THE ICHI N 11 l itv
w7lJ1VDAY ytiVs..7P. 16, 1926
8. .A .' a13~. Ia aa1a LT .na j ' L ,n. 1 L.41
~UYDAY ,AUG. 16, 193~
Official Publication of the Summer Session
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The AssocIated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All" rights of republication of special
dJspatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
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" Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard
Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill
'Telephone 4925
Editorial Director................Marshall D. Shulman
Dramatic critic......................John W. Pritchard
Ostant editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph b. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander,
Jewel W. 'Nuerfel.
Reporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay,
M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent
Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea
Staebler Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
0EDITS MANAGER ...................JOHN S. PARK
Circulation Manager .................J. Cameron Hall
Office anager...........................Robert Lodge
Editorial Round-Up .. .
.eon glum
HE BOAST of Leon Blum that
France has seen under his Popular
Front premiership the "greatest social movement
which has been accomplished since the founda-
tion of the Third Republic ... without any shed-
+ding of blood but by persuasion only" is justified,
it seems, by the record of sixty-five new laws
passed in the ten week session of the Parliament,
which adjourned Friday for the summer vaca-
Among the measures which are now law and
have changed the whole social system of France
in the direction indicated by the Popular Front
election, according to the New York Times, are
the forty-hour week, collective bargaining be-
tween employers and trade unions, paid vaca-
tions, nationalization of armaments manufacture,
prolongation of the school age, reform of the
statutes of the Bank of France, penalties for
fiscal evasion, revision to some degree of taxes,
control of prices, formation of a wheat board
and the organization of the coal market.
In addition, Mr. Blum's conciliatory attitude
toward Germany during these trying months has
made the London and Geneva conferences much
easier than they were when Laval represented
Under him, business has not prospered, but it
is hoped that with a revision of the tax system
and seasonal increase in fiscal affairs before the
fall, the Popular Front can avoid a devaluation of
the franc and may strengthen its position.
.Scial Security
NE YEAR FROM the time that
President Roosevelt put his signa-
ture on the Social Security Act (although the
Congressional appropriation did not come until
February), more than one million people are
being aided by the Federal government with
grants of forty-eight million dollars a year, which
are added to state funds, and forty-five per dent
of the eligible workers of the country are already
covered by unemployment insurance.
The Social Security Board has approved plans
for the assistance of the needy aged in thirty-
eight states, for dependent children in twenty-
two states and for the unemployed in thirteen
An official of the Board was quoted as saying:
"We are sometimes discouraged when we hear
certain politicians .declare that they would be in
favor of social security if it could be made to
work. This sort of sentiment seems to have a
certain public followipg. They don't seem to
realize that we have a social security system right
now, and that it is working."
Michigan is one of the states whose legislatures
are expected to consider unemployment insur-
ance at their next sessions.
Greatest progress has been made in complying
with the Federal government's standards for old
age assistance than for the other forms of bepe-
fits provided by the act. One out of every three
people in the country it is reported is dependent
on some one else.
Post-Intelligencer Strike
EARST'S Post-Intelligencer has
suspended publication as a result
of the strike against it being conducted by the
Seattle branch of the American Newspaper Guild.
In the cours0 of the picketing Friday. three ner-
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, beregarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
The editorial policy of the Michigan Daily this
summer is deserving of high praise. It is there-
fore with the most friendly attitude that the fol-
lowing criticism is offered.
There are minor but important implications ex-
pressed in your editorial, "Fascist Intervention
in Spain." "The struggle between Fascism and
Leftism leaves democracy in the middle. With
either side victorious, democracy is certain to be
destroyed just as a liberal republic in Spain seems
an utter impossibility regardless of the outcome
of the war there."
"If. any further proof were necessary that
Fascism is inherently related to militarism, if any
further warning were necessary to eschew any
movement in the United, States which is even
distantly related to Fascism, Italo-German inter-
vention in Spain would suffice for us."
