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August 16, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-16

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The Weather
Partly cloudy, showers prob-
able in extreme North today;
tomorrow fair, cooler in West
and North portions.


Lie igrnz


Editorial Round-Up...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


NV .USJ. Roars
Of Union Slate
Father Coughlin's Cohorts
Ratify Priest As Their
President By Claim
'Constitution'G ives
Him An Iron Grasp
One Delegate, Who Cries
'No!' To Lemke Support,
Needs A Police Guard
CLEVELAND, Aug. 15.-(A)-The
National Union for Social Justice
formally named the Rev. Charles E.
Coughlin of Detroit its first president
late today and endorsed Rep. William
Lemke of North Dakota and Thomas
C. O'Brien, candidates for the New
Union party for president and vice-
Endorsement of Lemke and O'Brien
occasioned a noisy demonstration by.
the delegates, but the election of the
Detroit priest was made quietly by

Oklahoma Governor Demands
Return Of Modern Jean Vaijean

Marland Says His Action
Is Motivated By Regard
For 'Trusty' System
FOR SILL, Okla., Aug. 15.-(P)-
Carlton B. Chilton, who walked away
from Granite, Okla., reformatory 23
years ago while serving a two-year
sentence for bank theft, tonight
faced return from Cleveland, O.,
after Gov. E. WV. Marland refused
his plea for clemency.
Marland announced he would sign
requisition papers asking Chilton's
return Sept. 1.
Chilton, now 41 years old and a
respected Ohio citizen, had served
Train Smashes
Truck, Killing
22 Passengers
12 Others Are Seriously
Injured In Accident At
Quebec Crossing
LOUISVILLE, Que., Aug. 15.-(A)-
A thundering freight train killed 22


nine months of his sentence when
he escaped.
Tracked down after a nation-wide
earch, the modern Jean Valjean
waged a fight to prevent being torn
rom his wife and two children, who
had been ignorant of his youthful
His case drew sympathy from pub-
ic officials and others in Oklahoma
and Ohio. Ever since Chilton was
ound in Cleveland several weeks ago,
messages have streamed to Okla-
homa's chief executive seeking clem-
But Governor Marland, after
spending more than two hours and a
dalf going over a report from Col.
Charles W. Daley, state crime bureau
chief, on Chilton's life since his
scape, decided to uphold prison dis-
Marland issued a statement which
ead in part:
"I have a great deal of sympathy
or the man but my official duty in
the matter is clear. We have a very
humane trusty systemeat our penal
nstitutions. At this time we have
bout 800 young men and boys of
whom 150 have been made trusties,
t Granite.
"The trusty system is necessary to
he health, the training and morals
f these men and boys. As chief ex-
cutive, I had to decide the Chilton
ase as I did because the welfare of
ome 800 boys at Granite and nearly
,000 at McAlester penitentiary was
involved in my decision."
Chilton was sentenced in 1913. Af-
er his escape he worked in Texas,
he West Indies and the Pacific coast.
le spent 15 months in the army.
Last March he obtained a job as
tatistician for the bureau of sta-
istics, United States Department of

