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December 02, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-02

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'i'"1' URS-RA , DEC, , 1943


3WL 3an Iail
Fifty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in ControJ
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
sgular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication o allother matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Of fice at Ann Arbor, MiciEgan, *8
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Menber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . . Managing Editor
Jane Farrant . . . . . . Editorial Director
Claire Sherman . . . . . City Editor
Marjorien orradaile . . Associate rito
Eric ZaJcnslri . . . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . . . Ass't Women's Editor
Hilda Slautterback . Columnst

I?, 44
Yesterday we got a letter from our Uncle Ezra
that we think will hp clear up the feud Doris
Peterson and The Honorable Representative
Dondero have been carryting on.
When you read this letter, though, you have to
have the proper perspective. Uncle Ezra fought
in the Great War with Spain, and has a wooden
leg to show for it. ITe lives a pretty comfortable
life now, although h3e and his wife, "Ma," didn't
fare any better than the rest of us during the
depression. Eyry once in a while he and Ma
have a little spat bput some topic of the day,
like nudism or the aluminum collection, or when
Ma sent Ezra to the store for groceries after
rationing started. Generally his life is pretty
But he een to have got all het up about
this Russia business.
"Dear Neece:
I don't know what to do about the Rooosh-
ians. One of the wimmin from Ma's Sunday
school is goin' around the naberhood askin for
old close and things for the Rooshians, and
Ma was goin' to give 'em a pair of old pants
an soe vests i've kind of outgrowed on
ackoupt of my stumick is got so big, but I sez
hold on their, ain't themh Rooshians Commy-
nists? The woman said she didn't know what
their relijun is but. they was 1,ilhn a lot of
Jermans and if they hadn't killed so many
Jermans them Jermans would be alive to kill
our boys if they ever go to Urtp. Well, Ezra,
that sounded like common sense but jist the
same you have to be careful where you go
spreadin' sucker and brotherly love around
t se days and I sez you wait a day or two
until Ma and e goes into this deeper.
OI started to look into it, Ezra, and danged
if I aint more tangled up than I was in the
first plase. I knowv Rooshians is Commynists
and Commynists don't believe in no God or
divine plan nor nuthin and won't work for
ricic folks and trades wives and sends all their
children to the orfun asylums. Then I reads
the papers and I seen somewheres Jeneral
MikArthur sez atheists can't fight Japs and
Jermans, but he sends a telygram to Stallings
sayin as how th Rooshians has done a better
job than anybody in the histry of the world
fightin Jermans. And Embassader Davees,
who's"been to Rooshia, sez the Rooshis is jist
fjolin about ComMynism and is goin to give
their facktries back t the rich and have a free
country 4gin after the war.
but then I hears sme arpy offisers talkin'
tnd 4$}ey aIqw as 49oW We gt to get to Berlin
ahead of the Rooshians belays i we don't
Stallipgs will spread Commyism all over the
#$ase and we won't have no rket for the
foods we manyfacture aidt e t affor4 to use
after $he war. They allwed as how the
Rooshians woul be spreadin ideas among the
ppor white trash all over Urup and we'd prob-
aiy have to put 'em in their plase before the
war woud be really over, and from the way
they said it the best plase for Roosixians after
tlie war yil be noplase at all.
But :jist the same, the Rooshians is killin'
Jermans now and we ought to help 'em until
they get done. So I finly told Ma to give em
the pants but to put a ticket on sayin they was
to be returned after the war.
Your Uncle Ezra"


mm 7-



Doris Kuentz.



Business Staff
Molly Ann Ninokur . . . Business Manager
Eiza)?eth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Liy
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Cai-o Meeting Marks
Turning, Point in Paeific
NNOUNCEMENT of an epic tri-powr con..-
ference in or near Cairo came as no suprise
to mQst observers, but the nature of the meeting,
the fact that President Chiang Kai-Shek was
there while Stalin was not and that the discus-
sion was merely a preliminary to the long await-
ed get-together with the Russian Premier, was a
move not generally expected.
The brilliance of this special meeting lies i,
the fact that while Russia still carries on dipla-
matic relations . with Japan, the other three
powers are at war with the Tokio regime.
Thus the statement that America, Britain and
China intend to "bring unrelenting pressure
against their brutal enemies by land, sea and
air" in order that "all the territories Japan has
stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria,
Formosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored
to the Republic of China" marks a turning point
in the war against the Nipponese, without in-
volving or implicating the Soviets. So cocllu-
sive A statement probably could not have heen
issued from a meeting at which Stalinor hi
representatives were present.
PRESENCE OF THE full general staffs of Brit-
am. the United States and China served to
emphasize the importance of the joint declara-
tip. The list of those present reads lile a
"Who's Who in the United Nations."
It is also reported that plans for the coning
Battle of Europe were discussed by the Ameri-
cans and British, but it is probable that these
were only of a preliminary nature in prepar-
* tion for the coming conference with Stalin.
Second Front plans were undoubtedly forku-
lated in order that the Russians can be told
exactly what they may expect from us.
However, the big decisions of the war are yet
to come. The meeting between Roosevelt, Church-
ill and Stalin (Chiang Kai-shek might be in-
cluded but the fact that he left Cairo a day later
than the others indicates that he will not be)
should pretty well determine the course of the
war. -Ray Dixon
Culbert son Is Aihority,
Pn Post-War Planning
PEOPLE WHO DOUBT Ely Culbertson's capa-
bility to speak tomorrow for the PostWar
Council on a "Plan for World Settlement" aren't.
aware of the fact that Culbertson has devoted
his life to the study of the social sciences and
mass psychology.
Contrary to most peoples' beliefs, Culbertson
has not limited his efforts to originating and
dramatizing a system of contract bridge. For
over 20 years he has been studying how .men
behave as crowds and nations; and trying to find
out how they can be made to behave more nobly
and intelligently than they do.
He has studied at six universities, and is
widely read in philosophy, history, aid eon-
omies. Outrowth of this work is his '"lan