To point out the urge to criticism of minor
implications in a generally well-seasoned article,
needs the laying down of a background. The
world is confronted with a stage of development
in its organization for the carrying on of produc-
tion and distribution, that causes social reactions
which are exceedingly disrupting. Production
being large scale, it has come about that large
masses of people in the developed countries do
not own the tools that they use. They possess
nothing but their labor power, which has become
a commodity to be sold on the market. This com-
modity is only purchased on the condition that
a profit may be realized on its use. The total
income of a nation is equal to its total produc-
tion. Income, the right to use goods, is dis-
tributed as return on investment and as reward
for services rendered. A large portion of that
going to investment falls into a few hands who
receive so much that they cannot use it in sat-
isfying personal wants. If any ,part of income
is unused the demand for goods on the market
does not equal the value of goods available.
Also it is true that if the demand for pro-
duction goods does not call for a diversion to
production goods does not call for a diversion to
workers who build capital plant, there is no way
in which large scale income on investment can be
used to remove goods from the market. Depres-
sion and unemployment are the result of a situa-
tion in which it becomes unprofitable to purchase
labor power. More and more production by the
use of capital goods (stored labor) means a
smaller proportion of production to current labor.
Progress under profit economy assumptions
means more unemployment and morefrequent
and more severe depressions. To cut the rate of
profit enough to be effective seems impossible,
where profits, which must be realized in the price
of consumer goods, stack up through a long chain
of partial operations now necessary for the deliv-
ery of a simple good to a consumer. Also re-
member that the finance structure (banks, insur-
ance, etc.) is based upon security values and
then think what happens to securities when the
return upon them is lowered. The natural de-
crease in the rate received on investment has been
serious enough to give warning against attempt-
ing a conscious reduction. Let this be a sufficient
enumeration of the contradictions of capitalism
to spur its defenders.
The social reactions to the developments in an
economic system which has outlived its use-
fulness are complicated. The few who see col-
lectivization of ownership as a logical corollary
to the fact of collectivization of function, are
gaining adherence to the logic of their interpreta-
tion. Millions are in the mood to react to any
proffered solution of their difficulties, but until
there is a solution their life experiences will prod
-them to continue the search for one. Even though
those in relatively easy and secure positions throw
their, influence against the general trend, the
objective conditions are not altered. Finally,
when the threat of fundamental change is im-
minent the power of the dominant economic
group is made manifest. In general, those in
high place, conditioned to success under prevalent
assumptions, will wreck their position from the
point of view of historical immortality, for the
sake of attempting to maintain their status.
The implications of the editorial are con-
curred in. It is the struggle between a Fascist
and a Leftist point of view which threatens de-
mocracy. However, the reality should be empha-
sized, that it is a conflict that will suspend demo-
cratic rights. Either system that establishes it-
self, if and when it reconciles the contradictions
of every day experience, will be able to continue
without the coercion that is necessary in the face
of opposition. Neither system will fail to coerce
as long as there is significant opposition.
In the last paragraph the editoi'ial said that
Fascism is inherently related to militarism. This
statement is concurred in. The order of words
raises the inference of an implication. Militar-
ism is inherently related to Fascism! Why our
army and navy activities? Why the largest peace-
time appropriations for war preparation? Why a
law making possible the moving of state militia
across state lines in peace time? Why the often-
voiced statement that if there comes a world
war, the United States will be drawn in? It
should appear plain that there is at least an
-"Farming ranks as hazardous occupation."
There is always danger in a dust storm of being
hit by a neighboring farm.-Chillicothe (Neb.)
T HE PROGRAM of "Everybody's Music" will
feature the works of Brahms today and will
include the Academic Festival Overture and Sym-
phony No. 2 in D Major, (A) Allegro Non Troppo,
(B) Adagio non Troppo, (C) Allegretto Grazioso
and (D) Allegro Con Spirito. This program is
broadcast over CBS at 2 p.m.
