news and

Did you ever see a handbill on the family reading. table?
Did you ever see a picture of the new hat or pair of shoes
you wanted to buy come into your home via radio ?


Did you ever see a live newspaper thrown into the" waste
basket without being read?;





is why advertising in the

Michigan Daily brings results.




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