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March 12, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-12

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"My, What Lovely C-H-I-N-A"

When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Dormitory Integration:
Universit's Moral Obligation
PRESENT POLICIES of the Board of Gover- and this is largely the task of our colleges and
nors of Residence Halls discourage integra- universities. It is never a justification of what
tion in dorm living. They are geared primarily a university does to point at what the masses
to avoid bad public relations, protect students want, even granting that sometimes expediency
from contacts that might hinder their "adjust- may force compromises.
ment" and placate intolerant parents. The Board may have to respect those adam-
The policies have been imminently successful antly opposed to integration, But at the same
in these respects. Three out of four students time it ought to encourage disregard for race
room with someone religiously, racially and and religion as criteria for choosing roommates
nationally alike. Only three per cent are mixed whenever possible.
racially. "Adjustment" is becoming the keynote of the
Adopted last Spring, a Board policy state- twentieth century. The ultimate end of adjust-
ment notes "special preferences" of students ment is Brave New World, where everyone is
or their parents "will be respected" if "admin- adjusted to everything. Universities do not exist
istratively possible." Examples: smoking, reli- to "adjust" people. They exist to bother people,
gion, amount of fresh air desired, race, voca- to face them with moral conflict, to make them
tional interest, nationality. think and consider.
The men's room application blank asks: "Are To single out integration as the factor which
you interested in a roommate of a nationality may throw the "adjustment" process out of
or race other than your own?" Women are kilter is itself a subtle form of discrimination.
asked a broader question: "Specify any prefer- Why not drop the "lab" science requirement
ences or qualifications you have regarding a instead? This requires a far more difficult "ad-
roommate." justment" for many.
In addition all incoming freshmen are re- Requiring pictures on room application blanks
quired to attach a photograph to their applica- may be some aid to housemothers but more
tion blanks. This is presumably for the house- probably they are used to guard against em-
mother's use in learning to associate names and barrassing "accidents" in roommate assign-
faces. ment.
If the explanation for the way in which pic-
BOTH THE POLICY statement and questions tures are used is sincere, then why not have
are negative. Although they never explicitly them sent directly to housemothers after room-
take a stand on heterogeneous room assign- mate assignments are made?
ments, the Board of Governors emphasizes the
"rights" of the intolerant and sidesteps the AS SERIOUS AS the moral implications of
moral considerations involved, the Board's policies are the educational con-
First, they assume that racial or religious sequences.
A large part of the university experience is
intolerance is the same kind of preference as the chance to unshackle one's self from provin-
not smoking or sleeping with the window open. cial upbringing, to meet new and different
There is an important difference between people.
using smoking and fresh air as criteria for Discrimination in the North is subtle but
choosing a roommate and using race or religion, prevalent. Communities preach tolerance and
The University is not expected to care if divide quietly along racial and religious lines.
students smoke or not, or sleep with the window Consequently, few incoming freshmen have had
open or shut, and it isn't expected to guide the opportunity to know well people of differ-
students in making choices of this sort. ent races, religions and nationalities.
But it should care if students are religiously Invaluable opportunities to increase the edu-
or racially biased, and it should be working to cational significance of the college years are
encourage4 studentsto accept people for what being lost.
they are, not what color they are. Underlying all University policies, including
By lumping the different criteria together those of the Board of Governors, should be
and treating them all alike, the Board ignores the assumption that race, religion and nation-
its obligation to encourage racial and religious ality are improper criteria to apply in choosing
equality. friends.
The men's question is "loaded." In asking This in no way infringes on the "rights" of
those who are "interested" in having a room- the intolerant-it simply acknowledges intoler-
mate of another race or religion it assumes that ance and calls a spade by its proper name,
the normal course of events is to prefer a Instead of adopting a "play it safe" policy,
"homogeneous" roommate. the Board should found its policies on a moral
commitment to work towards eliminating racial
T HE BOARD OF GOVERNORS defends its and religious bias.
policies by noting:
First, there Is an obligation to respect the T0 ACCOMPLISH this the following sugges-
rights of those who are intolerant whether or tions are offered:
not the Board agrees with them; One, a statement of policy which explicitly
Second, most students and their parents recognizes the moral and educational value of
would, In fact, rather not integrate; integrated living.
Third, adjustment to college life is difficult Two, rephrasing the question, on both men's
enough without the additional problems in- and women's room application blanks, so it
herent in integrated living, reads "Would you strongly object to being
If the University wants to respect the "rights" roomed with someone of another race, religion
of those who are intolerant (although "rights" or nationality?"
might better be replaced by "ignorance") it Three, totally disregarding race, religion and
can do so without discouraging integration nationality when assigning roommates for those
among those who would accept it. who do not answer "yes" to the above question.
The fact that most students and parents Four, eliminating pictures on room applica-
would rather not integrate is irrelevant. One tion blanks.
does not look for exemplary morality in large -LEE MARKS
masses of people-but one works to improve it, City Editor
Weird Budget Gyrations