Father Coughlin maintained com- persons and injured 12 others, six of c
plete control of the organization un- s
der a constitution adopted today. He 4
appoints the nominating committee here today.i
whose choices for other officers are A large truck, loaded with 43 pas-
final. sengers, rolled on to the open, unob-
Father Coughlin, immediately af- structed crossing in the path of the t
ter his election, appointed a nominat- racing locomotive.
ing committee of 23 members to name , "Don't pass! Don't pass!" cried
candidates for secretary, treasurer occupants of two other cars as the
and the board of trustees. truck whipped around them and ap- s
In an election address, Father proached the tracks. t
Coughlin said, "I realize the respon- A split second later the trainL
sibility which is mine-primarily the struck.
responsibility of a teacher because I The truck splintered. Bodies were 1
disagree with many practices of the catapulted dozens of feet on to the
present civilization, right of way, under the wheels of the
.A Judas In The Crowd freight train.
A loud "no"above a roaring en- ' As it knifed through the mass of
d rsement for Rep. William Lemke, human forms, the locomotive applied
of North Dakota, the Union Party's ,its brakes. Brake shoes shrieked. A
candidate for president, plunged the handful of spectators sat transfixed.
National Union into turbulence pre- Flung 90 feet and tossed into the ditch
viously. beside the right of way, the truck
John H. O'Donnell of Pittsburgh caught fire.
shouted his lone dissent as the first Flames licked back from the engine
national convention of the Coughlin- over the wreckage. A half dozen of
founded organization went on record, the seriously injured ones groaned
in a tumult of cheering and shouting, as rescuers, shaking off their paraly- I
for Lemke and his running mate, sis, tried to pull them from the tangle n
Thomas C. O'Brien of Boston. of wood and steel. t
The convention broke immediately On a jutting piece of the chassis,
into a din of jeering and heckling. torn from the truck's framework, a
Police formed an escort for O'Connell white and black hat hung grotesque- t
as he left the convention. ly. Along the track for hundreds of d
Chairman Sylvester V. McMahon, yards were found bone and bits of s
questioning whether the "no" came flesh. Apparently most of the deadu
from a -delegate, called for a second had been shot out of their shoes by
vote on the resolution to endorse the the impact. Footwear littered thet
Lemke-O'Brien ticket. Again O'Don- right of way.
nell cried "no." Seventeen men and boys, some of a
Amid a chorus of jeers, he was es- them only 14 years old, were killed d
corted to the platform for examina- outright. A dozen others were in- r
tion of his credentials. They were jured. Five died. The rest had jumped s
found to be proper and Chairman to safety a moment before the col- g
McMahon sought to permit O'Don- lision.
nell to address the delegates, saying What chances for survival a half- f
"this is a democratic convention. We dozen other persons in the truck had
will hear Mr. O'Donnell." tonight was a matter of conjecture.
Peace Breaks Out Again Doctors nursed their hurts in hos-
Booing drowned out McMahon's pitals. Improvised morgues held the
voice. He finally restored order and dead, covered with burlap sacks.d
gave the floor to O'Donnell. Two investigations were ordered, s
"We have witnessed a remarkable one by the Canadian board of railway t
"demonstration of mob psychology commissioners, the other by the Que- f
here today," O'Donnell started. bec attorney general's department.
Heckling, interted him. Finally Within an hour after the accidentr
the audience quieted and he said: (Continued Ont Page 4)
"This convention could have been
a success except for the trickery of Battle Of Blanks
Hearst and the American Liberty
League, which this coveng"is IsC lled Success i
humbly and ignorantly following." sm
Charles J. Madden, from the same
Pennsylvania district as O'Donnell, By Arm y Chiefs
answered O'Donnell, calling him a1
"stooge of Jim arley."
Father Coughlin spoke next, say- ALLEGAN, Aug. 15.-(P)-The rec-
ing: ord of more than a week of mobiliza-
"There are 8,153 delegates here. Of tion and siinulated battle in Western
these, 8,152 endorsed Lemke and Michigan's "war zone" was stamped
O'Brien. One refused. The reason for tonight with the "O.K." of the Second
that is, Mr. O'Donnell says, that I Army's high command.
am a follower of Mr. William Ran- Army officers said they were pleased
dolph Hearst and the Liberty League." at the showing of the 24,000 regular
With police protection O'Donnell and national guard troops which have
left the platform and went to a com- taken part in the war games for the
mittee room. Police kept the corridor past seven and one-half days.
cleared until the convention settled Umpires still studied reports on the
back to business and then O'Donnell effectiveness of the invading ds th
left the building. !mostly mechanized regulars-adte
"Blues" who are national guardsmen
Mary stor Willof Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin
ar Astor Will guarding the Great Lakes area from'
a theoretical attack from the South-
Continue Careereas" "
eaCombat was suspended at noon to-
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15.-,?)- day until early Monday.
Pretty Mary Astor tonight picked up Army authorities reported that 340
rey r t n tp11kC .n o,, mno, iniris

