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November 18, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-18

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Planned Vet
Olin ic Here
Under Fire
Change of Project Site
To Detroit Is Asked
Proposed plans of the Michigan
Office of Veterans Affairs to estab-
lish a permanent veterans readjust-
ment clinic in Ann Arbor under the
direction of the University were under
fire this week when behind the
scenes agitation arose in Detroit to
have the clinic moved there.
The clinic, designed for the use of
veterans suffering from temporary
mental disorders, has received the en-
dorsement of the Board of Regents
and University Hospital.
Detroit Suggested for Clinic
A spokesman for the Michigan
Welfare League and the Michigan
Society for Mental Hygiene indicated
that the interest of the State could be
better served if the clinic were estab-
lished in Detroit.
He pointed out that a 50-bed enter-
prise would be grossly inadequate in
a few years and that a Detroit clinic,
working in conjunction with the
Wayne University Medical College,
would serve a wider range of people.
What is needed is a 200 to 500 bed
out-patient clinic for the treatment
of mental ills, he said.
To Cost $400,000
"This would cost approximately
$400,000," he pointed out.
What final disposition will be
made of the plan will come from
Lansing where consideration of the
appropriation for the clinic is sched-
uled within two weeks.
* * *
Vets May Ask
For Tutoring
A pro9anf of tutoring for veterans
in the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts is now being arranged,
Dean E. A. Walter announced yester-
Tutors will be members of the lit-
erary college faculty. Subjects cov-
ered will be chemistry, mathematics,
French, physics, German and Span-
Veterans desiring help should re-
port to the Office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, before
noon on Wednesday.
Army Officers
Trained Here
For New Posts
Forty high-ranking Army officers
have begun training on campus for
future posts as military attaches to
Latin American countries. -
Seven majors, twenty lieutenant
colonels and thirteen colonels are en-
rolled in the program, which is of-
ficially entitled the "Post Hostilities
Training Course." They served in
combat theatres during the war and
several had already served in Latin
The course is without precedent,
being the Army's first use of aca-
demic training in preparing officers
for military missions. The 14-week
program will include Latin America
geography, history, contemporary
events, economics and social, political
and cultural institutions. At the con-
clusion of this phase, the officers
will receive instruction in Spanish.

The courses are being offered in
the east and west conference rooms
of the Rackham Building by a spe-
cial committee of the faculty headed
by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the his-
tory department. Prof. Sanford H.
Mosk, of the University of California
economics department is the first of
several special lecturers supplement-
ing the faculty.
Similar courses are being offered in
European affairs at Columbia Uni-
versity and in Asiatic affairs at Yale
Fraternittes Out
At Chicago U'

evenEvents W
Two Day Homecoming Frolic
o Herald eacetime Shows
With the Purdue game out of the way, the whole campus ,will turn its
attention to the gala homecoming activities planned for next weekend.
Using the all-important Michigan-Ohio State game as the center of
festivities, students have planned a two-day program that should set a pat-
tern for all post-war homecomings.
Ticket sales for Friday's Varsity Night and Saturday's big dance at
the Sports Building featuring Benny Carter and his orchestra will swing



elcome alumni

Hopes Still Alive
Elliott Runs for Three Touchdowns,
Passes for Fourth To Pace Wolverines
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's football team piled up a two-touchdown lead in the first
half and then played its Purdue opponents on even terms the rest of the
way to hang up a 27-13 victory and remain in the running for the Western
Conference championship yesterday in Michigan Stadium.
The Wolverines apparently were not hampered by a continuous drizzling
rain that soaked the field and made ball-handling treacherous as they struck
for three of their four scores through
the air and put on their greatest dis-
play of razzle-dazzle football this

