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June 22, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-22

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FOUR CANDDATESNewspapernan Bares
TPIMY Underworld Leagues

Legislators Approve Naval Pact
by Vote of 58-9; Overwhelm
Dozen Reservations. ,

Former Navy Speed Ace Takes Steamer
for Europe to Recruit Foreign Flyers

The Guardsman' Will Open at
Mendelssohn Theatre
on Wednesday.

DeLand, Warner, Welsh Step
From Race for Republican
Contest Will be Between Green
or Brucker and ExGovernor
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, July 21. - Prelimin-
aries to the state primary election
swung into the home stretch today.
At 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the
bars to further candidates will
clang down. After that those en-
tered may withdraw, but those not
in may not get in. More than ever
before last-minute eliminations
will determine the field this year.
The principal development over
the week-end was the cohesion of
the Groesbeck forces. Charles J.
DeLand a member of the house of
representatives, who was reported
piqued because former Gov. Alex
J. Groesbeck became a candidate
for governor after DeLand had an-
nounced his candidacy, decided to
step aside in favor of Groesbeck.
DeLand issued a statement saying
he is not in the race. Groesbeck
qualified today.
Four Possibilities.
George W. Welsh, city manager'
of Grand Rapids, and frequently
mentioned as a possible candidate,
announced several days ago he will
not run. He will support Groes-
beck. A field of three, and possib-
ly only two,' candidates for the Re-
publican nomination for governor
Is Indicated. L. E. Warner, San-
ddusky pharmacist ,has decided al-
so -to withdraw.
The withdrawal of DeLand,
Warner and Welsh leaves four pos-
sibilities, of which not more than
three are expected to run. They
are Wilber M. Brucker, attorney
general, who already has qualified;
Groesbeck, whose petitions are to
be filed today or Tuesday; Judge
Edward W. Jeffries of Detroit, who
is best known as a Democrat, but
whose petitions on the Republican
ticket are ready for filing, and Gov.
Fred W. Green,. who has .said he
will not run but for whom petitions
have been prepared and whose
friends have said they will file them
whether he approves or not.
Would Split Vote.
The race for the nomination
will be Groesbeck on one side and
either Brucker or Green on the
other, with possibly Jeffries in be-
tween. Brucker asserted he has no
intention of withdrawing. If he
stays in the contest, it will be
,Groesbeck versus Brucker. Gov.
O*reen will not run unless Brucker
Roof Collapse Confines Six Men
in Cave for Four Hours.
(Special to The Daily)
MILL SPRINGS, Kentucky, July
20.-Six photographers from the
University Geological and Geo-
graphical stationatpMill Springs,'
Kentucky, were trapped for more
than four hours last week in Coop-






Armament Agreement Goes Into
Effect Upon Approval of
Japan, Great Britain.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 21. - The
London treaty limiting all classes
of ships in thenAmerican, British,
and Japanese navies was ratified
today by the Senate by a vote of
The final roll call came quickly
after a dozen reservations w e r e
The militant band of opponents
under Senator Johnson, Rep., Calif.,
saw the inevitable and yielded to
the heat and the dominant majori-'
One reservation was adopted, but
it requires no neW negotiations
among the signatory powers and
with the formal ratification of the
treaty by Great Britain and Japan
the document will go into effect.
Makers Participate
Two of those who helped frame
the agreement in London early this
year participated in the two-weeks'
debate and were present to see the
formal ratification, Senators Rob-
inson, Dem., Ark., and Reed, Rep.,

Theatre Guild Production
Brilliant Comedy Was
Well Received.


Henry T. Brundidge,
the St. Louis reporter, whose rev-
elations about the connection be-
tween Chicago newspapermen and
the underworld, have rocked the
Windy City.
rniinnhrnainI ni in

Alfred J. Williams,

Former Navy premier air speed ace, and Mrs. Williams, snapped as
they sailed for Europe, where the ex-lieutenant will recruit a squad of
internationally famous pilots to fly in the National Air races at Chi-
cago to be held in August.

