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June 22, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-22

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TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930


urw A Hum
Published every morning except Mondsiy
uring the University Summer Session by
e Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tied tothe use for republication of all news
ispatches credited to it or not otherwise
redited in this paper and the local news
ublished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
ostoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,
Ofices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
nn Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director .........Howard F. Shout
City E~ditor ...........Harold Warren Jr.
Womxen's Editor ........Dorothy Ragee
Music and Drama Editor... William J Gorman
Books Editor........ Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor................ Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.

Dqrothy Adams
Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley

Cornelius H.
Sher M.


Telephone 21214

Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager .........Bernard Larson
Secretary...............Ann W. Verner
Joyce Davidson Dorothy Dunlap
Lelia M. Kidd
Night Editor-Howard F. Shout
TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930
Parents of other days were wont
to send their sons to college with
much paternal advice on "what
every young man should know" and
with a complete medical kit from
gauze to salts. They worried about
the health of the boys, but in those
times there was good reason for
worry. Very insufficient provision
was made at the schools for the
physical care of the students;
mental and spiritual training was
furnished in abundance, almost
over-abundance, but the rest was
not considered the business of an
institution of learning. Hence, it
was all too frequent that college
students were recognizable for their
pale, weak appearances.
However, the fathers and mothers
of today need have no such anxie-
ties. Not only have conditions of
health all over the country been
materially bettered, but also, every
college and university has installed
a service of some kind by which the
injuries and illnesses of the campus
populations are cared for.
Recently the officials in charge of
the University health service gave
fgures showing that the general
health of the student body, by com-
paring the records of freshmen
with those of seniors, was markedly
better at the time of graduation
han at the time of matriculation
in the university. The examiners
tated that forty per cent of the
tudent body showed better health
'ecords by the thne they reached
heir senior year, that fifty-six per-
ent were in approximately the
ame physical condition, and that
only six per cent were worse off
Lhbn when they entered. consider-
ing the "sedentary lives led by most
D$ the students, it will be seen that
ese figures represent a high aver-
ge in good health as compared to
he general population during the
ame years of life.
The University, however, has not
een satisfied with this efficient
nedical organization. The admini-
tration has realized that physical
Uls are only a part of the troubles
hat beset the undergraduate. Con-
equently, it has been announced
hat a "mental health clinic" is to
e established where the emotion-
l and spiritual problems of the
students will be looked after. Be-
inning with the fall term, it is
inderstood that three full-time
>hysicians and psychiatrists will be
n charge of this work. With the
elp of questionnaires interviews,
nd examinations, these men will
ttempt to assist the men and
women of the University to apply
.11 their energies and abilities to
he business and enjoyment of ob-
aining an education, to keep their
hinds free from the oftentimes
rivial worries that district them
gom regular and healthful living,
nd finally to furnish them with al
lac where they may be certain to
nd a sympathetic hearing forl
Wer problems.e
All these progressive activitiesf
uguer well for the future life of!
he institution. They mark a keen
%terest in the needs of the stu-
ents, and a recognition of the fact8
iat the life of the University is
nrwide ^nCh, allhniT ofits;

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to b,. briet,
confining themselves to less than too
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants wii dhowever
he regarded as confidential, upon re
iuest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editor asl
pinion,f Ttu. U)Nily
To the Editor.
Discovered at last. It was in-
evitable that the truth, that pris-
tine undefiled weapon of right-
eousness, should eventually out.
Now it can be known in no un-
certain terms that the Engineers
are devoid of any of those finer
sensibilities so fortuitously acquir-
ed in that mart of delicacy and
finesse, the Lit School.
It was but meet and fitting that
apropos of a particularlyflagrant
violation of the aesthetic gentility,
that a discriminating neophyte of
this abode of culture and refine-
ment should divulge to an unsus-
pecting world the saddening as-
pects of this sensational expose.
The facts (and his word is un-
impeachable) are damning and
conclusive. Not content with con-
fining their crude activities to
their monstrous mechanisms, they
had the audacity, arrogance, inso-
lence and what not to direct "bold"
stares at a heat harassed woman
student seeking relief and solitude
on a bench some thirty feet dis-
tant. Albeit, her spouse and pro-
tector, perchance the author of the
expose, was seated with her and he
needed not the confirmation of her
woman's intuituion to detect that
those "bold" stares were not the
amorous and admiring glances
that unwedded women students
endure so sweetly but gazes of men
who cherish not the flower of
Very poignantly he relates how
in the midst of this excruciating
scene he left and on his return
"was the recipient of the astound-
ing news that not only had the
language.. . . been coarse but
had transcended all bounds of de-
cency......had been to or about
my wife."
These are the simple facts of the
case and as I persue them in the
Daily I was saddened and vexed
at the shortcomings of our fellow
engineers. I became still more
vexed when I found out that I was
a member of the perfidious crew
that had so sorely marred the se-
renity of that beautiful summer's
Alas, and alack. I must confess
I became exceedingly irate. Was
I becoming senile? How could I
stand in the midst of a group of
men conducting a carefully plan-
ned test that required constant
care and vigilance under the per-
sonal supervision of a professor
and not be aware that coarse lan-
guage was being directed to the
"lady of the bench", the same one
upon whose presence we had all
remarked because of the rarity of
femininity frequenting that par-
ticular quarter?
Toall my queries to my associ-
ates I received the same irascible
replies. "It hadn't happened."
"He flatters himself." "Hooey."
"Ga ga." Some were more violent.
But be that as it may. We would
not for all the treasure of the uni-
verse even contemplate casting as-
persions on the word of our kind
critic. Yet the receipient of this
fearful abuse returned again this
afternoon to the scene of the
However, it behooves me to sug-