His Two-Bits' Worth
The local Community Chest
drive lost two-bits when a con-
fused male dropped a quarter into
the Stockwell ticker box last week.
Sitting next to the Community
Chest box in the Stockwell lounge,
the ticker box is for the tw a-cents
worth variety of female gossip and
Pianist To Play
In First Choral
Union Concert
The appearance of Alexander Un-
insky, distinguished young pianist, at
8:30 p. m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
ium, will mark the first of three con-
certs in the Choral Union series to
be presented by Russian-born artists.
The fifth concert of the season will
be presented by the popular Don Cos-
sack chorus, conducted by Serge Jar-
off, while Serge Koussevitzky and the
Boston Symphony will appear here
Dec. 10.
Born in Kiev thirty-five years ago,
Uninsky has rapidly ascended the
ladder of fame.rCelebrated in Europe
before the war, and more recently
throughout South Anprica, he has,
won outstanding acclaim in the Unit-
ed States and Canada. Uninsky is
counted among the handful of great
keyboard titans of the day. His ar-

into full gear tomorrow. Any stu-
dent may obtain tickets from mem-
bers of the Marching Band, fra-
ternity and sorority representatives
or at the Union desk.
Line-up for the big weekend it as
A giant PEP RALLY will start at
7 p. m. Friday from the Union
steps led by the University marching
band. The crowd will march in a
torch-lit parade to Ferry Field where
a giant bon-fire and the campus
cheerleaders will join in shouting the
team to victory.
2 Star-studded VARSITY NIGHT
will follow close upon the heels
of the pep rally at 8:15 p. m. in Hill
Auditorium. Joe Gentile and Ralph
Binge, radio comics, will emcee the
show which includes Tom Harmon,
Bob Westfall, Hal Newhouser, the
University Band under the direction
of William D. Revelli, an all-girl
trumpeting act, the Gardenaires and
student acts.
3 Happy Joe Gentile's three-hour
start the Saturday festivities with a
broadcast from the Union Ballroom.
The program is a regular feature of
station CKLW in Detroit and Wind-
ed by dormitories, fraternities
and sororities will be judged just be-
fore game-time.
game will be the highlight of the
day's activities with 85,000 people
expected in Ann Arbor to see the two
teams clash.
6. BENNY CARTER and his orche-
stra will wind up the gala week
end by playing at an informal dance
to be held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
in the Sports Building. Between sets
the George Rose Trio from Detroit

SCORES TWICE-Bob Nussbaumer, scampering 165-pound right half-
back, personally accounted for two of Michigan's four touchdowns as
the Wolverines dropped Purdue, 27-13, yesterday. Both times he took
long passes from fellow halfback Pete Elliott.
Charter for UNO Scientific,
Cultural Organization Proposed

will provide entertainment for


.To Play Tomorrow
tistic execution of Pagannini, Liszt
and Chopin place him among the top
Tomorrow night's program will fea-
ture the Bethoven E-flat major so-
nata and Prokofieff's "Sonata No. 7,
Op. 83." Three Scarlatti sonatas will
open the concert, while the "Waltz
in G-fiat," "Nocturne in O-flat ma-
jor" and three etudes, all by Chopin,
three Debussy selections and Liszt's
"Spanish Rhapsody" will complete
the program.
Four years after Uninsky played
his debut recital in Paris in 1928, he
won the International Chopin Com-
petition in which more than one
hundred pianists from all countries