Adolf Hitler will speak at the closing of the
eleventh Olympic Games, which will be broadcast
over both NBC and CBS today at noon and 12:30
p.m. today respectively. Another important in-
national broadcast of importance to be carried
by WWJ today will be that sent to this country
direct from the music festival from Salzburg,
Austria. Carleton Smith, lecturer and music
critic, will be featured on this program. There
will be two pickups from Salzburg, one at 12:45
p.m. and another at 1:15 p.m., the latter airing
being the most significant, with Arturo Toscanini
conducting Beethoven's "Fidelo."
* * * *
THE RITZ-CARLTON Hptel in Boston seems
to have some queer attraction for tragedy.
It was there that Orville Knapp's orchestra
was playing at the time of the leader's death
in 'an airplane crash at Beverly, Mass., a few
weeks ago. Now Noble Sissle, who suffered a
fractured skull in a bad automobile crash in Ohio
in June is playing there. An interesting event is
recorded in regard to the Noble Sissle smash-up.
The band had an engagement to fill in Cincin-
nati and had to go on playing without their con-
ductor. However, the first day the boys in the
band got off from their duties, they went up en
masse to Delaware, O., where Sissle was conval-
escing, and serenaded their boss. Now Noble
is back with the band and can be heard every
Tuesday and Friday night at 10:30 over CBS.
Incidentally, Orville Knapp's orchestra will re-
main intact. The Music Corporation of Amer-
ica, which books the band, is looking for some
big "name" to lead the orchestra.
* * * *
Lanny Ross, who has been spending a con-
siderable part of the summer touring Europe,
will return to the "Show Boat" broadcasts next
Friday. Gus Haenschen's orchestra will be re-
placed by that of Al Goodman. There will be
some other changes made on this program, but
nothing definite has been yet announced. Mo-
lasses 'n January could, in our opinion, be left on
the docks without any appreciable harm resulting
to the show.
S * * * *
CHRYSLER MOTORS will not sponsor Ed
Wynn any longer, but will rely, apparently
entirely on the efforts of Major "All right" Bowes
this fall. We have already sold our Chrysler,
but are afraid that the transaction won't be of
much assistance in discouraging the genial Ma-
jor's new sponsor.
Bob Crosby and his orchestra continue broad-
casting from the Hotel Lexington in New York
Sundays at 10:30 p.m. They can also be heard
on transcriptions from various local stations
during the week. Crosby has come along remark-
ably well and has developed a fine band, as is
shown by his rendition of "Dixieland Shuffle."
When Bob started out with his band few expected
much in the line of musicianship, figuring that
Bing's brother would rely on the family name
to get him across. But the band's work has been
a pleasant surprise.
At 7 p.m. Thursday CBS will inaugurate a
series of four broadcasts by the Seattle Sym-
phony Orchestra. Basil Cameron, the orchestra's
regular conductor, will be on the podium for the
* * * *
CHESTERFIELD's half-hour shows on Friday
evenings are well worth listening to. Andre
Kostelanetz' orchestra of 45 pieces treats all types
of dance music with ease and the arrangements
are very unusual. Ray Heatherton does some
nice singing, as do the Rhythm Singers and Kay
Thompson. And David Ross is still as excellent
as he has always been. In fact, we like the pro-
gram. The way the ensemble put on "Take Me
Out to the Ball-Game," with Kostelanetz running
imaginary base lines for all he was worth, last
Friday, was very entertaining.
* * * *
It would see offhand that the game of "knock,
knock" has completely put the handies game on
the shelf for good (definitely for the good). We
heard one on a small station some time ago
that we were rather reticent about repeating in
this column, so you have probably heard it by
now. It is undoubtedly the most far-fetched
and most nonsensical "knock knock" yet invent-
ed, and therefore, we feel; the best. This one
is about Louise. "Louise who?" asks the com-
pletely guileless victim. At this query the tor-
mentor advances with a maniacal gleam in his
eye upon his prey and retorts, "Louise Foolish
Things Remind Me of You."
Reserve Catholic Chaplain, Addressing R.O.T.C.
Students in Camp
PRAY to you, disregard teachers or college
professors who would undermine your loyalty
to your country. Furthermore, refuse the guid-
ance of clergyman should he ask you to be dis-
loyal to your flag. We have those within and
from without who wish to disunite us.
