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August 16, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-16

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SUNDAY, AUG. 16, 1930




National Union For Social Justice Delegates Cheer Coughlin


Of The


(From The Associated Press)
U. S. BAxing Team Is
Seventh In Standing
BERLIN, Aug. 15.-(/P)-Amer-
ica's boxing team, 1932 champion,
was forced to content itself with
one- silver medal and one of
bronze as the 1936 Olympic tour-
namet closed tonight with Ger-
many firmly established as the
unofficial team title-holder.
Jackie Wilson, Cleveland negro
who alone of the American con-
tingent qualified for the finals,
wa, outpointed by Sergo of Italy
in the bantamweight champion-
ship rfund and had to be satisfied
with the silver medal.
Lou Laurie, Cleveland fly-
weight, took the bronze medal in
that division when his prospective
opponent, Carlo-Magno of Ar-
geitina, failed to weigh in for the
bouts which .decided third and
fourth places.
Although he failed to qualify
for the finals, Laurie gained the
unusual distinction of being
awarded a special prize for giving
the best technical boxing exhibi-
tion in the tournament.
Germany captured the team
crown by taking two champion-
-ships and furnishing two run-
ners-up and one third-place fin-
The new Olympic champions:
Flyweight-Kaiser, Germany.
Bantamweight--Sergo, Italy.
Featherweight--Casanova, Ar-
Lightweight - Harangi, Hun-
Light heavyweight-Michalot,
Heavyweight - Ru'nge, Ger-
The final unofficial team stand-
ings on a 10-5-4-3 basis:
Germany 34 points; Argentina
26; France 23; Hungary 16; Italy
15; Finland 10; United States 9;
Norway 9; South Africa 8; Swe-
den 7; DrLamark 7; Estonia 5;
Mexico 4; Poland 3.
S lief Sip Rns
Aground Near Hancock
HANCOCK, Aug. 15.-(P)-The
motor ship Mary Margaret, car-
rying men and fire fighting equip-
ment to Isle Royale, went on the
rocks on Thomsonite Harbor at
the northern end of the island
today, and coast guard boats were
sent to her assistance.
A choppy sea hampered efforts
of the coast guardsmen to free
the vessel, the Portage Canal coast
guard station was informed by
The message did not disclose
the number of men aboard or
whether the vessel was damaged.
The ship went on the rocks at
9:15 a.m.
Hearst Seattle Strike
SEATTLE, Aug. 15.-(P)--The
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Hearst
morning newspaper which sus-
pended publication indefinitely
Thursday after members of the
American Newspaper Guild called
a strike, made no effort today to
get out Sunday editions, which
have a circulation of about 150,-
Picket lines blockading the
plant were quiet and police re-
ported no new violence or further
arrests. Only watchmen were in
the building.
Black Legion Suspect
Gives Self Up

LIMA, +0., Aug. 15.--/])--Virgil
F. "Bert" Effinger, termed by De-
troit officers "major general" in
the Black Legion, went home to-
night after waiting at police
headquarters for several hours
for arrival of a warrant charging
he possessed sip: hand grenades
on a visit to Detroit a year ago.
The warrant did not come, and
Police Chief Ward Taylor said he
could not hold Effinger without a
Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea
of Detroit asked authorities here
to arrest Effinger and search his
home. On learning of the re-
quest, Effinger went voluntarily
to police headquarters. Acting
City Judge Carl M. Blank told
Chief Taylor that Effinger could
be freed on $500 bond.
While Effinger was arranging
bond, however, the magistrate
decided he could not be held or

-Associated Press Photo.
Delegates attending the first national convention of the National Union for Social Justice (left) in the Cleveland municipal auditorium, broke
into repeated demonstrations for their priest leader, the Rev. Charles E. C oughlin (right), shown as he rapped for order after a 15-minute ovatioi
for him as the conclave opened. As the day wore on the delegates siez ed every opportunity for showing their enthusiasm for him.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1214.
Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

