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December 19, 1947 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-19

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(Continued from Page 4)
' ossfire'
To the Editor:
WOULD like to answer Mr.
Kircher's questions aboult the
editorial written by Jean Vagan
concerning "Crossfire , :1 poit,
out the foll owin:
1. The accusations against the
,ffollywood screen writers, direc-
tors, producers, and actors which
were leveled by the Thomas-Ran-
kin Committee were made on the
basis-that the men were instilling
the Communist Party line in their
productions, and therefore in
their positions in the movie indus-
try, were dangerous menaces to
the people of the United States.
2. The investigations held by
the Un-American Committee have
smacked of anti-semitism on more
than one occasion. Because of
this, it was to be expected that
they would find objectionable a
film which fights discrimination.
3. R.K.O. fired both Scott and
Dmytryk because they had been
ifdicted by the Un-American
I am sure that it is evident to
all who saw the film that it con-
tains nothing un-American, but
rather a philosoplfy and credo
which is distinctly a part of de-
-Harriet Likovsky
I Arab Partition
'To the Editor:
ONE MORE deceived! Mr. El
Gamal's letter puts him in the
ranks of the poor Arabs who are
now "educated" by the "respecta-
ble" ex-Grand Mufti.
Egypt, Iraq, Trans-Jordan, etc.,
re facing crises in the Middle
East. People are getting idle,
masses begin to shout, to strike.
Democratic ideas take hold of the
population oppressed by a feudal
social order.
The Pashas must face them.
They come to Cairo from Bagdad,
sRayad, Amman, Damascus. Yes,
they unite to face this troubling
situation; and aren't they lucky;

he solution is here: War against,
the Jews!
To make them ready to fight the
word "Holy" is added-otherwise
the reaction may be weak. Now
he masses won't shout against
their leaders, asking for freedom;
they will shout against the Jews.
The Pashas' power will be safe
for another few years, and so will
be that of the Husseinis inPal-
We would also like to mention
here that all the members of the
Arab Higher Committee have been
unanimously elected by one an-
other; they, therefore, represent
*,. one another. .o
If the Jews were happy on the
29th of November, the hearts of
Mufti and his cohorts leaped with
-Josef Jahr
Alfred Rose $
To the Editor:
THE LET'ER entitled "No Par-
tition," dealing with the Pal-
estine situation, and appearing in
this column on December 13, con-
tamed in its opening paragraph
an analogy that was, at first
glance, sufficiently striking in its
implications to appear to sustain
the rest of a typically partisan ar-
ticle. Its author was a member
of the Arab Club.
The analogy to which I refer
was to the effect that the varying
reactions of, Jew and Arab to the
United Nations plan to partition
Palestine are similar to the reac-
tions of the false and true moth-
ers, respectively, in the old story
of King Solomon's decision to di-
vide a child between two women
both claiming to be its mother.
The Arab organizations concludes
that the intent of the Bible Story
is to portray the grief of the real
mother and the joy of the false
But, it must be remembered
that the gist of that Bible story is
that a true mother's love for her
child is sufficiently great that she
would rather give up the child
than see the child put to unneces-
sary pain and suffering.
Would the Arab give up even