Today the world needs discipline and'respect
for authority. This training for you in the month
that you will be here should be invaluable in later
life. Don't think that you're being taught to
carry a gun to kill your fellow-man. No, this
training gives you self-reliance, and should the
need ever conie, permit you to defend Your con-
The Unhappy 1uhsams
(From The New York Times)
Goldman on the editorial page of
The Herald Tribune day before yes-
terday sums up vividly, if in mini-
ature, the painful moral dilemma
which the civil war in Spain provides
on a large scale for lovers of freedom
everywhere. As many of us see it, the
struggle in Spain is now becomes a
contest between two despotisms.
Whoever is the victor, the unhappy
country seems doomed to a period of
brutal repression followed by a pro-
longed regime of servitude, White or
Red. Beyond Spain this bitter choice
for humanity seems to be taking on
world-wide dimensions.
Miss Goldman's statement show
this crisis for freedom dramatically
focused in the lives of two unfortun-
ate people. She is appealing in be-
half of Zen;l Muhsam, now in a Rus-
sian prison, whose husband, Erich
Muhsam, died in a Nazi concentra-
tion camp ,Before the Hitler coup
Erich Muhsam refused several invi-
tations to go to Soviet Russia, where
freedom of opinion was denied his
libertarian comrades and other un-
orthodox revolutionaries.
* * *
Zensl Muhsam went to Soviet Rus-
sia after her husband's death, at the
invitation of Helena Stassova, head
of the Communist Red Cross at Mos-
cow. It was in part a mission of
piety, for she hoped in Soviet Russia
to publish her dead husband's books,
suppressed in Germany. During her
husband's sojourn in the concentra-
tion camp she had devoted herself to
relief work among Hitler's political
prisoners without indulging in any
political activities on her own ac-
She pursued the same course of
political neutrality in Soviet Russia,
yet she is now in prison according to
unimpeachable information reaching
Miss Goldmani in Southern France.
Presumably, Mrs. Muhsam believes in
aid for political victims under any
governmental system, and has been
taken charge of by the Soviet police.
The story of the Muhsam family is
a ready-made plot for a tale by the
author of "Penguin Island" or "Gul-
liver's Travels." Here are two little
people caught in the cross-fire be-
tween two absolutist principles con-
tending for mastery of the world. But
the irony takes on a sharper edge be-
cause of the separate fate of the
Muhsams in the two opposing camps.
* * *
To be sure, the bitter cynicism of
an Anatole France or a Dean Swift
might carry the tale of the unhappy
Muhsams a step further. The mas-
ters of disillusion might hasten to
remind us that Emma Goldman is the
well-known anarchist preacher and
leader. They might then go on to
point out what a conspicuous role on
the popular side in the civil war in
Spain today is played by the anar-
chist organizations. Reports from
Barcelona speak of the anarchists as
either in control of the government
there or as making preparations to
seize power after the Fascist threat
has been suppressed.
In that bid for power by the Span-
ish anarchists, will they refrain from
the practices common to the Nazi
and the Soviet dictatorship? Will
they recognize freedom of opinion,
even when divorced from political ac-
tivity? Or will they find themselves
confronted by the same emergency
which in Berlin and Moscow has led
to such a startling resemblance in
Toward A Climax
THE SPANISH drama seems to be
moving toward a tragic climax.
