Fifty-Sixth Year
Attlee Resents Faux Pas
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published inThe Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
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Danger in Japan
ONE-HUNDRED per cent censorship of the
Japanese press and radio was instituted .by
General MacArthur's directive of Sept. 10. At
the time there was discussion as to the effective-
ness and scope of such an action.
The following article taken from the
'Mainichi" newspaper published Oct. 11 in
Osaka, Japan, reveals how impossible it is to
obtain complete censorship. There is little in
the actual words printed which is objeetorn-
able, and yet a reader feels the undertone of
criticism and dissatisfaction.
"Can' anyone blame the Japanese for expect-
ing a period of quiescence after prolonged suf-
ferings, now that the war i over and the Ameri-
cans seem kindly disposed? Yet, unfortunately,
the signs of time point to the opposite.
"We now know what the conqueror wants He
wants to reduce Japan to a tiny little harmless
democracy, shown of capital and energy for ex-
pansion, a quiet tourist country like Switzerland.
"Japan as a powerful modern state has, like
other great nations, developed along with mili-
tarism other tissues and nerves of a giant
Leviathan, which cannot be easily removed by
external treatment.
"Such for instance are financial, business and
technological mechanisms; a swarm of privi-
leged class thriving on increments of vested'in-
terests; an excessive .population with ever ac-
celerating multiplicity and the like.
"These and many other vestiges of once an
ambitious and rising Empire may prove sources
of inflammation like the appendix to a scanty lit-
tle new Japan, and therefore they-must be elimi-
"But how? The most effective and the quick-
est method is to leave the present trend for
anarchism uncontrolled or unchecked and let
it perform its mission of destruction.
"Nor is there any lack of incentives. The
reaction against protracted oppression is
bound to be violent; the sentiment of despaired
masses without dwellings, clothes and food is
ready for a catastrophic outburst.
"These suppressed energies once released, like
the malaria fever introduced to kill the deeply
embedded germs, may do a quick job of national
catharsis, but the danger is that it may kill the
"Yet an unconditional surrender is not a joke;
the conqueror means business and there is no
way out for us than to try this radiacal adven-
ture for life or death.
"So, dear compatriots, be prepared for the
worst, since the crisis, far from being over, is
about to descend upon our head."
-Patricia Cameron
Freedom Threatened
AFTER two years, the United States Court of
Claims has now, unanimously, ruled uncon-
stitutional the House action banning Professor
Robert Morss Lovett, Dr. Goodwin B. Watson
and William E. Dodd from federal jobs; this
"bill of attainder" was one of the sour fruit of
the Dies Committee; "a shocking and outrage-
WTASHINGTON - Though Texas' charming
Tom Connally is chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, even his friends
admit he could learn something about tact when
it comes to diplomacy. They are still chortling
over a Connally remark at the closed-door lunch-
eon to Prime Minister Attlee of England and
MacKenzie King of Canada, given by the Sen-
ate and the House foreign affairs committees.
Attlee, concluding a brief talk to the assembled
solons, remarked that "it has been pleasat to
see that Republicans and Democrats in the
United States and representatives of foreign gov-
ernments such as myself and Mr. King can sit
down to lunch together so pleasantly."
Senator Connally, whose wit sometimes runs
away with him, responded that this was not
so strange. "After all," he said, "we've all
been eating off one government for a good
many years now."
Complete silence followed. Connally, apparent-
ly unaware of his faux pas, continued to joke.
committee members are convinced that their
chairman was referring only to the Republi-
cans and Democrats present, not to lend-leae
aid to Britain. But they are not at all certain
Attlee understood.
The British prime minister did not join in
the laughter after that, though by the end of
the luncheon he appeared either to have for-
gotten Connally's remark or decided to inter-
pret it in the way it was meant.
Conscription Figt
EMOCRAT leaders really had to turn on the
h at to push a 15-12 vote through the House
Military Affairs Committee to continue hearinms
on the conscription bill. Over the weekend,
Chairman Andrew Jackson May of Kentucky
wired commitee members all over the country to
return at once. Representatives Sparkman of
Alabama and Sikes of Florida flew through blind
fog and nearly cracked up to be on hand.
