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February 09, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-09

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The 21
Who Stayed
ONE OF THE developing fads in America
seems to be confusion over political is-
sues. But, the most disturbing aspect of this
trend is its tendency to spread to other is-
sues and problems that are not political-
such as the problem of the 21 American pris-
oners of war who chose .to stay behind what
we enjoy calling the Iron Curtain.
From confusion comes incoherent ac-
tion. Such is exactly what America can
be properly accused of in regard to the 21
who rejected it.
It seems obivous that the American peo-
ple would like these men to change their
minds and return. Yet, official action and
denunciations by certain segments of the
press have made it as hard as possible for
them to do so. It reminds one of the case
where a wife asks her husband to come home
at six o'clock and locks the door at five.
We call them traitors; we give them
dishonorable discharges; we threaten them
with commitment to mental institutions;
and we court martial two of them who
did change their minds.
It seems that in our failure to persuade
them to return immediately, we have for-
gotten that we want them to return and,
more important, why we want them back.
We have let our concern become wrath, in a
strange metamorphosis, and remember only
that they did not return, igoring the possi-
bility of wondering why.
The explanation for this cryptic change
of attitude may be in the reasons why we
wanted them back which have been forgot-
ten. At first, it was most likely a shock to
America to hear that anyone who knew it
could choose the antithesis of its ideals. Then
the practical aspect appeared through the
cloud of indignance, and psychological dis-
advantages in the cold war were seen in the
situation. Together, these two combined to
make it an obsession to have them back.
As is the case with most obsessions, we
forget how we got them. Soon, getting
them back was the only concern. We no
longer cared why they didn't. It is not
surprising, then, that we became angry
when our efforts failed. So, we turn against
them, as much as telling them, "All right,
we told you what was good for you; but
you wouldn't listen. So, to hell with you."
We have forgotten the circumstances of
the case. When a man is starving, we don't
throw him in jail for stealing a slice of
bread. Or do we? We forgive him his taking
the slice of bread and give him another.
Don't we? Similarly, there are circumstances
to be considered in this case of the prisoners.
The first aspect of the situation that most
have failed to see is that the decision by the
21 men to stay within Communism was not
an ideological one. Furthermore, it could
hardly be called a free choice. These men
either gave in to Communism after a long
ordeal of mental and physical torture, or
went over to the Reds in anticipation of the
treatment they would otherwise be forced
to endure. In either case, acceptance of
Communism meant collaboration with it.
And it is the collaboration, or charges of
same by those prisones who did return, that
has provoked the American action that
finally made it nearly impossible for them
to come back.
Behind Jhis action on the part of Amer-
ica, and behind our forgetting to consid-
er why these men did not come back, is an
assumption that we, if placed in the same
circumstances, would not act as they did.
Seemingly, we can do nothing now. The
21 have been wisked into the Soviet and into
an impossibility of returning. But we can
learn a lesson from our failure to bring them
back. We can resolve not to let it happen the
next time, even while we hope there will be
no next time.
-Jim Dygert

At the Michigan .. .
WE NEED wait no longer to select the all-
around most miserable movie of 1954.
No candidate could hope to approach "His
Majesty O'Keefe."
The story, or rather the idea which makes
shift to hold the scenes together, involves
an American adventurer determined to bleed
the South Sea islands of all the copra he can
get ("worth its weight in gold," he says, but
I don't believe it). The gentleman is not
above infringing upon the franchise of a
German copra company nor setting the
Polynesians to civil war to obtain the inval-
uable item, and although the Germans don't
cause much trouble, it does seem a shame to
stir up all those nice, lazy natives who are
perfectly content to leave the coconuts hang-
ing on the trees.
The incidents in the movie have nothing
to revolve about but O'Keefe, played quite
wretchedly by Mr. Lancaster. He does not
bother to approach thq status of a credible
character, but resigns himself to toothy
grimaces and bare-chested strutting, and
for some occult reason this is all that's
necessary to excite both Polynesian war-
riors and maidens. Consequently the film,
pretending to be a "true legend" (?), de-
generates into two sorts of scenes: those

