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December 19, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-19

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ei 5tdgrn Bad ~
Fifty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Kohn Campbell................Managing Editor
gancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Mlyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider ................Finance Manager
Lida Dalles .......................Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dfick raus .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent...............Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
'Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
;redited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
:matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igan as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the' regular school year by
Carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
arnd represent the views of the writers only.
Subsistence Boost
sTUDENT VETERANS from 21 Michian
campuses launched a campaign last
week to boost subsistence payments to $100
per month for single veterans and $125 for
married ex-GIs. Pressure will be brought
again upon Congress shortly.
But should subsistence rates be raised?
George Antonofsky, Michigan's Operation
'subsistence chairman, has no doubts:
if (subsistence is not increased)
the whole educational program for vet-
erans is liable to collapse." And a trail of
half-educated veterans and largely abn-
doned campuses are in store if we fail,
ie added.
Antonofsky ha ses his -lains on cost of
living surveys completed recently on Mih-
igan campuses. The surveys showed that
s3 per cent of the single vets and 83 per ceni
of married vets could not continue much
longer without substantial increases.
Antonofsky has powerful arguments, if his
figures indicate the real state of affairs.
There are, however, other considerations
to be evaluated:
1. Should a student be expected to supple-
ment his income by working? Last fall an
AVC poll showed that over 73 per cent of
single men who were staying in the black
were working, but only 11.6 per cent of the
"ets going in the red each month had jobs.
2. Did the sponsors of the GI Bill in-
tend that students should be wholly sup-
ported by government funds? And even
if they did, in view of new economic de-
velopments, should raises be granted in-
3. Or would it be better for vet groups,
as suggested in last Sunday's Daily, to exert
"a little pressure to keep prices down so
that you won't have to be making monthly
pilgrimages to Washington?" The letter

from which this is quoted also makes the
claim that Antonofsky's figures aren't as po-
tent as theyl might be.
4. And what about the formation of more
campus co-ops, of co-op bookstores and eat-
ing places? Certainly there is need for
About the only indisputable point in the
whole subsistence picture is that some vet-
erans, maybe only a few, need help, and
need it soon. We doubt that anywhere
near 63 or 86 per cent of vets here will
be forced to leave. But it's a crime that any
one who has a genuine need for a little
extra help should be denied it---it's for his
-Fred Schott.

Vo- --of Non Negoaiuon


- --

Letters to the Editor "s

IN EFFECT, we and the Russians now
enter upon a period in which there will
be no negctiations. The principle of unanim-
ity.1of peace by agreement, died the last of
its many deaths at London. The breakdown
ol the Council of Foreign Ministers really
desm nauk a new phase in the history of the
world. It is not only that a meeting has col-
lapsed; the Council itself has collapsed; this
instrument has collapsed.
In fact all such instruments are collaps-
ing. We have fallen into the habit of holding
an unsuccessful meeting of the Security
Council. reshuffling the personnel somewhat
and calling it the Council of Foreign Min-
isters, then failing again, and reshuffling
again, and going back again as the Security
Council. But these agencies are only forms,
which were set up to embody the principle
of unanimity. With that principle gone, the
agencies become arenas, cockpits, debating
halls, which they were never intended to be.
Substance stands out in ironic contrast with
form, with the result that these agencies
British Aid
AS WAS FORECAST in this space many
weeks ago, the London conference has
ended with open acknowledgement of the
division of the world. On this side of these
barriers, Messrs. Bevin, Bidault and Mar-
shall stand together, at least in temporary
A special interest attaches to the problem
of the Anglo-American partnership. Be-
fore proceeding to conclusions, it may be
well to run over rapidly this problem's main
1. Wherever their own courage and de-
termination can tell, the British are now
visibly turning the post-war corner.
2. Their shortage of capital in gen-
eral, and their acute shortage of hard
assets in particular, have implication
which must be squarely faced, however.
The truth is the British do not have the
cash in 'hand, for the present, to carry
all the costly burdens which the Anglo-
American partnership involves. This is
urgent. For many reasons, it is impossible
for the United States to assume these
3. In the special sphere of military strat-
egy, the Anglo-American partnership is al-
ready operating with the utmost intimacy
and smoothness. But this is not true in
tihe spheres of political and economic pol-
icy. In these spheres, because the makers
of British and American policy have been
dealing with each other at arms' length,
there have been many petty irritations and
breakdowns of co-operation.
4. Without a supply of fresh capital
from the United States, the British will
be driven, perforce, to try to devise a new
foreign policy-which can only, in the
last analysis, be a policy of surrender to
the Soviets. Yet even if the capital is
forthcoming from America, another major
difficulty will still remain to be sur-
mounted. From Attlee and Bevin to the
British man in the street, every one in
this country fears that acceptance of
American aid may entail loss of Britain's
independence of action.
The answer was very simple. The strategic
placement of the countries was intensely
important. They could not, therefore, be
cast adrift. But in the course of giving
this answer, all the Anglo-American inter-
ests in the area were examined, and some-
thing like a common policy was evolved.
This kind of thing must now be done on a
much larger scale, and in a much less
accidental manner, covering not one but
all areas of common interest. Probably
informal but workable machinery to do the
job, on the order of a combined political
and economic staff working with the Com-
bined Chiefs, is the bst solution. And per-