May Foresees I
Vote in 1946
On Conscription
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 --(P) --
Prospects for a House vote this year
on universal military training faded
today as Chairman May (Dem-Ky.)
expressed doubt that the Military
Committee could finish hearings be-
fore 1946.
Because of a desire to keep the
highly controversial subject out of
next year's Congressional elections,
House leaders had hoped to dispose
of the legislation before the Christ-
mas vacation.
Even after the hearings are fin-
ished, May pointed out, some time
will be needed by the committee to
write the legislation.
JGP Committee To Meet
Members of the Music committee
for Junior Girls Play will meet at
5 p.m. Monday at the League. The
room will be posted on the board
in the League lobby. Central Com-
mittee members will not meet Mon-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 - The
State Department released tonight a
proposed charter for a United Na-
tions Educational scientific and cul-
tural organization devoted to stimu-
lating a free exchange of ideas among
The charter was worked out in
London in a conference of 43 na-
tions with one other as an, observer-
but Russia was neither a member nor
represented. An earlier draft was
made public here several months ago.
The announced purpose of the or-
ganization and the charter is to
bring about, among other things, an
exchange of scientific information
such as that which President Tru-
man, Prime Minister Attlee and
Prime Minister MacKenzie King pro-
posed in their atomic energy policy
statement earlier this week.
The purpose of the organization
therefore is declared to be "to con-
tribute to peace and security by pro-
moting collaboration among the na-
tions through education, science and
culture in order to further universal
Portugal To Go
TI o Polls Tod-fay
Election's 'Free' - But
Voters Have No Choi&e
LISBON -(/P)- Portugal will vote
today in a nation-wide election of-
ficially described as free-but there,
will not be a single candidate on the
ballot who opposes the dictatorship
of Premier Dr. Antonio de Oliveira
Although the election is obviously
a bid by Portugal to return to the
good graces of the United Nations,
voters will have no alternative but
to endorse the 19-year-old dictator-
ship if they ballot.
So far, the only opposition to the
premier has been expressed by thie
politically weak intellectual class
which has attempted to persuade
voters to stay away from the polls
tomorrow, in silent protest against
Bulgarians 'To Vote
F or SinrFl e Slathe

respect for justice, for the rule of
law and for the human rights and
fundamental freedoms which are af-
firmed for the peoples of the world
without distinction of race, sex, lan-
guage or religion by the charter of
the United Nations."
Meeting Fails
To Disentangle
Snarl in Java
See also HUNTLEY, Pg. 2
BATAVIA, Java, Nov. 17-(j)-The
first conference of Dutch, Indonesian
and British leaders ended late to-
night without a formula for peace in
Java, and the official Dutch News
Agency Aneta declared Indonesian
extremists had, called for a war to
the death against the British.
Aneta quoted the nationalist-con-
trolled Jogj akarta radio as declaring:
"This is the last night of peace. To-
morrow we shall start and either kill
the British or drive them from Java."J
Thousands of armed Indonesians
were reported massed in Jogjakarta,
central Java stronghold of youthful
Nationalists Quit
Chinese City.
CHUNKING, Nov. 17 -(IP)-Chi-
nese Nationalists, fearing a Com-
munist coup, were reported quitting
Manchuria's capital of Changchun
today even as their own troops
fought into the province for the
first time.

Purdue, knocked out of contention
for the Big Ten title by the loss, made
a fight of it all the way, but failed to
capitalize on all its scoring opportu-
nities. Statisticsally, the two elevens
were just about even with the Boiler-
makers having the edge in first downs
and rushing yardage.
Passes Decisive
Michigan's superior aerial game
turned out to be the main difference
between the two rivals. Although
Coach Fritz Crisler's men attempted
only eight passes, five were complete,
and three produced touchdowns. Pur-
due's Bob DeMoss clicked on nine of
15 heaves, but could not connect
when the chips were down.
A crowd of 51,000, slightly smaller
than anticipated owing to the weath-
er, saw Michigan capitalize on every
scoring chance. Four times the Wol-
verines drove inside the Purdue 30-
yard line, and each time a touchdown
was the result. The Boilermakers had
five pay-dirt opportunities, but con-
verted only two.
A 50-yard pass play, Pete Elliott
to Bob Nussbaumer producer the first
Michigan score when the game was
just four and one-half minutes old.
A 63-yard landward march ended in
another score midway in the second
period, and the Wolverines seemed
off to the races.
Purdue Scores
Purdue cut the margin to six points
a few minutes later by taking ad-
vantage of a recovered fumble deep
in Michigan territory, but the Wol-
verines got that one back a minute
before the half ended on another
Elliott-Nussbaumer aerial, this one
good for 54 yards.
Coach Cecil Isbell's charges, obvi-
ously fired up for the game, attempt-
ed a comeback in the second half and
pulled within one touchdown early
in the fourth period on a 58-yard
march, but the Wolverines sewed up
the game by counting for the last
Signalled Attack
Tokyo Radio Started
Pearl Harbor Blow
coded message "Climb Mt. Niitaka"
radioed from Tokyo Dec. 5 (Hawaiian
time), 1941, gave a Japanese task'
force the signal to launch its sneak
attack on Pearl Harbor, Congres-
sional investigators were told today.
They also were informed that the
Japanese were prepared to call off the
attack if diplomatic negotiations in
Washington had succeeded.
Rear Adm. T. B. Inglis related to
the Senate-House Committee the
story of Japanese planning as gleaned
from captured documents, question-
ing of prisoners and, after the occu-
pation, the Tokyo archives and ques-
tioning of the Imperial Naval Com-

