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October 25, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-25

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Scandinavian Democracies Blaze Trail
For Mankind "Pursuit Of Happiness"


a W



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aber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

iN A WORLD increasingly given over
to absolutism, persons who speak of
democracy are usually looked upon with a kind
of pitying scorn. In an age in which swift regres-
sions to a dark and bloody primitivism are the
order, a man is asked to choose unqualifiedly
between the two extremes of the poltical spec-
trum: either he must be willing to accept the
apocalyptic overturn of the whole order of society,
and project himself into an uneartply utopia, or
he must set himself against any change whatso-
It is obvious, of course, that the thinking man
today must make certain choices. If he is not to
be completely overwhelmed there is the inexorable
necessity of making some positive and saving
affirmations in order to unify his work and his
ideas. The choice before us, however, is not an
inevitable one; it is not divinely ordained nor
mechanistically pre-determined. We are not be-
ing driven by some transcendental force to a
heaven on earth, nor is the contemporary rever-
sion to barbarism, as manifested in the aggres-
sive brutality of fascism, an unavoidable stage
in the development of our culture.
In short, human relationships are the only
compulsives in society; men themselves determine
the nature and direction of the social world. And
as soon as the problem of human values is
brought into discussion the democrat can step
forward unblushingly. For, as every modern
democrat from Jefferson to Thomas Mann has
explained, democracy alone has good intentions


ag Editor
A Director
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor



Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. May1o
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
. S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl mGilman
William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
.Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

s ditor
ien's Editor
is Editor .

Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit 'Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
AdvertIsing Manager . . . . William L. Nenan
wor en's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Wone r's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
To The Class Of '41 . .
the Class of '41 will receive a greater
than usual reward for their work at the end of
this year. They will be selected to pioneer a
new educational program at Michigan-the Ox-
ford tutorial system.
Success in achieving a "B" average minimum
and in passing the examinations of the board
of tutors will mean to these students that ther
will have the opportunity, during their junior
and 'senior years, to 'gain as much from their
college education as they are individually capable.
Only half of the students' work will be in regular-
ly scheduled courses, allowing each individual
to devote himself to assignments of particular
interest to him.
The tutorial system, therefore, stresses flexi-
bility to individual capacities and interests. The
student is expected to concentrate in a certain
field; 'yet he is allowed wide latitude within that
A second postulate of the tutorial system is that
of intimacy between tutor and student. The rela-
tionship between them will be far more informal
and cooperative than that normally achieved in
ordinary classroom work. Significant of this is the
fact that those members of the faculty chosen for
tutorial work will be relieved of part of thei;
present duties. It is the tutor's task to evaluate
the student's extra-class studies and to grade
him on his accomplishments.
The much criticized semester examinations
will be discarded in favor of the comprehensive
form. Comprehensive examinations are given in
the field of concentration and subjects allied to
it at the end of the senior year and enable the
student of extraordinary ability to earn honor
degree recommendations.
The student's senior "thesis" may be written
upon any subject which he selects after consul-
tation with and approval of his tutor. The merits
of these essays will be judged by members of the
board of tutors and by faculty members whose
specialty is in the field chosen.
Every phase of the proposed tutorial system
permits the student new freedom and new
opportunities. Thus is is at least a partial answer
to the resolutions of last year's Spring Parley.
To be among those chosen to pioneer this
interesting experiment is a worthy goal of mem-
bers of this year's sophomore class.
-Hervie Haufler
To Save Lives
Pneumonia takes approximately 100,000 lives
in the United States every year. If experience
bears out the preliminary tests, carried on with
the aid of 30,000 CCC volunteers, the new antigen
for immunization against pneumonia developed
by the Public Health Service well may halve this
annual toll of deaths.
It is a relief to turn from the European news,
with its rumors of war and preparations for war,
to such news as this. Here is hope for the millions
of us wvhose lives have been darkened by the
threat of this mysteriously omni-present malady,

