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November 18, 1945 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-18

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Registration Opens Tomorrow
For J G Project Dance Classes

Instruction Available
To All 'U' Students
Registration for Junior Girls' Proj-
ect, social dancing classes open to
the entire student body, will be from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Tues-
day at both the League and the Un-
ion, and from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. tomor-
row at the League only, for the con-
venience of those attending the con-
Junior Girls' Project was formerly
the selling of war bonds and stamps
but with the end of the war JGP has
decided to return to a peacetime ac-
tivity by re-establishing the dancing
classes formerly. sponsored by the
Social Committeeof the League, ac-
cording to Marty Dieffenbacher, pub-
licity chairman of JOP.
A charge of $3.00 for eight lessons
will be made, as the instruction is to
be given by professional dancing
teachers. Regular classes will begin
Thursday, Nov. 29, and will be from
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for beginners, and
from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. for the inter-
mediate group,,which will learn such
dances as samba and rhumba.
Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 28, a
special class for Chinese students will
be taught from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
on Wednesdays. This class is to be

taught at the request of a group of
Chinese students newly arrived on
,ampus, who would like to become ac-
quainted with American customs.
Hostesses wishing to assist at the
classes may register at the same time
as students who plan to receive in-
struction. A mass meeting to ac-
quaint hostesses with their duties will
be held later.
Assembly Board
Continues Fortnight
Taking all questions in their stride,
and explaining the purposes and ac-
tivities of Assembly to all indepen-
dent women on campus, Assembly
Board rounded out the first week of
Independent Fortnight, designed by
this year's Board to help the approxi-
mately 3,000 independent women
know more about their organization.
Teas for the residents of the
smaller League Houses have been
given in the League during the past
week, and one will be given at 4 p.m.
tomorrow for those who have not had
the opportunity to attend the others.
Cokes will be served, and members of
Assembly Board will be there to help
the coeds

To Hold Annual
Recognition Night
A limited number of tickets are still
available for Assembly Recognition
Night, which will be held at $ p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 29 in the League Ball-
Until these are sold, members of
the ticket committee, headed by Judy
Pregerson, will continue to contact
all dorms and League houses. In ad-
dition, skits will be presented in
dorms and larger League houses from
Tuesday through Monday, Nov. 26 to
encourage attendance among Inde-
pendent women.
Highlighting the evening will be
a talk given by Dr .Theodore M.
Newcomb, of the sociology depart-
ment, who spent the past summer
in Germany.
The Assembly Song will be sung by
hose present and will be led by Mo-
;ako Ono and members of the Wom-
mn's Glee Club. Following the son;,
scholarship awards will be made by
Ira M. Smith, registrar.
Awards for independent women
who has been outstanding in war
activities will be presented by Nora
MacLaughlin, president of the
League Council.
Refreshments will be served after
a group sing of familiar Michigan
Patrons for Assembly Recognition
Night include Regent Vera Bates,
Registrar and Mrs. Ira M. Smith,
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Mary C.
Bromage, Mrs. Richard Fuller, Dr.
Margaret Bell, Mrs. Lucile B. Con-
ger, Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Nora
MacLaughlin, Helen Alpert and Mar-
ian Johnson.
Members of the central commit-
tee for Recognition Night will hold a
meeting at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Undergraduate Office of the League.

Panhel Night
The Central Committee for Pan-
hellenic Recognition Night has been
chosen, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Marian
Johnson, Panhellenic president.
General Chairman will be Lois
Cothran, Alpha Chi Omega, and Phyl-
lis Leaf, Sigma Delta Tau, is in
3harge of program arrangements.
Sarah Stephenson, Delta Gamma, will
handle finance, and Glennis Render
Df Sorosis is the program head. Con-
sie Converse, Gamma Phi Beta, is
o be head of patrons, and Dorothy
Watson, Chi Omega, will act as pub-
licity chairman.'
Plans for the recognition night are
being completed, and will be an-
nounced soon.