Even so, the vote might have been unfavor-
able had not the opposition to conscription been
led by isolationist Republican Dewey Short of
Democrats remembered that Short was the
leader of the strong fight against the original
Selective Service Bill in 1940-so strong that the
bill passed the house by only one vote. So they
decided they didn't want Short to do any more
policy-making on defense matters.
When the closed-door session opened, Short
remarked that although he didn't want to ob-
struct the committee, he strongly felt that con-
sideration of the bill should be deferred until
next year, when the present world situation
might be vastly changed and the need for mili-
tary training less obvious.
"This bill," the Galena, Mo., congressman
declared, "is a signal to Russia and the other
nations of the world that we want to get in an
armaments race. It is a challenge to them
that we are set to go ...
"It looks to me like Russia doesn't need any
signal," observed Ewing Thomas of El Paso,
Texas. "At any rate, I think we ought to com-
plete these hearings now and get a rounded
picture cf what the country wants or does not
Rep. Paul Kilday of San Antonio, Texas, sup-
ported Thomas.
British ihplomtacy
DURING Prime Minister Attlee's visit, the Brit-
ish have come close to Woodrow Wilson's
philosophy of open diplomacy.
The Truman-Attlee talks were supposed to
be shrouded in secrecy. But a good part of the
story has been appearing on the front pages,
promptly and accurately, "from an authorita-
tive spokesman."
That authoritative spokesman is shrewd, pipe-
Experts vs. Novices
To the Editor:
]/[R. BAKER made a very interesting reply to
_L Vthe criticism of the ticket distribution in the
Michigan Stadium. Undoubtedly he feels the
system justifies the "equitable" distribution of
seats. The pertinent question, as we see it, is to
whom does the University owe its first obliga-
tion? Is it to the students or to the bondsmen,
alumni, and the state legislators?
If the University's obligations are to the lat-
ter, why aren't they provided with the seats
that the experts prefer-those behind the
goal lines. I am sure the students consider
themselves novices, and would suffer through
the season from the disadvantage of the 50
yard line seats.
True, the entire student body cannot sit on the
50 yard line, but it is apparent that they all
could be seated within the limits of the two 30
yard stripes.
Let's make Michigan's 1946 season a spirited
one and satisfy both the "experts" and "nov-
ices.".Bob Tisch
Sol Scott
puffing Francis Williams, British press secretary
and official Attlee news "leak."
While Secretary of State James F. Byrnes
holds stereotyped press conferences only once a
week, British spokesman Williams meets the
press daily, including American newsmen who
at first were flabbergasted at his free and easy
frankness. He told them exactly what position
Attlee was going to take in his talks with Tru-
man at the very moment the Prime Minister and
the President were arguing it out at the White
NOTE-Exact opposite of British news pol-
icy in Washington is British news policy in the
East, where Overseas News Agency correspon-
dent Connie Poulos was kicked out of Pales-
tine, and where rigid censorship prevails from
Suez to Java.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell yndicate, Inc.)
THE solemn march of Rabbis upon Conress
and Prime Minister Attlee is one more of the
contradictions of our strange epoch. A well
trained Rabbi is the, last person, philosophically
and politically, to become one of a pressure
grcup. He is an internationalist and a believer
in. the universality of God's love. He marches
as a nationalit today only because of the haunt-
ing souls of 5.000,000 victims of tyranny and the
out reached hungry fingers of another million
about to die before Christmes again can celebrate
the birth of their Prince of Peace. In anti-semi-
tism of the twentieth century are exhibted three
defects of western civilization.
First: The idea of the chosen people incurs
hatred on the part of ignorant, not informed
Gentiles. The informed citizen .knows that the
concept of "Chosen People" was social not indi-
vidualistic. Said Rabbi Saadie in 920 A.D. "A
men are God's creation and we may not say that
we would choose one to the exclusion of another
or to a greater degree than another." In the
Chosen People concept the Jewish parents are
impressing upon their children, not their unique
relation to God nr God's favoritism, but their
and our responsibility to convey to society the
gifts and truths and goods which God has en-
trusted to man. Far from being egoistic, that
concept as expounded by Jewish scholars was
and is altruistic almost to an extreme. Do not
the enlightened Gentiles in Germany and now in
America therefore expose their ignorance in stat-
ing that Jewish training stresses a "holier than
thou" attitude? The Universal duty to share and
not parade a blessing runs beneath the idea of
Chosen People.