-by David Lawrence-

million more

persons are employed in private industry today
than were employed last June, and yet the WPA
rolls are the highest in all history, even higher
than they were in October, 1936.
Two years ago, in the period immediately pre-
ceding the presidential election, the "WPA had
2,449,775, and, in October, 1937, notwithstanding
the fact that a depression had already begun, tMte,.
WPA list was down to 1,432,910. Now, in October,
1938, the number is doubled as the WPA total is
up to 3,125,990.
These fluctuations of a downward curve in a
year when there is no election and an upward
curve when there is an election are giving rise
to suspicion among the politically-minded that
the New Deal regime, headed by the master stra-
tegist in allocation, Harry Hopkins, uses the WPA
in certain localities to win votes. Confirmation
of these ideas are to be found in the official
records and statements of the Senate committee
investigating campaign expenditures, on which
committee the Democrats have a majority.
But why, it will be asked, is it necessary to have
a higher list of WPA checks in an off-year con-
gressional election than in a presidential elec-
tion? The reason is that, in a national presidential
election, it is necessary only to concentrate in a
few states, in fact in only nine cities, whereas, in
a congressional election of 435 seats in the House
and 32 or more seats in the Senate, the job of
allocation is more expensive.
Results Of Spending
If the reader is interested in exactly how the
allocation of public funds is used to swing a presi-
dential election, he might consult the Oct 22 issue
of the Saturday Evening Post, wherein the writer
gives detailed tabulations indicating the rise of
Democratic percentages wherever AAA or PWA
funds are used, and the decline of the Democratic
percentages wherever the subsidies taper off be-
low average.
For these reasons, any estimates being made
on the outcome of a national election based on
rules customarily used are likely to be wrong.
Even the most up-to-date sampling methods,
while remarkably accurate in the last two years,
can be thrown out of line by the skillful alloca-
tion of federal funds in close districts and states.
Thus, the poll by Dr. Gallup just published
estimates the Republicans will gain 53 seats in
the House of Representatives. Normally and
without the use of public funds, this would be
a logical result, as the party in power always loses
in an off year those districts which it carried in
a presidential election two years before, when the
top of the ticket pulled the weak local candidates
through to victory by reason of the American
habit of straight-ticket voting.
'But a gain of 53 seats by the Republicans this
year can be seriously doubted because of the size
of the WPA rolls. This correspondent last sum-
mer predicted that there would be not more than
25 seats gained by the Republicans this year in
the House of Representatives, and that, if the
number were over 25, it would be nearer that
figure than 50. There is no reason to change the
estimate now except to point out the possibility
that the gain may actually be unler 25, some-
thing that would have been dismissed several
weeks ago as extremely optimistic from a Demo-
cratic point of view.
Cause Of Recessions
Business is improving and workers are get-
ting their jobs back, and the WPA is taking care
of a bigger list of unemployed than ever before.
To add all this up, the Republicans as the opposi-
tion party will be lucky to make a gain of 25,
and the important after-effect of the election
«..L.ai xm ,oin+rnriitrorp + nw- i smprn