haps the most hopeful aspect of the situa-
tion, after the breakdown of the empty For-
eign Ministers' meeting in London, is that
some such solution is being discussed.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
Lutkewvarm Water
THE HOT WATER into which a local bar-
ber has apparently plunged is turning
out to be luke-warm.
Dominic Dascola was charged by a Uni-
versity medical student with violating the
Diggs Act by refusing service on the ground
of race.
But Judge Jay H. Payne set the trial
date as Dec. 26, when hardly any students
will be on hand to "hear what he has to
Whether Judge Payne realized that it will
be difficult to get witnesses for the prose-
cution the day after Christmas is not the
The point is that we are all defendants in
this trial-if Dascola is convicted we will
also be criminally guilty. Many of us de-
fendants by proxy should be at our trial,
but it is improbable that we will hear the
case against us.
The IRA deserves praise for attacking

now serve only to amplify disagreement and
to make failure more poignant.
It is a regrettable thing to have to say,
but it is also a measure of deterioration,
that the world feels a little easier today
when none of these are meeting than
when any of them are.
Up to now it has been the thing to stress
hope. Perhaps the time has come to stress
the deterioration that has visibly taken
place; for only by facing it can the world
rebuild on a sounder basis. It is now per-
fectly clear that both sides have decided to
leave the great issue up to the cracking
pressures of the years. We stand before the
void of non-negotiation.
Each side enters that dark area
equipped with a theory. It is our belief
that Western Europe will recover, and
will avoid Communism, that the Balkan
satellites will want to resume trade with
the world, and will become discontented
with Russian rule; that Russia herself
may weaken under the strain of non-co-
operation. The Russians have a theory,
too; it is that we are imperialists, that
Western Europe, with propaganda help,
will come to hate us for our imperialism,
and that finally, we shall bog down into
depression and domestic crisis. The two
theories are set for the butting-match.
Perhaps, if we are lucky, nothing much
will happen ; the passing years may only
harden the status quo, the two theories may
gather dust, and then one day, a long time
from now, an ambassador may call quietly
upon a foreign minister, and the life of
negotiation may be resumed. But that is
asking for a good deal of luck. Is there no
shorter and straighter way? Must we be
the generation that lives in the powder
Perhaps a year or two of non-negotiation
may produce those deep chemical changes
needed on both sides to start us over again.
But again, it is a measure of current de-
terioration that the world almost banks on
more deterioration to make it behave. When
terror does the work of hope, then hope
is really ill.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)
Best Seller
WITHOUT TRYING too hard one editor-
ial writer managed to miss the boat in
yesterday's column on the justification of
the University's stand in regard to l'affaire
The point is simply this: In banning Eis-
ler the University created the same effect
that comes from banning a book in Bos-
ton. Eisler became a "best seller."
Whether the columnist likes it or not, the
University was responsible for the unpar-
alleled exhibition that took place. The re-
sults of a policy of inaction are as open to
criticism as the effects of an active policy.
The University certainly did not organize
the mob of 500-odd students intent upon
heckling Eisler and preventing him from
saying his mind in any manner that pre-
sented iteslf. Yet it has been pointed out
that had the University pe'rmitted Eisler
to speak on University property the mili-
tant mob would scarcely have dared the
extreme tactics they undertook. Surely, it is
reasonable to expect the University to take
cognizance of the repercussions of its ad-
ministrative policy.
The columnist then went on to discuss
the irony of a man using his rights to argue
against a system he does not uphold. In
other words we are to protect free speech
by limiting its use. Lincoln once defined
democracy as that form of government
which allows minorities who say "When we
become a majority we will change this form
of government." The nervous so-called lib-
erals who fail to understand this also fail
to understand that when they attempt to
limit free speech they lose it.
The editorial writer seems to be so naive
that he believes the University administra-

