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November 18, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-18

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Huntley Urges Support of Colonials

Thanksgiving Is Traditionally One-Day
University Holiday -by Student Request

"The United States should, if pos-
sible, encourage, rather than at-
tempt to suppress, the independence
movement in Java and other coun-
Novelty Musical
Addition Helps
Entertain Vets
A merimba, first cousin of the
xylophone, helped to entertain ten
Percy Jones Hospital veterans visit-
ing at Helen Newberry yesterday.
Newly installed in the dormitory,
the instrument was played by its own-
er, Freshman Gerry Rose, at an aft-
ernoon open house. Veterans attend-
ing were part of a group of 110 who
were invited to dinner at various
women's residence halls following the
Michigan-Purdue football game.
The merimba, which looks like a
xylophone but is more mellow in tone,
was taken apart in 14 sections to be
moved into the dormitory. It is the
size of a piano, and covers four oc-
Miss Rose has played her instru-
ment over the radio from Inter-
lochen the past two summers. She
has been playing, as a hobby, for
three years, taking .lessons only a
year and a half.
According to Miss Rose, merimbas
are rare because the materials re-
quired are hard to get.
A graduate of Marshall High
School, Miss Rose organized a musi-
cal group called the Marshall Matinee
which gave a series of concerts at
Fort Custer and Percy Jones Hospital.
Last spring, Miss Rose presented solo
programs at the Post Tavern in Bat-
tle Creek.
Her instrument, officially, is a Dea-
gon Imperial Grand.
Book Exchange
To Terfina te
Students Must Close
Accounts By Tuesday
Persons who have not received pay-
ment for books turned in to the Stu-
dent Book Exchange or have not
picked up unsold texts should take
care of closing their accounts by
Books are being distributed from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday
at Lane Hall. Accounts not com-
pleted by that time will automatically
be closed.
Unreturned books will be distrib-
uted, depending on their nature, to
the student lending library and drives
now being conducted to send books
Math Department
Adds Two New Men
Two new, instructors have been
added to the Department of Mathe-
matics since the beginning of the se-
mester, the department office an-
nounced yesterday.
R. D. Schafer, formerly a member
of the United States Navy Reserve,
will arrive tomorrow to begin teach-
ing classes here.'
The second new instructor, George
Y. Piranian, came to the University
from the Applied Mathematics De-
partment of Northwestern University.
Piranian's undergraduate education
was completed at Rice Institute.

tries in this area," Dr. Frank L.I
Huntley of the policial science and1
English departments stated yester-
"If it becomes necessary tempor-
arily to aid Britain and Holland, we
should stand by our Allies but onlyt
on a clearly stated condition of event-t
ual independence for the people in-
volved," he said.
Dr. Huntley, who is teaching a1
course in Far Eastern politics, ex-
plained that the revolt in Java is theI
result of a tremendous upsurge of
nationalistic feeling throughout the
Orient. Japan, too, was an earlier
part of this movement, but her na-
tionalism, controlled by an oligarchy,1
exerted itself in a different way.
"Those people who think peace has
come to the Orient just because we
have defeated an upstart Japan are
sadly mistaken," Dr. Huntley claimed.
"The end of the war is merely a sig-
nal for the revolutions to begin again.
Peace will not come until the various
peoples of the Far East achieve the
economic, political and cultural inde-
pendence which they consider to be
their birthright and which the west-
ern nations have robbed them of too
These revolts are of two different
types and oppose two different types
of western domination, he pointed
out. They are the revolutions against
colonialism-some of it no doubt
benevolent-such as exists in India,
the Dutch East Indies and Indo-
China. Then there are those rebel-
lions against the semi-colonialism
that exists in China.
"So far," Huntley said, "these have
not been color revolts and I sincerely
hope they don't turn into race wars.
They are merely for political and eco-
nomic freedom, which one cannot
blame people for desiring. If this
world revolution is successful, it
means the death of colonialism and
this, it seems to me, is morally right."
There are certain responsibilities
entailed in managing an empire.and
also in protecting vested interests
abroad, Dr. Huntley said, and these
should be considered. However, we
have done exceedingly well in our
control of the Philippines, though
this is by no means a completly white
page in our book, and we are continu-
ing to do a good job by setting a
definite date for independence and
working towards it.
"It is traditional American policy,"
French Club To
Hear Hackett
Prof. Arthur Hackett, Chairman of
the School of Music voice depart-
ment, will give a short recital of
French songs at the first meeting of
LeCercle Francais, to be held at 3
p.m. Tuesday in the Assembly Room
of the Rackham Building.
Election of the Bureau will take
place after an informal talk on "La
France et La Piax Mondiale" by Prof.
Charles E. Koella, director of Le
Group singing and a social hour
will follow.
Russian Circle Meeting
Will Not Be Held Monday
The Russky Kruzhok, Russian Cir-
cle, will not hold a meeting as sched-
uled, Monday.
The next meeting will be held Nov.
26, at 8 p.m. in the International