toward humanity; democracy wishes to elevate
mankind, to teach it to think, to set it free, to
remove culture and opportunity from privilege
and disseminate them among the people. Demo-
cracy then, is education oriented toward truth,
intelligence and consciousness, and in that case it
is part of the education of every good democrat
to read the new books of Mr. Agar ar.d Mr.a
Both men,are self-conscious democrats. They
recognize the essential fascination that some of
the more glittering aspects of totalitarianism and
its so-called dynamics are liable to hold for
persons who mistakenly conceive the ascetic-
military character of those nations as the signs
of happy, harmonious and active groups. Their
recognition of this danger, however, serves as3
the mooring from which they launch forth theirI
own contention that democracy can stand up toE
authoritarianism all along the line. The very for-
midability of the menace of fascism drives themf
both to a spirited and thorough re-examinationl
of the particular manifestation of democracya
they have chosen to write about. Mr. Agar's'
work emerges as a brilliant and scholarly history
of the course and development of the democraticf
philosophy in America, especially in its relation
to the major political parties. Mr. Childs goes
further afield. He is convinced that the demo-
cratic process cannot continue to exist unless it
is possible to achieve a larger measure of econ-
omic equality, and he has trained all the vigor
of his penetrating journalism on the experiments
in that direction now being conducted in Scan-
dinavia. The books complement each other
neatly. Both are charged with an emotional con-
tent uncommon in works of this sort, an indica-
tion that the authors feel deeply and profoundly
the significance of their studies.,
Democrats Revitalize Politics
It is Mr. Agar's belief that politics in this
country have been vital only when the Democratic
party has carried on the Jeffersonian tradition of
equality. Whenever the Democratic party has
forgotten the ends of its founder it has tended
to decay. But when it returns to Jeffersonian
ends, as it did in 1896, 1912 and 1932, it brings
"a new breath of life into our politics." That being
the case, Mr. Agar argues, it follows that the;
variation in the platforms of the Democratic
Party at various times is not really significant;
for the platforms are not properly comparable
with each other, but should be compared, several-
ly, with the political philosophy that underlies
them all. Jefferson demanded decentralization
and economy in government. Franklin D. Roose-
velt demands centralization and liberality in
government. Yet if Roosevelt is striving to estab-
lish equal rights for all and special privileges for
none, he is a true Jeffersonian. To Jefferson the
ends were fully as important as the means. If
the means prove, historically, to be inssuficient,
then any sincere Jeffersonian must raise the same
question Mr. Agar has raised: are there better
means at hand to promote the end? Mr. Agar
doesn't linger long on this problem, however. He
is content to raise it,- to recognize the need for
a program that would result in the rehabilitation
of Americans as producers, but he is not yet ready
to resolve the problem of making the materials
and means of production available to everybody
and at the same time to preserve democracy. He
has been working his way forward slowly through
several books, and his next one should contain
the crystallization of his thought. It is certain
to be a book of paramount significance and inter-
est for Mr. Agar is a man of sincerity and earnest-
ness, and is imbued with a deep passion for
American democracy.
Mr. Childs is concerned with solving the prob-
lem Mr. Agar has raised. The Scandinavian demo-
cracies are not presented as Northern Utopias in
which capital and labor are wholly at peace and,
living on milk and honey, but rather as intelligent
groups of people who are willing to let arbitra-
tion rather than violence decide issues that are
just as sharpened and pointed as elsewhere. In
Norway, Sweden and Denmark labor bargains
collectively with industry (which is also organ-
ized) issues newspapers, pushes forward social
and economic reforms through democratic pro-
cesses of government and improves the standard
of living so that all in all, Mr. Childs feels, the
Scandinavian countries continue to be citadels

of enlightenment in a Europe which threatens
to return completely to the rule of force.
A.iitagonisms Still Apparent
Mr. Childs is careful to point out that there
are in Scandinavia, too, bitter antagonisms be-
tween opposing interest groups. Nor are these
countries separated from the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, despite tariff barriers, foreign
political pressures, world depression, empire trade
agreements, internal dissensions and the various
disasters of these last years, the Northern coun-
tries continue to make progress irrthe distribution
of goods to the people who need them and whose
buying power is in turn needed by the industries
that produce goods.
How much significance the experience of these
small countries with their homogeneous popula-
tions has for America, it is difficult to say. There
are many who would dismiss them as examples
so special as to be meaningless, irrelevant to the
problems of larger nations. Certainly they will
not serve as a model for a country of continental
size with a highly diverse people. Nor is Mr.
Childs so naive as to suggest that their laws, and
their customs could be taken over bodily in
But neither can their experience be dimissed
as without meaning. They are democracies with
"all the virtues and all the faults inherent in
the democratic form." In the final analysis the
- --.e, .a -- ,.ninf -,m C vn-.m n-.