34,000 Hand-Picked Visitors

Post Office
-1-1401_ _ _
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a t

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and. in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first
in a series of articleson the foreign student-
how he happens to come to this country and
what he does and doesn't find here. The author,
Eddy Lachman, is a graduate student in journal-
ism and comes from Amsterdam where he was
for several years foreign news editor of the
Algemeen Handelsblad.)
HOW WOULD YOU like to find yourself
rocking along on an ocean liner between
two continents, suspended as it were in
time and space, the sun shining on the decks,
a lazy atmosphere of easy chairs, sun glasses,
books and sun-tan oil prevailing and an un-
certain future of a new country, where you
will be able to study for one whole year
without cost to you or your parents, beam-
ing over the horizon?
A good position to be in. But what would
you say if you found aboard the ship six
other persons of approximately the same age
as yours, who as to their likes and dislikes,
education and above all psychological make-
up are your very images? That could be
quite annoying.
Believe it or not that is what happens
to many foreign students coming to this
country every July or August to study at
some U.S. university for a year or so.
They will become part of a community of
34,000 foreign students, who at an approx-
imate cost of one hundred million dollars
annually to the American economy, learn
their trade in what is to them the most in-
teresting country on the face of the earth.
Now this does not mean that all of these
34,000 are the same sort of person. Far from
it: they come from 128 different lands, study
a thousand different subjects and have lived
in places as far apart as the village of Naz-
ira in Burma and the town of Hammerfest
in Norway.
But 3,000 of them-those who are brought
over here on State Department or other pub-
lic funds, who get a free round trip to the
U.S., whose tuition, housing and food are
taken care of by the American taxpayer-
may find that their psychological frame is
almost identical. They have on the whole
been carefully selected and screened, ac-
cording to almost uniform standards. They
tend to be of the easy-going type, open-
minded, with an intelligence slightly above
average and a good academic record. Most
of them are graduate students and most of
them speak English. Above all, attention has
been paid to their personalities. Thus, by
some magical process of questioning and
sifting, only the extroverts have been chosen,
only those who enjoy mixing with all sorts of
companies, who profess an interest in the
other fellow and who are ready to adapt
themselves with a cheerful smile to all sorts
of circumstances.
There is also another trait which all
34,000 have in common, whether they are'
grant and fellowship or "private" students.
They are all essentially pro-American.
This is not so amazing if you put yourself
in the place of a student in say, imaginary
Ruritania., Let us assume that this particu-
lar Ruritanian has an instinctive dislike for
everything that is American. Perhaps he has

seen too many Hollywood films, or perhaps
he once read a story about the rough civiliz-
ing procedures adopted towards the original
population of this country. Would that par-
ticular student care to study in America?
Would he be interested enough to learn Eng-
lish, or would he believe that the American
educational system has something to offer
him? Would he feel an inclination to mix
with American students for a couple of se-
mesters? The chances that he would answer
these question in the affirmative are slight.
Now take another Ruritanian - one of
those who, like many young people in Europe
or Asia, professes to believe that America
and Russia, or as they sometimes put it
"Capitalism of the Wallstreet brand" and
"Communism of the Stalin and Malenkov
system," represent the choice between the
devil and the deep blue sea. Would he go to
the nearest American consulate to find out
about scholarships in America; would he like
to tell his circle of friends who think along
the same lines as he does that he is attempt-
ing to capitulate to the,Cocacola habit for
one year? Would he then subject himself to
a close screening process in order to get a
grant and finally, would he care to answer
the 200 questions put to him by American
educational institutions and the American
consulate? He would probably revolt at the
thought of writing his political beliefs on
an official visa-application form under oath
-political beliefs which in his own country,
if there is even a slight semblance of de-
mocracy, are held among the most sacred
personal secrets to which a citizen is en-
titled. Again the chances that such a student
would like to come to America are slight.
Many people in foreign lands know per-
fectly well that the process of getting an
American visa is a long-involved and above
all, rather degrading affair. Only those young
people who believe that the picture of a
frightened America, gained through the
chauvinistic immigration regulations, is not
a true one, would be ready to swallow the
first bitter fruits of their friendship to-
wards the American people.
Barring the infinitely small numbers who
would subject themselves to the visa-getting
ordeal for ulterior and dishonorable reasons,
it is safe to assume that a majority of the
students who want to come to this country
for a limited time have, before setting out
on their journey, a fundamentally favorable
attitude toward the U.S. and its peoples.
Why are the American people paying ap-
proximately a hundred million dollars every
year to get these people here? President Ei-
senhower provided the answer in a letter
which he sent to Kenneth Holland, president
of the Institute of International Education.
(The Institute does most of the organiza-
tional work in the field of student exchange.)
Eisenhower said: "The threat of another
(war) will not be removed until the peoples
of the world come to know each other better;
until they understand each others problems,
needs and hopes. Exchange programs can
contribute immeasurably to such under-
The subsequent articles are designed to
make a small contribution towards the eval-
uation of the work done in this field.