Li~-4 -

Cleveland Symphon
Displays Lovely Tonke
FOR WHAT IT IS supposed to be, (that is an orchestral organization
at the top of the second rung, pressing close on the first four orches-
tras of the U.S.), the Cleveland Symphony demonstrated on Sunday
night that it commands great beauty of tone, supple responsiveness to
direction and considerable discipline.
The beauty of tone in the first violins, for example, is worthy of
mention. It is a smooth, precisely focused, clear tone, warm and melting,
or cutting, at will. The violas and cellos too, were in like manner, at-
tractive, The brasses and wood winds, while not up to those of the
Philadelphia Orchestra, were in good form.
THE GROUP'S APPROACH to the music, which is the most im-
portant thing, is characterized by seriousness and devotion, with the
music carefully thought through and well rehearsed. If none of the
items performed felt like the definitive realization of the scores, the



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fault (if it is a fault) is the sort
that was made evident in the read-
ing of Beethoven's Sixth Sym-
The opening phrases came from
the strings in ravishing tone, ex-
pressively uttered. But as the work
progressed, one became aware that
there was too much relaxation
even for an allegro which is non
The emphasis in both this and
the second movement was doting-
ly on the sweet pastoral quality of
the music, and less on the sym-
phonic qualities-that is, the har-
monic relationships among the
themes and the realization of the
drama and stress in the change of
keys. The tensions in the trans-
ition portions were all underplay-
ed-and what emerged were beau-

tifully idyllic but slightly flabby
movements. ,
By contrast, the first half of the
third movement was tensely real-
ized; tightly knit and all the in-
herent drama clearly delineated.
The storm section (allegro), on
the other hand, seemed to lack a
thrust on the part of the lower
strings and their manipulation
seemed overly genteel. The fourth
movement was well done.
* * *
A LACK OF thrust and sharp-
ness (especially when needed)
characterized most of the or-
chestra's maneuver throughout
the evening, except in the tone
poem by R. Strauss.
-A. Tsugawa

East Berlin Fascinating City

'Rainmaker' Joyous Plea
"THE RAINMAKER" is peopled with characters out of Middle Earth-
at the same time believable and fantastic. N. Richard Nash, who
wrote both the play and screenplay, is a kind of Tennessee Williams with
rose-colored glasses; for him, the most depressing, heart-rending inter-
personal relationships turn into glorious farce and a joyous plea for
faith in faith.
Lizzie (Katherine Hepburn) is a plain woman who knows she's plain
but refuses to believe it. Her father (Cameron Prud'Homme) and young.
er brother Jim (Earl Holliman) refuse to believe it too, and encourage
her hopes of marrying Deputy Sherriff File (Wendell Corey), who is
afraid of getting too close to anyone because his wife deserted him.
Only older brother Noah (Lloyd Bridges) is practical; he thinks Lizzie
should face up to the hard facts of her inevitable spinsterhood.
Into the drought-stricken town of Three Points bursts Bill Star-
buck (Burt Lancaster), the rainmaker, an obvious but captivating man.

