Hawley Sees Trend to Bigger,
Heavier Postwar Automobiles
Girls Practice Co-op Life at Henderson
The future does not look very
bright for postwar pint-sized and
three-wheeled automobiles.
The pre-war trend was not toward
smaller cars, according to Prof. R. S.
Hawley, chairman of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering in the
College of Engineering. "The public
Political Memorial
To F. D. R. Planned
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 17-
(P)--Ground will be broken here
Thanksgiving Day for a memorial
shaft marking the spot where Frank-'
lin D. Roosevelt reputedly first decid-
ed to re-enter politics after being
stricken with infantile paralysis.
The ground breaking ceremonies
were scheduled for Thanksgiving be-
cause at that time here annually
the late President enjoyed presiding
over a feast flanked by youthful in-
fantile paralysis victims from the
Warm Springs Foundation.
Dr. Neal Kitchens, 83-year-old
foundation physician, said the shaft
would mark the spot where he urged
Roosevelt to send a telegram on Oct.
3, 1928 accepting the Democratic
nomination for governor of New
appears to prefer a large used car to
a smaller new one at the same price,"
he said.
"A smaller car does, however, have
many advantages," Prof. Hawley
commented. Compared to a large car,
it is easier to handle in heavy traffic,
handier to park, more economical to
operate, and less expensive to pur-
More small automobiles than large
ones could be manufactured from a
given amount of material, which is a
definite advantage in these days of
limited supplies of raw material and
high consumer demand of automo-
"A three-wheeled car would be still
smaller and more economical to op-
erate than any other type of car yet
developed," Prof. Hawley pointed
out., The main disadvantage of a
small car is the sacrifice of riding
That the light car with its smaller
engine would not be as speedy as the
larger cars on the market would prob-
ably lessen its desirability in the eyes
of the younger generation. He fur-
ther said that the danger of injury
in case of an accident is likely to be
greater in a small car, but on the
other hand it is probably easier to
avoid an accident while driving a
lighter car.
I i
Wear pretty chiffon scarfs in
place of blouses, cosy wool ones
to classes and the games. The
wonderful all-wool scarfs woven
in Chile come in gay stripes and
cheery solid colors.
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' 1 4K r ":
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in
a series of articles about University resi-
dence halls.)
With the war's end came the real-
ization of an eight-year-old dream.
On October 16, 1937, the Alumnae
Council of the Alumni Association
began making plans to establish a
cooperative residence for women on
the University campus. But due to
uncertainties and increasing building
Not Mis treated
In Experiments
Use of Canines Found
To Fill Research Need
The sympathy of economics majors
for dogs which they hear howling in
the Pharmacology Building is com-
pletely wasted.
They may think their neighbors in
the building occupied by the eco-
nomics and pharmacology depart-
ments are mistreating man's best
friend, but their conclusion is false.
the animals are kept in indi-
vidual cages, fed and cared for sci-
entifically every day. "In fact,"
said Dr. Frederick Shideman, an
instructor in that department,
"the dogs look better after they've
been here a while than when they
first came."
They are bought by the University
from a Detroit pound and if not used
for experiments would eventually be
killed. No dogs are ever allowed to
leave the building, which means they
do not become pets of either students
or faculty
The idea that guinea pigs are -more
satisfactory than dogs for scientific
purposes is a popular misconception.
"In reality, a dog responds more like
human beings in respiration, diges-
tion, and circulation processes," he
There are from 20 to 75 dogs in
the building, the number varying ac-
cording to specific needs. One dog
has been there three or four years,
since he is able to give needed blood
without any harmful effects. How-
ever, most animals are only kept un-
til an experiment is fulfilled.
Canines feel no sensation when
students or professors work on
them since an anesthetic is always
administered before such proce-
dure. This injection causes no
harm if done properly since dogs
are usually less sensitive to pain
than humans. Students are cau-
tiened to handle them "just as
though they were patients. Severe
treatment is outlawed."
Methods of disposing of the dogs
are also humane; they are simply put
to sleep by an excess of ether.