gest to the editor that with the
addition of some idiotic cartoons
and the continuance of such assin-
ine letters as the expose of Sat-
urday, the Daily can be assured of
a definite place among the yellow
tabloids of the day.
J. L. M. Eng '30.
-On behalf of that particular
class of Mechanical Engineers not
To the Editor-
In reply to J. W. S. (article of
July 19).
The article in last Saturday's
Daily was a direct, intention insult
to the Engineering class and as
such cannot pass unanswered.
In the first place, J. W. S., by his
statements, has shown himself to
be an extremely egotistical person
who considers himself far above
hoi polloi of Michigan.
In the second place, no engineer
would think of insulting a woman.
His fabricated story is amazing.
In the third place, the Senior
Engineering benches are there for
engineers as the Lits well know and
any transgression of our rights in
this respect, is justly resented.
It is astounding that a mere Lit
student would dare to bring such
a charge. The conclusion is that he
is a Law student ashamed of his
class: which is only natural.

Louise Cuyler, violinist, a n d
Maude Okkelberg, pianist, both of.
the faculty of the School of Music,
will offer a program tonight in
Hill Auditorium at the third con-.
cert in the faculty series. The gen-
eral public is, as usual, invited and
'requested to be seated on time.
Miss Cuyler has just completed
her first year as a member of the
faculty but has appeared many
times before critical audiences.
She is a graduate of the Eastman
School of Music of the University
of Rochester.
Mrs. Okkelberg's artistry is well
known to Ann Arbor audiences,
14er appearances here with orches-
Ira and in recital having been
numerous. Miss Cuyler and Mrs.
Okkelberg appeared together in
several radio concerts during the
regular school year. Their pro-
gram tonight follows:
Sonata, Op. 24 for Violin and
Piano Beethoven
Mrs. Okkelberg and Miss Cuyler.

vuiirrarriiirirmriirarai i



. AP

Rolls Column,
Right on the front page of The
Daily for July 18 I saw this: "Pro-
fessor Wallace's reading was dra-
matic: that is, he relied largely on
the force of cumulation, the realiz-
ation of crises through rhythms of
dynamic intensity. His firm sonor-
ous voice, sensitive feeling for
rhythm and perfect articulation
were finely suited to his simplifica-
tion of the reader's task. He had in
his voice that other requisite of the
good reader: a continual unartifi-
cial tenseness, stimulating the
imagination to supply for itself the
resources for spectacle that produc-
tion gives."
Wot the hell? (The hell is not theI
columnists' word) Was it cumula-
tion, realization, simplification, ar-
ticulation, or imagination did the
job? Benzene
Now look here, Benzene, we ap-
preciate your co-operation in help-
ing us get out the column on a
hot day, but next time, please be
more considerate and pick out
something less formidable to com-