The warning that our embassy in
Madridtmay have to be closed and
the notification to Americans who
have taken shelter there that they
remain in that city at their own risk
confirm the reports that the struggle
has reached a desperate point. The
tragedy is that victory cannot bring
order or peace. If one side wins, it
means only that the other is tem-
porarily exhausted. Nothing is set-
tled because, except for the use of
airplanes imported from abroad for
both fronts, this is a war fought with
the weapons and passions of the
nineteenth century--and in large part
for the issues of the nineteenth cen-
It is r a xrfa' i, 1S t.Y k~ it mn
How The Press 'Tag' Habit
Affects National Electio
(From The Publishers' Auxiliary) then it will take its place in
with other apt phrases of jour
A FEATURE story in a recent issue origin which have helped
of The Auxiliary told how Harold Presidents. But more importa
Jacobs, cable editor for the United this is the now well-known fa
Press during the latter part of the it was a group of Kansas new
World War, coined the phrase "The men who first started the L
Lost Battalion" for a detachment of 'boom," promoted his candida
American troops, commanded by finally brought about his nom
Maj. Charles Whittlesey, which had by the Republicans. If the
taken a position designated by Whit- succeed in bringing about his
tlesey's superiors and was beleag- tion, it will be one of the mos
uered there by the Germans. Al- ing illustrations in all hist
though the characterization of "lost" President-making by the me
was not strictly accurate, it was so write for and edit our newspa
striking that "UP clients gave the
story a ride" and it became a na-
tional sensation and remained that Education In Germa
until the battalion was "rescued." (From the New Statesman
This incident not only illustrates Nation, London)
the fact that we Americans live, learn
and are guided in our thinking by FAR MORE important tha
symbols, slogans and catchwords but thing Hitler may say abou
it also reminds us how frequently- is the sort of teaching actuall
newspaper and newspaper workers to the coming generation i
are makers, as well as recorders, of many . . . From a certain well
history. Especially has this been true Volksschule most of the teache
during political campaigns, been ousted and replaced by
The former headmaster make
Perhaps no more illuminating in- ing now by hawking wares fro
stance can be found than the story to door. Practically all inst
of, how an obscure paragraph in an has become political. A han
Eastern paper played a decisive part brave men and women are tr
in the Presidential campaign of 1840. rain me elemen of hm
In that campaign Martin Van Buren re-but une reat dficu:
was the Democratic candidate for re- ture-but under great difficu
election. The candidate of the Whigs
was Gen. William Henry Harrison. carry on in this way.
About his only qualification for the Instead of saying "Good m
office was the fact that he was "a children," the teacher must sa
gentleman from Ohio who had once Hitler!" .. .
won a battle against the Indians" The children resent silen
and, despite the unpopularity of Van habit of Nazi teachers of mak
Buren, his job of winning the election fensive remarks about their p
seemed all the more impossible be- sors. Religious lessons are 61ll
cause the Whigs had neglected to Nazi propaganda. The teach
give him any sort of a platform upon leading questions, such as "'
which to run. the present day, reminds of
strongly of Jesus by his love
Then, almost overnight, that plat- peopl and his sci
form was supplied. An editorial writ- people and his self-sacrific
er in the Baltimore Herald, which was Wh ein s "He
friendly to Van Buren, made the and 'Who remind us by thei
statement that if Harrison were given ion and loyalty of the Disci
a pension of $2,000 a year and a b'ar- RGeneralwhowishot ne
rel of hard cider he would be perfectly Children are marked acco
content to spend the rest of his days their answers-many of the
in his log cabin studying moral phil- like the mixing up of Nazid
osophy. Other Democratic papers rc- Citiinty.pAoGeranzirl
printed this jesting remark. Immed- Christianity. A German girc
iately the Whigs seized upon it as a religious les a week.
sneer at the candidate of the "plain tworelgious lessons a week.
people." Then began that whooping, were only two lessons during
singing, log-cabin, hard cider, "Tip- pa to Jes he w
pecanoe and Tyler, Too" campaign is tatght in the spirit of t
which swept the Whigs into power Germany. According to th
and caused the Democrats to com- Js was ( German.
plain dolefully "We have been sung ew erang
down, lied down, drunk down!" And The teachng of childrenc
seven or eight years of age is
all because of one paragraph in a ed against CommunismSoc
newspaper! mocracy, Liberalism, the Tf
What is true of the newspaper writ- Versialles, France, England ar
er has also been true of the news- nations. Every week the c
paper cartoonist. It was the pen of have to learn a saying (W
Thomas Nast of Harper's Weekly spruch) which they repeat ev
which not only gave us the political of the week until hatred of of
symbols of the Republican elephant, tions, a wildly exaggerated op
the Democratic donkey and the Tam- Germany and an admirati
many tiger but it also produced those fighting are instilled. The sc
powerful cartoons aimed at the latter trance hall is decorated with
animal which broke up the "Tweed of the First Sixteen Nazis.