(Editor's Note: The following is the
last of a two part series written by a
University student now at the Free
University of Berlin as an exchange
BERLIN is a fascinating city,.big
and beautiful and awake. To
an American, its most fascinating
aspect is the East sector.
It's easy to get to East Berlin-
there are no controls. By subway,
a voice on a loudspeaker will in-
form the rider, "This is the last
station in West Berlin. This train
is headed for the East Sector."
And then, two minutes later, you
will find yourself on a spot of
earth where the word "American"
has become a synonym for "Im-
perialist," where a passport must
be shown before ordering so much
as a cup of coffee, and where a
man who carries a Western news-
paper is subject to a jail sentence.
Incidentally, as one leaves East
Berlin, you will be warned-again
over a loudspeaker systemn-"You
are now leaving the democratic
The differences between East
and West Berlin are striking.
There are almost no cars in the
East Sector. There-is an extreme
lack of heating facilities -- even
first class restaurants are some-
times cold. Apartments are much
Clothing and food aren't easily
available, but East Berliners learn
not to be too choosy regarding
what they wear or eat. An East
Berlin housewife does not walk
into a store and say, "Six eggs.
please." She will say, "Do you
have eggs today?" And in spite of
the staggeringly high cost of such

"luxury foods," she will be very
grateful if the grocer says yes.
* * *
IT'S THE SAME with practi-
cally everything - shoes, toilet
articles, books. One can buy all
these things in East Berlin, but
he learns after a while not to be
too specific in his demands. One
person went into a bookstore to
buy a set of works by Goethe-he
is easily the most revered author
in Germany-and was told re-
gretfully that another customer
has just walked out with it.
The one really plentiful com-
modity in East Berlin is propa-
ganda. Newspapers, magazines,
pamphlets - these are always
available, always cheap. And if
one asks for a copy of "Das
Capital," he is never turned down.
Everything behind the gates of
Brandenburg Tor is not gloom and
despair. There is gaiety, too, in
the East Sector. There are ex-
cellent operatic and theatrical
productions that quite keep pace
with the West, and brightly-lit
cafes where people drink, dance
and enjoy themselves with aban-
Until three months ago, Ameri-
can music was banned in the East
as being "decadent." Now that
the ban has been lifted, they play
a tremendous amount of jazz -
especially Gershwin. And the
House of German-Soviet Friend-
ship has just hired a West-Berlin
dancing instructor to teach young
Communists the Rock 'n Roll!
* * *
IF A FREE vote were taken now
in the East Zone, there is no doubt
that the overwhelming number of
Germans would choose democracy.
Still, the Communists have made

many converts. They are sincere
and fanatic-a living proof of the
effectiveness of the vast Soviet
propaganda machine. Our own
propaganda centers in West Ber-
lin often strike me as weak and
inefficient by comparison.
And yet our message seems to
get across. One-third of all stu-
dents as the Free University in
West Berlin are refugees from the
East Zone. More arrive every day.
And the "little people" in the East
-the hairdressers, counter clerks
and waiters-are the biggest pro-
Americans on the continent.
Western Europeans may be cyn-
ical toward us sometimes, but
people behind Red lines - that
great majority of them that have
not been converted to Commun-
ism-look to us with all the hope
and faith of ship-wrecked men
viewing the rescue ship.
We can count on them to keep
their spirits up and their con-
victions solid for a long, long
New Books at Library
Aken, Conrad - Mr. Aculario;
Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,
Bell, Clive - Old Friends; NY,
Harcourt, Brace, 1957.
Elath, Eliahu - Israel and Her
Neighbors; Cleveland, NY, World
Pub. Co., 1957.
. Ervine, St. John - Bernard Shaw,
His Life and Works and Friends;
NY, Morrow, 1956.
Gordimer, Nadine - Six Feet of
the Country; NY, Simon and
Schuster, 1956.
Hamilton, Edith - The Echo of
Greece; NY, Norton, 1957.