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The Daily regrets that many
Letters to The Editor received
recently have not appeared in
print. The main reason for this
is that these letters are not
signed by the individual writers.
Daily policy requires that all
communications be signed by
the writer. There can be no ex-
ception to this rule.
-The Editor
Out of Focus ...
To the Editor:
MY ONLY experience with this
new medium - Cinemascope
-was a fiasco termed King of the
Kyhber Rifels, starring Tyrone
Power and Terry Moore. Before
we get started, let me note briefly
the best part of the picture. That
was the fact that I got there in
the afternoon before the prices
went up. The plot, what there was
of it, consisted of Tyrone's at-
tempts to rid India and The Brit-
ish Empire of a slovenly rogue
who is sort of a semi-sibling of his,
thus involving intense emotional
problems. A bit of intregue is
found in a sub-plot (if anything
could be more sub than the orig-
inal one) consisting of Terry
Moore's attempts to snag Tyrone
despite her father's (I'll not have
you running off with one of them
bloody 'arf-casts) protests. The
plot of the picture, however, is un-
important; the thing these days
is to be bigger, longer, more stery-
optic and steryophonic than what-

ever came before, no matter how
bad you are in achieving these
King of the Kyhber Rifels suc-
ceeds admirably in all respects, es-
pecially the last. For one thing, I
remember in the good old days
that at least the movie was in fo-
cus, if nothing else. Twentieth-
Century, however, seems to be un-
der the impression that my fa-
ther's generation gave rise to a
brood of astigmatics, and thus
have taken correctionary steps in
this matter; rather than let the
viewers get their own glasses, they
have taken care of this in the film-
ing with the result that anyone
with normal (or corrected) eye-
sight gets the impression that the
picture was filmed on a rather
hazy day.
Even Miss Moore was somewhat
of a dissapointment. While she
may be the most in a Mink Lea-
tarde, she just doesn't make it
sitting demurely through most of
the movie repeating "cheese' over
and over again to herself And even
the above mentioned Miss Monroe
couldn't be too fetching in a high-
necked gingham frock (sanforized
or not) let alone Terry.
Despite all the criticism, how
ever, the new look of cinemascope
was rather pleasing to me in a
nostalgic sort of way. It brought
back memories of the days before
I was 21 and had to watch televi-
sion from the outside peeking
through the venitian blinds on the
barroom window.
-Jerry Varon