Secondly: Strange as it may seem to the ir-
religious, Judaism and Christianity constitute
the persistent strain in our western life which
holds in unity the two divergent trends con-
stantly pulling modern man in two directions
at once. We refer to the welfare of the IN-
DIVIDUAL as a goal in himself and adequate
community as the only environment in which
an individual can grow normally and make
his distinctive contribution. In his "Dilemma
of Humanitarian Modernism" Robert Calhoun
observes that "Man cannot live by culture
alone" and that "though complete freedom
and self-mastery lie beyond the horizon of
temporality he yet longs for that freedom
which can be found only in the relationship
and reality which lie beyond nature. The anti-
semitism we find all about us ignores the re-
ligion of the Jews and denies the sense of
universality which Christianity derived from
Jewish sources. For men who believe in cosmic
purpose or social solidarity anti-semitism is sin.
Third: It may be that when history has ac-
cumulated all the data and a century has added
perspective, our children's children will look back
and report that the Racism which was halted in
Europe by an expensive bloody war, hurried over
to Detroit, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and
Ann Arbor to function as Hitler's ghost for the
confusing of our returned veterans. Does not
the cause of this fear lie deep in the paganism to
which we in our age have degenerated in a nar-
row worship of wealth and the priority we give
to material control? The very argument the
Gentile uses against too many furs on Jewish
daughters, the railings against swanky cars,
elaborate houses of Isrealites and the lucrative
mortgage business an unreligious family is a con-
fession of that same worship of wealth by those
who bring the charge. No real Jew or Christian
could so mistake the meaning of the Tenth Com-
mandment. Says Reinhold Niebuhr "In Hebrew
religion the transcendent God is never an escape
to another supermundane world in order to pre-
serve an- ultimate optimism. For prophetic Ju-
daism, existence in this world is intensely mean-
ingful, though the ultimate center of meaning
transcends the world. It knows nothing of the
distinction between a virtuous reason and a
sinful body." (Christianity and Power Politics,
p. 181).
These Rabbis on the march, far from being a
cause of it are the victims of a thing centered
civilization, which we confess, regretfully, is
American as well as European..
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
Anthony, Katharine--
The Lambs: A story of pre-Vic-
torian England. N. Y. Knopf, 1945.
A modern evaluation of the Lambs
from the psychologist's point of view,
but not too scientific to discourage
the general reader. It is, too, a pic-
ture of the Georgian world.
Dallin, David Julievich-
The big three. New Haven, Yale
university press, 1945.
Mr. Dallin's volume is an excellent
exposition of the international poli-
cies which shape the foreign policies
of the United States, Russia, and
Britain. It appraises the war-making
potentialities of each nation and the
steps toward security each nation
must take. Places in perspective cer-
tain Russian policies which have
caused suspicion in both Britain and
the United States.
Espey, John Jenkins-
Minor heresies. N. Y., Knopf,
With deftly turned phrases andt
charm, Mr. Espey recalls his early
years in China among the mission-z
ary folk of China in the 1920's. z
Lattimore, Owen-
Solution in Asia. Boston, Little,
Success or failure of the United
Nations in Asia will effect the peace
of Europe and the world. There is a1
drive for self-expression and inde-
pendence by the peoples of Asia which
cannot be ignored. Mr. Lattimore's
final chapter, sketching the problems1
of the future peace in Asia is both1
realistic and just.
Lauterbach, Richard Edward '
These are the Russians. N. Y.,
Harper, 1945.'
"The Moscow correspondent of
Time and Life, here records his obser-
vations on the people of Russia, their
leaders and the things which they
have accomplished while their coun-
try was at war."
Papashvily, G.
Anything can happen. N. Y.,
Harper, 1945.
Twenty episodes in the life of a
Russian immigrant from the province
of Georgia. The author's happy phil-
osophy in relating his many ridicu-
lous adventures make the book de-
lightful entertainment.
T HE VATICAN has been as useful
an ally of the Franco government
as was the now defunct Axis. Ac-
cording to the November 10 issue of
"The Nation," the Pope has on sev-
eral occasions congratulated Franco
on his "glorious Catholic victory."
In 1943, he commended the "happy
resurgence" of the faith in Spain.