One-Third Of A Nation
The good news this morning and
for the past few weeks concerns the
Detroit Federal Theatre presentation
of Arthur Arent's Living Newspaper
gem," . . . one-third of a nation. ..",
playing at the Lafayette Theatre in
Detroit. The Federal Theatre has a
hit in its hands and it may well be
proud of itself.
Using as a springboard President
Roosevelt's famousutterance that he
found "one-third of a nation ill-
housed, ill-clad and ill-nourished," Mr
Arent has written a relentlessly en-
ergetic lecture on the housing prob-
lem. Capitalizing on the thousands of
books, investigation committee re-
ports, laws,and newspaper and maga-
zine articles that his associates com-
piled, Mr. Arent traces from Colonial
times to the present the cause and
effect of our impossible housing con-
ditions. It is not merlely documenta-
tion that is presented but also a skill-
fully woven dramatic story that gets
its points across with almost unbear-
able effectiveness.
The root of the evil lies in the un-
earned increment the landlord de-
rives from land speculation. The
remedy, not so easy to bring about,
depends upon Mr. Average Q. You and
I doing something. Cholera plagues,
fires and crime brought about by
miserable environment are all par-
aded before our eyes. But what can we
do about it? "We've got to have a place
to live," we hear over and over again.
"What can we do, where can we go?"
United action might turn the trick,
the author suggests. Instead of cut-
ting the budget of the Wagner Hous-
ing Bill from one billion dollars to
526 million, why not reduce the army
and navy appropriations of three
billions? This, then, might be the
The Living Newspaper technique is
a theatrical joy and a director's de-
light. Virtually every stage trick and
stage device is utilized. People rising
from thesaudience and running down
to the stage, lantern slides, loud-
speakers, choreography, pantomine,
music, are all used. It is the synthesis
of all these that make the produc-
tion at the Lafayette Theatre so suc-
cessful and calls for huzzas for the
director, Vernon Haldene. /
Although James Doll's set consists
o but two stairways on each side of
the stage, we get the feel and smell
of the tenement slum district; we can
almost picture the garbage lining the
gutters, the dirty linen and bedding
hanging from the windows, the pulley
lines holding the Monday wash. The
100-odd actors in the cast perform
on the set with a vivacity and earnest-
ness that matches Mr. Arent's scath-
ing indictment. By no means can we
forget Edith Segal's direction of the
choreography, Lee Wainer's music and
the lighting, three factors that con-
tribute heavily to the success of the
Detroit Federal Theatre's produc-
It would be well for the two-thirds
of the nation that are well-fed, well-
clad, and well-housed, to make a pil-
grimage to the Lafayette Theatre and
see how the other third manages to
eke out existence.
By Sec terry
Weekend Diary Of A Collegiate Pepys
THURSDAY - Off for Gotham in
Norma Bentley's high-powered
Olds coupe; with Barney Reed behind
the wheel, insulated against the rigors
of travel by a stiff cup of tea in a

Canadian inn . . . Paused at Elmira,
N. Y., for sleep, which we learned later
is only a nervous habit and easily
dispensed with . . .
Friday-Up at dawn and racing over
Pennsylvania mountains at a 75-mile
clip . . . Innocently mistook the oil
gauge, which read 30, for the speed-
ometer, and when, after reaching
Jersey, Norma revealed our actual
speed, we alm&st fainted-from fright
. . . Spent an enjoyable hour with
the Cappons, in Princeton, N. J., where
Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann,
Nazi exiles, walk about hatless, guard-
ians of their own minds . . . Cappy
appeared portly and prosperous, im-
mensely pleased with his new sur-
roundings, and Mrs. Cappon served up
a spaghetti dinner, with execellent
sauterne, which was a gustatory treat
. . . Bade a hasty, though reluctant,
adieu, and sped toward New York
finally, with a chilling fear that two
patient Chicago newspapers would be
using an AP advance and preparing
two pink slips at the same time . . .
Made the Hotel Commodore and
whipped off our stories in record time,
but alas, it was five minutes late with-
al . . . Later in the evening, passed!
up the alumni dinner, at which
George Olsen, the jazz band maestro,
led the Michigan Band in the inevit-
able "The Victors," and Tom Dewey,
another illustrious graduate, ex-
pressed the wish that he might subsi-
dize such a stirring organization to
arouse balloting enthusiasm in his
gubernatorial campaign . . . New
York papers made much of the roist-
ering inlanders who followed the band