Niade to Order
Afternoon Dresses and
Evening Dresses
1352 Wilmot Telephone 3906
Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
BE PROUD of your hands always. n
Keep them well-groomed and attrac- ^
tive by having them manicured regu-
larly by expert beauticians.
1400met Lcau 4Eaton

Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta,
Chi Omega and Zeta Tau Alpha will
hold initial open houses from 3 p. m.
to 6 p. m. today for all those women
who registered for informal rushing.
"There will be one rushing party a
week for each of the houses, said
Nancy Jefford, rushing secretary of
All women who registered for in-
formal rushing are invited to visit
each house.
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority en-
tertained fathers of the members this
weekend at a house party.
Thirty-three fathers attended the
Michigan-Purdue game, which was
followed by a banquet and dance at
the chapter house.
Let's Finish the Job-Buy
Victory Bondsj

Junior Women
May Sign Up
For J Q Play
Nine Committees Are Open
To All Interested '47 Coeds
For Production Staff Work
Junior women may sign for Junior
Girls Play committees from 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in the
League lobby.
Eligibility _cards and receipts for
junior dues should be presented at
the time of signing.
Talent Needed
Women who can write music or ly-
rics are especially urged to sign up
for the music committee, headed by
Marian Sharkey and Elaine Raiss.
The stage committee,scene-y cm-
mittee and 'properties committee,
headed by Janet Young, Virginia
Scott and Marjorie Harrington re-
epectively, offer fine opportunities to
women who have had any experience
at all in play production.
Costume committee members are
also needed, and Shirley Hansen,
chairman of the makeup committee
needs women to help with the actual
make up of the actresses.
Varied Work Offered by Committees
The ticket committee is also cpen
to active junior women. Virginia
Councell will supervise ticket sales.
Artistic talent and idea women are
needed by Doris Krueger, who is in
charge of publicizing the play on
Prcgrams will be handled by Ann
Kutz, and several women are needed
to work on the program committee.
Many women will be needed for the
important job of ushering, supervised
by Katherine Cowan.
Committee Women Needed
"Women who wish to appear in
the 1946 Junior Girls Play need not
be hesitant about signing for com-
mitteeE, since so much of the com-
mittee work will be over before the
play," explained Carolyn Daley, gen-
eral chairman of the event. She con-
tinued by urging all junior women to
sign for the many posts open to them.
Over $550 has been collected in
junior dues, according to Eleanor
Stewart, treasurer of the play. This
tops any previous records and Miss
Stewart wishes to thank the junior
women for their gratifying response.
Members of the music committee
for the 1946 Junior Girls Play will
meet at 5 p.m. tomorrow at the
League. The room will be posted on
the board in the League lobby.
JGPlay central committee will not
meet this week.
Pea Jackets Worn
The smart campus coed is donning
her veteran brother's navy pea jacket.
They're warm for cold blustery
days and look especially nice over
bright plaid skirts.
The WAA Figure Skating Club
will meet at 3 p. m. tomorrow at
the Coliseum, while Crop and
Saddle members plan to meet at
5:05 p. m. tomorrow in front of
Barbour Gym. The Modern Dance
club has scheduled its meeting for
7:30 p. m. Wednesday at Barbour

Collection of dues from sophomore
women for the financing of Soph
Cabaret, which will be held Satur-
Jay, Dec. 8 in the League, will end
'uesday, according to Betty Hahne-
nan, finance chairman.
A booth will be open from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday
in the League lobby where women
who have not paid to committee
representatives and women living
in private homes may pay their
class dues of one dollar.
Jean Gringle, general chairman for
cabaret, has announced that several
committees are still open to sopho-
more women. Among these are pa-
trons, publicity, posters, costumes,
and hostess. Coeds may register for
these committees this week in the
League Undergraduate Office.
The complete, dancing choruses
have been announced by Nancy
Neumann and Jean Bechtel, danc-
ing co-chairmen. Members of the
polka group are to be Jean Eddy,
Sut Taylor, Pat Chaffee, Fran
Gerche, Jante Osgood, Audrey
Lawrence, Betty Gene Atchison,
Eleanor Reid, Florence Hodfinger,
Rita Kallman, Dorothy Goppelt,