In his Christmas message of 1944,
the Pope mentioned in alphabetical
order those nations meriting praise
for "their brotherly love and char-
ity." It is interesting to note that
he preceeded the entire list with
Spain and its "head of state."
The recent reports that the Vatican
favors the return of the Spanish mon-
archy do not contradict its consistent
support of Franco. A democratic vic-
tory in Spain is what the Vatican ap-
parently fears above all else. It does
not seem to realize that only under a
strong Republican government can
the church regain the respect of the
Spanish populace. The church would
then be rigidly excluded from partici-
pating in the political affairs of the
nation and freedom of religion could
become an actuality.
The Vatican can see that a mon-
archy lacks popular support and is
supporting the Franco forces in the
expectation that a merger between
the Franco forces and the royalists
will be the result. Such a policy,
by perhaps the only source of hope
for a weak and depressed people,
can have only one result-a people
fighting against suppression will
eventually come to fight everything
that contributes to that suppres-
sion. The church is no exception
and devout Catholics who are good
Republicans will not forget the
hundreds of priests who were killed
before Franco's firing squads. The
church's hold is not strong enough
to fight Franco's battle.
-Alice Jorgensen
Better Man?
BILL MAULDIN, ex- G.I cartoonist
who once tangled with General
George S. Patton Jr. over brass-hat
censorship was the man 29 G.I.s in
Italy wanted in Congress. In a letter
to Stars and Stripes they nominated
him as "the only person capable of
opposing" Patton, who they heard
might run.
-Time, Nov. 19, 1945
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to allnmem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hall, by 3:30 p. mn. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 16
To the Members of the University
Council: The first regular meeting
of the University Council will be held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre Mon-
day,, Nov. 19, at 4:10 p. m. Agenda:
Reports of Committees on Student
Affairs, Student Conduct, Honors
Convocation, Foreign Students, En-
rollment, Housing, and Official Publi-
World War 11 Veterans, College of
Literature, Science and the Arts:
Veterans who need tutoring in the
subjects listed below should report
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors (108 Mason Hall) for assign-
ment to sections, not later than Wed-
nesday noon, Nov. 21.
Chemistry. Mathematics, French.
Physics, German, Spanish.
Blanks way be obtained for reis-
tration with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, Monday
through Friday, Nov. 19 to Nov. 23rd.
This applies to Feb., June, and Aug.
graduates, also to graduate students1
or staff members who wish to regis-
ter and who will be available for posi-
tions within the next year. The Bu-
reau has two placements divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division in-
cludes service to people seeking posi-
tions in business, industry, and pro-
fessions other than education.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncement fcr Transportation
Equipment Operator (Male) $.97 to
$1.17 per houi, has been received in
our office. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements for the following
have been received in our office: Re-
ceptionist B, $132.25 to $155.25 per
month, Cashier B, $126.50 to $148.50
per month, and Engineering Drafts-
man A2 and B, $125 to $160 a month.
For further information call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
U. S. Civil Service announcements
for Librarians, $2,320 a year, for work
in one of the Veterans Administration
hospitals located throughout the
country, or in a Federal agency in
Washington, D. C. and Stenograph-
ers and Typists, have been received
in our office. For further information
regarding examinations, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance report
cards are being distributed through
the departmental offices. Instruct-
ors are requested to use green cards
for reporting freshmen and sopho-
mores, and buff cards for reporting
juniors and seniors. Reports of fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors. 108 Mason Hall; those of jun-
iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absences,
and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating o ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
Page 46 of the 1945-46 Fall Term
Announcement of our College.
E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Fall Term (Nov. 21), even though
they have registered, and have at-
tended classes unofficially, will for-
feit their privilege of continuing in
the College.
E. A. Walter
The University Automobile Regula-
tion will be lifted for the Thanksgiv-
ing holiday from 12:00 noon on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 21 until 8:00 a. m. on
Friday, Nov. 23.
Attention, Pre-Medical Students:
The Medical Aptitude Test, sponsored
by the Association of American Medi-
cal Colleges, will be given at the Uni-
versity of Michigan on Friday, Dec.
14. The test is a normal require-
ment for admission to nearly all
medical schools. It is extremely im-
portant for all students planning to
enter a medical school in the fall of
1946 to take the examination at this
time. If the test has already been
taken, it is not necessary or advis-
able to repeat it.
