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December 02, 1943 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-02

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Crisler, Oosterbaan Attend Schedule

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Meeting in


1W Prepares
For Central
F Michigan Tilt
Michigan's basketball team got
down to serious work today as they
began intensive preparations for Sat-
urday night's tilt with Central Michi-
The squad was divided into two
teams, yellows and whites, and ° a
forty minute scrimmage followed. The
whites had Wayne Thompson and
Bob Wiese at forwards, Dave Strack,
Dick Shrider and Don Lund at guards,
and at center, Bill Oren.
Playing for the yellows were Bill
Seymour, Tom King and Bruce H1l-
hene at forwards, Charley Ketterer
and John Leddy, guards; and center,
Rex Wells.
The first half produced the best
basketball of the evening, with the
whites, which can be called the first
team, outscoring the yellows, 28-19,
in an excellently played game. High
point man for the whites was Wayne
Thompson with 10 points. "Tommy"
looks like he's regained his shooting
eye and by Saturday he should be
more than ready to turn in an' out-
standing game. Tied for 2nd place
scoring honors were Bob' Wiese and
Dick Scrider with 6 points apiece,
while Bill Oren, Don Lund and Dave
Strack each chalked up 2 points.
However, this same unit started the
second half, and while they only
played part of the period, there was
time enough for Dave Strack to roll
up 6 field goals and 2 free throws,
making a grand total of 14 points.
Shrider, Lund and Oren rolled up 4
more points to their credit,° while
Thompson accounted for one basket.
High point man on the yellow quif-
tet was Rex Wells with 10 markLers. 1

Graham Leaves GreatiR

Otto Graham, Northwestern's bril-
liant halfback, who bowed out of col-
legiate competition against Illinois
leaves behind a list of gridiron ac-
complishments destined to keep his
name in the record books for some
time to come. As a final accolade to
a noteworthy career, his teammates
elected him the most valuable player
on the 1943 squad.
During three years of scintillating
performances the versatile Wauiegan
athlete broke all existing Big Ten
forward passing records and tied the
conference single game scoring mark
to take rank among the all-time
football greats of the conference.
Outstanding among his gridiron
achievemnents were:
1 Established a new Big Ten for-
ward passing record by completing
157 passes out of 321 for 2,162 yards,
a completion average of .489.
2. Set a new Big Ten forward pass-
ing record for one year by completing
89 passes out of 182for 1,092 yards in
3. Tied the Big Ten scoring record
of four touchdowns in one game
against Wisconsin in 1943.
4. Set a new Big Ten single game
forward passing r'ecord by completing.
Wells is rapidly developing into a
polished performer and his aggressive
play should help the Wolverines con-
siderably in the coming race. Tom
King had 2 buckets. Charley Ketterer
a field goal and a free throw, and
Bruce Hilkene,' 1 basket.
Tom Paton, the Wolverine 1st
string center, will be out of the line-
up for Saturday's game because of
an injured knee. The extent of Toni's
injury is not known and it cannot be
determined jtst how long Tom will
be out of action. Meanwhile, Rex-
Wells and Bill Oren will fill in for
the injured ]Paton.

20 out of 29 passes for 295 y
against Michigan in 1942.
While Graham attained star
in his first college game against K
sas State in 1941 by returning a y
95 yards for a touchdown and c
pleting five out of nine passes
another 95 yards, it was in the see
just closed that he attained full s
ure as. a football player. In his
year of competition he conbined
talents as a passer, runner.
kicker to round out his careeri
blaze of glory.
Graham proved conclusively
1943 that he is everything a tri
threat player should be. He c
pleted 32 out of 64 passes for
yards and carried the ball 87 ti
for a total of 355 yards, an averag
four yards per carry. It was theJ
ball carrying performance of
three years of competition.
When the Wildcats lost the
vices of HermandFrickey and3
Buff ire in mid-season, Grab
took over the kicking assignment,
averaged 38 -yards per kick.: He
proved to be one of the most succ
ful kickers of points after touchdo
Army Cagers
Battle Friday
The third round of the Arn
intramural basketball tournam
will be played off Friday night.
Army's first period, which begins
8:45, has four games scheduled.
On court one the Reserves
play F-1, C-2 meets E-2 on cour
C-1 is scheduled to play D-1 on
third court and A-1 against E-1
court four.
At 9:30 the second period sty
with the winner of the C-2-E-2 go
playing' against the W/inner of
C-1-D-1 game on court two. On
third 'court the-loser of the C-2
game will be fitted against the lc
of the C-1-D-1 contest. The win
of the Reserves vs. F-1 game mi
the winner of the A-1-E-1 game
court four.
Pfc. Tom Lucas with 22 point
the leading scorer as the Army in
mural program swings into the ti
round. Second place goes to F
Drostlen of Company B's Resei
with 18 points. Team 1 of Comp
E is represented by Ralph Davisi
so far has scored 17 points. 7
with 15 points apiece for fourth p
are Keith Oliver of Company E,
Pfc. Elton PriCe, who plays on
first team of Company C. Team
of Company C and team one of Cc
pany F are represented by Geo
Kraw and Robert McLaughlin
spectively, who each scored 14 poi