dart of Palestine in order to see
leace come to the troubled land,
which is holy unto him as unto
Christian and Jew?
Is it not the Arab who is Avill-
ing to see this land, "his child,"
bathed in blood, and ravished by
a loly War, rather than see it
safe in another'5 arms?
Only the kidnapper wxould rath-
er see the child dead than re-
turned to those who love it, and to
whom it is everything, more dear
even than life itself- to those who
have no other family.
-Matt Margolis
To the Editor:
PERMIT ME to express my ap-
proval of the rightfully indig-
nant letter by Mr. El Gamal,
which unveils so skillfully the ma-
licious perfidy of the Zionists. The
Jews, without even having a seat
in the Assembly, brazenly solicited
the help of a great power to plead
their cause in the UN. This cyni-
cal effrontry of the worst sort,
which breaks every rule of inter-
national relations, is looked upon
with a mixture of consternation
and abhorrence by all civilized na-
This is just one of the many in-
justices committed by the UN
against the Arabs whose only
crime was to have opposed the al-
lied cause during the last war.
Yes, as Mr. El Gamal so well,
emphasizes, the Arabs are rising
in righteous anger, and let no one
be surprised at this. They know
how to defend the ground their
fathers have squatted on for gen-
erations. If they should die for
this noble cause, think only this oft
them: Inch' Allah! There is some
corner of the Middle East that is
forever Arab.
-Joseph Dresner
Add Up?
To the Editor:
THIS IS MY first save-the-
world-letter-to-the-editor. I
have just seen "Crossfire." My
condition can probably be excused
by rememberingthat objectively,
blessed objectivity, will return by
morning, when this wears off. I
am told the director of the picture
is out of a job. Ducky.
Perhaps the red match Mr. Sig-
ler helped light will eventually
blossom into a crossfire. Fascinat-
Communism, Kim, Crossfire
and Christmas. Even a poet prob-
ably couldn't make sense out of
that. No doubt a Congressman
Does it add up?
I'm afraid it will by morning.
-Bob Donaldson
* *- *

aame no matter w hih way le re-
ult; \wei-e obained. The imph
lon e aeene 1 t L I I I I ! t e ifl-'ic
adverti sed ar,e eclaI~b t,. per
ap r tiniem led by hlie Pait
I then tuin to 'Pe Daily, rand
and these sanm movies adertised
:) the Art Cinema League, some-
imes in conjunction with a Pdb-
ral stident organiaidon.
All this prompets me to ask the
'aekground, composition and pur-
pose of the Art Cinema League-
Even without. having seen one'. I
can almost gues:; that there would
have to be a good deal of very fine
talent represent,-d in these pro-
ductions. Only a true work of art
would be worthwile using as the
background for the emotlional
conditioning metuod oi propagan-
dizing, which the Soviet realizes is
the best way to get liberal think-
ers to think in ways they would re-
ject if presented "cold." as in a
calm discussion of political phil-
I'm not saying they aren't art.
I'm not even campaigning to have
showings stopped. But if our lib-
eral thinkers are to be shown
Communist - approved films, I
think they should be warned to
prepare themselves to withstand
a propaganda attack, for I'm sure
they don't. go to movies to have
their thoughts implanted.
James E. Dras
G~ar;Iii 11101
To the Editor:
ENCLOSED find a few recent
Gargoyle publicity clippings
published in The Daily which I
wish you would reprint for the
benefit of those fortunate enough
to have missed the Garg Monday.
These and some of the printable
"spiel" of the Gargoyle peddlers
would make excellent copy for a
"good" Garg. They're much fun-
nier!-so why waste money print-
ing the Garg--that is unless 14
full pages, out of a total 32, of ad-
vertisements warrant the addi-
tional expense.
For inspiration I suggest that
the Garg staff send for a sub-
scription to the Michigan State
-Ray Bloh
To the Editor:
FROM paragraph 6, 2nd column,
page 6 of the December issue
of Gargoyle, I quote the following:
"He who laughs last has found
something the censors missed. To
"He who laughs at Gargoyle has
found something the , editors
-Doug Swift
IRA Poll
To the Editor:
ANY people who have been
making a fuss about the fact
that the student body is behind
the IRA principle, but does not
back up their action in the case of
the barber shops. Act ion and prin-
ciple are two friends often separ-
But can the separation of ac-
tiontion and principle be justified?
Can apathy promote anything ex-
cept a negative policy? Are we in-
terested in perpetuating the nega-
tive policies of segregation here by
neglect? This is a request for peo-
ple to examine their principles
and then to circulate them loudly
and often.
The poll was not, as some put it,
a snide attempt of IRA's to use
sophistry to prove that the stu-
dent body was behind its picket-
ing. It was but a further attempt
to abolish discrimination by show-
ing that the majority of student

opinion was against it. This, as
the editorial states, may seem like
an obvious fact; but obvious facts
are as useless if veiled from the
people they could affect by an em-
Ibarrassed silence.
All the people who objected to
IRA's picketing have a right to do
this. Those who agree with IRA's