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall, and
fees must be paid at the Cashier's
Office by Dec. 1.
Men and women interested in coun-
seling positions with private camps in
the East for the 1946 summer season,
contact Bureau of Appointments and
Friday, Nov. 16: 9, 10, 11 a. m.;
Monday, Nov. 17, 11 a. m; 2 or 3
. i.
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1 p. in.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Tuesday,
Nov. 20, at 4 p. m. in Room 1564 East
Medical Building. Dr. Marshall L.
Snyder will talk on "Laboratory Ex-
periences with General Hospital 298."
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church will have a spe-
cial program on Korea today at 5:00
p. ni. Mrs. Esson M. Gale will speak.
Charles and Grace Kim, students
from Korea will give musical selec-
tions. Following the program there
will be a supper and group singing.
This is an open meeting and anyone
interested is invited.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting to-
day at 5 o'clock, with the Rev. R.
Hahn as speaker.
Coming Events
Ilillel Foundation Music and Da-
atic groups will hold tryouts Mon-
day, Nov. 19, from 3 to 5 p. m. at
Hillel. All interested entertainers are
welcome. Prepare a six minute selec-
tion showing your talents to the best
advantage. Accompanist provided.
Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity
is holding its first business meeting
of the semester on Tuesday, Nov. 20
in The Michigan Union at 7:15 p. m.
All men who are present members or
were former members of Alpha Phi
Omega, and all men who have had
Boy Scout experience and want to
join this campus organization are
urged to attend this meeting. Ele-
tions for this semester will be held
at this time.
A.I.E.E, The first meeting of the
fall term of the Michigan Student
Branch of the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers will be held Tues-
day, Nov. 20, at 7:30 p. m., in the
Michigan Union. Mr. George Chute
of General Electric will speak on "Re
cent Trends in Industrial Electron-
ics." All students of electrical engi-
neering and all others interested are
Le Cerele Francais will hold its
first meeting of the year Tuesday,
Nov. 20 at 8:00 p. m. in the Assembly
Room of the Rackham Building.
Professor Arthur Hackett of the
Schoolsof Music will sing French
songs and Professor Charles Koella,
Director of the club, will give a short
informal talk on "La France et la
Paix Mondiale."
Election of the Bureu. Group sing-
ing. Social hour. All students on the
Campus, (including Freshmen) with
one year of College French or the
equivalent, are eligible to member-
ship. All servicemen and foreign stu-
dents interested in speaking French
are cordially invited.
Deutscher Verein: Former members
and all who are interested are invited
to the first meeting of the Verein on
Wednesday, Nov. 21 at 8 p. m. in the
Michigan League. Agenda: Election
of officers, program discussion, folk
FirstPresbyterian Church:
10:;45 a. i. Morning Worship. Dr.
Lemon's sermon topic "God and a
First Baptist Church:
Guild House.
502 E. Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Mrs. Ruth Copps, Student Coun-
10:00 a. m. Student Class meets in
the Guild House to study the Gospel
of John.
11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Rev.
C. H. Loucks "Gratitude."
5:00 Roger Williams Guild. Mr.
Harvey C. Jackson, Detroit. Social
Worker speaks on "The White Prob-
6:00 p. im. Cost supper and fellow-
ship hour.
First Congregational Church:
Public worship, 10:45. Dr. Parr's
subject, "The Birthday of Surprisal."
Congregational - Disciples Guild,
5:00 o'clock. Address by Dr. Frank
Littell on "Development of Christian
Character and Leadership through
Study,." Cost supper in Congrega-
tional assembly room.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
109 S. Division St., Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p, m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a. m. Subject:
"Mortals and Immortals." Sunday
school at 11:45 a. m. A special read-
ing room is maintained by this church
at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington
at Fourth, where the Bible, also the
Christian Science Textbook, "Science
and Health with Key to the Scrip-
tures" and other writings by Mary
Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or
purchased. Open daily 'except Sun-
By Crockett Johnson
But the deer we shot at looked
like it was iron, painted white- -)-
r- A
____S ~OCK EEfl
While we're waiting for the hijackers
to return to be captured, Howard, you
can dress our venison for the oven-
ME. But Mr. O'Malley! , . . It's
Howard- not a robber's truck!
If belonas to Mom's