THE DEPARTMENT of Agriculture tossed a
script carefully entitled A Living Newspaper
Drama in Six Scenes and Entre Acts into the
lap of Speech Department's Play Production and
calmly announced: "It's up to you."
The Department of Agriculture was more than
right. The script proved to be nothing more
than one U. S. Government short tacked on to
another, plus about four more. For all the help-
fully catchy songs, for all the technical effects
recommended by the script, the slight success of
"It's Up to You" was derived entirely from the
hypo of enthusiasm which Play Production itself
injected into the performance. Last night was
not an auspicious beginning. . It was more of an
obstacle course. bt Directors Windt and Philippi
and their cast showed remarkably few bruises.
There's that old rule, we know, about gift
horses (the tickets for the play, incidentally,
are free), but we still insist on examining
a few molars in detail. Although the bruises
in performance were few, apparently no one
was yet willing to admit the lack of dramatic
fiber in the play. Almost everyone struggled
for an emotional depth that just wasn't there,
in particular Marjorie Leete. She was nice
enough in a Claudia fashion, but she tended
to slow up some of her scenes even more than
the dialogue did.
Blanche Holpar is back this year with another
of her stick professional interpretations. She
could probably make even the most dryly obscure
interludes in Strindberg laughable. Unfortun-
ately her attemxpts along the line of choreog-
raphy were not so successful. Her dancers found
the floor and their own feet fascinating, and
Byron Mitchell apparently had Arthur Murray,
or perhaps Miss Holpar, teachhim dancing in ao
THERE WAS A tentativeness about some of the
lighting effects and the maneuvering of the
slides which furnished impressionistic settings;
but after all it was only Wednesday, the opening
night, and Thursday is wonderful for further
practice along the road to perfection.
For the rest of the cast, how can anyone
judge on the lasis of a few lines or that of a
dash across the stage? A number of service-
men were on hand, very comfortable in stage
civvies, supplying a virile element sadly lacking
in the Lydia Mendelssohn this summer, and
in particular there was Charles Benjamin, who
has a good voice which he isn't afraid to use.
And so enough. End of the dental examina-
We don't know much about Play Production's
plans for the rest of this year. Perhaps they
are figuring on a succession of all-female dramas
like The Women and Cry Havoc. Perhaps we
shall have everything from the adolescent real-
ism of Odets to the senile sentimentality of
Maeterlinck. But anyway the Department of
Agriculture. the war, and the times themselves
have had their collective way.
From now on the plays presented ought to
allow greater scope for the actors and greater
pleasure for the audiences. Miss Leete will have
more about which to emote than ration points.
Miss Holpar will have more profound characters
to whom to deliver her lines than an officious
offstage voice. And we shall have more upon
which to center our straying attentions. To the
immediate future!
-William K ehoe