tion and the people of Michigan must agree
with what every speaker has to say or suf-
fer the wrath of indignant parents.
Strong flourishing democracy requires
free expression of opinion and the respon-
sibility of the University lies in clarifying
its rules toward this end.
-Jacob Hurwitz.
,AM Speaks Up
COLLEGE DENIAL of the right of Com-
munists to speak to students has stirred
up opposition from an unexpected source.
Morris Sayre, president-elect of the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers, has
expressed himself as "disturbed at the action
of City College (New York) and other col-
leges in denying the right of a Communist
to speak to students."
"Why shouldn't he speak to them?" Sayre
asks. "They are in college to hear all the
sides. If the American system can't survive
knowledge and discussion it isn't a sound
-Harriett Friedman.

,l U



Cp 1947 by United Feture ynict Inc.
~--I I -All qhs a r'd
"Well, I figger if I order it now, I'll be rich enough to buy it
an' old enough to drive it by the time it comes."

(Continued from Page 2)
tending school outside of the
The period of service covered by
the bonus is from December 7,
1941 to September 2, 1945.
Every county in the State of New
York has a County Veterans'
Service Agency under the name of
the county where veterans may
receive state bonus information.
No applications for the bonus will
be available prior to December 31,
Veterans who are attending
school under Public Law 16 are
cautioned to consult their train-
ing officers before making any
changes in course elections. Fail-
ure to obtain clearance for course
changes may result in suspension
or complete loss of educational
benefits under Public Law 16.
Veterans enrolled under Public
Law 346 who do not plan to be in
school during the Spring Semester
1948 are requested to make this
fact known to their training offi-
cer prior to Friday, January 16,
At a meeting of the University
Committee on Student Discipline
held December 16, 1947, two stu-
dents who were found guilty of
irregular practices in connection
with the student election held
Thursday, November 6, were fined
twenty-five dollars each and were
deprived of the privilege of par-
ticipating in extracurricular ac-
tivities for the remainder of the
current school year 1947-48.
E. A. Walter
Dean of Students
Bowling: The bowling alleys at
Women's Athletic Building will
not be open for public use either
this afternoon or evening, and will
be closed for the vacation period.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
will be closed from Friday evening
through the first week of vacation.
Will be open during the second
week, days only.
California State Civil Service
Announcement for Assistant In-
dustrial Hygiene Engineer has
been received. Salary range is
$325-$395. California residence is
not required. Closing date, Jan.
8, 1948,
Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received
Physical Therapist Aide A, I, II,
$195-$320. Closing date, Jan. 7,
Child Guidance Clinic Director
VA, VIA, $565-$800. Closing date,
Dec. 31, 1947. Candidates must
possess a license to practice medi-
cine in Michigan.
For complete information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
University Lecture: John Ciar-
di, Briggs-Copeland Instructor in
Engish, Harvard College, will read
from his poems and discuss mod-
ern poetry at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Jan.