The department prefers a medium
weight, short haired dog such as the
German shepherd or bull. Long
haired animals are ruled out since
they are more easily subjected to in-
fection. Chows and terriers are dan-
gerous because they often snap and
bite. Unless handled carelessly, all
the animals are well behaved and
In addition to the dogs, the depart-
ment boasts a monkey colony of
about thirty and cats, mice, rabbits,
and rats. If anyone is skeptical as
to whether these animals are mis-
treated, the department invites them
to see for themselves. The yelping of
the dogs merely means they enjoy
their food, home, and the cute coeds
here at the University.
costs, their objective was not reached
until last month when the council
and the University Regents purchased
the former home of Dr. G. Carl Huber
at the corner of Hill and Olivia. The
Mary Bartron Henderson House be-
came a reality.
More Co-ops
Before her death in 1936, Mrs. Hen-
derson, '04, former executive secre-
tary of the council, investigated the
possibility of opening more cooperat-
ive women's residences. Through her
efforts the Michigan League was built
in 1929.
The house was named in her
memory because of her interest in an
attractive home where cooperative
efforts and self-help would allow
women to attend the University who
might otherwise not be able to do
Originally the Alumnae Council's
plan was to provide for the construc-
tion of a new building on the site
north of Mosher-Jordan Halls. How-
ever, the Regents, since then, have
designated this property for the fu-
ture expansion of University women's
residence halls. The acquisition of
the Huber home was the unanimous-
ly-approved solution to the problem.
Responsibilities Listed
Henderson House now accommo-
dates 15 girls whose responsibilities
include care of their own rooms and
general house duties, such as plan-
ning menus, ordering food supplies,
cooking, serving, washing dishes, and
cleaning the house. Pay is earned for
the latter duties, which are done in
rotation by the girls.
Under University rules and student
government regulation, Henderson
House is run entirely by the students
under the direction of their house
mother, Miss Charlotte Krippene,
and the Board of Governors appoint-
ed by the Regents.
When it was decided that the house
be organized on this basis, Mrs. Wil-
liam C. Walz, chairman of the board,
said, "Instruction in the care and
operation of the house will be given
so that high standards may be main-
tained and experience and efficiency
Additions To Be Made
Eventually to house 25 girls, the
project will not be completed until at
least next year when necessary addi-
tions to the house can be made. The
alumnae are planning to forward
their aim through financial support
from all alumnae clubs and indivi-
Campus Loses
Longm time Pet
Ann Arbor has lost an old friend..
Mickey, German shepherd dog who
belonged to Prof. Leonard L. Watkins
of the economics department and had
been a familiar sight around the Eco-
nomics Building for the last six
years, died this summer.
Mickey started his academic'career
by attending elementary school with
Prof. Watkins' younger daughter,
went through secondary school with
her and finally reached the Univer-
sity where he followed his mistress
around to all her classes.
As he grew older, Mickey preferred
the Economics Building and was
well-known to all students and pro-
fessors in that department. He had
probably heard more economics lec-
ture than anyone else on campus.
Always friendly, the big dog had
many pals all over Ann Arbor. Al-
though he was not timid, Mickey al-
ways respected size and kept away
from bigger dogs, especially St. Ber-
nards. He was eleven years old when
he died.
duals. The house was opened this
year in order to assist in the present
housing shortage.
Recently redecorated and slightly
remodeled, single, double and triple
rooms are provided for the residents.
Prospective residents are referred
by the Office of the Dean of Women
to the Policy Committee of the board,I
headed by Mrs. Eugene B. Power.
Girls are selected for their interest
in the principles of cooperative liv-
ing and on the basis of personality,
health, scholarship, and financial
The funds for the Mary Bartron
Henderson House were raised by
alumnae clubs throughout the nation
through group effort and individual
Idealist Speculates on General
ibrary's Fine-Spending Poli
The General Library collects a pile happy hunting grounds, might be
of. money in fines each year. muchly appreciated by them.
All of $2,223.90 was collected last Or better yet, perhaps it could be
term from persons who insisted on spent to help keep our lovely arb in
keeping books longer than the libra- usable condition. Where could funds
rians thought proper. A sum that so unjustly taken from poor stu-
large should be able to satisfy some dents be used for a more worthy pur-
noble purpose. pose?
Like, f'rinstance, maybe it could be But alas, these happy flights of
'put into a memorial fund. Such a fancy are the speculations of an
project might be set up in memory of idealist. The money collected in li.
departed students, who were sent to brary fines is sent to the business of-
regions beyond because of such trivial fice and is then placed in the general
mishaps as failures to pass courses or fund of the University.
attend classes. A bit of pecuniary aid Taxation without representation-
to such persons, who are going to that's what it is. Which all reminds
face the harsh realities of the not-so- me: my Federalist is a week overdue.
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