oeds Aren 't Adolescent
fContinued :r.. Page 1)
that the hospital is pleading with them to be "volunteers" when it is a
well-known fact that help is so underpaid that even nurses who train
here often go elsewhere for better pay. They resent the flaunting of
black markets, the cunning and skill employed in odging OPA ceilings,
the crys for "help" of many storekeLpers who make little or no effort
to serve the public to the best of their ability but rather blame their
own laxity on the war.
THEY feel that in a university where a 21-year-old student who has
"been on her own" for four years cannou make the decision as to
whether or not she can afford to miss a day of classes for a week-end
trip without wrangling in the Dean's Office tin spite of written permis-
sion from home), that in a university where the prevalent attitude is
the un-American idea that the co-ed is "without honor," or in other
words. "Guilty, till proven innocent." and that in a university where
authorities can compel .through old-fashioned third-degree methods)
students to confess all they know about another student-the best pos-
sible service they can perform is to get a good education in the shortest
possible time and take their kniowledge elsewhere, to a place where it
can be put to more use.
They find something ludicrous in the constant exhortions to "vol-
unteer" when they are living under a system of rules. the bare essentials
of which take from 10:30 to 11:50 to read, the listener knowing that
unwittingly she will probably break three just returning to her room.
The failure of the Michigan co-ed to assume her correct role is
unfortunate-but is inevitable if good citizenship is not encouraged.
Miss Kennedy's "parasites" are, in reality. larvae, and it is too much
to ask that they emerge from their sheltered cocoons of a policy of mid-
victorian supervision, and immediately behave as members of twentieth
century society. If Michigan co-eds are to do their duty, we are afraid
it will only be accomplished through a long process of gradual matur-
ing, or else through the same methods that direct their other activi-


WASHINGTON. Dec. 2.-If the
Army and Navy really want to syve
manpower and postpone the drafting
of fathers, they might take a leaf
from the book of venerable Admiral
William Leahy, the President's chief
of staff. No private guards or order-
lies clutter his house, as they do those
of certain other igh-ranking per-
sons. Instead, the Admiral answers
the door himself.
But if you approach the home of
Admiral Ernest J. King, Pom-
1 mander-in-Chief of the Fleet, a
guard stops you on the grounds of
the Naval Observatory while an-
other guard is posted in front of
the Admiral's house. At is ste
of the war it is inconceivable that
an enemy might molest Admiral
These driblets of manpower are
not important taken singly, but they
are when you add them up. Lump to-
gether the lonely soldiers who still
stand guard around the perfectly
safe halls of Congress, plus the heavy
battery of regular troops which sup-
plement the regular and efficient
White House guards, plus all theoth-
er sentries standing watch around
drowsy offices-aid you get quite a
t Jesse Jones, for instance, still
requires a battery of guards to
scrutinize visitors entering his
Commerce Building when there is
nothinginside which the enemy
would want - except the fish
aquarium in the basement. So does
Henry Morgenthau require guards.
Government personnel and buets
could be reduced by thousands now
that the war has improved and J.
Edgar Hoover has proved there is
little enemy danger from within.
Finally, if the Army redued the
number of the ti. S. troop patiently
marking time in Alaska, now that
Kiska and Attu have been cleaned
out, several extra divisions would be
Good Neighbors?
Inside fact about Senator Butler's
attack on the Good Neighbor policy
is that the Nebraskan was given most
of his ,ammunition by the U.S. Em-
bassies in Latin Amierich fprtun-
ate truth is that a lot of career diplo-
mats distrust the two-fisted reform
tactics of the Rockefeller Office and
were glad to spill their views to a
listening Senator.
Butler spent only two days in
some countries. He hardly had
time to get beyond the U.S. Fm-
basy and the fashionable clubs
frequented by U.S. businessmen.
.Thus, Butler's report is an explo-
sive symposium of all the complints
of U.S. diplomats who donit like to
be speeded up by aggressive 'young
Nelson Rockefeller, plus the pom-
plaints of U. S. business men who
distrust Federal spending anywhere.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

By Lichty

--- ---.

n I
"I really didn't want all this stuff--but if I didn't buy it some-

one else would-and then

I wouldn't be able to get it!"

)dRather Be Right


NEN YO-1K, Dee. 2.-If it be heally true that
Marshal Petain has broken with Laval, then we
should throw hats in the air, ring bells, and re-
For if the top circles of French fascism are
quarreling and falling out among mnemselves,
tht is a sign tha t they are no longer able to
soive their problems,
Petain's reported sit-down strike against Laval
means that French fascism is confused, and of
divided mind. It means that French fascism now
has two plans, instead of one. Splendid! When it
splinters into three plans, or four plans, then
will French fascism really be burnt out and ready
for the ash-collector.
One commentator reads Petain's supposed
"revolt' against Laval as perhaps a sign of dem-
ocratic rebirth in France.
Tt is .hardly that. It is a death rattle, not a
birth cry. What fond instinct is it which makes
us feel that when fascism divides into halves, we
must show preference for one half or the other?
Our jo b is otlerwise; so to increase our pressure
that the halves may split into halves, and the
halves again into halves, so that finally only a
political ruin remains, in which democracy may
hope to take over.
Petain is seeking a way out. That is why he
mumbles of a new French republic. It has even
been suggested that a oew, neutral French
"Republic" would be of great help to Germany;
it would be out of jounds for second front.
It is not ourjob to help fascism find a way out
Y lepiig 4or sympathy and moral support