To Decide Fate
Of Scholarshi
Bomber Fund May Be
Liquidated To Aid Vets
The Bomber Scholarship Student
Committee will meet "in a week or
10 days" to decide whether the
Bomber Scholarship Fund should be
liquidated now to aid returning vet-
erans, Dean of Students Joseph A.
Bursley, faculty advisor to the com-
mittee, announced yesterday.
The fund, if liquidated, would be
turned over to the University Com-
mittee on Scholarships. Approximate-
ly $25,000 in war savings bonds has
been donated by campus groups since
the fund was established in February,
Few Applications
Questioned whether any inquiries
concerning aid from the Bomber
Scholarship Fund had been made by
veterans, Dean Burley said that "a
few" had been made during the sum-
mer term but that an insufficient
number of committee members were
on campus to take action making the
fund available. The University "tided
these veterans over with loans," he
Dean Bursley said he did not know
how much aid would be sought from
the fund, since it was established
prior to the G. I. Bill of Rights.
The Bomber Scholarship Fund was
conceived by Art Rude, of the Class
of 1942. The committee was formed
on Feb. 28, 1942, and began accepting
contributions on March 10. The cpm-
mittee's program was "social mobili-
zation" of the campus with the goal
of "the price of a bomber now,
scholarships for returning veterans
later." Main source of contributions
was campus social functions.
Three Requirements
Requirements for veterans seeking
aid from the fund are: (1) at least
six months in the armed forces (time
spent in a college training program
not counted), (2) at least two seme-
sters of credit hours in an under-
graduate school or college of the Uni-
versity but not enough to be given a
degree of any kind from the Univer-
sity, and (3) fulfillment of the Uni-
versity's general requirements-need,
character, ability-for scholarships.
The Bomber Scholarship Student
Committee comprises the presidents
of the Union, the League, IFC, Pan-
Hellenic Association, Congress, As-
sembly, Inter-cooperative Council,
SRA and a representative of The
SOIC Council
International Students
Day Newspaper Sold
At least $200 was collected yester-
day when SOIC members became
newsboys-for-the-day to sell the In-
ternational Students Day issue of The
"We wish to thank all those who
joined us in observing the day by
buying copies of the Daily," Jack
Gore, SOIC's eecutive council
chairman said on behalf of members
of the organization.
Managed by Manny Rose and Ar-
thur Beaumont the special sale was
undertaken to raise funds for the re-
habilitation of the foreign university.
The institution will be chosen at the
campus election Dec. 5 and a slate
of universities under consideration
will be published sometime next week.

Student Veterans, Families
Commute from Willow Run


Hardin Van Deursen To Direct
Annual choir Festival Today

More than 100 university student
veterans and their families are now
taking advantage of the housing fa-
cilities at Willow Run Village, with
additional space still available, ac-
cording to figures released yesterday
by Village officials.

bedroom for couples with only one
child. There is a waiting list of ten
couples for such apartments, but
they are being placed rapidly, Village
officials reported.
A regular scheduled bus service
provides the student veterans with

The Fifth Annual Choir Festival,
featuring choirs from twenty-five
churches of the Ann Arbor district
of the Methodist Church under the
direction of Prof. Hardin Van Deur-
sen, School of Music, will be present-
ed at 7:30 p. m. today at the First
Methodist. Church.

Dr. J. Brett Kenna, pastor of the
host church, will deliver the invoca-
tion, while Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
University religious counselor, will
pronounce the benediction.
Choral works to be presented in-
clude Handel's "Messiah," "Hark,
Hark, My Soul," by Shelley, Cesar
'Pank. "a n T ra f n r3_a" " ( li:

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