principle9, and a great majority,7
Is the polls show. do, and disagree
wih the action taken, have a
ight a privilege :ud an ever-in,
creasing obligation to come down
and tell IRA what should be doe
with their help.
One lives a sort of betrayal day
by lay knoiwing that there is dis-
crimination and race prejudice
and not doing anything about it.
Help ycur principles along and
help yourself toward a more com-
plete life. Think it over during
the holidays. Try to evaluate
methods we can use to forward our
mutual principles. Bring them
down to a post-vacation meeting.
IRA will certainly be glad to have
both you and your ideas.
-Arthur Braverman
*. * *
Music Critic
To the Editor:
gone my way on this campus,
attending concerts, reading The
Daily's criticisms, and occasion-
ally wondering if the critic and I
heard the same music. It never
entered my head to write a nasty
letter about this state of affairs.
Frankly, I don't think the criti-
cism of a. concert, per se, has any
function to fulfill. Either a person
heard the concert, in which case
lie has his own opinions, or he
didn't in which case he has little
interest in the article. Unlike
plays or movies, concerts are by
their very nature unrepeatable. It
is impossible for a musician to re-
peat a work twice exactly the
same way. Thus, the reader can
not use a music column as a guide
to action.
My point is that I think the re-
cent squabble in the letter column
is making a fortissimo out of a
pianissimo. Let Miss Stern air
her views as best she can, if she
must. I myself think that Dr.
Koussevitsky's addiction to retard
mars almost every perfomance,
but the performance, under ques-
tion, was, on the whole, quite good.
No one, Miss Stern, or any one
else, can say will ruin my enjoy-
ment of the concert. Anyhow, I
would rather listen to music than
talk about it.
-David Segal
Union, League
To the Editor:
WE GO TO school on a big cam-
pus in a small town. Conse-
quently, all our time is spent on
or about this campus. After going
to classes during the day, we re-
turn to the campus at night for
both extra -curricular and purely
social activities,
One of the more popular social
activities on this campus is danc-
ing, and on Friday and Saturday

ni-'hts th ballrooms of the League
and Union :aVO ft iedh\ uili people
xxho want to t*-flO : t' eutluc 0f1
danciug' ln'ilit es are a dequnt I
aid most ('Oipi' ax tl a guel tif
at these affairs . Aniu& er reason
that (lcing is so popular is that
On Friday, Dee. . a good nany,
students had dates to go (dancing,
but x'ahen they tried to get into
the 1teague or Union ballrooms
they ound that boti t he t'ities
werd beint used for rivate for al
dances.danyh heestdet
had been locking forward to this
evening fr a long time. and there
Was absolutely no place else in
this town for these l"ople to
I'll admit that xhetheir one does
or does not (lance Onl a certain
evening does not seem very impor-
tant in relation to present-day
aworld problems, or even in rela-
tion to many other campus issws'
It's only a little matter, but it is
something that can be very easily
provided for, and these little mat-
ters all add up to make campus
life more pleasant.
I don't condemn any of the or-
ganizations inxtolved for making
use of the League or Union ball-
rooms for their orvn parties. They
have a perfect right to (10 0. how-
evem, I severely c'iticize both the
League and Union for alloming
their ballaooms to be taken over
for private parties on the same
night. There ought to be at least
one place we can dance during an
evening. I sincerely hope that this
does not happen again. Again, I
repeat, this is only a little matter,
but its correction could make life
more enoyable.
-ihbert E. Elkins
eply to A re b ciiib
To the Editor:
oN ANSWERING the letter of the
Arab ClubTe ' I should like to
state first of all that this group
is i no tay epresentativ' of the
Arab people generally.
As a matter of fact, the Arab
people have never had any repre-
sentative form of government.
They have been subjugated by a
type of totalitarian feudal autoc-'
racy that knows no dissent. In
orrtoaRintitheler polies of
successfully kept the eol i
ignorance and illiteracy.
In a country so impoverished
and pimitive,rthereforenohne bu
apelectafew nrhaffortepex-
iense of an overseas education.
It is from these few who have
gained their wealth from the ex..-
ploitation of thei' countrymen or
from profitable trade with the
Jews, that our Arab students here
are gathered. They have come to