lish Language and Literature. The
public is invited.
"Resuscitation from Asphyxia"
(illustrated). Dr. Andrew C. Ivy,
Distinguished Professor of Physi-
ology and Vice President in charge
of the Professional Schools in
Chicago, University of Illino;
the annual Phi Delta Epsilon Lec-
ture for 1947-48. 8 p.m., Thurs,,
Jan. 8, Rackham Lecture Hall.
Classroom .Assignments -
Courses in German and Philoso-
Beginning January 5, the fol-
lowing classes in German which
have been meeting in 206 Univer-
sity Hall will be transferred to the
following locations:
German 2, Section 1, 8 o'clock,
200 South Wing.
German 1, Section 6, 9 o'clock,
Tuesday & Thurs., 2029 Angell
Hall; Mon. & Fri., 2 Economics.
German 31, Section 4, 10 o'clock,
Mon., 18 Angell Hall; Tues. &
Thurs,. 315 Haven Hall; Fri., 2nd
floor Aud., Lane Hall.
German 31, Section 5, 11 o'clock,
120 Temporary Classroom Bldg.
German 1, Section '13, 1 o'clock,
130 Temporary Classroom Bldg.
German 31, Section 8, 2 o'clock,
120 Temporary Classroom Bldg.
German 2, Section 11, 3 o'clock,
4054 Natural Science Bldg.
German 2, Section 1, 4 o'clock,
212 Angell Hall.
Beginning January 5, the fol-
lowing classes in Philoosophy
which have been meeting in 206
University Hall will be transferred
to the following locations:
Philosophy 34, Section 4, 10
o'clock, 2014 Angell Hall.
Philosophy 34, Section 5, 11
o'clock, 202 South Wing.
L S & A Examination Schedule-
Evening classes are scheduled
for Wed., Jan. 28, 2-5 and not for
Jan. 21. Speech 31 and 32 are
scheduled for Tues., Jan. 20, 2-5.
Doctoral Examination for B.
Elizabeth Horner, Zoology; the-
sis: "Arboreal Adaptations of Pe-
romyscus, with Special Reference
to the Use of the Tail," Fri., Dec.
19, 3091 Natural Science Bldg.,
9:00 a.m. L. R. Dice, Chairman.
Doctoral Examination for Jul-
ian Ross Frederick, Physics; the-
sis: "A Study of the Elastic Prop-
erties of Various Solids by Means
of Ultrasconic Pulse Technique,"
Fri., Dec. 19, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, Otto Laporte.
Doctoral Examination for Odin
Waldemar Anderson, Sociology;
thesis: "The Health Insurance
Movement in the United States;,
A Case Study of the Role of Con-
flict in the Development and So-
lution of a Social Problem," Fri.,
Dec. 19, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., 2-4 p.m. Chairman, L.
J. Carr.
Doctoral Examination for Clif-
ford Herbert MacFadden, Geog-
raphy; thesis: "The Santa Maria
Valley, Santa Barbara County
California," Fri., Dec. 19, Room 9,
Angell Hall, 3:15 p.m. Chairman,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Becalse The Daily
prints-every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 30 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters ar those of the