For one hundred dollars, he will
make rain, rain such as the town
has never seen. Knowing Starbuck
is a fake, but charmed by his per-
sonality, the father gives him the
Pursuing an elusive dream of
greatness, Starbuck changes his
own life as well as theirs. To Liz-
zie he gives faith in her kind of
beauty, to Jim faith in his abili-
ty to make decisions for himself,
to File faith in other people and
to Noah, faith in faith itself.
NASH PROBABLY couldn't have
gotten away with his thesis if
it wasn't for the outstanding
acting. The audience is as
taken in by Lancaster's exhuber-
ant falsity as are the characters.
Corey is dignified and restrained;
Bridges is proud, pragmatic and
short-sighted. As the father, Prud-
'Homme is a kind of wholesome
caricature of a generous, indulgent,
yet intensely human parent.
And Hepburn is, of course, Hep-
burn-wildly articulate, passion-
ately comic, whether she's danc-
ing around the living room mim-
icking the town flirt or sharing a
love scene with Lancaster.
Although "The Rainmaker" ap-
plauds the very human tendency
to dream, it never lets its audi-
ence forget that faith is basic-
ally irrational and that daydream-
ing must be balanced by a sense
of reality.
-Tammy Morrison

Ann Arbor, 'U' Theatre Needs Opening Night Spirit

The Daily Officiai Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., March 13, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the Travelogue at Hill
Auditorium on Thurs., March 7, had
late permission until 11:00 p.m.
Evaluation of Student Government
Council. The committee recently ap-
pointed by Vice-President Lewis to re-
port to him an evaluation of Student
Government Council invites informed
and interested individuals to express
their observations on the structure and
functioning of SGC (under the plan
adopted two years ago) at an open
hearing Thurs., March 14, 3:00 p.m.,
Room 3003, Student Activities Building.
If such persons can supply copies of
their statements to the committee
members, the work of the committee
would be greatly facilitated. These cop-
ies should be brought to the secretary
of the committee, DeborahdTownsend,
2017 Student Activities Building. If
duplication facilities are not available
to such persons, an attempt will be
made to provide for them if the state-
ments are brought to the secretary by
March 13.
SGC Schedule of Election Open
Houses. March 12: Alpha Epsilon Phi,
5:00, 407 N. Ingalls; Helen Newberry
5:00, 432 S. State Street; Pi Beta Phi,
5:00, 836 Tappan; Collegiate Sorosis,
5:45, 1501 Washtenaw; Kappa Kappa
Gamma, 5:30,1204 Hill; Sigma Kappa,
6:00, 626 Oxford Road; Phi Sigma Delta,
6:00, 1808 Hermitage Road; Sigma Chi,
6:00, 548 S. State Street; Psi Upsilon,
6:00, 1000 Hill Street; Sigma Nu, 6:10,
700 Oxford Road; Chi Psi, 6:10, 620 S.
State Street; Trigon, 6:15, 1617 Wash-
tenaw; Alpha Omicron Pi, 6:45, 800
Oxford Road; Kappa Delta, 7:00, 1620
Cambridge; Delta Sigma Phi, 7:00, 2009
Washtenaw; Gamma Phi Beta, 7:00,
1520 S. University.
Mortarboard invites all junior wo-
men, independent or affiliated, to pe-
tition for the Mortarboard Scholarship.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the League Undergraduate Office
These should be completed and re-
turned to that office, accompanied by
two letters of recommendation, by
March 18, at which time girls may sign
up for a ten minute interview. Inter-
viewing will be conducted on Wed.,
March 20 and Thurs., March 21.
Hanson W. Baldwin, military analyst
of the New York Times, will speak to-
night at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium
on "Where Do We Go From Here".
Baldwin is replacing Gen. A.C. Wede-
meyer whose lecture is cancelled. Tick-
ets issued for the Wedemeyer lecture
will be honored tonight.

Associated Press News Analyst
THERE IS NEVER too much candor in Wash-
ington about the handling of the national
The executive departments, through the Bud-
get Bureau, ask Congress every year for the
money they think they need to carry out their
The bureau is supposed to work over the
requests, coordinating the total demand with
the total expected supply of money.
The result is supposed to be a guide for Con-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ...........,.... Personnel Director
ERNEST rHEODOSSIN.............Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ........ Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS ........Features Editor
DAVID GREY ............*.......... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.....ss....Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER .......... Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS...........Women's Feature Editor
.OHN HTRTZET. Chief Photogranher