Dr. Huntley continued, "to allow na-
tions to choose their own form of
government. Another American tra-
dition is to make promises and keep
them. If this latter was done in Java
or in any country where Allied troops
or Allied governments are in control,
the problem of occupation would be
greatly simplified. Though we failed
in explaining to the Koreans our
armed support of Japanese adminis-
trators there, a frank and open ex-
planation of how matters stand is
always the best policy."
"If we insist that Britain and Hol-
land follow a similar policy with their
own colonies, " Huntley said, "inde-
pendence could be established with-
out strife. It may be necessary for
the Allies to stick together at present
and even uphold each other by force
of arms, but we should also try to
work together in planning for the
freedom of the Far East-because it
is on its way."
Verein To Hold
First Meeting

Thanksgiving Day has been a one-
day University holiday for years-at
the request of students!
Until 1908 the student body en-
joyed a three-day vacation, begin-
ning on the Tuesday evening before
Thanksgiving Day. President A. G.'
Ruthven, then a student here, re-
members that many of his fellows
objected to the long holiday; they
lived so far from Annu Arbor that
they could not possibly reach home
even in that prolonged recess. Be-

sides, they argued, they were paying
board for a period when they were
not attending classes.
In 1908, the change to a one-day
Thanksgiving vacation was made ef-
fective, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
:istant to the President, said yester-
This year triple cuts will be imposed
on those students who do not attend
classes on Wednesday, Nov. 21, and
Friday, Nov. 23.

University 1asijo rograms

"What a Life"
To Be Given
By ' Players
"What a Life," Clifford Goldsmith's
hilarious comedy about Henry Ald-
rich of radio fame, will open Play
Production's winter season Dec. 12
through 15, the Department of
Speech has announced.
A sensational success on Broadway,
the play was first to present the ado-
lescent to theatre audiences. Henry's
high school scrapes are both amusing
and serious. Unable to get book
learning through his head, he be-
comes involved in perplexing diffi-
culties with teachers, school princi-
ple and his own family, not to men-
tion the girl friend he has dated for
audience in an uproar throughout
the spring dance. Henry keeps the
the three acts of the play. But due
to the sympathetic understanding of
the assistant principal, Henry is
saved from total disgrace when the
final curtain goes down.
"What a Life" will run for four
performances at 8:30 p.m. Wednes-
day through Saturday, Dec. 12-15 in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tic-
kets will go on sale Dec. 10 at the
theatre box office. Mail orders will
be received before that date.
Tryouts for the Ensian art staff
are requested to meet at 1:30 p.m.,
Tuesday in the Ensian office.

Sigma Rho Tau
Meet To Debate
Current Topics
The adaptation of jet propulsion to
commercial uses, new developments
in planes, and the St. Lawrence ques-
tion are among the many current
topics to be discussed and debated
this year by Sigma Rho Tau, engi-
neering speech fraternity which is
holding an open meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, in the Michigan Union.
At this meeting, newcomers, i'e-
turned veterans and former students
interested in the organization will
have an opportunity to find out about
its activities. A current topic will be
discussed and refreshments will be
The officers and committees of
Sigma Rho Tau have decided to re-
vive some of the former activities of
the organization held in abeyance
during the war. Since activities, in-
cluding travel, no longer have to be
curtailed and many members of the
fraternity are back from the armed
services, the speakers exchange and
conference debates among engineer-
ing colleges will be revived.
Many old rivalries, such as that
with the Ypsilanti Women's Debate
Team, will be renewed, Prof. Robert
D. Brackett of the College of Engi-
neering announced. During the war
SigmaiRho Tausheld several inter-
collegiate debates by means of rec-
ords, and a few such debates may be
held this year.