3 Miners Crushed
In Rock Avalanche
KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont., Aug. 15.-
(')-Three miners were crushed to
death, the Canadian press reported
tonight, by an avalanche of rock in
the rich Lake Shore mine.
Burrowing frantically through tons
of rock, rescuers reached an out-
stretched hand, but could not extri-
cate the body.
The rescuers were working from be-
low the level to which the rock fell
and it was necessary to install heavy
timber to-prevent another slide.
The men entombed were Jack Bot-
trill, shift supervisor, James Morden,
drill operator, and Roy Warwick, his
helper. Nine men working nearby
Gov. Considers
Modification Of
Prohibition Of Licensees
Taking Workers' Checks
Arouses Controversy
LANSING, Aug. 15.-(P)--Regula-
tions adopted recently by the state
Liquor Control Commission led Gov-
ernor Fitzgerald today to consider
abandoning his "hands off" policy on
administration of the liquor act.
The governor indicated he will ask
liquor commissioners to modify their
recent ruling prohibiting liquor
licensees from cashing workmen's pay
checks. Labor leaders, licensees, and
restaurant keepers have protested the
rule and their protests have reached
Governor Fitzgerald's office.
Expressions of dissatisfaction with
the commission's failure to explain its
reasons for recently adopted regula-
tions came from the Governor during
the week. Saturday he said he would
discuss the problem with John S. Mc-
Donald, commission chairman.
Republicans would prefer that no
further opportunity for dissension be-
tween the governor and the liquor
commission arise between now and
the endof the election campaign.
However, they realize controversy,
over constantly changing liquor com-
mission regulations may prove harm-
ful unless the governor steps in to
quiet the troubles.
"I have no objection to a commis-
sion regulation forbidding liquor and
beer retailers to extend credit to cus-
tomers," the governor said. "But, a
working man's pay check is his own
property. As I understand it, the re-
cently adopted rule prevents any le-
gitimate restaurant with a beer li-
cense from cashing checks of any
kind. I think that rule could well
be modified."
Another recent commission rule
prevents any retail licensee from sell-
ing the product of more than three
Michigan breweries or more than two
out-of-state breweries. Brewers have
started a test of the commission's
1 power to enforce that rule in federal
"I never have learned what is be-
hind that rule," Governor Fitzgerald
continued. "I am unable to discuss
it now, but I will be after talking to
the commission."
McDonald was adamant in his dec-
laration that the check-cashing rule
will have his full support. He was
determined also to take drastic meas-
ures to enforce a Michigan boycott on
the beer of the Joseph Schlitz Brew-
ing 'Company, of Milwaukee, which
has been barred from the Michigan
market following failure to pay the
commission a $2,000 fine.
"Schlitz may be within the law in
shipping beer into Michigan," Mc-
Donald explained."When distributors
attempt to sell the beer, it will be an-
(Continued on Page 4)

Loyalists Ready To Blow
Up Rebels Imprisoned In
Dynamite-Laden Ships
Portugal Protests
Border Invasions
Both Sides Claim Victory
In Fierce Battle Waged



U .

S Swimmers

Eke Out Victory
Over Japanese
Feminine Entrants, Minus
Eleanor Holm, Manage
To Defeat Holland
BERLIN, Aug. 15.-(P)-Japan's
men and Holland's women closed
heir Olympic swimming campaigns
with a terrific rush today, but thanks
o a big lead piled up on previous
days, the United States managed to
queeze home ahead in both divisions
under the unofficial point scoring s'ys-
A first place, two seconds, a fourth
and a fifth on the final tumultous
day enabled the American men to
nose outthe Japanese,r83 to 77,nand
smash the monopoly the Japanese
gained at Los Angeles four years ago.
A third and fourth in the 400-meter
ree style final gave Uncle Sam's girls
a 55 to 52/2 margin over Holland's
great team led by Rita Mastenbroek.
Japs Win Three
Victory in all four men's and wom-
en's diving championships, with a
sweep of the first three places in
two of them, proved the deciding
factor in the Americans' triumph.
.Winning three out of six speed
races, Japanese again proved them-
selves the world's best at getting
through water in a hurry, but they
did not come near duplicating their
sensational showing in 1932 when
they won everything except the 400
meters free style.
Victories by Jack Medica of Seattle
in the 400, Adolf Kiefer of Chicago
in the 100-meter back stroke and
Ferenc Csik of Hungary in the 100-
meter free style championships
proved sad blows to the defending
Impressive wins today by Detsuo
Hamurd in the 200-meter breast
stroke and Noboru Terada in the 1,500
free style final before a packed sta-
dium of more than 20,000 failed to as-
suage their wounded feelings.
Wins 400-Meter
The flying Dutch girls climaxed
a remarkable string of victories in
speed events when the powerfully
built Miss Mastenbroek won the 400-
meter free style crown after a rous-
ing stretch duel with the wiry Danish
star, Dagnhild Hveger, giving her he
third gold medal of the 11th Olym-
America's diving superiority wa
further emphasized by Marshal
Wayne's triumph in the platform
event. The tall, statuesque Florida