0 1

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Tn- ment upon than one of the music
Tambourin Rameau-God- or drama reviews. It's enough of a
Der Lindenbaum Schubert- strain these days to read the re-
rList hviews let alone understand them.
SoireeL e Vienne No. 3 Schu- And another thing, Benzene, we
bireeert-isztsuspect you of being just another
bertud kbone of those oily Play Production
Maud O kkelberg
people trying to be transparent and
Andante (Symphonie E s p a g- at the same time subtly to stir up
nole Lab a typographical volcano. Come now,
AubadenProvinciale Couperin-; surely it's no crime for our critic
to accuse Mr. Wallace in words of
RondoreislerBoccherini-Willekemore than three syllables of things
that he may possibly have done.
Louise Cuyler After all, it's the little things that
count, no such jaw-breakers as cu-
THE GUARDSMAN mulation, or articulation.
The Actor and the Actress had We read that article ourselves
been married six months. It was just as you did and came to the
May. They were in a gay Con- conclusion that the reviewer really
tinental Capital. A young married I did mean what he said when he
couple in a gay Continental Cap- said he liked the man's work. After
ital in May. all, you know, there is an incurable
Yet there seemed to be trouble. urge in the blood of all critics to
The Actor ruminated: She plays say things as obscurely as possible.
Chopin at twilight, rises from They do this so as to avoid all con-
the piano and stares lonesomely fusion which might arise concern-
out the window. That's painfully ing their exact meaning. The meth-
significant. Such mournful Chop- od is simplicity. You avoid confu-
in too-lonesome, morbid, feverish. sion by obscurity.
It's maddening. Perils lurk in the Take our column, for example.
disposition of that troublesome It's simplicity personified. (And
beauty: even though she is my wife how-EDITOR). The fact is we've
and it's May. Has she grown tired tried to induce the Music and
of me? Has she been unfaithful Drama columnist to adopt our style
to me? Would she be if there as a sort of interesting variant,
were an handsome opportunity? but so far, he clings to the imper-
Is that what that Chopin means? sonal. However, his heart may soft-
Suddenly struck with an intui- en some day, although as he has
tion that satisfied him, the Actor so often described his vital proc-
continued to ruminate, only a bit esses-they're pretty hard.
more joyfully: I have it. I'm a We regret to announce that the
great actor. I can do it. I'll im- fourth Whoofle brother was taken
personate someone and test my seriously ill with pleural pneumonia
wife, make love to her. .. last Sunday during the heat wave



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1"Enter Europe through Glasgow"


0 0 0

The actor announces that he
must leave his wife for a few days.
This done he appears to her in
disguise. Appears to her in the
ante-room of her box at the opera
in all the brilliant splendour of a
modest Muscovite warrior. Makes
love to her as only a Russian
guardsman can. The Actress bick-
ers with the Muscovate guardsman,
teases the Russian warrior, tosses
him from happiness to dread with
alternate smiles and frowns. The
husband Who lurks beneath the
guise of the guardsman is worried:
What the hell he thinks. But he
continues to woo her. He must
know. Finally she breaks down.
She kisses him.
Then the problem for the Actor:
Did she yield because she pene-
trated the disguise (which makes
me a bad actor); Or did she fail
to recognise me (leaving me a
good actor but a cuckold)?
The problem-a tremendous one
certainly-is eventually solved. In
a continental capital there dwelt a
young married couple. It was get-
ting along in May. They were hap-
From the above fable Ferenc
Molnar, Hungarian dramatist pop-
uiar with the Theatre Guild and
American in general, wrote one of
his most delightful plays. With
that facile sublety in the theatre
which has made him one of the
most wily of contemporary crafts-
man-dramatists, Molnar has made
a trivial bit of whimsy the basis for
some of his most ingenious situa-
tions and most witty writing.
The Guardsman is typical Mol-
nar: softly wise but not too wise,
pleasantly cynical, always divert-
ing. The Theatre Guild has been
criticised for its steady attachment
to this playwright. He is too su-
perficial for a weighty organiza-
tion the argument runs. Yet his
plays have been almost their most
popular successes. They have
proved brilliant showpieces for the1

and is now pending operation at
Mercywood on the Jackson road.
As a special concession, Tstch
Whoofle, extremely popular mem-
ber of the selecter circles of society
where his name is often heard on
the lips of the Victorians (thus
tstch, tstch, tstch) has done today's
brief installment for our novel. As
is so characteristic of all his writ-
ing, one can trace the influence of
Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, and
the telephone directory throughout,
with occasional traces of E d g a r
Rice Burroughs and others among
the foremost contemporaries.
Chapter Four
The lady who saw Thursday be-
fore last with the Persians against
over a lace hoop skirt.
The Persians over against the
lady Thursday saw before last lace
a hoop the lady skirt before the
Persians last Thursday saw hoop
Persians the lady. Hoop hoops skirt
the lady the skirt lady the hoop
hoops. Persians the lady before last
hoop the skirt lace the lady. Hoop
the lady. Persians the skirt the
lady hoop lace the before Thursday
I think possibly yes burbled Joan
as she slurped into her Island salad
and Rene's eyes sapphoed the room
questing. The balerina evanes-
chewed a perrigig on slippers lam-
The lady Persians against over
the Persians the against the lady
over. The lady over.
Against the Persians.
Tomorrow: Probably warmer.
From The Brothers Whoofie.
Lunt, Lynne Fontane, Dudley Dig-
ges, and Helen Westley played in
The Guardsman in 1924.
But irrespective of the Guild's
problem, ,The Guardsman is un-
doubtedly a perfect piece to divert
the heat. The Repertory Players
open with it at the Mendelssohn
tomorrow night and continue
through Saturday night.

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