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December 02, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-02

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Tom; 5D e tC. 2 IY;


Cairo Pact Slashes at
Japai' Po Wt S tu

Associated Press War Analyst,
Under terms of the American, Bri'-
ish, Chinese pact reached at Cairo
the fate of Japan as a world power is
sealed. She is to be cut down ruth-
lessly; stripped of all her mainland
and island loot; to be quarantined
within the Japanese islands them-
selves as an international leper.
That is the plain meaning of the
.Cairo declaration issued by Messrs.
Churchill, Roosevelt and Chiang
Kai-Shek. The fact of their meet-
1 ings in Egypt was perhaps the
worst kept secret of this war; but
what they did there, disclosed less
than a week ahead of the second
anniversary of Japan's day of in-
famy at Pearl Harbor, dooms Japan
to a worse fate than the Russian-
Allied pact of Moscow has decreed
for Germany.
It'verifies the long known fact that
in the eyes of President Roosevelt
and Prime Minister Churchill as well
as President Chiang, Japan is a more
criminal nation than Nazi Germany
and to be treated as such. With de-
feat, she faces international exile,
ostracized from the world family of
nations until her people have proven
their moral fitness for readmission.
That stern decree by the Big Three
of the Pacific-Asiatic war theatre is
given added significance by the cir-
cumstances and the scene of its
drafting. There can be no question
that it represents Russian official
thought as to how a defeated Japan
should be dealt with although the
Soviet government stood rigidly aloof
from the Cairo conference as a neu-
tral in the Allied-Japanese phases of
the World War.
Russian endorsement of China's
objectives in the Pacific was at
least broadly implied in the inclu-
Brilliant New Radio Show
and his 30-pidce symphonic orchestra
with 16-voice male choir
featured soloist
Direct from RCA-Victor Studios, New York
7:30 P.M., E.W.T.
Michigan Radio Network
Brought to you every Thursday by
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Sion of China as a signatory of the
Moscow four - power pact. The
Cairo meetings were obviously
staged as a preliminary to the fore-
gathering of Churchill, Roosevelt,
Stalin and probably Chiang, which
already may have occurred. At
that meeting, among other things,
the Big Four of the United Nations
will personally approve the Moscow
blueprint for a new world order of
enforced peace. Chiang's presence
in Cairo foreshadowed his partici-
pation in that phase of the Rus-
sian-Allied conversations to imple-
ment the Moscow agreements with
Nor is there any barrier to his par-
ticipation in Anglo-American-Rus-
sian military planning against Ger-
many and her European satellites
such as kept the Russians out of the
Anglo-American-Chinese proceedings
in Cairo aimed at Japan. China is at
war with Germany and her nerve-
racked Balkan accomplices. It is as
essential that the Chinese president
and military commander should un-
derstand the pattern of Russian-
Allied strategy in Europe as that.
Moscow should appreciate the de-
mands in the Pacific upon American
war making resources.
The high ranking personnel of
the British and American military
and naval staffs accompanying
Messrs. Churchill and Roosevelt to
Cairo and beyond vouches .for the
theory that their meeting with Sta-
lin is primarily to perfect the dove-
tailing of Russian and Allied mili-
tary operations for the final phases
of the fight in Europe. A merging
of the Quebec Allied "victory" dir-
ectives with Moscow war plans, and
with the utterly changed face of
the war in Russia, in the Mediter-
ranean and in Italy since the Que-
bec Conference, is at hand.
- - le A G o o d fe llo w - --a t . s l
Dean Stason ...
(Continued from Page 1)
with the Armed Forces Institute,
which is the educational accrediting
agency of the armed services, is
planning to give college credit for all
experiences of educational value to
the men in the service.
"In addition, the Law School will
aid veterans enrolled in the school
by accelerated programs of study,
refresher courses and special courses
adapted to their needs.
"The law faculty feels that these
measures will be much more helpful
to veterans than the proposed very
great reduction in entrance require-

Iran Reported Scene of Conference
T _
AHW ?.
-Map by the Associated Press
Dispatches from Lisbon, Portugal, say that President Roosevelt,
Prime Minister Churchill and President Chiang Kai-Shek are en route
for Teheran, the capital of Iran, to meet Premier Joseph Stalin in the
biggest United Nations conference of the war.
* * * * * M
Aled heftin Me

On Caiupais.
lueiih '1 0 SpeII r Oay
in commemoration of Pan Ameri-
can Health Day, Dr. Mugo Muench,
Fellowship advisor of the Rockefeller
Foundation, will speak on "Inter-
American Relations" at 4 p. m. to-
morrow in the auditorium of the
School of Public Health.
* * *
Crop and Saddle To Meet
Crop and Saddle will meet at
6:15 p. m. today in front of Barbour
Gym and will meet weekly at the
same time hereafter.
* * *
Club To Meet Today
The Badminton Club will meet at
8:30 p. m. today in Barbour Gym.
Members of the club may invite
guests, and mixed play will be in
Smoker To Be Held
The University of Michigan
Marching Band will hold its annual
football smoker for members of the
band at ".15 p. m. tomorrow in
Morris Hall.
Movies of the band will be shown
and the outstanding member of the
year announced. Refreshments will
be served.
* * *
Hillel To Hold Discussion
The Hillel-Avukah study group will
open its program for the year at 8
p. m. today at the Hillel Foundation
with a discussion on "Is Anti-Semit-
ism Threatening American Democra-
cy?", by Max Dresden, instructor of
In the series of weekly discussions
entitled "Jews in a Changing World"
current national and international
problems will be taken up. Everyone
is invited.
Band Rehearsal Changed
ASTP band rehearsal will be held
at 5 p.m. tomorrow, instead of today.