VOL. XLV No. 41
SUNDAY, AUG. 16, 1936

The Graduate Club will meet at
Lane Hall on Sunday, Aug. 16, at 2
p.m. sharp where they will be taken
to Silver Lake for swimming, games
and picnic supper. The approximate
cost will be 50 cents. Those planning
to have cars call 4367. A refund will
be made to those furnishing cars.
All graduate students are invited -
Bethlehem Evangelical Church:
The usual morning worship at 10:30
a.m. Sermon topic "Purpose and Pro-
gress." German service will be held
at 9:30 a.m.
Episcopal Summer School Stu-
dents: There will be the regular meet-
ing for summer school students Sun..
day. Car will leave St. Andrew's
Church at 5 p.m. This will be the
last meeting for the year. All Epis-
copal students and their friends are
cordially invited.
'Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. holy communion; 11 a.m. kin-
dergarten; 11 a.m. morning prayer
and sermon by The Rev. Frederick W.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:45 a.m. The Rev.
L. LaVerne Finch will preach on
"Dreams and Deeds."
Stalker Hall: Meet at Stalker Hall
at 6 p.m. to leave for a picnic supper
and an outdoor meeting. If you have
a car and could help with transpor-
tation, we hope you will bring it. For
reservations, call 6881.
The annual summer reunion meet-
ing of the Disciples' Guild will
be held today. All Summer Ses-
sion tudents and those interested
in the guild during the rest of the
year are cordially invited to attend.
The group will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St. at 5 p.m.
Transportation will be furnished to
the Bluff where a picnic supper and
outdoor meeting will be. held. A 20
cent charge will be made to cover
costs of refreshments.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
Mr. John A. Luther will supply the
pulpit. Mr. Luther graduated from the
University in 1931. He has studied
two years at the Pacific School of
Religion, Berkeley, Calif., and one
year at Seabury-Western Seminary,
Evanston, Ill. On completing his
studies he will enter the Episcopal
Geology 11 S: There will be a make-
up field trip, covering Ann Arbor and
vicinity, on Monday, Aug. 17, 1936, at
10 a.m. starting from Geology dfIce.
Mathematics 121: There will be an
informal review session conducted by
members of the class in Room 3011
A.H., Monday, Aug. 17, at 2 p.m.
C. C. Craig.
Graduation Recital: John E. Toms,
tenor, student of Arthur Hackett, will
give the following program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Master of Music degree, Mon-
day evening, Aug. 17, 8:30 p.m., in
the School of Music Auditorium. The
general public, with the exception of
small children, is cordially invited
to attend.
Non Piu ...................Cimara
I Pastore .................. Pizzetti
Ese un giorno tornasse ....Respighi
Stornellata Marinara.......Cimara
Nell ......................Faure
Les Roses d'Ispahan ........Faure
Phidyle .....................Duparc
Mandoline ................... Faure
Auf dem Kirchhofe ........ Brahms
Es traumte mir ............ Brahms
Ach, wende diesen Blick ... Brahms
Meine Liebe ist grun ....... Brahms
O Thou Billowy Harvest Field ...
Blue Are Her Eyes ...........Watts
Thy Dark Eyes to Mine .....Griffes
The Lament of Ian The Proud Griffes
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, Aug. 17, be-
fore the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after Aug. 17 may
retain such books if renewed at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cle'ared their records at the
Library by Wednesday, Aug. 19, will
be sent to the Cashier's Office, where
their summer's credits will be with-
held until such time as these records
are cleared, in compliance with the
regulations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Mount Holyoke College alumnae,
students and faculty will meet for
dinnerat the League, Tuesday, Aug.
18, at 6:30 p.m. Please make reser-
vations by phoning 6253 between 5
and 6 p.m. Saturday, 15, or between
4 and 5 p.m. Sunday, 16. The din-
ner will be 87 cents.
The Intramural Sports Bldg. will
be closed to activities Friday, Aug. 21,
at 6 p.m. Lockers must be renewed
or vacated on or before that date.
A. A. James.
I would appreciate the names of
the students who are here with their
families living in tents or trailers.
Please give this information at the
office of the Summer Session, Room
1213 Angell Hall, for purposes of a
survey. L. A. Hopkins.