Socialization Of Industry
Ordered By Govern ment;
1,200 Fascists Captured

HENDAYE, France, Aug. 15.-()-'
Loyalists at Santander have impris-
oned 1,200 Fascists in two ships laden
with dynamite ready to be blown up
at any moment, refugees asserted here
The explosives were planted in
vital points throughout the ship, the
refugees said, with wires by which
they could be set off running to'
Seven hundred hostages have been
held for some time on one of the
prison ships, and it was asserted here
that clew arrests had swelled the'
The signal for blasting the prison-
ers to death, it was asserted, would
be the first shell from the rebel cruis-'
er Almirante Cervera stationed off
San Sebastian.
(By the Associated Press)
Rebels besieging Northern Irun re-,
treated last night (Saturday) under
raking fire of Loyalist artillery, the
Madrid government was faced with
stern protest against Portuguese
border invasions and battled fiercely
to retain Badajoz.
Many Killed
Many were killed in the Bay of
Biscay region. It was the second un-
successful attempt in three days by
Fascists besieging Irun and San Se-
Badajoz, the Western provincial
capital, was reported already in the
hands of Fascists but the Madrid gov-
ernment insisted it still held power
Portuguese border guards fired
on Loyalists in the third invasion of
that country within 24 hours and in-
spired the diplomatic protest.
Portugal, in a note accepting in
principle France's neutrality pro-
gram, protested asserted massacres
and destruction of property in the
civil war conflict and avowed fear
she will be entangled because of her
proximity to the scene of battle.
Plans Announced
Great Britain announced complete
accord with7France in the plan to ban
shipment of arms to Spain, but await-
ed action by other governments be-
fore making the ban effective.
An American and 37 British sub-
jects were reported rescued from
Huelva in the south, where they had
been held as hostages by Loyalists
faced by a rebel attack.
Fascists restored the old mon-
archy's flag in brilliant ceremonies
at Cadiz and Seville. Huge crowds
cheered parading rebels and ac-
claimed Gen. Francisco ranco, com-
mander in chief of the revolting

%ast Side Players I
Benefitted By Real
Off-Stage Sounds (
At the same time that the Reper-
ory Players and Music School stu-
lents were giving "Pirates of Penz-
nee" here in Ann Arbor, another
roup, far removed from the campus, D
mere also presenting theasame pro-
luction. The following is a statement
rom yesterday's New York Times.
Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan's comic
pera "The Pirates of Penzance" was
taged under difficulties yesterday af- is
ernoon in East Broadway in which
ttle East Side buccaneers pranced !a
bout a stage the size of an elevator b
nd sang in brogue above the noise t
f trucks and children in the street. in
The show was given under the aus- c
ices of the Educational Alliance on
bs roof garden playground at 197 East
roadway. About 500 neighborhood ir
hildren attended the performance, o
rhich was so successful that it will ei
e repeated for parents and friends
ext Thursday night at 8.
The scenery for both acts was fa- i
hioned and painted by the children a.
hemselves and what costumes could e
ot be borrowed from the WPA were S
Beatrice Litinefsky, 14 years old, of
91 Madison Street, did a creditable b
b of straining her voice at the eager el
udience over the sounds of falling c
rops. She played Mabel, the first- a
anking daughter of the Major Gen-
ral. w<
An unfortunate event occurred in li
he last act when Major (Isadore t
Xienstag, 14, of 261 Monroe Street)
as creeping across the stage, and a
>utting his finger to his lips, whis- a
>ered: "Hist, I hear a noise!" Where- M
pon a freighter in the nearby East v
diver let fly with a blast of her w
vhistle and did away with the Major's A
iext few lines. bi
The male lead, Donald Delmonto, o
7, of 189 Henry Street, displayed a
mood tenor voice, and the group sing- i
ng was pleasing. w
Detroit Takes b
Doubleheader f
Tigers Are In Third Place L
After Winning 2 Gamess
From White Sox s
CHICAGO, Aug. 15.-GP)-The De- a
troit Tigers took over third place c
in the American League from Chicago i
today by sweeping a double bill with L
the White Sox 3 to 1 and 10 to 3 be- n
fore 15,000 fans.
Elden Auker, submarine-ball hurl-
er, held the Pale Hose to seven hitsa
in the opener to win his ninth game p
of the season as his mates were rap-o
ping Bill Dietrich and Clint Brown
for 11 safeties. Al Simmons, Tiger
outfielder, drove in two of the three
runs and Auker the other.
In the nightcap, Jake Wade walked
eight men but kept eight Sox hits
well scattered as the Bengals whacked
Sugar Cain and Bill Shores for 14
hits and an easy victory. The Tigers
got five runs in a big second inning.
A home run by Gerald Walker with
two mates on the paths climaxed
that second inning rally.
The first game victory ended a pro-
tracted losing streak for Auker. It
was his first win in seven starts, and
he earned it, holding the crippled Sox
to seven safeties.E
The Tigers got away in front, scor-1
irg a run in the second inning on a
double by Goslin and a single by Sim-r
mons. They added another in ther
seventh on a single by ROgell, a sac-
rifice by Hayworth and a single by