Club To Elect

The Deutscher Verein will hold
its first meeting of the semester at 8
p. in., Wednesday at the Michigan
League, Dr. Werner F. Striedieck, of
the German department, announced
Former membersdand all students
who are interested are invited to
attend this organization meeting, at
which the election of officers will be
held and a program discussion held,
Dr. Streidieck, faculty advisor of the
club, said. Folk songs will be sung
at the meeting.
Succeeding meetings will include
the following agenda: an evening of
music, a Christmas party, an eve-
ning of .folk dancing, and a Mozart
Preceding the Christmas party, the
verein plans to revive its old custom
of caroling (in German). In years
past the men students of the club,
with a German band, would serenade
women's residences with Christmas
carols. However, all members of the
club will be urged to participate this
year, Dr. Striedieck said.
New on the program this year will
be "Auskunft Bitte!" (Information
Please), in which faculty members of
the German department will be the
experts and members of the verein,
the quizzers.
The Deutscher Verein plans to meet
once every two weeks.
Announcement ...
Students taking Zoology 51 will be
quizzed on material covered in all lec-
tures to date at Tuesday morning's
lecture period, Prof. Alfred H. Stock-
ard said yesterday. Zoology students
reading this announcement are re-
quested by Prof. Stockard to inform;
other class members of the quiz.
We've Won the War-But
the Cost Goes On-Buy
Victory Bonds
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615

Programs to be broadcast for the week of Nov. 19 to Nov. 26 by
the University Broadcasting Service are as follows:
Station WKAR
2:30 p.m. "Opportunities in Teaching"
Fred Walcott, Instructor in Education
2:45 p.m. "Michigan's Foundries"
Richard Schneidewind, Associate Professor of Metallurgical
Station WPAG
3:15 p.m. "Campus News"
Margery Brown of Detroit
Beth-Sheva Laikin of Detroit
Arthur Markey of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Station WPAG
3:15 p.m. "The Original Drama"
Student written, student enacted radio plays. Directed by
Prof. David Owen.
Station WKAR
2:15 p.m. School of Business Administration Series
"What Retailers Can do for the Consumer"
Edgar H. Gault, Professor of Marketing and Director of thie
Bureau of Business Research.
2:30 p.m. School of Music Series
Two movements from the Trio Op. 101 in C-Minor by
Johannes Brahms; Messrs.: John Kollen, Pianist; Wassily
Besekirsky, Violin; Hanns Pick, Cello.
2:45 p.m. Michigan Sports Parade
Les Etter, Public Relations Manager, Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics.
Station WPAG
3:15 p.m. The Medical Series
"The Eye and Heredity"
Dr. Harold Falls, Professor of Ophthalmology
Station WJR
3:15 p.m. School of Music
11:15 p.m. The Medical Series
"Emotional Factors in Illness"
Dr. Raymond Waggoner, Professor of Psychiatry, Director
of the Neuropsychiatric Institute.
Station WKAR
2:30 p.m. "The Original Drama"
Student written, student enacted radio drama. Directed by
by Prof. David Owen.
2:45 p.m. Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions
"The North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary
Edgar G. Johnston, Assoc. Prof. of Secondary Education
Station WPAG
3:15 p.m. Adventures in Research
"New Steel Horizons"
Station WJR
9:15 a.m. Hymns of Freedom
Quartet directed by Prof. Arthur Hackett
Commentary prepared and presented by Dr. Donald E. Hargis


dinners. Excellent home cooked
meals at League house. 604 E. Madi-
son. Phone 4489.
better price paid for men's used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E.
Washington St.
2 GIRLS WANT RIDE from Ypsilanti
for nine o'clock classes. Phone 2095
M, Ypsilanti.
condition. Call Irv Stahl, 21122,
after 10 a. m.
FOR SALE: Men's and women's bicy-
cle, good condition. Apply 721
Church St., Apt. 6.
LOST: Wednesday on campus, double
strand pearl necklace. Reward. Call
Scotty Hill House. 4018 Stockwell.
LOST last week, brown topcoat. Call
3549. Reward. Please. Cold weather
is here. Frozen.

LOST: One brown leather wallet
Wednesday morning. Reward.
Phone Tilda Ritman or leave mes-
sage at 9823.
LOST: Brown leather wallet with zip-
per in Wikeis Drug Tuesday noon.
Call Pat Reid, 6061.
Horses for hire or boarded-Eng-
lish or Western Saddles - Group or
Private Riding Lessions - Hayrides
-a courtesy car - located at Fair-
grounds, Ann Arbor. 26040.
ALL MEN of Pi Kappa Alpha, please
contact Raymond H. Nething, 203
Adams. West Quad.
ATTENTION: All Lambda Chi Alpha
alumni and transfer members from
other schools are asked to come to
the local chapter 320 South State,
any afternoon.
PART TIME WORK for students who
have had experience pressing. Ex-
cellent pay. Apply in person. Gold-
man Bros. Cleaners.- 214 So. State



Ameche kibbled
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