to any of the splinters into which it is disin-
It is our task to compress this decaying system
all the harder, to force it into ever wilder and
more hopeless change of tactics, to make it shift
furiously from expedient to expedient, until noth-
ing remains for it but collapse.
Petain never talked of a republic while we
were r"ourishing and sustaining him with our
recognition. His love of republicanism dates
from our successes in Africa and Italy. He has
a wholly new regard for our way of life, since
our way of life took Algiers from him.
Any expression of sympathy for Petain in
Britain or America will mean that Petain's new-
est expedient will, to that degree, have succeeded.
He will have tried a door, and it will have
opened for him.
We must keep all the doors shut, and let the
fascists battle with each other in the prison they
have made for themselves.
The best answer to Petain's mumble about a
republic would be a full-scale Allied coner-
ence with de Gaulle, leading to full settlement
of all disputed questions. Then we shall really
see Vichy break out into a rash of new plans,
new schemes, new attempts; and if Vichyites
break each other's heads in the ensuing argu-
ment, why should any democrat weep?
It is not our business to take sides as between
Laval and Petain. We have split them; now let

THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 26
All notices for the Daily Official Bil-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.

desirable that department heads
make a careful check two or three
times a year of all keys to quarters
under their charge, to make sure
that keys have not been lost and are
not in the hands of persons no longer
requiring their use. It is strictly con-
trary to University rules to have
duplicate keys made or to lend keys
issued for personal use.
A reward of $50 is offered to any
person for information that directly

General Faculty Meeting: All mem- or indirectly i
bers of the several faculties are in- sion of a thief
vited to attend a meeting to be held sity premises.
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, at which President
Ruthven will report upon the results iecetandft
of his recent visit to England, espe- Scencan t
cially as it related to plans rp Saturday, Dec
war and adult education. Counselors' &
Protection of University Property

eads to the apprehen-
f or thieves on Univer-
Shirley W. Smith
e College of Literature,
he Arts: The five-week
ress reports will he due
. 4, in the Academic
ffice, 108 Mason Hall.

Against Theft: Whenever it becomes Choral Union Members will please
call for their courtesy pass tickets to
known that property has been stolen the Claudio Arrau concert on the day
or is missing, notice should be given of the performance, Friday, -Dec. 3,
with utmost promptness at the Bus- between the hours of 10 and 12 in the
Iiness Office, Room 1, University Hall. morning, and 1 and 4 in the after-
This applies to articles owned by the noon, at the offices of the University
IdMusical Society in Burton Memorial
institution or owned privately. Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will
For the protection of property it is be issued.
important that doors and windows Charles A. Sink, President'
be locked, inside doors as well as ---_
outside doors, when rooms are to be The University Bureau of Appoint-
Sleft unoccupied even for a brief peri-
od. The building custodians cannot menus has received notice of the fol-
be responsible for conditions after the lowing Civil Service Examinations in
hours when they are on duty or when the State of Michigan:
persons with keys to buildings unlock Institution Psychologist (Student),
doors and leave them unlocked. It is $150 to $170 per month; Institution
- T Qt 1 QA ,f )1Al \lfl II

the auspices of the Department of
History and the International -Cen-
ter tonight at 8:15 in the Kellogg
Auditorium. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Hans Si-
mons, Dean of the School of Politics,
New School for Social Research, will
lecture on the subject, "Problems of
Reconstruction in Germany," under
the auspices of the Department of
Political Science, on Monday, Dec. 6,
at "1:30 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The public is invited.
Academic Noticeq
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, Dec. 3, at 4:00 pm.
in Room 319 West Medical Building.
"The Sulfur-Containing Amino Ac-
ids" will be discussed. All interested
are invited.
Doctoral Examination for Elmer
Carlson, Jr., Chemistry; thesis: "The
Rate of Dissociation of Pentaaryle-
thanes," Friday, Dec. 3, 309 Chemis-
try, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. E.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend thisexam-
ination, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S.Yoakum
Choral Union Conert<: Claudio Ar-
rau, distinguished Chilean pianist,
will give the fourth program in the
Sixty-fifth Choral Union Concert
Series. Friday evening. Dec. 3. at 8:30


us close the fist
teresting -.process
big ones.

tighter, and continue the in-
of making little ones out of

(Copyright. 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


B~ Crockett Johnson
Copyright 1443 Field 7,bl,.otio.,, CFOC1E-r-1-

Psychologist I. $180 to $220~ per
month; Institution Psychologist II,
$230 to $270 per month; Institution
Psychologist III. $280 to $340 per
month; aClosing date is December 15,
1943) Sanatorium Attendant, $110 to
4*9 ;, Y A~v nn '~

} Now suppose you oive a defpiled
descripien of Santa Claus for our

Come, fm afraid you're nao a very
observant pair of investigators-

f And bushy white false whiskers-


If carte n rJauar niara of 4 t


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