The Sox counted in their half when
Appling, Hayes and Dykes singled,
Kerns And Schwartz To
Close Linguistic Institute
The Linguistic Institute will close
its meetings for the summer with lec-
lirva~ at 7:3 n m tomorrow in Room

ndustries Confiscated And
-Given To Workers To
)il And Tobacco
Companies Seized
)ecree Bans Transactions
In Securities And Real
MADRID, Aug. 15-()-The Span-
h government, its troops flung
cross the countryside in bloody
attle against the Fascist rebellion,
night ordered new socialization of
idustry and sought to halt flight of
apital that might reach rebel hands.
The huge oil, tobacco and other
idustries were confiscated by labor
rganizations and given over to work-
rs to operate under state contral.
A government decree forbade buy-
ng, selling or lending of securities
nd banned any transfer of real
state. The decree was applied to
paniards both within and without
The objective was to prevent mem-
ers of the one-time nobility and reb-
Ls from liquidating their holdings for
ash that might be used to purchase
The new step toward socialization
'as another in the program of the
beral government that originally was
he cause of the rebellion.
President Manuel Azana proclaimed
liberal regime for worker and peas-
ntry when he took office in April.
lany leaders of the army, who fa-
ored a Fascist army; monarchists
ho sought the return of former King
lfonso; industrialists who wished a
ighly capitalistic state, formed the
The result was rebellion, now in
s 29th day of bitter conflict and;
ith neither side making any appar-
nt gain that might point an end to
In fighting today, the government
orces drove back rebels who waged
itter attack against Irun and San
ebastian on the Bay of Biscay, north-
rn frontier of Spain.
Execution of seven officers charged
with resisting government advances
n San Sebastian was recorded in a
oyalist newspaper.
The Madrid war ministry claimed
low advances against southern rebel
ectors in Granada and on the north
n Zaragoza province. Government
activity in these sectors was bent on
rushing the two rebel armies march-
ng against Madrid-that of Southern
Leader Francisco Franco and the
northern force of Emilio Mola.
International complications added
ever increasing tension to the civil
battle between Socialist government
nd Fascist rebels with the report
Portuguese border guards had fired
on Loyalist troops.
Graduate Will
.Spea Today At
Leech, Finch And Schmale
Will Also Give Sermons
In Local Churches
Included in the church programs
of today will be the sermon by John
L. Luther, who was graduated from
the University in 1931, at 10:45 a.m.
in the First Baptist Church at the
regular service.
Mr. Luther has studied at the Pa-
cific School of Religion in Berkeley,
Calif., for two years and one year at
the Seabury-Western Seminary in
Evanston, Ill. On completing his

studies he will enter the Episcopal
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech will
conduct the service at 11 a.m. m
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church.
The last meeting of the year for
Summer Session students of this


Fries Suggests Throwing Over

Those AnnoyingGrammar Rules
"Anxiety" over the kind of EnglishItook a very practical view of lan-

used by the English speaking people
arose in the eighteenth century asj
a striving for "elegance" on the part
of members of the commercial middlef
class then just rising into social prom-
inence, declares Prof. Charles C.
Fries, of the University of Michigan
English department, editor of the;
Early Modern English dictionary.
The flood of grammatical rules
which followed this attitude for al-
most a century, solidifying largely in
a set of "don'ts" for writing and
speaking, had a negative effect on
the normal and vigorous development
of the language. Slavish adherence

guage as a tool to form their thoughts
in the most significant way. It is
time for English teachers to get to-
gether and revamp to a considerable
extent what and how they teach," he
A few rules which might be thrown
overboard at once, Professor Fries
suggests, include those forbidding
"none" with a plural verb; "either,"
"neither," "each," "everyone," etc.,
with a plural verb when other words
in the sentence give a clear plural
meaning to the complete'subject; or
the use of "everybody," "everyone,"
"nobody," etc., indefinite pronouns
of common gender, singular, but

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