writers only. Letters or more than
salt words are shorteded, prnted or
omitted at the dicretion of the edi-
tori. i director,
* * *
To the Editor:
'THE preservation of civil liber-
ties is a duty of every Gov-
ernment-state, federal, and lo-
On the evening of the 15th of
December 1947. the 156th anniver-
sary of the ratification of the Bill
of Rights, mob action occurred in
Ann Arbor. Individuals were
threatened and prosperity was cte-
stroyed as officials failed to main-
tain complete law and order. We
believe these events were to some
degree encouraged by the failure
of University and city officials to
provide opportunity for expression
of minority opinions.
We, citizens of Ann Arbor,
therefore consider it necessary to
call attention to some of the basic
principles of American demo-c-
racy as reported by the President's
Committee on Civil Rights.
" Our American heritage
teaches that to be secure in the
rights he wishes for himself, each
man must be willing to respect the
rights of other men.
. . Freedom can exist only
where the citizen is assured that
his person is secure against bon-
dage, lawless violence, and arbi-
trary arrest and punishment.
". . . Where the thret of vio-
lence by private persons or mobs
exists, a cruel inhibition of the
sence of freedom of activity and
the security of person inevitably
results." Where a society permits
private and arbitrary violence, its
own integrity is inevitably cor-
". . . We have reported the fail-
ure of some public officials to ful-
fill their most elementary duty-~
the protection of persons against
mob violence."
We urge that all University and
city administrators use every
means at their disposal to honor
the spirit and the letter of the re-
port of the President's Committee
on Civil Rights. The unfortunate
incident of December 15th proves
anew the responsibility of those
authorities to demonstrate that
this campus and community abide
by the constitutional principle of
freedom of speech for all. Any re-
currence of perilous threats to in-
dividual rights, to private prop-
erty, and to law and order must
be prevented.
(PS. Copies of the above state-
ment will be sent to University
and city officials and to repre-
sentatives of the press. All indi-
viduals wishing to support this
statement may do so by slipping
this letter and sending it with his
name to any one of us.)
Theodore M. Newcomb
. Prof. Soc. and Psyh.
Rabbi Hershel Lymon,
-Jack Geist,
Chairman campus AVC
Ralph McFee,
Publisher Washtenaw
William T. Brownson,
Editor Washtenaw
John F. Shepard,
Prof. Psych.
Harvey Weisberg,
Student Legislature
H. J. McFarlan,
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Mech.
M. B. Stout,
Prof. Elec. Eng.
Wesley H1. Maurer,
Executive Secretary,
Journalism Dept.