The American Business Cycle

And Tax Reductions
By WALTER LIPPMANN tisan issuel
A PERSON looking for signs of things to standing of
comb might well pay attention to the di- it from bel
alogue, which took place last week before And Chair
the Joint Committee on the Economic Re- by no me&
port, between Sen. Fulbright and Mr. Mar- navigating
tin, the Chairman of the Board of the Feder- navigating
al Reserve System. They were talking about ly weather
tax reductions. The Senator wanted to know When the
which of two kinds the chairman preferred. tax policy I
Did he favor increasing the incentive to in- Mr. Fulbr
vestment and production by tax concessions long run bu
to liberalize depreciation allowances and to the present
reduce double taxation of dividends? Or is the way7
would he prefer to increase the personal ex- tion. Hisa
emption in the income tax in order to leave ture," at th
more spending money in the hands of the adjustment
mass of of consumers? on the "pro
The first kind of reduction is advocated phasize an:
by the Administration. The second is ad- power. He
vocated by most of the Democrats. Here in would favor
a nutshell are the seeds of a controversy come anyw
which may grow up to something very juncture th
big in this session of Congress and in the bright favo
election campaign next atumn. It turns on Mr. Ful
genuine issues of policy, principle, and would pre
of fact. Yet it is set up for political dema- the recess
goguery. justment
For the concessions*would be about the in the ne
same-say $3,000,000,000-under either tax not close
plan. But the immediate benefliciaries under what it m
the Administration proposal would be the April or
relatively small -number of taxpayers in the The Adm
upper brackets. Under the other proposal their funds
the beneficiaries would be the very much that expan
larger number in the lower brackets. There social nece
is obviously a great deal of political dyna- economy. T
mite in an issue of that kind, especially if the one i
there is to be a shrinkage of incomes due technologic
to shorter hours in industry and to the incentives b
troubles in agriculture.
Sen. Fulbright has the honor of being as These pi
clear of demagoguery as a successful and ef- progress o
fective public man can be. His uetions run. But th

WASHINGTON-Silver-haired, barrel-chested Senator Pat McCar-
ran of Nevada not only lobbied much of the funds through Con-
gress to help dictator Franco in Spain, but now wants to tell the
Spanish government what technicians to hire in building Spanish
The Senator took the amazing step of telephoning the Spanish
Minister of Public Works, Conde Vallellano, to ask that he use Ger-
man technicians. As a result of the call, the State Department is in-
vestigating to see whether McCarran violated the Logan Act which
prohibits non-diplomats from meddling in the conduct of American
foreign affairs.
Three years ago, McCarran was so active in demanding that
$187,000,000 be allocated to Spain that Franco awarded him the
Grand Cross of Isabella. At that time, McCarran even called Her-
bert Gaston, former president of the export-import bank, on the
carpet to ask why moaney advanced to Spain was not being spent
McCarran's recent transatlantic phone call, however, went furth-
er than anything else he has done to meddle in Spanish-Amercain
affairs. The call was made from the Plaza Hotel in New York, and
here is the telephone record of what the Senator from Nevada said:
IT TOOK several hours to put the call through, partly because the
Spanish cabinet officer was routed out of bed. Then, over the
crackle of traiatlantic static, the operator's voice announced: "I
have Conde Vallellano on the line. He does not speak English."
"I have an interpreter here," replied McCarran.