latrn American t cechn ology, not I
II at ii mw. en ibring progress to
t hen' yountt' but only.vs> that
ucy osn muou <-i tii-ni ,' epu'es
t is ob .ous, then, th i I the
Arab Cub has io interost in Pi o-
Inoting the xvlfaire of their couin-
try em' people generally. Their mo-
tives in opposing partition are
the meanest lpo)sile- and are
based solely on the fear of the
loss of profit 1 hiehi would result
Iroin political and indlustm'rial de-
velopmnent of the Middle East.
S ortumat ely. 11 me wx orld. aware
S[ isulved intends
to see that .1justice is done.
-Irwin R. Veiner-.
l' isl ei Re por't
To the Editor:
lating its precept of "printing
every letter to the Editor received
which is signed, 300 words or
less in length, and in good
tate . . i" Wednesday's threat
in this column by Mr. Wagner to
commit mayhem was obviously
not in good itaste by any stand-
ards. Perhaps Mr. Wagner is un-
aware of what the consequences
of a firearm fired at close range
are. Let Ne assure him, as an ex
0.1., that they are unpleasant. I
hope The Daily is not breaking a
precept IJust because a letter hap-
pens to be in support of the tempo
of its editorial policy.
As to Monday evening's out-
burst, it is very gratifying to see
that there are many students who
believe that our system of gov-
ernment is worth defending. This
should be the lesson to Messrs.
Shaffer, Ellis, and the rest of the
Communist supporters-that, rev-
olution to overthrow our govern-
ment, which seems to be what
they work for, will never come as
long as the spirit displayed by
Monday night's students is kept
-T. F. Cartaino.
To the Editor:
story on the "mob" that turned
out "to hear" Eisler, as given in
The Daily December 16, in at least
two instances she has used words
in such a way as to give a false
impression. In her first sentence
she says that the crowd turned out
"to welcome" Eisler. Knowing that
many people never read beyond
the first few lines of a story, she

- - ------------

puts iin a phrase lke that early.
.he Il mucli too shrewd. I am sure,
seriously to suppose that. te ma-
,oiry of the crowd Lund the slight-
ist intention of "welcoming" Eis-
ler oi' anyone like him. Again, in
the first and third paragraphs she
contrives a build-up for produc-
ing another false impression
which she springs in one of the
later paragraphs. Paragraph one
reads in part: "students, half of
them armed with snowballs";
paragraph three continues: "oth-
ers, also armed with snowballs
id sticks." So having used the
wod - "armed" twice with the true
addition of "with snowballs," Miss
Friedman easily slides over much
later in her report (?) to the
phrase. "Eisler had . . . seen the
armed mob waiting for him."
Beiv,- from Chicago, Miss
Friedman surely must be aware
that such a use of the word
"armed" implies, or at least has
the connotation, that the mob
carried weapons far more effect-
ive than mere snowballs or sticks,
giving the idea that Eisler was en-
dangered by pistols or machine
guns. One of the hallmarks of
decent reporting is the giving of
the truth. Reporting of the type
illustrated in this story merely
serves to underline again a truth
of which most people are aware,
but of which they need to remind
themselves constantly, and that is
that Commtmists and many of
their fellow-travelers have no re-
gard whatever for the truth.
-Warren C. Sledd

Iovie Crjdic
To the Editor:

TN RE REVIEW of Odd Man Out
by Gloria Hunter: I imagine
that Miss Hunter would not like
Moby Dick because it's about
whale fishing; and, whale fishing
Isn't what it used to be. Honestly,
how ridiculous can you get?
-Emil Hurtik.
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cob,4n,~L.Art Cinemta
To the Editor:
w t w i s h I'M NEW HERE. All I know is
what I read in the papers.
One of "the papers" is the Daily
Worker. I read the one in the li-
everyone brary periodical room every now
and then. The other paper is our
own Daily. I read it six days a
One thing I read is the movie
ads. In the Daily Worker veryj
a n d few movies are advertised. Almost
no Hollywood productions. There
must be some sort of selectivity
P P Y H O L / D A Y 5 exercised, by the paper, the ad-I
vertisers, or both. Having heard of
the integration of the Communist
Party, I thought to myself that the
implications were probably the


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