Prof Louis A, Tnier, asso i te pro-
fessor of naval architecti4ro and mira-
rine engineering, and Lt. - Cmdr.,
USNR, and 20 members of the Re-
serve Officers Naval Architecture
Officers To Receive
Call After Holidays
"Civilians who make application
for appointment as officers in the
U. S. Navy, and who are accepted,
won't be called to active duty until
after the holidays," Lt. F. S. Sims of
the Office of Naval Officer Procure-
ment, Book Tower, Detroit, said yes-
"It takes between six and eight
weeks to process an application, so
successful candidates don't have to
worry about being called during the
holiday season," he said.
The announcement was made be-
cause of the let-up of applications,
apparently caused by the oncoming
Christmas period.

Naval Architecture Students
Inspect Boat at River Rouge

Group statiol<ed here went to the
Pord River Rouge plant last night to
inspect Steamer T. W. Robinson, one
of the Bradley Transportation Com-
pany's large self-unloaders.
The boat, which is a turbo-electric
drive and has all the deck machinery,
is electrically operated. It was
equipped last year with a rudder and
propellor designed by the department
of naval architecture and marine
engineering here.
These improvements resulted in an
increase of speed of 7/8 miles an hour
and decreased coal consumption by
about eight per cent. This vessel is at
present supplying the Ford Motor
Company with coal.
Twice during the summer the naval
architects went to Bay City to see
the launching of PT boats. They also
went to the Great Lakes Engineering
Works in Detroit to see the launching
of a big lake freighter and to Toledo
to inspect large ice breakers being
built for the Coast Guard.

(Continued from Page 1)
were no matter of mere long-range
planning was suggested by the fact
that good fighting weather now pre-
vails in China, Burma and India and
that Admiral Lord Louis Mountbat-
ten, Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell and
Maj. Gen. Claire L. Chennault, the
three Allied commanders in that the-
ater, had plenty of time to present
their plans to the conference.
The noted absence of Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur, Allied Commander-
in-Chief in the Southwest Pacific,
somewhat localized the discussions,
MacArthur Not Ignored
The Southwest Pacific command of
General Douglas MacArthur was not
ignored, for it was learned that his
chief of staff, Major General Richard
K. Sutherland, was present. Suther-
land's name was not included in the
communique of conference headlin-
Judge Advocates.
Hear Lecture
Gen. Royall Speaks on
Army Fiscal System
Brig. Gen. Kenneth G. Royall, Dep-
uty Fiscal Director of the Army Serv-
ice Forces, lectured at the Judge Ad-
vocate General's School yesterday on
"The Army Fiscal System."
Commissioned a colonel from civil-
ian life in June 1942, Gen. Royall was
appointed by the president a month
later to act as counsel for the defense
in the famous trial of the eight Nazi
saboteurs. Prior to his appointment
to his present post he was chief of
the legal department of the Fiscal
Division. In World War I Gen. Roy-
all served in France with the 317th
FA in the 81st Division as a first lieu-
A leading member of the North
Carolina state bar in civil life, Gen.
Royall was state senator, as well as
special counsel for United States
Comptroller of the Currency and for
the North Carolina Commissioner of
Banks. He is a graduate of Harvard
Law School, where he was editor of
the law review.

ers, but it also had omitted naming
Mountbatten, Stilwell, and Chen-
Generalissimo and Mrs. Chiang ar-
rived by plane on the morning of Nov.
1, Prime Minister Churchill arrived
by sea the same evening after stops
at Gibraltar, Algiers and Malta, and
President Roosevelt arrived the next
morning by plane.
Behind a guard of thousands of
soldiers and secret agents who toured
the bedlam of bars, hotels and night
spots seething with rumors, the three
chiefs of government, their chiefs of
staff and highest advisers conferred
morning, noon and night.
News Is Limited
Newspaper correspondents were not
permitted to see a single principal in
the drama, and the only news given
out by four non-journalistic observ-
ers was largely limited to the physi-
cal facts, such as who conferred with
whom, and various social phases of
the discussions.
Reliable reports said the American
and British general staffs at the con-
ference engaged in a long discussion
on the details of a European invasion.
A Brish source said the controver-
sial subject of "island hopping" in
the Pacific-already combed over in
public by Gen. MacArthur-was gone
into thoroughly.
-- Be A Goodfellow-
Spanish Club

- fRed and White
Carnations Clustered
Around War Stamps
To add to her collection makes
Union Formal.
, . :$1.50
Order Yours From
203 E. Liberty 25616
,;;; ::XZ=; occ=>




Holds Meeting
Seventy-five students, at least a
third of whom were servicemen, at-
tended the second meeting of la So-
ciedad Hispanica last night at the
Michigan League.
Jose Coterillo, '44 E, of Havana,
Cuba, spoke on his humorous experi-
ences in this country, followed by
Luis Madero, 46E, who sang Mexi-
can songs. This led to the singing of
popular Latin-American tunes by the
A book of pin-up girls was the prize
awarded a soldier who won a Span-
ish word game.
An annouhcement was made that
scholarships to the University of Mex-
ico would be awarded by the club to
two students on the basis of their
activity in la Sociedad Hispanica.

/ a ewW°6
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p/ iJALJ. g 4

1 1 l

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