ecord at N. U. 'Coaches Meet
ards sending seven out of nine attempts To tiiscuss
through the uprights.
dom A glance at Northwestern's scoring
an- column provides further testimonyn
punt of Graham's value to -the Wildcat
om- cause. He scored 61 points on nine A
for touchdowns and seven points after Athletic Director Fritz Crisler and
ason touchdown to place second in con- Cage Coach Bennie Oosterbaan were
tat- ference scoring. In addition he threw in Chicago today to attend the an-
last four. touchdown passes. He thus had nual fall meeting of the Big Ten Con-
his a hand in scoring 85 of the 189 points ference tomorrow and Saturday.
and rung up by the Wildcats this fall. Schedules in winter and spring
in a Graham hit his scoring peak in the sports for the coming season will be
Wisconsin game when in 24 minutes drawn uo and other questions per-
in he equaled the conference scoring taning to Big Ten athletics will be
ple- record of four touchdowns in one answered by representatives of the
om- game. He also kicked three points 10 Midwest schools.
491 after touchdown and passed for still There may be some discussion on
mes another touchdown. He delivered the 1944 football schedules, it was in-i
e of against Ohio State when the Wildcat dicated, although nothing definite is
best offense was floundering badly. Dur- expected to be accomplished on this
his ing his brief appearance against the subject until the Conference's May
Buckeyes he scored one: touchdown meeting.
kand passed for another in a 13to n Wverine schedules in basketball,
ser triumph. track (indoor and outdoor), swim-
Dam ming, wrestling, baseball, hockey.
aam tennis and golf will be drawn up, to
and D yB ig Ten Eleven be filled out by contests with non-
also .
Conference roes.
n POSITION PLAYER COLLEGE Five Wolverine coaches - Ooster-
End Pete Pihos Iniana baan, basketball; Ken Doherty, track;
Tackle Merv Pregulman . a Ray Gourtright, wrestling; Matt
Guard Aex Ag manse Purdue Mann, swimming, and Eddie Lowrey,
Center Fred Negus Micigan hockey-have withheld 1943-44
Guard Dick Barwegen purdue schedules pending the setting of Con-
Tackle Bill Willis Ohio State ference dates.
End Herb Hein NortlwesternI BA SEL -
Back Bob Hoernschemeyer Indiaa NiGHT BASEBALL
my Back Otto Graham Northwedern NEW YORK. Dec. 1.-( 'j-The
aent Back Bill Daley Michigan Washington Senators were given per-
The Back Tony Butkovich Purdue mission by both the National and
s at Editor's Note: The Michigan Daily's All- American Leagues today to play as
conference team was picked by Ed Zalen- many night games as they want to
ski, Bud Low and Harvey Frank.) n 1944.


Varsity Sextet Ti M eet London
Athletic Club Teii,, N A-ext Week
Although the en i \U dh h fnyi.) th.1 i's ear even the unenthusiaastic
the Michigan ice tsqjuad halve- only Lawrey cannot complain of a lack of
been working together slightly l:ersmaterial. With more than sixty men
than two weeks. Coach Eddie Lowrey turning out in the first few days, he
has arranged some action for the has had a chance to carefully select
boys a week from Saturday evening, those, players who have had the most
Dec. 11, when the sextet willmeet t.riing.
team from the London Athletic Club ' Men who have a definite chance of
Michigan fans have seen the Lo seeing action in the London encount-
don A. C. squad in action many times er are Gordie Anderson and Jack
before, and in recent years the Cana- Athens. veteran wings: Ted Greer, re-
dian club has taken the measure of cruit from last year's freshman team,
varsity squads. Last year's ill-starred who plays center, Vince Abbey, Art
team had no defense against the Collentine. Bob Henderson and Herb
speedier skating, and more accurate Upton, wings and newcomers to the
passing of the London aggregation. squad; Captain Bob Derleth. Dave
Last year's Varsity squad was un- Pontius. Hank Olshanski, John Jens-
dermanned, with too few substitutes wold. Tom Messinger. and Bob Ros-
and many players drawn from the sier, defensemen; and Don Mixer and
ranks of the inexperienced. However. Russ Walstrorn, goalies,
~ WeSuggst * .
y' LEATHER GLOVES (Lined and Unlined)
Official Issuing Agency Here - BondsIssued,"Day or Night



(Continued from Page 2)
Arthur Hackett, tenor, and Joseph
Brinkman, pianist.
The public is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibition of paint-
ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints
by Louis Schanker, is presented- by
the College of Architecture and --
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building through
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club rehearsal tonight
at 7:30 in the Union. Choral Union
men will come at 8:00 p.m. Final
selection of members. Plans for
forthcoming appearances will be dis-
International Center: ,The weekly
tea will be held this afternoon, 4:00-
A clean scalp and shorter trimmed
hair is the military ideal.
Of State on Liberty

5:30 p.m. All foreign students and
interested Americans are invited.
Cercle Francais will meet tonight
at 8:00 in the Michigan League. This
will be a special get-acquainted meet-
"It's Up to You," a drama by Ar-
thur Arent, will be presented at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight
through Saturday night at 8:30 p.m.
by Play Production of the Depart-
ment of Speech. Sponsored by the
TNiversity and the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Food Merchants, admission is free
and tickets may be obtained at the
theater box office. Box office hours
are from 10-1, 2-5, 7:30-8:30 daily.
Surgical Dressing Unit will be open
today at the League, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
The Red Cross Surgical Dressings
Unit of the Hillel Foundation will re-
sume its work today from 1:00 to 5:00
p.m. at the Foundation. To comply
with Red Cross regulations, each vol-
unteer must weir a washable blouse
or smock.
Coming Events
The 1943 U. of M. Marching Band
smoker will be held in Morris Hall on
~Friday, Dec. 3, at 7:15 ,p.m. All mem-
bers of the Marching Band are wel-
comes Band pictures will be shown.

t 2.
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It's an important lob, these days - socing that
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get about 1/3 more light .or the sarne money),
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The Detroit Edison Company.
even a 5% saving in the rrzonthly use of electric



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1 1




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