gress. Presumably, the recommendations repre-
sent a carefully considered program, governed
by actual need.
ACTUALLY, since Congress habitually cuts
and revises, most bureaucrats start with a
bargaining figure. If they are trapped in the
Budget Bureau's compromising process, a good
many of them will encourage pressure groups
to go to bat directly with Congress in favor
of the threatened projects.
Sometimes the bureau, depending upon the
mood of the administration, will really get
tough and present Congress with a budget
shorn of extras.
Sometimes it acts more like a forward passer
for the departments.
This year the budget is caught up in some
of the weirdest gyrations ever.
For one thing, there is a big increase in its
total demands. Economy-minded congressmen
started hollering immediately.
Secretary Humphrey of the Treasury said it
should be cut. President Eisenhower said he
hoped it would.
MANY PEOPLE viewed it as a contradicition
of the administration's avowed purpose to
hold the line against inflation - contending
that such government spending - nearly 72
billion dollars-would only increase the trouble.
Some congressmen asked why, if the adminis-

(Editor's note: The following ar-
ticle was written by a University
professor, formerly head of the Play
Department of the Theatre Guild
in New York.)
been expended on improving
theatre in Ann Arbor without
mention of what is most lacking, a
creative theatre audience.
What the University-Ann Arbor
community most needs for better
theatre is more opening night
spirit. I attended the opening per-
formance last Wednesday of the
production of "Cavelleria Rusti-
cana" and Moussorgsky's "The
Fair" and was profoundly shocked.
For a major theatrical event of
the University year, bringing to-
gether the University's resources
in several areas of music, theatre,
and dance in a big double bill of
an old operatic favorite and an
exciting work seldom heard, and
never before in this new version,
there was an opening night audi-
ence of fewer people in the audi-
torium (one hundred fifteen by
count, I have since heard) than
were engaged in the production
over one hundred sixty people,
students and nrofessional staff.

outs, as often happens in Ann Ar-
bor following such an opening, but
the seven-hundred seat Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre filled for
the five performances cannot hold
the number of people from this
city of over forty thousand popula-
tion and a University with twenty-
odd thousand students whom one
would suppose would want to see
such a production.
liant in every respect and a beauti-
fully blended whole, musically, in
orchestra and choruses and with
a notable number of really fine
voices in the large double cast, in
dramatic staging, in scene design,
costuming, and choreography.
There was professional finish,
and taste and spirit. It would be a
pleasure to expand indefinitely on
particular interpretive and tech-
nical achievements in the produc-
tion, one that could oe equalled in
few, if any, universities anywhere.
The Moussorgsky especially gave
unusual scope and demand for all
the elements of theatre, with the
stage direction and acting of the
second-act farce maintaining a
fine line of restraint with freedom
and vigor in counterpoint to the

These University operas have It
been going or. long enough that
their quality might be anticipated.
Opening night spirit, which this
community needs, means a res-
ponse to theatre of such eager-
ness for the pleasure of the com-
ing event that opening night is a
competition for seats overflowing
into the following performances.
* * *
OPENING NIGHT spirit is some-
thing more, too. It is audience go-
ing to the theatre as a part of the
total creation of theatre. The
members of this community, with-
in the University and without,
have enough cultural sophistica-
tion to venture on an opening
night and make up their cwn
minds without waiting for re-
views or reports from the reck-
less souls who did go the first
And they should have enough
cultural enthusiasm and self-de-
pendence to go into the theatre
for a professionally directed uni-
versity student production as
creative audience, imaginatively
alert, expecting pleasure, contri-
buting a -supporting energy to the
people on the stage, not sitting
back in apathy or skepticism and
waiting for the Spring Drama sea-

Is true that this university
community provides such a com-
plexity of fine things to attend
that no one can consume them
all, and many are heavily engaged
in pursuit of specialized interests,
but theatre seems to be, in peo-
ple's conversation and in print, at
least, one of the most universal
Almost everyone seems to want
to be a connoisseur of theatre.
Opening night spirit is connois-I
seurship, caring enough about
something to study it, experience
it on every possible occasion, and
become so informed that one can
perceive and understand achieve-
Connoisseurship is primarily and
most difficultly the love of and
enjoyment of excellence, and only
instrumentally to the perception
of excellence is it the analysis of
flaws. Connoisseurship is capacity
for independent enthusiasm.
production has opened this week
to an audience of one hundred
fifteen. Another drama organiza-
tion in the community after three
years of devoted theatre effort is
closing its history this week.
Certainly a production such as



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