Ring" in New York City, a journal- classroom has a picture of H
istic victory unique in political his- They teach German early
tory. It was the pen of Bernard in such a way as if the Rom
Gillam of Puck, the influential ally made their first contact with
of the Democratic party in the. cam- tion when they met the {
paign of 1884, which depicted James tribes. (The fact is that Ro
G. Blaine as the "Tattooed Man" and a literature before the G
contributed to his defeat quite as knew how to write). No
much as did the newspaper reporter tunity is missed to show t
(whoever he may have been) who Germans are the greatesta
first tagged the "Rum, Romanism most gifted of peoples and ti
and Rebellion" plarase upon that are suffering from the injus
perpetual, and perpetually unlucky, their barbaric neighbors, tL
candidate, and the Marxists in their mids
What has been true in the past may ideas are drilled into the child
be equally true in the present cam- after day. The school mornin,
paign. If resentment against some of er always dwells upon gre
President Roosevelt's advisers should many, the customary flattery
play a part in this year's race and ler in which even Almighty
should aid in his defeat, be it re- not spared: "Lord, we Germa
membered that it was a newspaper dren tread before thy coun
reporter (James Kieran of the New beseeching Thee to make us
York Times) who coined the term fathers were. Give us alread
"Brain Trust" for those advisers. He early years a pious mind and
thereby created a symbol around hands. Protect our Fatherla
which could be crystallized prejudice most glorious on earth. Le
against "impractical theorists" even free and united, let it flouris
though he never dreamed that his and strong, and do Thou prot
phrase might be so used. On the. Thy strong hands the great a
other hand, if enough Americans be- Chancellor. Bless our le
lieve in the principles of the "New Amen!"
Deal" to reelect the expounder of its The teaching in a public elen
philosophy, be it remembered that school is as deliberately an
it was the newspapers who picked oughly moulded towards cert
that phrase out of his early campaign as the propaganda for adul
utterances back in 1932 and by con- ends seem to be: (1) the crea
stant repetition of it in news stories, a morbid self-consciousnessa
editorials and headlines helped make mans; (2) the creation of an
it familiar to every man, woman and sive admiration for the Fat
child in the Unite States. combined with depreciation
As for the Republican candidate, a other lands; (3) the creati(
newspaper man is said to have ap- conviction that other landsa
plied the "Kansas Coolidge" tag to ing to 'down' the German;
Governor Landon and if that charac- creation of a blind devotion t
terization should aid in his election, and National Socialism, c
With violent hostility to Pur
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c b 1111W Le o imagine,
just because the terms used are mod- SUES FOR DAMAGES
ern, that the Iberian peninsula is the LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15.-(I')-
theatre of a modern conflict, All Elaine Barrie, former friend of John
Western nations have long ago passed Barrymore, the actor, filed suit to-
beyond the elemental stage of =We day for $15,650 as the result of benig
social struggle which now engages struck by an automobile Aug. 7. She
Spain. Its ferocity is the clash of alleges she suffered contusions of the
ancient loyalties and accumulated chest and arms and great "physical
hatreds, both of another time. De- and mental anguish." Defendants
spite its proud tradition of culture are John Doe Swartzberg, who she
and conquest, Spain is in some re- alleges drove in a careless manner,
spects like Russia; it has been taught and Ida Seerman, owner of the car.
lhe slogans of communism before it _nd _da ___man____rf_____r-
learned the Wrnv , --
with vioYAWAtehnU 1i+V OW1 LI.)VUever,
form of political opinion.
thing is done to whip up p
passion. The subjects which
most are history and religio
educational policy takes ad
of the child's tender age an
perience to mould him into a:
fanatic and to feed him on in
tion which every honest:
knows to be untrue.
The urgent point is this:
self-conscious and aggrieve
tional megalomania, based o
nulsorv ignorane. fnmnim