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December 19, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-19

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Globe-Trotting Professor
Looks to South America

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another
in a series of weekly articles on fac-
ulty personalities.)
Not since a former University
vice-president retired several
years ago has anyone had his own
private campus mailbox, no one
that is but Prof. Mischa Titiev of
the anthropology department.
Although he refuses to explain
the origin of this phenomenon,
he will explain other things. He
will tell you, for instance, that
while working for an M.A. Degree
in English at Harvard, anthropol-
ogy as taught by the famed Dr.
Earnest Albert Hooten so fasci-
nated him that he decided to make
anthropology his life work.
Worked with Indians
After receiving his M.A. in 1924,
Prof. Titiev spent varying lengths
of time between 1932 and 1940 in
the Southwest among the Hopi
Indians. Here he did the bulk of
his field work and gathered ma-
terials for articles which he has
subsequently published in an-
thropological journals.
Somewhere through this period,
in February of 1935 to be specific,
he took his Ph.D. from Harvard,
worked a year for the National
Park Service and finally came
here in 1936.
But Prof. Titiev believes that
one of the most important aspects
of anthropology is field work. That
is why he is looking forward to the
sabbatical leave he will take be-
ginning next February.
Prepares for Trip
So that, in addition to teaching
classes and holding office hours
Prof. Titiev is, in his own words.
busy "getting passports, equip-
ment and shots for everything
Four Cities To
See M Band
(Continued from Page 1)
.vember served in time to "Old
MVacDonald,' swing vcrsion. A
reindeer and sleigh with "Let It
Snow" and "Jingle Bells" will
carrycthe year and the program
to a close.
Prior tb the grid-iron battle the
bandsmen will take over the field
to salute the opponents with USC
formations done in four groups to
accommodate all sides followed
by Michigan formations in similar
groups. The band's new marching
style will be exhibited in several
special military maneuvers.
All the music for the show has
been specially arranged by Paul
Yoder, a Chicago arranger.
The band will board General
Motors' Train of Tomorrow at
San Francisco for the ride to Los
Angeles, as special guests of Gen-
eral Motors. Leaving Ann Arbor
'at' 1:30 p.m., December 26 on New
York Central's Mercury, the band
will arrive in Chicago at 5:45 to
board a special Burlington train,
for the coast.,
"As You Like It" will be pre-
sented later in the month from
Wednesday, January 14 through
Saturday, January 18. The play
will be presented in two acts, in-
stead of the five that Shakes-
peare used.
Tickets for "As You Like It"
will go on sale after the Christ- I
mas recess.

from cholera to typhoid," (a proc-
ess most former G.I.'s are well ac-
quainted with from the shot end),
in preparation for a field trip to
study the Araucanian Indians of
Actually, however, bluebooks
and shots have not taken all of his
time, for recently he has been lec-
turing throughout the state on
anthropological concepts of race
and various aspects of inter-cul-
tural relations.
Prof. Titiev is rather reluctant
to comment on what he did dur-
ing the war, but the record dis-
closes that in 1943 he made a
study of Japanese anthropology

-4 * *
for the OSS and later became su-
pervisor of the University's East
Asia ASTP unit.
Goes to China
The following year he was as-
signed to a post in China, as Ci-
vilian Technical Representative
for the Army. He arrived in New
Delhi, India, expecting to remain
there for three hours before push-
ing on to China. About the time
Prof. Titiev reached India, how-
ever, the Japs had captured the
city in China for which he was
bound. So he wound up spending
three months in a New Delhi of-
fice after which he was appointed.
OSS historian for CBI.
yPktys Planned,
By DramatiAs
With a full post-holiday pro-
gram in the offing, Play Produc-
tion is putting the final touches
on its scheduled January per-
formances of Shakespeare's "As
You Like It" and a bill of one-act
The one-acts, which include an
original play by a student, Fran-
cis Bysarz, will be presented at 8
p.m. Thursday, January 8, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Bysarz's play, "Lucky at Cards,"
was written for an English course.
The other plays on the bill are An-
ton Chekhov's "The fBoor," the
first act of "Ice - Bound" by
Owen Davis, and Edna St. Vincent
Millay's "Aria da Capo."
A first come, first serve policy
will be followed regarding seats.
Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. and
will close at 8 p.m. There are no
reserved seats and nobody will
be admitted after the curtain goes
up. Admission is free.