Soph Drive Will End Tuesday

T HE BRIGHTEST SPOT in the sophomore year-to one sophomore any-
way-was the speech 31 textbook, a truly remarkable document.
Unlike so many textbooks, this work encourages and inspires the
speech student from the very beginning. In what is probably one of the
most purple passages ever penned, it tells the beginning speaker what to
expect from his audience. To quote-"But if the audience watches every
move you make, as a cat watches a mouse, if eyes widen as you unfold your
tale, if sometimes tears well up and you see a furtive hand wipe away a tear,
if mouths-sometimes wreathe in smiles or open in laughter, if elbows nudge
a neighbor at some bit of wit,nthen you know you have the audience with
,you."-swarming all over you, in fact.

and Katharine Frick. This group
is to rehearse at 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Grand Rapids room of
the League.
Rehearsing at 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day in the ABC rooms of the League
will be the ballet dancers, including
Miss Reid, Miss Gerche, Miss Law-
rence, Miss Osgood, Miss Holdfinger,
Miss Frick, Miss Achison, Barbara
Gibson, Miss Eddy, Miss Taylor, Au-
drey Bernard, and Carolyn Cromer.
The top group, which will re-
hearse at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in
the Grand Rapids room, is com-
posed of Betty Jean AshenBrenner,
Elizabeth Jane Woodard, Doris
Johnson, Dolores Marns, Lois Cal-
vin, Jane Pettigrew, Miss Kallman,
Miss Chaffee, Miss Cromer, and
Miss Gibson.
The programs committee will meet
at 5 p.m. Monday in the Garden
Room of the League.
* * ,.
The finance committee members
should bring their dues and lists to
the chairman from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
tomorrow and Tuesday in the Social
Director's office of the League.

Ton Cal
Back Patent
the shoe with the
beautiful fit
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685

Black broadcloth with
tortoise shell rim *39.95

String gloves for wear
with sport clothes.
Black, brown, or white,


THE AUTHOR GIVES lots of sound advice on how to speak interestingly.
One of the first requisites is to have an interesting name: For example,
-- -the author feels that J. Spurgeon
Smith is more striking than John
Smith, and I think everyone will agree
with him there.
Personal appearance is also of pri-
mary importance. The book cautions
the speaker to be sure his shoes are
sined and built up at the heel, and
asks, rather threateningly, "Do you
have all your buttons?"
Moral fibre is necessary too. The
book says, "Every effective speaker
will be found to be possessed of a
stic purses in red, black, sound character."-as well as all his
white- *5.00- buttons, presumably.
THE AUTHOR takes a good firm
Fabric gloves ---104 to 3.110stand on all doubtful questions.
Beautiful leather gloves in He does not hesitate to come right
suede or kid. Basic'colors- out and say, "One of the inherent
3.85 to 6.95 differences between speaking and
writing is the personal presence of
the speaker before the audience."
Think of the hours of doubt that
must have saved Speech 31 students
through the years!
Some really sensational scientific
discoveries are to be found in the
text. One is that "Most people who
desire to speak from the platform are
interesting." This idea is as revo-
lutionary as the atomic bomb.
BUT ALAS, there are rumors about
that the speech department is
thinking of abandoning this gladsome
treatise. No more will it brighten
the dreary hours for the speech stu-
dent. Do you feel any furtive tears
\ welling up?

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The newest thing in neck-
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Charmingly your very own
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HOW SOFT . . , how fcather-
light . . . how warm! Sweaters
to treasure in Heatherton's won-
derful blend of wool and rab-
bit's hair. Out -of -this -world
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hollyberry, canary, pearl grey,
black, white. Sizes 34 to 40.

Sunburst pins and earrings.
Crystal stones with royal,

The box bag in black leather


___ u l I1


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