L R D News of the ratification was
quickly flashed to the White House,
but President Hoover who had
Esther M. Cram Says Problems called the special session for con-
sideration of the treaty withheld
of Education Go Back any statement.
as Far as Adam. Wtih the treaty contest ended,t
the Senate adjourned the special
VIEWS ADULT TEACHING session, sine die. It will reassemble I
in December along with the House
"Since education is a thing be- for the three-months short session.1
ginning at birth and continuing as The next four months will be the
long as one is mentally competent, longest time that Congress has nott
it must bring a reward in an awak- been in session since President
ened collegiate situation," declared Hoover took office more than 16f
Mrs. Esther M. Cram, a Regent of(months ago.]
the University, at a meeting of the Seven Republicans and two Dem-a
Women's Education club, in the I ocrats voted against the treaty,
League building last evening. while five others were paired
Introduced by Associate Professor against it, including one Republi- I
Cleo Martland, Mrs. Cram spoke can, three Democrats and the:
briefly of the bonds uniting the, Farmer-Labor member, Shipstead
group present, such as enrollment of Minnesota.]
in the University, and the mutual Accept Reservationt
consideration of education prob- The one reservation which was
lems from the various-viewpoints of accepted by the Senate was offered
the teacher, student, or mother, be- by Sen. Norris, Rep., Neb., which
fore dealing specifically with the stipulated that in ratifying the
problem of adult education. treaty the Senate withheld approv-
"While most of our memories go al of any secret agreements or un-
back to our second, or even first derstandings which might exist in
year, the problem of education goes relation to the pact.t
back beyond birth. In fact, if the This disposed of one of the big
qeustion of heredity and environ- fighting points in the treaty con-
ment are considered, the problem troversy. After President Hoover
of education goes back to our com- had refused to give the Senate all
mon ancestor, Adam, for each of the papers and documents relating
us," she continued. to the London negotiations, Senator
Mrs. Cram, who is the first wom- 'Norris introduced his resolution.
an to hold the position of regent, Mr. Hoover invited the Senate to
discussed the work begun by Presi- inspect the papers confidentially1
dent Little, and continued by Presi- and assured the Senate there were
dent Ruthven, in adult education. no secret understandings.

Louise Cuyler, Maude Okkelberg
to Appear on Third Program.
Louise Cuyler, violinist, of the
School of Music and Maude Okkel-
zerg, pianist, of the School of Music
will provide a program of violin and
piano numbers at the third con-
cert of the summer series of faculty
concerts in Hill auditorium at 8:151
o'clock tonight.!
Miss Cuyler, a talented violinist,
is a graduate of the Eastman School
of Music of the University of Ro-
chester, and has successfully ap-
peared before critical audiences in
both the East and Middle West. She
is completing her first year as a
member of the School of Music fac-
ulty here.
Miss Okkelberg, well known to
Ann Arbor audiences as a pianist,
has concertized extensively
throughout the middle west both
with the orchestra and in recitals.
The general public with the ex-
ception of small children is invited
and is respectfully requested to be
seated on time. The doors will be
closed during numbers.
The following is the program for
the concert:
Sonata, Op. 24........Beethoven
Allegro; Adagio; Scherzo; Rondo.1
Mrs. Okkelberg and Miss Cuyler
Tambourin..... Rameau-Godowsky
Der Lindenbaum. .. .Schubert-Liszt
Soiree de Vienne No. 3..........
..... Schubert-Liszt
Mrs. Okkelberg
Andante (Symphonie Espagnole)
Aubade Provencale..............
Rondo.......... Boccherin-Willeke
Louise Cuyler


Tennis Star Is Recognized
America's Brightest Hope
in Singles.


(By Associated Press)
PARIS, July 21.-After 11 years
Big Bill Tilden stands tonight as
the brightest single hope the United
States has to regain the Davis cup
from the French in the challenge
round opening here Friday.
After surmounting the difficulties
that arose through his writing for
an American newspaper syndicate,
the American Davis cup committee
named Big Bill to the Number One
roll in the singles play only to have
Tilden, who accepted "despite my
better judgment," turn -an ankle
this afternoon in practice. Late this
evening, however, doctors decided
after consultation that America's
premier player would be fit for the
opening of the series.
"In 1919, with Bill Johnson, I
went to Australia and brought back
the Davis cup," Big Bill said as soon
as the. doctors' verdict was an-
nounced. "It is my fondest hope to
bring it back to the United States
after 11 years. And then, believe
me, someone else can defend it. I
am through."
Early in the day official notice
came from New York that Amer-
ica's number one ranking player for
the last 10 years had been selected
for the task of regaining the cup
that he helped win in the first
place. That settled the issue for
a few hours.

Play Production's Michigan Rep-
ertory players will open the fourth
week of their summer season at
8:15 o'clock Wednesday night, pre-
senting Ferenc Molnar's "T h e
Guardsman,". a comedy of adult
sophistication, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre.
In this brilliant comedy, Molnar,
the noted Hungarian playwright,
presents the story of theatrical peo-
ple-the private life of a popular
Viennese actor and actress. There
are only seven persons in the cast;
four men and three women.
First Produced in 1913.
This play was first presented in
America in 1913 as "Where Ignor-
ance is Bliss" and achieved only
the slightest degree of success. In
1924, the Theatre Guild opened its
season at the Garrick theatre with
the same play, under the present
title of "The Guardsman." This
time, according to David Belasco, it
"was now received with acclaim."
Alfred Lunt, as the actor, and
Lynn Fontanne, as the actress, ap-
peared in the Theatre Guild pro-
Louis Rittenberg, the critic, ex-
plains the play as follows: "In it a
leading Shakespearean actor fan-
cies that his wife, likewise an artist
of the stage, is in a mood for a
new romance with someone quite
unlike anyone she has ever met. A
rather difficult problem for the
lady, as she has had no less than
half a dozen previous affairs. But
this time the husband is resolved
to have something to say about-her
latest attraction without really say-
ing anything. The drollness and
deft handling of the ensuing situa-
tions make for a highly polished,
amusing comedy."
Windt to Direct.
Molnar is also the author of
"Liliom," "The Swan," and "The
Play's the. Thing."
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production is in charge of the
mounting of "The Guardsman."
Tickets are now on sale at the
box office in the Women's League
building. Reservations may be made
by phoning 6300. Seats are priced
at 75 cents.
The record attendance of last
week at the performance of "The
Criminal "Code" is expected to be
repeated. Advance ticket sales al-
ready show an unusual interest in
the romance.