Edward W. Blakeman,
Reserved Consultant in
Religious Education
* * *
To the Editor
AS A FORMER member of the
Eight Air Force, I wish to reg-
ister my vehement disapproval of
the manner in which the, student
body was treated in an article by
Miss Friedman, appearing in The
Daily on December 16.
My co-pilot and I, together with
our crew, marched over to Felch
Park, not as part of a violent
mob, but to preserve democracy
in Ann Arbor. Even our crew was
thoroughly convinced that Mr.
Eisler and Mr. Marzani represent-
ed a threat to our existing form of
government. To a man, we felt
obliged to prevent this influence
from being absorbed by a student
body which any officer and gen-
tleman will agree is far from adult
-an untrained group, incapable
of disciplined thinking necessary
in these times.
How well I remember a similar
incident which occurred not so

long ago in our rear echelon sta-
tion at old Hiccup-on-the-Huro .
On that occasion, a group of irre-
sponsible pfe's decided to protest
the allotment of'- 3-day passes,
without going through chiannes.
Only through the most commend-
able efforts of my police, Captain
Jeboney. feadquarters, Military
Police, was such a preposterous
move prevented. The point of
course, is obvious: we leaders must
constantly be prepared to guide
the unfortunate, uninformed, un-
disciplined groups for whom we
are responsible.
To say that we came armed with
snowballs is not enough. Surely
Miss Friedman would not have us
go forth to battle unequipped,
particularly when the weight of
,numbers was so obviously to our
I wish to take this opportunity
to applaud Mr. Matthaei, Jr., for
his exhausting efforts in mobiliz-
ing the various units into con-
certed action. We should be truly
grateful that such leaders avail
themselves to us, and step
forward, unafraid, to lead us into
the glorious campaign to preserve
our democratic campus.
I shudder to think of what
might have happened, had not Mr.
Matthaei been present. 2isler
might have spoken; Marzani
might have spoken, and hundreds
of students would have straggled
back to their quarters, total-
ly confused, unprepared, and un-
equipped to reject what, of course,
could only have been the most de-
structive type of propagandized
I sincerely hope that Miss
Friedman will immediately apolo-
gize for her totally unwarranted
remarks. Hundreds of hurt vet-
erans, and many anxious young-
sters are currently distrugh-
how long must they continue to
suffer because of her unladylike
-Elliot H. Smith
*9 * *
To the Editor:
N VOTING TO invite Gerhart
. Eisler, as well as "a qualified
faculty member of opposing
views" to speak under University
auspices, the Student Legislature
has acted in good stead for the ma-
jority of the student body of the
Michigan campus.
It was a minority of students
who constituted the rabble-rous-
ing mob opposition to the speaker
invited here by MYDA. The Legis-
lature action indicates that we are
nut all being educated in vain,
that all of us do not sanction u-
ing the very totalitarian methods
of suppression that we denounce.
Those of us who are convinced
that the foundations of a free de-
mocracy are strong enough to
withstand criticism, welcome this
invitation to Eisler. We further
applaud the decision that two
points of view be upheld, in the
spirit of debate.
Michigan is the first University
at this time of "un-American ac-
tivities" where students have
mobbed a "witch-hunted" indi-
vidual. In refuting the action of
this minority, let us also be the
first university today to assert otfr
faith in the freedom of speech and
the principles of true education
actively supporting the Legisla-
ture enactment. If a student
body, as an indicator of the youth
of a nation, does not have the
courage of its convictions, we can
expect little more from the adults
who will eventually govern the
United States.
-Susan Sins
To the Editor:
CHEERS to Mrs. Curto for her
story of what went on while
Eisler spoke at the press confer-
ence. Her description of the tense

feeling that prevailed in the up-
stairs room was very vivid and
amazingly accurate. I was present
at the press conference and al-
though I was there as a photogra-
pher I couldn't help feeling sorry
for the way Eisler and Marzani
were "holed up." I expected the
crowd outside to burst in any min-
ute. If they had broken in, I be-
lieve any imaginable action could
have taken place. The moronic
person who, threw the chance
snowball which broke the storm
window of the conference room,
would certainly never pull a stunt
like that again, if he had been in
that room. Mrs. Curto said, "If
the inner window had been shat-
tered, everyone in the room would
have been hit." There were re-
porters and photographers who
were there to record the state-
ments of Eisler and Marzani --
they weren't invited to tea.
While taking pictures of the
crowds at Felch Park, I was hit
by several snowballs. I suppose I
unfortunately happened to be in
the way of a few, but I sincerely
believe that a few were aimed at
me by "playboys." When I was a
"Kid," I enjoyed frolicking in the
snow, and even threw snowballs. ]
still throwbsnowballs, but if I
think I'll be hurting somebody









THE DEFEAT of the Republican anti-in-
flation bill in the House was exactly
what the Republicans wanted. They wanted
it so badly that they even made a two-
thirds vote necessary for passage, a pro-
ceedure which, at the same time. blocked
any amendments that might have put teeth
in the bill.
It all worked out very neatly. When Presi-
dent Truman' came out with his program
to really get in there and stop inflation,
the Republicans could just see 140 nillion
Americans turning quizzically to them and
asking, "Well?"
The poor little Wolcott bill was the Re-

6, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus- R. B. Hall.
pices of the Department of Eng- (continued

on Page 6)

BARNABY . . . . . . . . .

I ~ ~ l1Afre* IVTT
-Nall. , _ R irnrhv !m i'm Atlas.

Finshd.Atlas? ExcellepnftWe

I nlr'lI


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