Faculty Plans
Holiday Trips
To Meetings
Prof. LaRue To Talk,
Hold Classes at Yale
Prof. Carl D. LaRue, of the bot-
any department, will deliver a
special course of lectures at Yalc
University, Jan. 5 through 9.
The lectures will deal with plant
tissue culture, a field of research
in which Prof. LaRue has spe-
cialized. He will also conduct sem-
inars 'for advanced students in
botany during the week at Yale.
.* **
Philosophers Will Convene
Philosophy conferences in New
York and Chicago will be attended
by members of the department
during Christmas vacation.
Prof. Roy W. Sellars will go to
Chicago for the two day sessions
of the Philosophy of Science As-
sociation on Dec. 27 and 28. Prof.
Sellars will participate in a panel
discussion on Dec. 28.
At Columbia University, the sec-
ond Inter-American Congress of
Philosophy, to be held Dec. 28-31,
will be attended by Professors
William Frankena, Arthur W.
Burks, and Charles L. Stevenson.
*4 * *
Foresters To Meet
Several faculty members of the
School of Forestry have left to at-
tend the annual meeting of the
Society of American Foresters in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Among those who will attend
are: Dean Samuel T. Dana, Prof.
Shirley W. Allen, president of the
society, Prof. Robert Craig Jr.,
Prof. Donald M. Mathews, and
Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell.
* 4 #
Geologists Go to Canada
The geography and geology de-
partments of the University will
be well-represented at conventions
during this year's holiday season.
In the geography department,
Prof. Robert B. Hall and Prof.
Charles M. Davis will attend the
100th anniversary convention of
the American Geographical So-
ciety, in Charlottsville, Va. Prof.
Hall is a member of the Centen-
nial Studies Committee and is
chairman of the sub-committee on
settlement conditions.
Geologists will be guests of the
Geological Survey of Canada,
which is sponsoring a convention
in Ottawa, Ontario. Prof. Armand
J. Eardley, Prof. Edwin C. Stumm
and Dr. Eugene H. Walker, of the
geology faculty, will deliver ad-
dresses. Professors Lewis B. Kel-
lum, Frederick S. Turneure and
Claude W. Hibbard will also at-
tend the convention.
Christmas Party
More than 50 children from for-
eign countries will celebrate
Christmas the American way at
the International Center's annual
Christmas tree party at 4:30 p.m.
Caroling by the Methodist
Church Intermediate Choir and
group games and singing will pre,-
cede the arrival of Santa Claus
with his bag full of presents for
the guests.
No Dances Scheduled
There will be no dances this
weekend at the Union or Casbah.
the committees announced. The
regular dances will be resumed af-
ter vacation.

'Open Door Policy' Forced
Upon Professors at Harvard

Professors at Harvard Univer-
sity have run into trouble with
the Cambridge fire department.
In the past Harvard professors
have been in the habit of locking
classroom doors after the lecture
begins, to discourage latecomers.
Now the Cambridge fire chief has
ruled that this practice is illegal
unless the classroom doors are
equipped with panic bars. He has
instructed the faculty members
to cease the "locked-door policy"
and it appears that Harvard pro-
fessors will have to find some
other methods of discouraging
tardy students.
An art exhibit valued at more
than one million dollars is slated
for the University of Iowa. The
exhibit, valued at $1,250,000, will
be loaned to the university by the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Thirty old masters will be includ-
ed in the exhibit which Iowa au-
thorities claim is the largest ever
loaned to any American univer-
The University of Texas re-
cently became the forty - first
state college to join in a concert-
ed move to raise veterans' subsis-
tence payments. A Longhorn vet-
eran' group voted to attend the
national convention in Washing-
ton Dec. 19-20 where student vet-


eran's group voted to attend the
will discuss the subsistence ques-
tion with President Truman. The
group will later present testimony
before the U. S. Senate.
A drive to increase the pay of
part-time student workers has
bcen launched at tlhe University of
California. A student group has
drawn a report calling for a 90
cent minimum wage to be paid
part-time student employes of
the University. The report is to
be acted upon by the student gov-
ernment which controls most pol-
icy matters at California. The 90
cent hourly minimum wage is
based on higher living costs and
prevailing higher wages paid in
other industries around the uni-
versity area.
Five new dormitories will be
opened for students at the Uni-
verity of Alabama. Slated for Jan.
1 occupancy, two of the new
housing units will be occupied by
coeds and the remaining three will
be occupied by male students.
commodated by the new Alabama
Nearly 550 students will be ac-
commodated by the ne wAlabama
dormitories. The women's dormi-
tories feature special kitchens on
each floor for the use of coeds in
preparing those after - hour


U.S. FOOD SHIP ARRIVES-People wave from shore as the S.S. American Leader arrives in Le
Havre, France, with its cargo of 4,000 tons of food donated to the Friendship Train by the U.S.
people. The French port waived all port fees, an d the French national railroads prepared to haul
the cargo free to all parts of the country. Flanking the people in foreground are hulks of vessels
sunk during the war.