"Conde Vallellano is ready now," intoned the operator.
The interpreter then took the receiver and transplanted McCar-
ran's words.
"As you know, I have always been a champion of Spanish
causes in this country," McCarran explained through his inter-
preter. "I would like to have my mind so clear as to be able
within my own conscience to make decisions most advantageous,
both to my country and to yours."
"It is a great honor that you should take the trouble to telephone
me, and I appreciate your sentiments greatly, as all Spaniards ap-
preciate them," the interpreter translated Vallellano's reply.
"What I would like to bring up is the question of building mili-
tary bases in Spain," McCarran got down to the point. "I know of
various plans which offer great advantages. The one that appeals
most to me proposes that wherever necessary, Spanish construction
capacity should be supplemented by West German technicians and
"I personally am of the same opinion as the Senator that Ger-
mans should be used in the construction of these bases," agreed the
Spanish minister of public works. "I am familiar with this idea of
using Germans. Many of the details of such a program have already
been furnished to me. Of necessity, it must be received by me and by
Spaniards with the utmost sympathetic and favorable consideration."
"I wish to receive an opinion from some high Spanish officials to
guide my thinking," replied McCarran with satisfaction.
"I can state," repeated Vallellano, "that I know of no objection
of any kind to such a procedure."
INSIDE STORY is that McCarran has been pulling wires both in
Washington and Madrid to cut a group of German contractors
into the multi-million-dollar Spanish base project. They have offered
to accept part of their payment in surplus commodities from the Agri-
culture Department's overflowing bins.
. McCarran is dealing behind the scenes with a man named Esto-
groul Ousman, who represents the German contractors. What the Sen-
ator from Nevada has neglected to tell his Spanish friends, however,
is that the German contractors have agreed to buy their heavy equip-
ment from the Nevada office of Wells Fargo, a firm close to McCarran.
MEANWHILE, THE Pentagon is taking a second look at the mili-
tary base agreement that McCarran was so instrumental in push-
ing through. The Senator from Nevada was so insistent in trying to
get better terms for Spain, rather than his own country, that Penta-
gon officials have concluded it's an excellent deal-for Spain.
Here are some facts the American public doesn't know:
Under the agreement, Spain is not committed to fight on Ameri-
ca's side or even to let the U.S. Air Force use the bases in case of war.
Furthermore, after ten yeras, Spain can throw the United States out
and take over the bases for herself. All she will be obliged to pay is
scrap value for the expensive American equipment.
In return for this dubious agreement, the United States will re-
build Spain's broken-down railroads and highways, revamp and re-
equip Spain's military forces, pump economic aid into the country,
lay a 570-mile pipeline across three-quarters of the country, and pour
over $200,000,000 into building air bases, port facilities, communication
systems, and other facilities that Spain can legally expropriate at
scrap value after only ten years.
In contrast, the United States got a 99-year lease on all the
British Islands of the Atlantic and the Caribbean in exchange for
only fifty destroyers.
ON THE SURFACE there may not appear to be much affinity be-
tween a Czech-American and an Italian-American, but it was an
American Congressman of Italian descent, Peter Rodino of New Jer-
sey, who had most to do wtih releasing Jan Hvasta, an American of
Czech descent.