Literature, Science, and the Arts;
College of Architecture; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; and School of Music
will be mailed the first week in Sep-
tember. These reports will not reach
you unless the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall, has your
correct address for that time. Please
report any change of address at once.
Visiting students and teachers en-
rolled in L. S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.;
Forestry; Music; Your credits for
this Summer Session will be sent
wherever you direct immediately af-
ter the grades are received if you will
fill in the proper request in Room 4,
University Hall, between now and
Aug. 20.
Students desiring pictures taken of
the excursion group at General Mo-
tors Proving Plant may call for them
at the Office of the Summer Session,
Room 1213, Angell Hall.
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: College of Archi-
tecture; School of Education; School
of Forestry and Conservation; School
of Music, who expect to receive de-
grees at the close of the Summer
Session should pay the diploma fee
not later than Aug. 21. Blanks for
payment of the fee may be secured in
Room 4, University Hall.
Students from other colleges, en-
rolled in the Summer Session, who
wish to transfer to the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts for the
year 1936-37, should call at Room
1210 Angell Hall for application
blanks for regular admission.
Lecture Course, 1936-1937: The Uni-
versity of Michigan Oratorical As-

DETROIT, Aug. 15.-(Al)-Mrs.
Emma Lugenbell, 56, will be examined
Friday on a charge of slaying her
husband, Frank, 49. She stood mute
when arraigned Monday and record-
er's Judge Edward J. Jeffries ordered
a plea of innocent entered for her.
Lugenbell was shot to death Saturday
sociation has the pleasure to an-
nounce its program for the next
school year:
Oct. 29, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Or-
iginal Dramatic Sketches.
Nov. 12, Father Bernard J. Hub-
bard ("The Glacier Priest")--Motion
picture lecture.
Nov. 24, Bertrand Russell speak-
ing on "Education and Freedom."
Dec. 9, H. V. Kaltenborn speaking
on "Kaltenborn Edits the News."
Jan. 14, Bruce Bliven speaking on
"The Press-Truth, News or Prop-
Jan. 21, Edward Tomlinson speak-
ing on "Haitian Adventure" with col-
or motion pictures.
Feb. 25, Capt. John Craig speak-
ing on "Diving Among Sea Killers"
with motion pictures.
March 16, The Martin Johnsons
speaking on "Wild Animals of Bor-
neo" with motion pictures.
For further information address
The Oratorical Association, 3211 An-
gell Hall, Ann Arbor.
An informal afternoon tea will be
given by members of the American
Federation of Teachers to friends and
to all those interested in the work of
the organization, in the Library of
the Unitarian Church at State and
Huron on Monday afternoon at 4
p.m., Aug. 17.

.. ®



N. E. Nelson,
President, Local 284.




,r ' ! r°




A-lk y% 4



music and instruments bor-
from the School of Music Li-
must be returned to the Li-
by Wednesday, Aug. 19.
Henry A. Bruinsma.


Blue prints and directions for Sep-
tember registration for College of

12 Noon to 8 P.M.
Chicken Soup - Tomato Juice
Roast Chicken - Dressing - 65c
Chicken Fricassee - 55c
Grilled Sirloin Steak - 50c
Grilled Pork Chops - 50c
Roast Lamb - Jelly - 50c
Roast Beef - 45c
Grilled Veal Chops - 45c
Veal Loaf - Tomato Sauce - 40c
Choice of
Creamed or Mashed Potatoes
Kernel Corn Vegetnhle Salirad

WHERE did our Alphabet come
from? From signs of things-hiero-
glyphics, symbols? From the six-
teen letters of the Phoenicians car-
ried into Greece, thence to Rome and
on to Britain? No doubt it is the
result of the combined efforts of
many peoples striving toward 4
common means of communication.
The Associated Press, which sup-
plies the world's news, holds the
keynote of efficiency in the use of
the A B C's. An army of 80,000 re-
porters gathers the news for an army
of printers, that the public may
quickly read vital, accurate news of
world-wide activities. Read












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