Chilly Crowd
Gives Team
Loud Seundoff
(Continued from Page 1)
"Why didn't they hold this in
Yost Field House? It's too cold
Among the on-lookers was
Willie Heston, member of Mich-
igan's only other Rose Bowl team
in 1902.
While the trainers, coaching-
staff and team filed into the
coaches, well-wishers swarmed
around the train and tried to get
as much cheering as possible done
before the train left.
As the Wolverine Special pulled
out, a Wolverine player was seen
with his movie camera flush
against the train window, photo-
graphing the crowd which had
come to see him.
The Associated Press reported
that the Wolverirnes left Chicago
aboard a special ten car train late
yesterday amid the playing of
"The Victors" over a loudspeaker.
During the change of trains, Cap-
tain Bruce Hilkene was presented
a bowl of roses by the head of the
Michigan Alumni Club in Chi-
Positi ons for
Advisors Open
Positions as student group ad-
visors during next semester's ori-
entation week are still available, a
Union spokesman announced yes-
Interested students should sign
up at the Union student offices
between 3 and 5 p.m. Students en-
rolled in University professional
schools are especially urged to
Student group advisors will re-
ceive two meals a day free of
charge during the orientation
week and will probably be al-
lowed to register early for classes.
The advisors will take groups
of freshmen and transfer students
to all orientation events and guide
them through registration and

Triangles Nantes
Officers, In itiates
Triangles, junior engineering
society, has announced the elec-
tion of officers and initiates for
the coming semester.
The new oijicers are: Stan
Saulson, president; Lex Herrin,

secretary; and Stan Ryckman,
Initiates include James Chan-
dler, Lex Herrin, Dave Lake, Rog-
er Kessler, John McDonald, Bill
Hickey, Stan Ryckman, Edwin
Grimes, and Lloyd Heneveld.
Hold Those Bonds !








Tickets Available for the
Take Mother, Dad or a Friend
55 Passenger DC-4
Leaving 10 A.M., Dec. 27 . . . Return January 2, 1 P.M. E.S.T.
s Ticket to game. Meals aloft and stewardess service. 5 nights
Hotel Del Mar. Special bus to Rose Bowl Parade and game.
Big New Year's Eve party including dinner, favors, dancing,
floor show. Free air trip to Las Vegas. Sightseeing.
All This for Only $315.00 Round Trip Incl. Tax
.t Ticket to game. Round trip via chartered 21-passenger DC-
3. * Stewardess service. 0 6 nights Hotel Del Mar. All meals
2 . aloft. * Special bus to game. * Sightseeing. Free air trip
to Las Vegas. " Big New Year's Eve party, including dinner,
favors, daneng, floor show.
Leaving December 26 . . . Return January 2, 10 P.M. E.S.T.
Only $285.00 Round Trip Incl. Tax

(Continued from Page 4)
Biologital Chemistry: Ceminar
will be held on Fri., Dec. 19, 3:30
p.m., 319 W. Medical Bldg. Sub-
ject: "The Essential Amino
.Acids." All interested are invited.
Museum of Art: AMERICAN
December 21; PRINTS BY LA-
PRINT GROUP, through Decem-
ber 28. Alumni Memorial Hall:
Daily, except Monday, 10-12 and
2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday eve-
nings, 7-9. The public is invited.
"Natural History Studies at the

Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan," Museums
Bldg. Rotunda.,, Through Decem-
Events Today
Radio Programi:
2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870
Kc.), Living for Moderns-G. R.
Garrison, director.
2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870
Kc), Sponsored Research-W. C.
Nelson, Prof. of Aeronautical En-
4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (10.M) Kc.),
Phi Mu Alpha-Music Fraternity.
Hindustan Association: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., International Cen-
ter. Copy of group picture avail-
Coning Events
Sigrao Rho Tau, Engineering
Speech Society: 7:15 p.m., Tues.,
Jan. 6, Michigan Union. Racon-
teur practice session and contest.
'Esian picture will be taken.
The public is invited to witness
an informal initiation of new
members on the Stump, near the
Engineering Arch, the same Tues-
day at noontime.

Summer 1948 70 days
For Students Only
Student tour by air with sightseeing
tours in Cuba, Jamaica, and Colom-
bia. 35 days in Bogota attending
summer school. Live in private
homes. Literature, language, and
civilization courses. Credits, granted


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