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 1:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2) j a.
Freshman Luncheon Club
Gamma Alpha#to
Girls' Cooperative House ( W
Glider Club, U. of M. N
Graduate Education Club
Graduate History Club o1
Graduate Outing Club s
Graduate Students'hCouncil st
Hiawatha Club T
Hillel Foundation 1
Hillel Independents O
Hillel Metropolitan Club fi
Hillel Players
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences 4
Interfraternity Council
International Council
Iota Alpha re
Kappa Beta Pi t
Kappa Kappa Psi o
Kappa Phi y
Kappa Tau Alpha
La Sociedad Hispanic.
Lawyers Club
Lawyers Liberal Club
Les Voyageurs w
Lutheran Student Club B
Mens Council
Michigan Anti-WarSociety
Michigan Christian Foundation a
Michigan Dames Club
Michigan Sailing Club
Michigan Union w
Michigan Wolverine a
Mimes o
Mertarboard n
Michigan Movie Makers S
Mu Phi Epsilon
Natural Science Society of China
Negro Students Club
Nippon Club
Omega Psi Phi
Omega Upsilon
Outdoor Club
Palestine ClubI U
Panhellenic Association o
Peace Council o
Phi Delta Kappa w
Phi EpsilonKappa fa
Phi Eta Sigma t
Phi Kappa Phi N
Phi Lambda Kappa a
Phi Lambda Upsilon b
Philippine-Michigan Club s
Phi Sigma Society c)
Phi Tau Alpha
Physical Education Club for Men
Pi Lambda Theta
Pi Tau Pi-Sigma P
Polish Engineering Society ti
Progressive Club F
Polonia Literary Circle b
Puerto Rico Club a
Quarterdeck U
Radio Club, U. of M..
Rho Chi Society
Rochdale Student Cooperative
House A
Scabbard and Blade t
Scalp and Blade A
Scandinavian Students Club a
Scientia D
Senior Society
Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Gamma EpsilonC
Sigma Rho Tau c
Sigma Xi
Society of Automotive Engmneers L
Sphinx h
Student Model Senate p
Student Religious Association
Suomi ClubH
Tau Beta Pii
Tau Epsilon RhoC
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Technocracy, Inc.
Theta Sigma Phi
Transportation Club
Triangles i
United Peace Committeeo
University Girls Glee Club
Varsity Glee Clubt
Westminster Guild
Women' Athletic Association
Womens Physical Education Club 7
Wyvern s
Zeta .Phi Eta

Candidates for Rhodes Scholar- 1
ships. The University committee willr
meet on Thursday, Nov. 3 in 118 Ha-r
ven. Candidates are asked to make C
program . . . Ronald Colman's por-C
trayal of the swashbuckling rogue,
Francois Villon, in "If I Were A
King" was first-rate, and movie fans
will be amazed by the transformation
of Basil Rathbone from a despicable -
villain to a lovable, eccentric Louis
XI .
Saturday-Through New England,
bathed in autumnal splendor and-in-
describably alluring to a couple of
midwestern Thoreaus . . . Jammed in
New Haven Hotel Taft's bar, sur-
rounded by Michigan grads and alum-
fni, before leaving for the Yale Bowl
! and a surprising display of Eli cour-
age and*pass offense . . . Grantland
R ice and Paul Mickelson, major ob-
servers, were there, lured by tales of
Wolverine prowess, but they left, we
fear, more impressed with the tenacity
and spirit of the Bulldogs . . . Tuure
Tenander, the Flying Finn, just back
from Europe, stopped at the press
box, told a hurried tale or two, and
then left us to clean up a disorganized
mess for an impatient telegrapher ...