From Picnic. Fireplace
Dr. Gleason's Estate.

Romance in the collecting of
early manuscripts was a feature
brought out by Prof. Henry A.
Sanders in his illustrated lecture

er cave, near Touristville, Kentucky.' on Tha Ill at1Ma u script1
The ix en ere emoingtwoon "The Illuminated Manuscriptsa
The six men were removing of the Apocalypse in Spain", pre-
large columns from, a room far! fteAoays nSanpe
back in the cave. The displacement sented yesterday at Natural Sci-
of the columns caused a large stone ence auditorium.
to fall in the passageway and trap Down to 711, according to Profes-
the workers. The six men were Carl 1sor Sanders, Spain had passed
Hefernthrough the hands of the Romans,
Richardson, '31, Robert Hefferan,IthVadland then
'32, James Shierson, '32, James
Davis, '32, Frederick Kidd, '33, and
Jack Hodgson, '32. I (urW c- .." . ' atIx
Jay Sikkenga, '32, and Robinson -
Presbrey, '31, who were working -
near the scene of the accident, ~
heard the rock fall and immediate- ,
ly summoned aid. After four hours
of digging through cave clay, a res-'
cue party succeeded in getting the
men out. In the meantime, the six -
students had been in total darkness:-
because of the failing of their car- Suggests some quiet pastime for

711 it was taken by the Moors.
"The Moors changed Spain very
little, and what they changed was
for the better," he said. Around
750, some Christian principalities
began to unite.
In 776 there appeared .a com-
mentary on the Apocalypse by a
nonk, Saint Beatus. It was fol-
lowed by a revised version in 784.
In the following year, Beatus of-
fered an attack on two Christian
bishops, one of them the Bishop of
Toledo, who sponsored the heresy
of the Adoptionists. A final edi-
tion followed in 786.
These books often contained
maps, genealogies of the Patriarchs
and various commentaries in ad-
dition to the texts. They are scat-
tered over the world now, accord-
ing to Professor Sanders, who
mentioned finding one at Rome.
The art work in these early books
is generally bad, and many of the

(By Associated Press)


STILLWATER, Minn., July 21.-
A weary, old soldier sipped a toast
in bright Burgundy today faithful-
Iy fulfilling his covenant with the
dead and writing the final chapter
in the saga of the Last Man's club.
About the long table that had
Charlie Lockwood at its head stood
33 vacant chairs, each with a bow
of black as the 87-year-old veteran
of the Civil war drank wine in
memory of his comrades, fulfilling
a vow of 45 years standing.
His thin face was touched with
an expression of deep solemnity as
Lockwood repeated a bit of verse
and poured from the bottle set
aside at the organization meeting
of the club a swallow of the amber
liquid. He quaffed it as the mem-
bers had decreed as they first met,

and each year there were more va-
cant chairs but this year was the
first that only one veteran ap-
peared. With his promise kept,
Lockwood closed the records of the
club and prepared to return to his
home at Chamberlin, S. D.
Each year there was a reunion
in which they fought together.
American League
Detroit 7, Philadelphia 6
Boston 3, Chicago 1
New York 7, Cleveland 3
St. Louis 6, Washington 4
National League
Brooklyn 9, St. Louis 8
St. Louis 17, Brooklyn 10
Chicago 6, New York 0

Fire, covering .approximately 150
acres, across the river from Foster
Station destroyed three abandoned
buildings and a dwelling Sunday
afternoon. Starting on the farm of
Dr. John E. Gleason, of Detroit, the
fire spread to the surrounding
brush and was finally checked by
ploughing over ground around the
property. A stiff breeze made the
task of controlling the fire more
he fire is believed to have spread
from a picnic fireplace, the sparks
being carried by the wind to the
dry brush, and according to Wil-
Jiam D. Carson, state conservation
officer, Aziz B. Akram, an engineer-
ing student, and Gordon Long of
Dearborn started the fire, and then
went to the river to swim. Upon
returning they found that the fire
had spread beyond control
Akram denied having started the
fire or having left the scene till
the fire was finally checked. Two
University students swimming near-
by who helped to extinguish the

bide lamps. However, no one was today since the weather will con-

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