but to open the way to an under-
F the issue-which mightprevent
ing exploited by the demagogues.
man Martin has a critical, though
ans the whole, responsibility for
in the choppy waters and squal-
through which we are passing.
e Senator asked Mr. Martin which
he preferred, we may take it that
ight was thinking not of the
ut of the very near future during
readjustment. That, as I read it,
Mr. Martin understood the ques-
answer was that "at this junc-
.his point in the course of the re-
t, he would still put the emphasis
oduction side," rather than to em-
increase of consumer purchasing
did not, however, say what he
r at a later "juncture." He did not
vhere near saying that at a later
he tax reduction which Mr. Ful-
rs might not be called for.
bright had asked him which he
fer now-given the mildness of
ion and the fact that the read-
might be concluded successfully
xt few months. Mr. Martin did
and lock any doors against
might be expedient to do say by
ninistration's tax program reflects
(mental economic doctrine. It is
sion is a continuing political and
essity in a free and capitalist
'he first conditions of expansion-
inseparable from the other-are
cal improvement and sufficient
to enterprise and investment.
rinciples are fundamental to the
f a free economy over the long
hey are not the panacea, they are

(Continued from Page 2)
Introduction to Literature of Music.
Brings to the layman a practical meth-
od of listening to instrumental music
and familiarizes him with the signifi-
cant forms and styles of music com-
position heard currently in the concert
hall and over the radio. Its aim is prac-
tical, and its approach is nontechnical;
no previous knowledge of music is
necessary. (The 1954 May Festival Lec-
ture Series is included in this course).
Sixteen weeks, $18.
Instructor: Glenn D. McGeoch, Pro-
fessor of Music Literature, History and
Tues., Feb. 9, 7 p.m., 206 Burton
Practical Public Speaking. For the
student who desires a course devoted
exclusively to training in public speak-
ing rather than a basic course in the
whole field of speech. Study, analysis
practice, and criticism dsigned to pro-
mote the acquisition of proficiency in
extemporaneous speaking. May be taken
for credit or without credit. (Speech 31,
two hours of undergraduate credit.) $18.
Instructor: Paul E. Cairns, Instructor
in Speech.
Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Mason
Social Forces in Human Behavior.
Material from the three disciplines of
psychology, anthropology, and sociol-
ogy will be integrated into a single .ap-
proach to the problem of understand-
ing man and the socio-cultural forces
that affect his behavior. At the same
time, the lectures will introduce the
student to the problems, aims, meth-
ods, and techniques that are charact-
eristic of each of the three fields. Six-
teen weeks. $18.
Lecturers: David F. Aberle, Associate
Professor of pociology and of Anthro-
pology; Ronald Freedman, Associate
Professor of Socilogy and Ford Founda-
tion; Theodore M. Newcomb, Professor
of Sociology and Psychology; Milton J.
Rosenberg, Instructor in Psychology;
Guy E. Swanson, Assistant Professor of
Sociology; Edward L. Walker, Associate
Professor of Psychology; Alvin F. Zan-
der, Associate Professor of Educational
Psychology. Coordinator: Milton J. Ros-
Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m., 171 Business
Administration Building.
The Toronto symphony Orchestra, Sir
Ernest MacMillan, Conductor, with
Betty-Jean Hagen, violinist, will give
the sixth program inthe current Choral
Union Series, Wednesday evening, Feb.
10, at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium.
Sir Ernest will present the following
program for the Ann Arbor debut of
this distinguished organization: Over-
ture to "Euryanthe" (Weber); Two
Sketches for String Orchestra on
French-Canadian Airs (MacMillan);
Symphony in B-flat major (Chausson);
"Symphonie Espagnole" for Violin and
Orchestra (Lalo) with Betty-Jean Ha-
gen, soloist; and Soirees Musicales, Five
Movements from Rossini (Britten).
Tickets may be purchased daily at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower, at $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00; and at the Hill Audi-
torium box office on the night of the
concert, after 7 p.m.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. African Sculptures, through Feb.
28; The Embellished Surface, through
Mar. 1; Student Printmakers Exhibition,
through Feb. 20. Open 9 to 5 on week-
days; 2 to 5 on Sundays. The public
is invited.
Events Today
American Society of Civil Engineers.
Prof. F. N. Menefee, of the College of
Engineering, will speak on "Railroad
Construction in the Labrodo Wilder-
ness" (also 30 m. sound film), this
evenine at. 8o'clock in the Natural


speak on "Systems of Elliptic Partial
Differential Equations in Plane."
Westminster Student Fellowship. The
first in a series of Bible studies, "Christ
through the eyes of Paul," from 7 to
8 p.m. All students are welcome to at-
tend. The meetings will be held in
Room 205 of the First Presbyterian
Church, 1432 Washtenaw.
Square and Folk Dancing. Tonight
and every Tuesday, 7:30-10:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Instruction for beginners.
Everyone welcome.
SSR.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
5:15-7:00 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House.
All students invited.
Museum Movies, "Mammals of thei-
Rocky Mountains" and "Mammals of
the Western Plains," "Birds that Eat
Flesh;" and "Birds that Eat Insects,"
free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily in-
cluding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30
Wed., 4th floor movie alcove Museums
Building, Feb. 2-8.
Coming Events
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7
a.m. in the church Prayer Room. In-
spirational devotions followed by a
breakfast-through in time to get to
your eight o'clock classes.
Roger Williams Guild. Weekly Tea
and Chat, Wednesday afternoon from
4:30 to 6:00, at the Guild House.
Chess Club of the U. of M. will hold
its first meeting ofhthis semester Wed.,
Feb. 10, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. All
members are asked to be present, as
it will be necessary to hold elections.
Play will go on after the business meet-
ing. New players welcome.
SL Academic Freedom Subcommssion
will meet Wed., Feb. 10. at 5 p.m., Mich-
igan Union. All student organizations
are invited to participate.
Union Student Offices Tryout Smoker,
a meeting for all men interested in
joining the staff of the Student Offices.
Meetings are held on wed. Feb. 10,
at 4:15 and on Thurs., Feb. 11, at 7:15
in Room 3-A of the Union.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service
of Holy Communion, wed., Feb. 10 at
Canterbury House.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.............City Editor
Virginia Voss. .....Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker....... .Associate Editor
Helene Simon..... ..Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeiser....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Traeger...Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


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