ppointments in 'the History De-
artment Office, 119 Haven Hall.
Pharmacy Students making the trip
Upjohn's must be on hand at 6:30,
ednesday morning, between the
atural Science and Chemistry Bldgs.
Choral Union Members. Members
f the University Choral Union in good
anding who call personally will be
iven pass tickets for the Lawrence
ibbett concert, between the hours of
) and 12, and 1 and 4, Thursday,
ct. 27, at the School of Music of-
ce. Tickets' will only be given to
ose who call in person, and after
o'clock no tickets will be given out.
Independent men interested in rep-
senting their Congress District on
he Sports, Social, Activities, Welfare,
r Bulletin committees, please notify
our District President immediately.
Academic Notices
Chemistry 6: Makeup examination
ill be held in Room 165 Chemistry
uilding today from 1 to 4 o'clock.
Botany I makeup examination for
udents absent from the final ex-
mination in June will be given on
uesday, Oct. 25, at 2 p.m. in Room
004 Natural Science,Bldg.
Graduate Students in Education
ho plan to take the preliminary ex-
minations for the Ph.D., to be held
n Nov. 3, 4 and 5, should leave their
ames in Room 4000 University High
chool immediately.
Clifford Woody, Chairman
of Committee on Graduate
Study in Education.
Organ Recitals. Palmer Christian,
niversity organist, will give a series
f four recitals on the Frieze Mem-
rial Organ in Hill Auditorium to
hich the public is invited without
dmission charge, at 4:15 o'clock, on
he fololwing Wednesdays: Oct. 26,
dov. 2,eNov. 9 and Nov. 16. Students
,nd the general public are invited,
ut are respectfully requested to be
eated on time as the doors will be
losed during numbers.
An Exhibition of Early 'Chinese
ottery: Originally held in conjun-
on \ith the Summer Institute of
ar Eastern Studies, now re-opened
y special request with alterations
,nd additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At
he College of Architecture. Daily
excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.
Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibitior.: 16th
Lnnual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi-
ion, held under the auspices of the
nn Arbor Art Association, in the
alleries of Alumni Memorial Hall
)aily 2-5 p.m., through Oct. 26.
University Lectures, Dr. Albert
harles Chibnall, Professor of Bio-
hemistry at Imperial College of Sci-
nce and Technology, University of
London, will give the following lec-
ures: under the auspices of the De-
artment of Biochemistry:
Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre,
lorace H. Rackham School of Grad-
iate Studies, ,The Preparation and
Chemistry of the Proteins of Leaves."
Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem-
stry Building, "The Application of
K-rays to the Study of the Long
Chain Components of Waxes."
Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem-
stry Building, "Criticism of Methods
f Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins.
this lecture is especially designed for
those interested in ° the analytical
Chemistry of proteins.
University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R.
rhompson, Director of Warner In-
stitute for Therapeutic Research
formerly Professor of Pharmacology
at the University o Maryland) will

lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar-
macology of Ergot" on Thursday,
Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165
Chemistry Building, under the auspi-
ces of the College of Pharmacy. The
public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Tuesday, 11-12 a.m., "Early
Chinese Pottery" by Mr. J. M. Plum-
er and Mr. John A. Foster-In con-
nection with the meeting of the Art
Division (Michigan and Northwes-
tern Ohio), American Ceramic So-
ciety. Architecture Building Audi-
torium. Open to Students o Far Eas-
tern~ Art and to the general public.
Events Today
Deutscher Verein: The Verein will
have an informal get-together to-
night at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Informal discussions, folk-
songs and refreshments are on the
program. Everybody interested is in-
vited to attend.
Student Senate: There will be a
meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m.,
at the Michigan League. The room
will be posted on the bulletin board.
The public is cordially invited.


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